Trans Pros Palaeonr. Soc Japan. N.S . No.14, pp.175-181. pl. 27, Dec. 15. 1961 421. ON SOME TRIASSIC PELECYPODS FROM PAHANG PROVINCE, MALAYA* AKIRA TOKUYAMA Geological Institute, University of Tokyo 馬 来 産 二 枚 介 数 種:PahangのKuala Lipis地 方 よ り産 出 し た 二 枚 介 中 に3種 の Myophoriids Nevshizodus taerigatus elongatus , Myophoria goldfussi lipisensis subsp. nov. M cfr. costataの 他Pteria . "Plagiasrtona"等 を 藏 別 し た の で こ れ ら を 記 載 し た 。 こ れ ら はNEWTUN(1900)が 記 載 し た 上 部 三 畳 系 のMyophoria類 と は 区 別 さ れ,中 部 三 畳 系 を示 す もの と考 え られ.上 述 のNEWTONのMyopyoria-Sandstoneよ りは 明 ら か に 下 位 の 層 〓 の もの な の で.こ の 新 化 石 層 に 対 しlower Myrophoria-Sandstoneの 名 を 提 唱 し た 。 尚 標 本 は 馬 県 連 邦 地 質 調 査 所 よ り小 林 教 授 の 下 に 送 られ た も の で あ る 。 徳 山 明 This is to report the result of studies ICHIKAWA, 1919: KAMBE. 1951. 57) and on two collections from Malaya which Indochina (PATTE. 1926) in outline and were submitted to Prof. T. KOBAVASI carination. The two ribbed species be- from the Geological Survey, Federation long to the group of M. goldfussi and of Malaya. One from Lipis district at M. costata They are distinguished from localities between Bente and Lipis . and the Nrwtosfis (1900) Upper Triassic between Benta and Jerantut) incl ides species from Malaya, such as M. make- Mrophoria goldfussi lipisensis and Neo- yensis and M. inacquieostata, by the rib- schizodus cfr. laeingatus. a pterioid. a limid bing and outline. These three myopho- and an "Anodontophora". The age of riids indicate the Triassic age and pro- the faunule is determined at Middle bably Middle Triassic rather than Upper Triassic rather than Upper Triassic. Triassic. Another Middle Triassic fossil The other from a branch of Ulu Sungei , bed yields Anisic tuninonites in the tri- Kenong, Lipis District includes three butary of the same river (KUNINIEI., 1960). myophoriids and two indeterminable ere I record hearty thanks to HProf. shells. one of which resembles Iloernesia. T. KohAsaShi for his kind guidance although the determination of the last through the work. I am also thankful is not warranted. because the shell is to Dr. J. B. ALEXANDER. director of the strongly compressed. Among the three Geological Survey, Federation of Malaya myophoriids one smooth form which is and Messers H SERVICE. J. R., PATON, characterized by its posteriorly elongated F.Y. nom: and other geologist of the outline and an acute carina, is identified of the survey who supplied the materials with Neoschizodus laerigatus elongatus and informations about the fossil beds. It is distinguishable from Lipper Triassic erigatus from Japan KOBAYASHIla & Note on the Marine Triassic *Received 12th July . 1961 read at 79th in Malaya Meeting of the Society on 24th September . 1961 at Kanazawa. The Triassic rocks are widespread in 1 7 5 1 7 6 Akira TOKUYAMA southeastern Asia. Terrigenous facies ALEXANDER** they are known from two is developed on the continent but cal- localities. Dr. Cox who examined a col- careous and siliceous rocks are common lection recognized 11 pelecypods includ- in the archipelago In the Malay penin- ing "Gervillia", pterioids, Mysidioptera sula marine Triassic beds have been Myophoria and others and considered the reported as follows: faunule to be Upper Triassic. Another NEWTON (1900) described Chlamys collection was made at a small stream raloniensis. Pleurophorus elongabes (?), on the eastern bank of Ulu Sungei, Pleria pahangensis. Atlytilus cfr. minutus, Kenong, 2.5 miles SSW of the above Gervillia inflata. Pteroperna matayensis, locality. The materials are submitted yophoria malayensis, M. ornata,M M. ina- to Prof. KORAYASIE. They are now des- equicostata. M sp. and Actinodesma bel- cribed. amyl from Lipis district.l Comparing (8) KUMMEL (1960) described 4 am- this fauna to the Napeng one (HEALEY monites (Paraceratities trinodusus, Sturia 1908). he considered it Upper Triassic or Sansovinti Acrorhoriceras sp. and Ptycites Rhaetic. On account of the prevalence sp.) from a branch of the river Sungei, of Alyophoria he proposed "Myophoria- near Kuala Lipis. The age is determined sandstone" for the bed. at Anisic. (2) NEWTON (1923) reported 17 lamel- In Summary, several Triassic fossil libranchs including Myophoria ornata, M. beds in Malaya are presumably in the bittneri and Chlamys cfr. raloniensis from succession as follows Shingapore and considered them also Upper Triassic. (Upper) Myrophoria.sancIstone by NEW- (3) Later (1925) he described Halobia N at several localities in Pahang TO and ntalayensis. II. moussoni and a halobiid Singapore•c•c•cUpper Triassic beside an indeterminable ammonite from 2. Pieria sandstone by Cox (MS) in Pa- hang•c•c•cUpper Triassic Kedah and Perak provinces. The Halo 3. Halobia moussoni shale in Pahang by a shale is lower than the Myophoria-bi N•cMiddle or Upper Triassic sandstone and probably Middle Triassic. onella shale in Kelantan by SCRIVE (4) WEIR (1925) reported another oc- NOR•c•c•cMiddle Triassic currence of the Myophoria-bed or the 5. Lower Plyoplepitt sandstone in Pahang Myophoria-sandstone in Pahang province. Middle •c•c•cTriassic (5) SCRIVENOR (1931) added 2 other 6. Ammonite bed in Pahang by KUMMEL occurrences of Myophotio-sandstene in Middle •c•c•cTriassic Pahang beside an occurrence of Daunelln- like shell in a shale of Kalantan. Lower Myophoria sandstone (6) Geologists of the Geological Sur- The lower Myophoria sandstone in- vey of Alalaya made a collection of myo- cludes Neoschizodus laevigattes elotegatus. phoriids and other pelecypods from two and AlyoPhoria golditessi liPisensis. new localities near Kuala Lipis. which were sent to Dr. Cox of the British Museum. *Personal communication from Mr . Harold He compared the faunule to those of the SERVICE to Prof. KOBAYASHI. (GS 53/Q/083/ Alyophoria-sandstone. 15). (7) Recently pelecypods were dis- **Dr . ALEXANDER sent information and covered from the head waters of the manuscript by Dr. Cox for reference (GS river Ulu Sungei Kenong. According to 20/F/026/10). 421. On some Triassic Pelecypods from Pahang Province 177 subspecies. These two forms represent large, smooth and rounded nodules of a lower horizon than NEWTONS Myo- argillaceous matrix. The sandy grains phoria sandstone which yields M. ina- consist of rounded quartz and chert, but equicostata and allies such as M. mala- almost devoid of feldspars. The matrix yensis. M. harpa and M. bittneri. The is somewhat cherty. It is interesting elongatus-lipisensis association is allied to see that laevigatus is somewhat ori- to the Middle Triassic fauna of Yunnan. entated in a certain direction. The fact where LOCZY (1898) described M. radiataM suggests currents of water when the . szechenyii and N. ctr. laevigatus. and sandstone was accumulated. In Japan MANSUY (1912) reported N. laevigatus and yophoria facies is more off-shore Mthan "radiata" (=M . goldfussi lipisensis.M. the "trigonian" facies, because the Myo- new subspecies, which is distinguished phoria sandstone is more currented than from M. radiata s.s). N. elongatus is the Minetrigonia-sandstone. It is sup- allied to the one described from the ported by the fact that the Minetrigonia- Dolomiten by OGILVIE-GORDON (1927). sandstone is found often in the paralic The elongated taerigatus with an acute Mine facies, but Minetrigonia is uncom- carina is known in the Ladinic of south com in the neritic is Kochigatani facies Israel (LERMAN. 1960) and Trans-Jordan (TOKUYAMA, 1961). Myophoria is, on the Cox. 1921. 32). They are distinguishable( other hand, absent in the Mine but com- from the so called taevigatus in the Up- mon in the Kochigatani series. The per Triassic of Tonkin and Japan by yophoria sandstone in Malaya is Mpro- the outline and carination. Lipisensis bably also neritic rather than littoral or belongs to the group of goldfussi. It is paralic, because the sandgrains are com- different from inaequirosfata in the num- posed or weil-rounded quarz and chert ber and mode of ribbing. Because it is and shells are controlled by oceanic cur- known that the former flourished a little rents in the thanato-history of the fos- earlier than the latter. the lipisensis- ongatus horizon is probably olderel than The sandstone along the Ulu Sungei those of inaequicostata and malayensis. It is strongly deformed and somewhat means that there are at least two Myo- crushed (so-called B-Teklonite by METZ. phoria beds in the Triassic of Malaya. 1957). Fossils preserved in the sandstone Therefore "lower Msophoria sandstone" are strongly compressed. is proposed here for the sandstone con- The lower Myophoria sandstone yields taining lipisensis and elongatus. the following species. According to Foo Yew HONG* the bed a) Ulu-Sungei collection is about 2ft thick, steeply dips south- Myophoria goldfussi lipisensis, new sub- west (220•‹/60•‹) and crops out at a small species. stream on the eastern bank of Ulu Sun- Myophoria sp. ex gr. costata ZENKER gei Kenong in Yong Forest Reserve. Neoschizodus laevigatus elongatus (PHI- Lipis District. LIPPI) The sandstone is dark grey. but when Hoernesia (?) sp. indet. weathered, it changes to white or yel- b) Collection from a point between lowish brown. It contains sometimes Bents and Kuala Lipis Pieria sp. indet. "Plagio *Personal communication from Dr . ALEX. stoma" (?) sp. indet. to Prof. KOBAYASHI. Myophoria goldfussi lipisensis 178 Akira TOKUYAMA Neoschizodus laevigatus elongatus Rot to the upper Muschelkalk and its Anodontophora cfr. trapezoidalis MAN- age is nearly same in the Indo-Pacific SUY region. Its variation in outline is fairly wide. It is however a general tendency of the species that the carina, which is Deseription of Fossils strong in the Lower Triassic forms, be- Genus Neoschizodus GIEBEL comes weaker in the later stages.
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