![The American Legion Monthly [Volume 2, No. 5 (May 1927)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
qhMERICAN EGION How Long WillAmerica Last ? *By Meredith Nicholson **- — Amazing New Shaving Invention MEANS - - -No More Blades to Buy SHARP "new" blades by master barbers. Eight "lucky leather 1 every day! Keen, grooves" do the trick with an unfailing quick, velvety shaves precision no human being can ever hope forever! That's what to duplicate. Automatic pressure and re- this astonishing inven- verse, too. The strokes commence heavy tion holds in store for and gradually grow lighter and lighter you! Already it has until a nickel jig flies up to notify you revolutionized the be- that your blade is ready with the keen- fore-breakfast habits of one million Ameri- est cutting edge that steel can take! can men, and introduced them to shaving No wonder legions of enthusiastic users comfort and economy such as they had are reporting as many as 365 slick shaves only dreamed of before! a year from a single blade! KRISS-KROSS is capable of such ex- traordinary performance that it is hardly SEND FOR GENEROUS fair to call it a stropper. Rather it is a OFFER New Kind of i super-stropper or blade rejuvenator. It KRISS-KROSS is sold by special repre- not only prolongs the life of a single blade sentatives who will gladly demonstrate Razor GIVEN for weeks and months—but it produces a this remarkable invention for you with- keenness of edge that hitherto has been out obligation. Right now they are almost unknown. Actually you can take authorized to make you an unusually Most unusual razor ever invented. a blade right out of a fresh generous introductory offer Really 3 razors in one. Instantly ad- package and improve it and are giving away a 3-way, justable. Gives a sliding instead of beyond belief in 11 AGENTS! seconds KRISS-KROSS offers excel- adjustable razor entirely un- pulling stroke. Simply zips right with KRISS-KROSS! lent money to representatives. like anything you ever saw .Surprisingly generous coinmis through the toughest crop of whiskers before! (See description at sions. Emil Ham made SSO his face satin-smooth and is repre- and leaves your MAGIC DIAGONAL very first day. .J. C. Kellogg of right.) If there no Kansas made S200 in 7 days sentative in your neighborhood, cool. Comes with 5 special-process spare time! Or hers are making STROKE you can secure the same generous absolutely S75 to S200 a week. Part-time blades and is being given offer direct from us. Use the cou- KRISS KROSS possesses workers often earn S0-S12 extra without extra charge to users of a day just showing KRISS- pon below for illustrated descrip- a mechanical ingenuity that KROSS to friends. Find out tion and details. See for yourself KRISS-KROSS super-stropper. Find about this great money-making is almost uncanny. exactly how uncanny and ingenious about it today! It em- opportunity! Check bottom of out these two KRISS-KROSS inven- ploys the famous diagonal coupon for details! Mail it to- day! tions are. No obligation. Mail the % stroke used coupon today! Rhodes Mfft. Co., Dept. E-411 1418 Pendleton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Without obligation, please send me illustrated de- scription and full details of your special introductory offer on KRISS-KROSS super-stropper and 3-way KKISS KROSS razor GIVEN without extra charge. Name RHODES MFG. CO. Address Dept. E-411 Town State I,, mi- if | Check interested in making money as 1418 Pendleton Ave. t authorized KRISS-KROSS representative. ST. LOUIS, MO. Stropper Suddenly I Broke Away and Held Them Spellbound As I review that tense dramatic moment when I electrified that meeting, it all seems strange and weird to me. How had I changed so miraculously in three months from a shy, diffident "yes" man to a dynamic vigorous he-man? How had I ever dared give my opinion? Three months before nobody ever knew I held opinions! ALL my life I had been cursed with talk in public would have held me to my amazing tilings through this simple, easy, a shy, timid, self-conscious nature. seat. But suddenly that new power yet effective training. With only a grammar school education I took possession of me and drove me to for This could never express ideas in a coherent, my feet. That wonderful 15-minute Send Amazing Book self-confident way. But one day my eye daily training at home had taught me to This new method of training is fully fell upon a newspaper article which told forget myself and think only of my sub- described in a very interesting and in- about a wonderful free ject. Almost automat- formative booklet which is now being sent book entitled "How to ically the ideas which to everyone mailing the coupon below. WHAT 15 MINUTES A Work Wonders with DAY WILL SHOW had heretofore lain dor- This book is called "How to Work Won- Words''—a book that mant in a mental ders with Words." You are told how to was causing widespread YOU jumble, n o w issued bring out and develop your priceless "hid- comment from coast to How to talk before your club or lodge with a vigor, clear- den knack"—the natural gift within you How to address board meetings will for advancement in coast—a book that was How to propose and respond to toasts ness and enthusiasm that —which win you being read not only by How to make a political speech astounded me no less position and salary, popularity, social millionaires, but by thou- How to tell entertaining stories than my boss and asso- standing, power and real success. You How to make after-dinner speeches sands of others. It dis- How to converse interestingly ciates. And I noticed can obtain your copy absolutely free by cussed men like me and How to write better letters with a silent exultation sending the coupon. sell goods explained how we could How to more the rapt, intent look on How to train your memory overcome our handicaps. How to enlarge your vocabulary my audience as my story At first 1 was skeptical. How to develop self-confidence unfolded itself smooth- Now Sent How to acquire awinning personality defects eloquently. I thought these How to strengthen your will-power ly and were a part of my nat- and ambition Today the men whom Free ural makeup — that I How to become a clear, accurate I used to greet deferen- thinker with would never be able to How to develop your power of con- tially I now meet overcome them. But centration an air of cool equality. How to be the master of any situation some subtle instinct kept I am asked to confer- prodding me to send for ences, luncheons, ban- that free book. I lost no time in sending quets, etc., as a popular after din- for it, as I was positively amazed at being ner speaker. And my talents are able to get cost free a book that made ab- not confined to business matters but NORTH AMERICAN INSTITUTE solutely plain the secrets that most suc- have made me an interesting conversa- 3601 Michigan Ave., Dept. 1525 cessful men have used to win popularity, tionalist at social affairs. I am meeting Chicago, 111. distinction, money and success. worth-while people. I own a good job, a As the weeks wore on and I absorbed good home, a good car. I am the happiest I North American Institute, the principles of this remarkable method, man that ever lived. Dept. 1525, 3601 Michigan Ave. I became conscious of new physical and And I frankly and candidly admit that Chicago, Illinois send without obliga- I mental energy, a new feeling of aggres- I owe all of these blessings to that won- Please me FREE and tion my copy of your inspiring booklet. siveness, and a resurrected personal power derful little free book "How to Work "How To Work Wonders With Words" and that I never dreamed I possessed. Then Wonders With Words." full information regarding your Course in ' Effective Speaking. I came that day in the general meeting There is no magic, no trick, no mystery when the president called on the and convincing assem- about becoming a powerful Name bled department heads and assistants talker. You, too. can conquer timidity, for suggestions on the proposed self-consciousness, and bash- new stage fright, Address policy. fulness, winning advancement in salary, Three months previously, the forces popularity, social standing and success. City State of indecision, timidity, and inability to Thousands have accomplished just such L_ J MAY, 1927 — —— —— ——— — — —— —— — —————— — — — — —— — May, 1927 American Vol. 2, No. 5 (Monthly Contents Cover Design: by Howard Chandler Christy March of the Minute Men on Concord and Lexington The Message Center by The Editor 4 Liberty Bells by George Creel 6 Woodcut by Harold McCormick The Prisoner's Song by Samuel Spewack 9 Illustrations by G. Patrick Nelson Forever America by John J. Pershing Decorative Border by G. H. Mitchell How Long Will America Last? by Meredith Nicholson 18 Decorations by Charles R. Chickering Why I Live in Paris by a Former American Soldier 20 For Services Rendered by Hugh Wiley 22 Illustrations by Albin Henning Editorial with cartoon by John Cassel 26 Spruce Knob and Thereabouts by Freeman H. Hart 28 They Also Serve: part four by Peter B. Kyne 32 Illustrations by Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge Because It's Their Town by Clara Ingram Judson 36 A Personal View by Frederick Palmer 39 Add Sauce and Serve by M. E. Neville 40 How Not to Go to Paris by Wallgren 42 Bursts and Duds with cartoon by Paul Carruth 43 Two Months to Go by Watson B.
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