SATURDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 12, 1896 m ^fcfrrdf Mi U% PS m \ N DIANA ITA s~ WOMAN M .& ra "A-4$ u®..-$ &g e .wwr Bfdr \%1896A rM If*"*6?^.'?. V»*J >« (5JJ7 ' v <*>„ w "T; '•> R // as K^ 4 M •2 \, SB ^fi, 81 K-*^I . --r J u L?s ^M-%S , •^ \vzQ r/^i ^L ^ # x «i;^ & 3&&2 nrS£\ Ml >rv f jL is C- u 5: & -i COURTESY OP WILLIAM WARD rA *"V.€*J5 C.1 V-^r^, l r-ii 8S •*xa5 s*f r^c4m PUI6B 5 Cents ^ r< « r '% ~ Published every Saturday KWIS ^Vs* Ef .STAFFORD 47-49 M. ILLI NOIS STJMDIAIIAPOUS! € fofo S^i lk«y PREPARE FOR AN OCCUPATION TIHE SHORT, EXPENSES LOW Indianapolis Business University THE PIONEER in Business Education. Nearly Half a Century of success enables the institution to offer the best the profession affords. BUSINESS WORLD SUPPLIED WITH HELP. ©ur ^Dressmaking FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR BEGINS SEPT. FIRST. Write for full information. Call and talk it over with ^Departments in "^w&Bffiinr E. J- HEEB, President. Will be open for business Mondayt September 14 Madam Phelps, who has charge of this department, needs no introduction to Indianapolis ladies, and her assistants are dressmakers and tailors whose skill has been demonstrated by the fine work of past seasons. <_ /n mi <J£%&%££> > 1 O*" v Zbc Dress (boobs anfc Silft Departments^ Are now stocked to their utmost with choice pro­ ducts of foreign and domestic looms and your in­ spection of new novelties is most cordially invited. L. S. AYRES & CO. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. HK (tenderly)—Do you think you could ever learn to love me? Sni5—Pshaw I Of course I could* 1 took llrst honors in love at Vassal' thisyear.—Truth. ^^>r¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥J^ T I HAVE PURCHASED THE 4^ J Ladies' Tailoring Dept. J PHOTO FRAMES • OF THE • * Kahn Tailoring Co. * A large lot just received in Gilt, White, China, A And will be pleased to have all former patrons <j •t call. Dressmaking: and fur repairing a spe- M t L. WEISS, 5; Leather, Florentine, Fancy Wood and Silver, in f 1 -tf » 16 .. E. Washington St., Room 5. ^^ all shapes and designs. X ******************A x See our Window Display*************^ cTbe llnfciana HUuetrating Company CHARLES MAYER & CO He'll Square Himself Is the oldest and the largest photo­ 29 and 31 West Washington Street Bypntronisiing THE EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY. engraving house in the State. Try it. It in tho best. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA MAJOR TAYLOR, Proprietor. M» < »i < Phone 240 for calls and delivery. V^ &T9 &T9 StC?9 H. C. CHANDLER Engravings ENGRAVER ON WOOD For newspapers, catalogues, and all THE INDIANA WOMAN Cor. Illinois and Market Sts. commercial purposes. Is Read by People Who Buy Goods SOCIETY INCOMPLETE Stocfe (Tuts WITHOUT We have anumber of half-tone cuts The Indiana Woman is now being read every week by not less •-KIS-ME" GUM in stock suitable for tine circular than thirty thousand up-to-date people. Over four thousand work. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS copies are sold in this city alone every week. Mc Compete | tNCiHAytp_COPFF,ID COPPKRt PLATEPLATt., THE INDIANA WOMAN^ With New York and Chicago Will carry the advertisements of reliable houses only. An ad­ WOHK GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST CLASS. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY rinST CLASS WORK. houses in quality price and quick­ vertisement in this journal carries with it dignity, quality and '^VONOGRAMS^CRESIS ness of production. ENGRAVED AND STAMPED. PLAIN OR COLORS. weight. The space for advertising is limited and this space is SAMPLES SENT CN APPLICATION. Wm.B.Burford, almost filled. INDIANAPOLIS. ftelepbone 1077 tCbe ITnMana Vol. II. No. 19. Indianapolis, Saturday Afternoon, September 12, 1896 Five Cents a Copy. Two Dollars Per Year. a circle about the bridal party while the tiful young woman, and is a great social SOCIAL CHAT ceremony was being pronounced. favorite. The bride looked very beautiful in a * * * The week just ending has recorded the Mr. Robert Russell Buchanan, formerly gown of mousseline de soie, over white The Dramatic (flub held a meeting, Wed­ first autumn nuptial ceremonies, and be­ of Grand Rapids, Mich. The bride is the taffeta, with a bridal veil of tulle. She nesday evening at the homo of Mr. Wil­ fore long many pretty faces will be missed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Foster. carried a large (duster of Bride roses. The liam Brown, on North Delaware street. from the ranks of the maidens of the.smart The wedding occurred at the family resi­ bride was attended by her two sisters and Mr. Charles H. Lewis resigned from the set, but their places will be taken by the dence on North Pennsylvania street, and the sister of the groom as maid of honor club and Board of Directors, andMr. Hew­ pretty buds who are now preparing to take all the guests were invited to witness the and bridesmaids, Miss Sarah Wallace itt 1 lowland was elected to take Mr. the social world by storm. Some of the pret­ ceremony. The house was exquisitely Foster, who wore a gown of pule blue Bewis' place. Mrs. Meredith Nicholson, tiest blossoms of last season will marry decorated, the stairway in the hall being organdy, and carried pink carnations, and Mr. Arthur V. Brown and Mr. William men from other cities, and at least one entirely concealed by goldenrod and the Miss Angia Buchanan and Miss Margaret ('. Haueisen were elected to membership charming bride from abroad will soon windows were festooned with smilax, Foster, who were gowned in white or­ in the club. Another meeting will bo come to make this city her permanent caught up with red blossoms. The walls gandy and carried deep pink carnations. held later in the month. home. From this time on society will en­ of the second parlor were ornamented with During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Foster * joy the delightful sound of wedding bells. panels of moss, dotted with red buds. In were assisted by their daughter, Mrs. M. Mrs. Hotter and Mrs. O'ICane, of Chica­ Two of Indianapolis' fairest and most the library were pink carnations andglad- E. Crowell, Mrs. R, 0. Hawkins, Mrs. .1. go, who are the guests of Mrs. Russell popular daughters were married this week iolas. The large side porch was enclosed W. Bradsbaw, Mrs. 0. 0. Foster, Mrs. II. Seeds, have been the guests of honor at to gentlemen from abroad, and will hence­ to form an addition to the dining room, N. Castle, Miss Margaret Day, Miss Faust, several affairs this week. Tuesday evening forth grace the social circles of other cities, and there were decorations of flags and Miss Rose Foster and Miss Alice Dickin­ a theater party was given, "Wednesday one St. Louis and the other Cincinnati. Japanese lanterns. In the dining room son. The bride's cousins. Misses Martha evening a company wa.s given at the home * of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (irover, and Fri­ The first bride of the week was Miss day afternoon and evening companies Katherine Le Monde Davidson, the beau­ were given. tiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman *. .* N. Davidson, who was married Tuesday A hostess who contemplates giving a evening to Mr. George Harris William­ luncheon could make her table decorations son, of Cincinnati. Miss Davidson has very effective by getting them up in Jap­ been regarded as one of the Capitol's most anese style. A charming young matron charming belles, since her debut into so­ tells of a Japancso Luncheon, which was ciety, and she presented a rarely beautiful given prior to hor marriage. On this oc­ picture on her wedding evening. Her casion, the table wa.s covered with a cloth bridal gown was of mousseline de soie, of fancy paper napkins, fastened together over white silk, prettily trimmed with with knots of bright-lined ribbons, while rose point lace and embroidered mousse­ the chandelier was decorated with stream­ line. The long tulle veil was held by a ers of figured silk and strings of colored diamond pendant, one of the groom's gifts. beads. The floral decorations were of The marriage service was read from the Japanese lilies, arranged in low Satsuma white prayer book carried by the bride. bowls and Cloisonne vases, around which The costuming of the group of brides­ stood rows of shallow China trays, filled maids was very effective. Miss Lavalette with burning incense. Davidson, sister of the bride, and the The menus were dainty water-color bits maid of honor, wore a gown of yellow to which little Japanese dolls were at­ satin draped with yellow mousseline, and tached with quantities of narrow ribbon; her bouquet of white roses was tied with the souvenirs were gayly embroidered yellow satin ribbon. The bridesmaids, silk-crepe handkerchiefs, and the service Miss Helen Davidson and Miss Lavalette was of quaintly pretty "Tokio" china. Miller, sister and cousin of the bride, wore The hostess and the dining room maids white organdy, trimmed with Valenciennes were in regulation Japanese garb, and lace and carried bunches of yellow roses. this, in conjunction with the soft, mystic St Paul's church was prettily decorated light which was diffused through odd- for the occasion, with white asters and shaped paper lanterns, imparted a strange goldenrod. The surpliced choir preceded foreign air to the room, which could not the bridal party to the altar, singing the but have deeply impressed all of the en­ wedding march from "Lohengrin," and thusiastic guests. after the betrothal service the marriage * * ceremony was pronounced by Bishop John Among the weddings which will take liazen White.
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