ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Storebrand Livsforsikring CONTENTS STOREBRAND LIVSFORSIKRING ANNUAL REPORT 2007 1 Contents 2 KEY FIGURES 3 - 11 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 12 - 13 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 14 - 15 BALANCE SHEET 16 CASHFLOW ANALYSIS 17 - 72 NOTES 73 AUDIT REPORT 74 CONTROL COMMITTEE’S STATEMENT 75 REPRESENTANTSKAPETS UTTALELSE 76 ACTUARY REPORT 77 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 78 - 79 TECHNICAL INSURANCE MATTERS 80 - 83 EUROPEAN EMBEDDED VALUE 84 - 85 TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS 2 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSIKRING ANNUAL REPORT 2007 KEY FIGURES Key figures Storebrand Livsforsikring NOK million 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSIKRING AS: RETURN ON CAPITAL I **) 8.86% 7.12% 6.89% 6.41% 7.26% RETURN ON CAPITAL II **) 7.26% 8.28% 7.55% 7.19% 8.84% RETURN ON CAPITAL III **) 6.59% 6.52% 6.89% 7.64% 11.19% AVERAGE YIELD 8.84% 6.76% 6.40% 5.88% 6.79% AVERAGE GUARANTEED RETURN 3.52% 3.57% 3.64% 3.77% 3.83% COST RATIO 1.21% 1.10% 1.10% 0.96% 1.00% PROFIT ANALYSIS - INTEREST RESULT 7 887 5 523 4 362 3 094 3 619 - RISK RESULT 244 220 365 209 199 - ADMINISTRATION RESULT -669 -551 -344 -164 -192 - OTHER -3 324 -18 -11 -181 -1 010 TOTAL 4 138 5 175 4 371 2 958 2 616 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSIKRING GROUP KEY FIGURES PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT PREMIUM INCOME EXC. RESERVES TRANSFERRED 16 578 13 069 16 805 15 822 9 754 NET TRANSFERS 1 056 5 260 564 -758 1 493 NET INCOME FROM FINANCIAL ASSETS 11 969 12 687 10 445 8 724 9 414 NET INCOME FROM FINANCIAL ASSETS WITH INVESTMENT CHOICE 353 685 721 253 607 CLAIMS EXCLUDING TRANSFERRED RESERVES -15 357 -12 948 -8 780 -7 010 -6 076 CHANGE IN INSURANCE RESERVES EXCLUDING TRANSFERRED ADDITIONAL STATUTORY RESERVES -10 245 -9 659 -12 577 -11 651 -9 597 INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT RELATED ADMIN. COSTS -1 927 -1 755 -1 457 -1 136 -1 088 OTHER ITEMS -295 -130 -232 -205 -200 TO/FROM MARKET VALUE ADJUSTMENT RESERVE 2 029 -2 034 -1 117 -1 078 -1 690 OPERATING PROFIT 4 162 5 176 4 373 2 961 2 617 PROFIT BEFORE ALLOCATION 4 162 5 176 4 373 2 961 2 617 FUNDS TRANSFERRED TO POLICYHOLDERS -2 797 -3 994 -3 215 -2 019 -1 839 - OF WHICH CONDITIONAL ADDITIONAL STATUTORY ALLOCATIONS -400 -1 000 -950 -500 -470 RELEASED FROM ADDITIONAL STATUTORY RESERVES TO MEET THE SHORTFALL IN GUARANTEED RETURN 21 PRE-TAX PROFIT 1 365 1 182 1 158 941 799 TAX -20 -1 26 -65 -185 MINORITY INTERESTS SHARE IN PROFIT -5 -1 -1 -1 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 1 340 1 181 1 184 876 614 ASSETS***) REAL ESTATE 22 334 18 169 14 136 12 872 9 661 BONDS TO BE HELD TO MATURITY 40 380 43 099 40 672 39 352 42 368 LOANS 2 704 2 340 656 399 1 468 SHARES AND OTHER EQUITY INVESTMENTS 74 561 45 516 39 447 28 688 19 189 BONDS HELD AS CURRENT ASSETS 104 906 43 870 42 908 31 859 20 143 COMMERCIAL PAPER 2 102 669 5 966 12 254 17 383 OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS 8 643 2 815 1 967 3 407 3 761 TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS 255 630 156 477 145 751 128 831 113 972 LIFE INSURANCE ASSETS WITH INVESTMENT CHOICE 39 083 7 364 5 719 4 476 3 975 INTANGIBLE ASSETS 9 611 14 25 42 62 OTHER ASSETS 24 850 8 555 6 041 5 476 5 049 TOTAL ASSETS 329 174 172 410 157 537 138 825 123 058 POLICYHOLDERS' FUNDS FOR OWN ACCOUNT***) 241 979 146 346 134 664 121 084 108 913 - of which additional statutory reserves 5 757 5 551 4 538 3 706 3 393 RESERVE FOR LIFE INSURANCE WITH INVESTMENT CHOICE 39 208 7 364 5 719 4 476 3 975 MARKET VALUE ADJUSTMENT RESERVE 3 889 5 918 3 884 2 767 1 690 EQUITY 15 376 5 361 5 012 4 604 3 466 SOLVENCYMARGINCAPITAL REQUIREMENTS IN % GROUP 136.1 % 174.6 % 175.9 % 174.3 % 158.8 % CAPITAL ADEQUACY (GROUP) 10.03% 9.70% 10.92% 14.39% 15.68% *) Comparable figures have been restatede for the effect of Storebrand Fondsforsikring **) Return on capital I: Realised financial income including revaluation of real estate Return on capital II: As Return on capital I but also including changes in unrealised gains on financial current assets Return on capital III: As Return on capital I but also including all unrealised gains ***) Balance sheet numbers for 2007 inkludes SPP REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STOREBRAND LIVSFORSIKRING ANNUAL REPORT 2007 3 Report of the Board of Directors MAIN FEATURES Storebrand Eiendomsholding AS has been incorporated as Storebrand Livsforsikring carries out the major part of its activi- a holding company for real estate activities. The company is ties in Norway and its head office is in Oslo. The company's wholly owned by Storebrand Livsforsikring AS. main areas of focus are pensions and life insurance products for Sales through external distributors represent an important private individuals, companies and public sector bodies. part of the company's focus on the retail market. In order Storebrand Livsforsikring’s objective is to be recognised by to strengthen distribution capacity, Storebrand has increased customers as the most respected and customer-oriented life its shareholding in Caveo ASA to 49%. This company has insurance provider in the Norwegian market. This can only be 100 advisers working from 12 offices around Norway. Caveo achieved and maintained by offering the highest quality advice, acquired Økonomiforvaltning AS in 2007. customer service and product range in the market. The Storebrand Livsforsikring owns 78% of Foran Real Estate in Storebrand group is the only player in the Norwegian market Latvia. The company invests in real estate in Latvia. that specialises in long-term savings and life insurance as its major area of activity, and Storebrand Livsforsikring intends to SALES make the best possible use of this unique position. Following the introduction of mandatory occupational pensions The Norwegian life insurance market is facing a number of in 2006, the occupational pension market has increasingly changes. Storebrand is making the appropriate preparations for become a transfer market. The Norsk Kundebarometer survey this, including changes to product pricing, portfolio structure showed that in 2007, for the fourth year in a row, Storebrand and risk management, as well as changes to internal systems. was the insurance company with the highest level of customer satisfaction among its corporate occupational pension custo- SUBSIDIARIES AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES mers. Storebrand is very competitive in this market, and as in On 3 September 2007, Storebrand entered into an agreement 2006, was the most successful company in the transfer market with Handelsbanken (Sweden) to acquire SPP and its subsidia- for occupational pension schemes, with a net inflow (transfers ries, including SPP Fonder and Euroben. The acquisition was notified) of NOK 4.1 billion. approved by Storebrand's Board of Representatives and by a A number of the company's corporate customers have General Meeting in October 2007. Official approval was granted either already switched from defined benefit pension schemes by the Ministry of Finance on 16 November 2007. The transaction to defined contribution schemes, or are considering this was completed on 21 December. SPP is a leading Swedish life alternative. insurance and occupational pension provider. SPP offers unit- The market for Norwegian municipality pension schemes was linked products, traditional insurance products and defined characterised by little pension transfer activity in 2007. Only benefit pension products, as well as consulting services for occu- 8 municipalities invited competitive bidding for their pension pational pensions. It also offers insurance and administrative arrangements in 2007, and 3 of these decided to change their solutions for municipalities and other organisations. This acquisi- pension provider. Storebrand did not win any municipality tion makes Storebrand and SPP the leading life insurance and customers in 2007, but was successful in retaining its current pension provider in the Nordic region, with pro forma premium customers. No municipality with a Storebrand pension scheme income of NOK 27 billion in 2007. Storebrand has a two-year has yet moved its arrangements away from Storebrand. option to acquire Handelsbanken’s remaining occupational pen- The retail market saw good sales of personal pension sion business in Handelsbanken Liv, and in addition Storebrand products, savings products and personal risk products in 2007. has entered into a three-year exclusive distribution agreement The company faced the challenge in 2007 of retaining the with Handelsbanken for the sale of occupational pensions through investment assets of its annuity and life savings customers in the Handelsbanken network. SPP’s head office is in Stockholm. the face of changes to the taxation rules for these products. Storebrand Livsforsikring owns 25% of Nordben Life and In May 2007, Storebrand Livsforsikring became the first Pension Insurance Company Ltd. of Guernsey directly, and holds Norwegian life insurance company to offer critical illness a further 50% indirectly through SPP. Storebrand also offers insurance for cancer. Following two marketing campaigns actuarial services, systems and a full range of operational including TV and Internet advertising, Storebrand successfully services for pension funds through its subsidiaries Aktuar introduced a new product that none of its competitors offer. Systemer AS and Storebrand Pensjontjenester AS. Over 4,000 policies were sold in 2007. Storebrand opened a Swedish branch in 2005. The branch offers pension insurance in the Swedish market based on ACQUISITION OF SPP Norwegian insurance legislation. Sales are made through Financing insurance brokers.
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