! Meet the Townsleys of South Bend— J. B. Townsley, the father, is 56. W. B. Townsley, the son, is ' 25. Their expert craftsmanship is the kind that puts extra miles of fine performance into every Studebaker. You never pay any premium for the plus value that Studcbaker's painstaking manufacturing a Unchanged in a changing world Studebakers trustworthy Bock from the Army Air Forces to the Studebaker job of father-and-son craftsmanship apprentice tool maker that he left 'way back in 1942, has come W. A. Smith. Jr. His proud father. W. A. Smith, tool supervisor, and a veteran of 26 Studebaker years, here takes time to give the young man some welcome suggestions. CARS vary in appearance with the years. have left the hands oft heir original owners. Mechanical improvements continually For generations, the quality of Stude- come along to add new zest and conven- l aker craftsmanship has been zealously ience to driving. rraintained by responsible workmen who But there's one thing unchanging in the are not only friendly neighbors but solid ever-changing automobile picture — and citizens with their roots deep in South that's the quality of Studcbaker's unique Bend's history. father-and-son craftsmanship. Home-loving, home-owning family men That trustworthy craftsmanship is one themselves, these craftsmen have encour- of the best of many good reasons for buy- aged their own sons, through the years, to ing a Studebaker today, just as it was back join with them in building Studebaker cars in the goggle-and-duster days of the early to the verv highest standards of excellence. motor cars. Thanks to painstaking care in every de- tail of their manufacture, you find that They're "Mike" and "Bob" to the mnny friends and neigh- Studebaker motor cars stay singularly free bors who are their fellow workers in the great, modern Stude- South Bend 27, Indiana, U. S. A. costly re- baker automotive plants'. Mike Milavecz. a gauge maker, has from the need for frequent and 28 notable years at Studebaker to his credit. His son. Bob. was pairs—and they continue to command ex- BUILDER OF CARS WORTHY a Navy Aviation Cadet before returning to his Studebaker job. cellent prices as used cars, long after they OF AMERICA'S HOMES . PHILCO RETURNS TO ITS UNBROKEN RECORD OF RADIO LEADERSHIP 10 YEARS AHEAD OF 4 YEARS AGO /J: Thrilling new achievements from the lab- oratories of Philco, the leader, are arriving now at your Philco dealer. Sensational 1946 Philco radios and radio-phonographs . ten years ahead a/ fuur years ago, thanks to new triumphs of modern electronic re- search. Glorious new beauty of tone from radio and records. Spectacular develop- ments in power and performance. Exqui- site new creations in cabinet design. Yes, it's the big news in radio from the over- whelming leader for 12 straight years. Get the full story from your Philco dealer now. PHILCO 1213 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH. An exquisite cabinet of authentic Chippendale design Just put a record ... in rare matched Mahogany woods . with the new est Philco developments for the full enjoy- . ment of radio and recorded music. Advanced-FM . new Dynamic Reproducer . new auto- in the slot matic Record Changer . plus the most glorious radio-phonograph tone you've ever heard! And it plays! Amazing Philco intention makes the manual radio-phonograph Automatic! PHILCO 350 PORTABLE. Far out performs PHILCO 420 IVORY. Outstanding beauty of any portable . radio ever built. Tested and tone . amazing performance in a compact PHILCO 1201 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH. No proved in the most difficult locations. Plays radio. Gleaming ivory plastic cabinet of mod- more fussing with lids, tone arms, controls on any house current or self-contained bat- ern grace and simplicity. Colorful radial dial or needles! You just put any size record in tery. Light in weight, perfectly balanced, lights up to give the effect of a softly glow- the slot and close the door. It starts, plays truly portable! New, distinctive cabinet. ing dome. Superb tone and performance! and stops automatically. (Patent Pending). TUNE IN: The Radio Hill of Fame, Sundays, 6 P. M., EST; Don McNeill and the Breakfast Club, Monday through Friday, 9:45 A.M., EST; ABC (Blue) Network. PHILCO Thl s O r §31% If yOUr engine COuld talk, it would probably ask for Ethyl when you roll into a gasoline station. Because high-quality gasoline— the kind that until a few months ago was reserved exclusively for military purposes — makes it possible for an engine to do its best work. 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