DOCUMENT RESUME ED 042 238 24 EA 002 988 AUTHOR Webster, Maureen; And Others TITLE Educational Planning and Policy: An International Bibliography. Working Draft. Parts I - VI. INSTITUTION Syracuse Univ. Research Corp., N.Y. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW) ,Washington, D.C. Bureau ot Research. BURE3U NO BR-7-0996 PUB DATE Jun 69 CONTRACT OEC-1-7-070996-4253 NOTE 661p. EDRS PRICE EDFS Price MF-$2.50 HC-$33.15 DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies, Educational Finance, *Educational Planning, *Educational Policy, Manpower Development, Productivity, Regional Planning, Technical Assistance ABSTRACT This 4,927-item bibliography constitutes part of a research project to provide a descrptive review of worldwide educational planning techniques and experiences, as well as an evaluation of the usefulness of such planning for integration in approaches to futures planning. In addition to supporting the research project, the bibliography provides a tool for scholars and practitioners to use in all educational planning and policy. Most sources are English, although some are French, Spanish, or German. The entries are divided into (1) education and national development, (2) comprehensive and partial planning,(3) financing educational plans, (4) influences on the targets of planning, (5)productivity and efficiency, and (6) bibliographies. Author, country and regional indexes are also included. (RA) WORKING DRAFT EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND POLICY: AN INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY compiled by MAUREEN WEBSTER with the assistance of H.G.MEYERS, DON ADAMS, JERRY MINER PARTS I AND II Educational Policy Research Center Syracuse University Reseloch Corporation 1206 Harrison Street Syracuse, New York 13210 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WEI.FARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED June 1969 EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSONOR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTSOF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATEI, )0 NOTNECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. Note: This is a draft reproduced and distributed at the discretion of the compilers without benefit of formal review by and not necessarily endorsed by the Educational Policy Research Center t Syracuse, its staff, or i:5 contracting agencies. 011 readers are urged to provide critical comments on the organization and content of this draft. 1 PREFACE Research Studies in Educational Planning and policy The Educational Policy Research Center at Syracuse (EPRC), established in February 1968, is currently engaged in several research undertakings relating educational policy to alternative'possible long-range futures. The EPRC commissioned a study, to be executed June 1968--August 1969, which would review the current state of world-wide educational planning. This research project, identified as "Studies in Educational Planning and Policy", under the direction of Professors Don Adams and Jerry Miner of Syracuse University will result in a descriptive review of educational planning techniques and experiences throughout the world and an evaluation of such planning with respect to its usefulness for integration in approaches to futures planning. The present bibliography has been developed as part of the research project, both to aid the basic research and at the same time to provide a research tool of value to scholars and practitionela in the field of educational planning and policy--a tool to be refined and improved, hopefully, with the assistance of those whe use and appraise this first version. Scope and characteristics of the bibliography In scope and intent the bibliography reflects the characteristcs of the basic research project: it seeks to be comprehensive, international and action- oriented. It is comprehensive in the sense that the area of concern goes beyond the internal planning of formal school systems to encompass other instructional systems and training arrangements as well as those interrelationships of education, economy and society which most directly affect educational planning and policy. It is comprehensive in another sense also, for the intent has been to survey the relevant literature without making value judgments on the quality of all items included--although judgment was used to exclude items which:appeared to be addressed culy to popular audiences. The scope is international, consistent with the world-wide overview of planning in the base study; although English language items predominate, titles have been drawn from non-English sources, notably French, Spanish, and German. The majority of non-English titles have been translated into English; where it was known that items have been published in more than one language, this has been indicated. ii The conception of educational planning which colors the basic study and the bibliography is action-oriented in that concern is not purely with planning in an abstract, theoretical, or technical sense, but also with implementation as part of the total planning process. Time-period. Gene:ally the entries date from 1960 onwards, though some older citations have been included where judged of particular interest or, in the case of national studies, where there is a dearth of entries for the 1960's. The cut-off date for inspecting major sources was December 1968. Methodology, sources, and organization Achievement of the objectives outlined above is a difficult task. The first version of this bibliography is primarily for circulation among specialists in the field. Their help is solicited in refining it so that researchers and practitioners may have at their disposal a research tool providing a survey listing of relevant current literature, organized so that items and areas of interest may be quickly located. (See boxed note on pageiv). Users should be aware of the limitations of this version occasioned by time constraint and by the sources and methods employed. The data for the bibliography were researched, carded, organized, edited. typed, proofed, printed and collated in the present form during the six-month period January-June 1969. Anyone who has undertaken production of a sizable bibliography will be aware of limitations imposed by such a time constraint: operations which might best be completed sequentially had to be perfoi"ed, in part, simultaneously; additional sources which would repair gaps in coverage of certain topics of geographic areas could not be obtained in the time available. At the outset, a fairly detailed listing of topics relevant to educational planning was prepared by the chief compiler.It was discussed and modified by members of the project group in light of project interests and the experience of members. The topics thus identified provided guide- lines for seeking bibliographic data. It is impostible to identify here all of the specific sources used in locating bibliographic information. In brief, the data were assembled by: - systematic coverage of volumes published 1960-1968 by major indexing and bibliographic services; 111 - systematic perusal of a large number of bibliographies, both annotated and descriptive, both of wide and of restricted circulation, of broad relevance for the present work or with specialized focus on particular topics; - direct examination of numerous books, periodicals, articles, government documents, monographs, con-erence papers, and extraction of titles contained in footnotes and short bibliographies appended to these writings; - examination of lists of holdings in personal cr organization libraries, and of catalogs of certain publishers, including OECD and UNESCO. Mimeographed documents were included in the search for relevant items and many are cited in the bibliography; though these documents have limited circulation, their existence is significant to serious researchers who may often obtain copies directly from the authors or organizations involved. Many thousands of titles were scanned by the chief compiler and around 10,000 of these were carded, together with source indication and, where possible, a brief note of content. There followed extensive discussion by project members regarding organization and classification of the data.Numerous possible taxonomies were considered before the adoption of the classification scheme presented here. Bibliographic items were classified on the basis of direct knowledge of content, ol on the basis of annotations from other bibliographies. In remaining cases, where inspection of an item was not possible, the title was relied upon to indicate content. Clearly, a listing of this size precludes drect examination of all items; some had to be classified on the basis of very general or ambiguous titles and the exercise of arbitrary judgments. In the process of classification, members of the project with specialized knowledge of particular fields were able to repair some of the deficiencies in the basic listing for particular topics or geographic areas. The compilers are aware of remaining weaknesses; however, with the collaboration of appraisers and users, these may be remedied in any future version. Hints to users Attention to certain features of the bibliography may help users: the format, chapter notes, additional information supplied in some entries, and the indexes. The looseleaf format and the layout in which each new sub-section begins on a new page allows easy removal of particular sections in use and the addition of entries provided either by possible supplements to this version or by the user himself. To make full use of this format, it is recommended that the bibliography be transferred to looseleaf binders. iv
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