)+ ا ءات ا CHAPTER X ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTTICS ا ءات ا Environmental Statistics ا ءات ا #"! دً ه ً ي اار . Environmental statistics can provide crucial guidance ا+ رف ا-+ إ, +%* ت إدار) )'! &% ا ذ for decision making in a variety of ways. They can translate physical knowledge into manageable اار . آ )"6 6 3 -*) 45ات 3 2 س 0ى information that can facilitate the decision-making ا0م >;* ;: ا9ه0اف اprocess. They can help to develop indicators to .(*8 measure and calibrate progress towards achieving development objectives. واDE B%-% C اAا)0 %; *ل &%, ا+%* ت ا ، < م In response to the increasing needs of environmental ز ا ء C + ون K وزارة ا اE;0اث ها اG data and information, the Statistics Authority in ! collaboration with the Environmental Ministry initiating ا ص C ءات ا ، إN أن ا+0)0 6 ا+%* ت ا a new chapter on environmental statistics. Other ا39ى آ%R ا+% C 8 خ ، اAرا&، ا0Eا ت ا9راinformation on climate, fisheries, agriculture, land use, ، P ا- < ، ا*ا2ت )"6 ا; *ل &% *ل أ3ى energy, transport,…etc. can be found in other chapters 6 هS ا8#ة. .of this publication ها اG ! اU (0 ، 0(0DU &#ون 0ول In this new chapter, we provide 23 tables on 6T +%* ت &6 ا8*ع ا;*ي ، ا; ت ا-+ ، ا0Eام biodiversity , protected areas , chemical use , fisheries and environmental violations. The data were collected ا*اد ا" W، ا 0 و ا G ت ا . هS ا+%* ت ,from official records, researches, monitoring programs + 6 ا'Dت اE ، ا;*ث ، CاX اand reports. ، 02 ا ر) ا8G. در ا > ت : :The Sources of the data - وزارة ا%0) و ا-Y ا+ا> . .Ministry Of Municipal & Urban Planning - - وزارة اــ .Mininstry Of Environment - - ه ا49] ل ا+ . .Public Works Authority - - اD%\ ا% ,%&N Supreme Council Of Health. ; - ا > ا'"B' 8 ا%0) وا ل C #" ت ا+ رس ٢٠٠٤ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING BY MUNICIPALITY AND THEIR CONNECTION TO THE GENERAL NETS March 2004 0ول ( ١٩٠) (TABLE (190 ا S ا"C ء ا ف ا ; Drainage Electricity Water اMunicipality (0% ! ` ! ! ` ! ! ` ! Not connected connected Not connected connected Not connected connected ا0و Doha 1923 34880 14 36789 882 35921 ا) ن AL Rayyan 8158 16125 121 24162 1734 22549 ا*آة AL Wakra 1852 2163 267 3748 316 3699 أم 2ل Umm Salal 3198 49 6 3241 1016 2231 ا*ر AL Khor 1654 829 43 1440 2483 0 ا# ل AL Shamal 765 0 3 762 765 0 ا]*)) AL Ghuwiairiya 129 0 2 127 129 0 اAL Jemailiya 1647 44 132 1559 858 833 %D ) ن ا Jaryan AL batna 462 0 65 397 462 0 8c Mesaieed 6 676 6 676 6 676 0+' اD*ع Total 19794 54766 659 72901 8651 65909 اEك ا*اد ا'G8ة - ا9وزون ٢٠٠٥ - ٢٠٠٩ CONSUMPTION OF OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES 2005 - 2009 0ول ( ١٩١) ا* 0ة : 6c ي TABLE (191) Unit:M.T ا'Year 8 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 ا دة Substance آ ت ا"%*ر واG%*ر ا+T*) - ١١ CFC-11 ¹ 0.00 1.78 3.03 4.35 6.09 ¹ ⁽ ⁾ ⁽⁽⁽ ⁾⁾⁾ آ ت ا"%*ر واG%*ر ا+T*) - ١٢ CFC-12 ¹ 0.00 3.27 10.00 27.08 30.91 ¹ ⁽ ⁾ ⁽⁽⁽ ⁾⁾⁾ آ ت ا"%*ر واG%*ر ا+T*) - ٢٢ HCFC-22 1225.00 603.75 344.50 325.85 272.22 آ ت ا0روآ%*ر%*رآA) <*C ١٣٤) HYDRO CHLOROFLUOROCARBON (134A) 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 اD*ع Total 1375.00 608.80 357.53 357.28 309.22 (١) ( آ ت ا"%*ر واG%*ر ا+T*) - ١١، آ ت ا"%*ر واG%*ر ا+T*) - ١٢) ,Importation of (CFC-11 ,CFC-12) has been stopped by 2010 (1) f إEاده إ& راً 6 ٢٠١٠ 'C Bو*آ*ل *>) ل. .in accordance to Montreal Protocol آ ا*اد ا'0G8ة - ا9وزون ٢٠٠٥ - ٢٠٠٩ CONSUMPTION OF OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES 2005 - 2009 1,600 1,375 1,400 1,200 ا* 0ة : 1,000 ي 6c ي 800 609 600 Unit: Metric Ton Unit: Metric Ton Unit: Metric Ton Unit: Metric Ton 400 357 358 309 200 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4"! ( ٤٦) (Graph (46 ا*YE ا'8*ي D*دة ا*اء 0C)8 ا0و ٢٠٠٩ ANNUAL AVERAGE OF AIR QUALITY - DOHA CITY 2009 0ول ر< ( ١٩٢)( ا* 0ة : "و`ام / "+TABLE (192)(Unit: Microgram/cubic metre) (B ا*<K 08ق *R8 > دي ا' ق Location + <- ا;0 ا'8*ي Movenpick واGوE Annual Limit Qatar University ا%*U ت Pollutants Racecourse Hotel 8U W أآ'0 ا")Sulfur dioxide (SO ₂) 80.0 13.6 5.4 9.2 j 8U W أآ'0 ا8وNitrogen dioxide (NO ₂) 100.0 59.3 32.1 58.9 6 ا9وزون &08 '*ى ا9رض Ground Level Ozone (OZONE) - 40.40 54.90 41.30 أول أآ'0 ا"C*ن Cabron Monoxide (CO) - 0.68 0.50 0.65 ' ت د< Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 50.00 176.40 338.10 261.00 واردات دو + * ا$ات ا($) ٢٠٠٨ - ٢٠٠٩ QATAR'S IMPORTS OF CHEMICAL PESTICIDES 2008 - 2009 ول ( ١٩٣) (TABLE (193 ا زن ( آ ام) (Weight (KG أ% اع ا$ات Type of Pesticides 2009 2008 ات Pesticides 24291 34374 ات Fungal pesticides 0 6225 ات ( ي / آ) Pesticide (insecticide / Anackby) 1518 0.655 ات ( ي / %$# دي) Pesticide (insecticide / Nimatody) 17045 3011 ات ( أ ب) Pesticides (weed) 1152 1174 ات ( ا23 ا1Pesticides (Public Health) 44052 37604 ( 4$ت %$ Growth Regulaters 114 0 ا$6$ــــ ع Total 88172 82389 واردات دو <- 6 ا0ات ا" و) ٢٠٠٨ - ٢٠٠٩ QATAR'S IMPORTS OF CHEMICAL PESTICIDES 2009 - 2008 50000 45000 44052 40000 37604 2008 34374 35000 2009 30000 24291 25000 20000 17045 15000 10000 6225 5000 3011 1518 1174 1152 0 0 0 114 0 f8 ت >* 0ات 0ات 0ات 0ات 0ات -) 0ات #) Growth Regulaters ( ا ; ا+ ) ( أ&# ب) ( #ي / > *دي ) ( #ي / &8 آ) Pesticides Fungal pesticides Pesticide Pesticide Pesticides Pesticides (insecticide / Anackby) (insecticide / (weed) (Public Health) Nimatody) أ>*اع ا0ات Type of pesticides 4"! ( ٤٧) (Graph (47 آ ا0ات ا'0 " ; اs ت اAرا& ا8 زل واt#8ت ا;"* ٢٠٠٧ - ٢٠٠٩ QUANTITIES OF PESTICIDES USED IN COMBAITING INSECTS IN DOMESTIC AND GOVERNMENTAL BUILDING 2007 - 2009 0ول ( ١٩٤) (TABLE (194 ا" Quantity ا8*ع ا* 0ة Type Unit 2009 2008 2007 اي %*آ\ *رت آTrimiltox Fort Kg 183.75 17.75 198.75 D اC "6 آAbamectine Kg 80.75 535.10 - D E د ور< Albatros Lit 1099.80 1256.85 964.00 اآــ ر آActara 25% Kg - 10.60 - D دــDelit 20% Lit - 151.95 - j 0ه0 آMetaldehyde 5% Kg 293.50 107.50 3.50 D د)'ــ\ - Dlta-methrin Lit - 6.19 *Eـن آMospillan Kg - 2.21 - D *>D"% آFungiclir WP Kg 17.80 79.77 - D C)*ر آPrimor Kg - 4.80 - D ا >Avant Lit - 7.15 - j آ*ر)! - Corell Lit - 9.45 ا'"j آEvisect 50% S Kg - 0.87 206.25 D آ%*روChlorethrin Lit - 154.75 - 6(U Match 50 EC Lit 833.60 134.15 - u رآ آRugby 10 Kg 2706.50 - 1072.00 D Cو8**س - - Profenofos Lit 263.63 اورG Ortiva Lit 83.00 - - دا - - Lambada Lit 570.00 آ ا0ات ا'0 " ; اs ت اt#8ت ا;"* وا8 زل ا 2 و#وع " ; x ت ا8! ٢٠٠٨ QUANTITIES OF PESTICIDES USED IN COMBATING INSECTS IN GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, PRIVATE HOUSES AND COMBATING PALM INSECTS PROJECT 2008 0ول ( ١٩٥) (TABLE (195 ا" Quantity ا8*ع ا* 0ة Type Unit 2009 2008 2007 N دا U 6(U* ٥% - - lambada cyhalothrin 5% Lit 4892.25 رآ ١٠ج آRugby 10 G Kg 3141.00 1931.00 859.00 D >ون ٥٠٠ Neron 500 EC Kg 1819.00 - - EC 8*آ\ *رت WP آMentox forte WP Kg 187.00 4345.00 434.50 D أورG ٢w٥ Ortiva 2.5 EC Kg 80.00 - - EC u ٥٠ MATCH 50 EC Lit 3.50 - - EC اC 6" ١w٨% - - Abamectin 1.8% Lit 65.50 آ%*رو6(U ٥٥% - - Chlorcyrin 55% Lit 1881.00 C Nرف ٢w٥% - - Betalarve 2.5% Lit 577.50 Cو8**س ٤٤% - - Profenofos 44% Lit 4158.00 آ ا0ENة ا'0 ٢٠٠٥ - ٢٠٠٩ FERTILIZERS USED 2005 - 2009 0ول ( ١٩٦) ( ا* 0ة : "+TABLE ( 196 ) (Unit : Cubic Meter) (B >*ع ا' د Type of Manure 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 E د &T*ي > & Fine organic Manure 12578 14326 31521.9 37744 15713 E د &T*ي Roughorganic Manure 130 - 1890 2280 4750 6#3 E د دواPoultry Manure 13975 17100 17252 18601 13281 6 أ0اد أ*اع ا ت ا .- ا , دو +' ٢٠٠٨ NUMBER OF RECORDED SPECIES IN STATE OF QATAR 2008 ول ( ١٩٧) (TABLE (197 ا د ا ا ا ا درة ا !دة اض ا " ا*اع ا ت Species Extinct Endangered Rare Common Total No. ا $&ت ا $# Terrestrial Plants - - - 371 371 ا )'#ت Fungi - - - 142 142 ا .-*ات ا $# Terrestrial Animals - 1 1 6 8 ا $&ت ا $.# Marine Flora - - - - 402 ا .-*ات ا $.# Marine Fauna - 4 11 - 315 أ&0اد ا ا+C ا; ت ا%G ٢٠٠٧ - ٢٠٠٩ NUMBER OF PROTECTED ARABIAN ORYX 2007 - 2009 0ول ( ١٩٨) (TABLE (198 2009 2008 2007 ا;ـــ ذآ*ر إ> ث اD*ع ذآ*ر إ> ث اD*ع ذآ*ر إ> ث اD*ع Protectorate Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male ا#; > Shahanyah 280 161 119 257 142 115 225 120 105 ا'; Mashabyah 734 375 359 676 353 323 268 143 125 &#ج Ushairigh - - - - - - 334 172 162 0) ا;*ان - - - - - - Doha zoo 23 20 3 ا* - - - - - - Al wajbah 71 45 26 ام Umm thanytain 5 4 1 - - - - - - 68U ام <) - - - - - - Umm grebah 23 11 12 ام ا*ا<Umm al mawaqa 11 7 4 - - - - - - K راس G ن - - - - - - Ras laffan 2 1 1 8 c: أ3ى Other areas - - - 111 74 37 53 36 17 اDـــــ*ع Total 1149 624 525 1044 569 475 880 471 409 4"! (٤٨) (Graph (48 &0د ا# ر)K ا0D)0ة ا P+ اU9 ا ٢٠٠٥ - ٢٠٠٩ NUMBER OF NEW PROJECTS EVALUATED FOR ITS IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT 2005 - 2009 0ول ( ١٩٩) (TABLE (199 >*ع ا# ر)Projects Type 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 K # ر)K آة Large Projects 170 193 272 170 66 # ر) KE*- و2]ة Small and Medium Projects 348 365 733 876 698 اDــــ*ع Total 518 558 1005 1046 764 &0د ا G ت ا) ا'D% ٢٠٠٨ - ٢٠٠٩ NUMBER OF RECORDED TERRESTRIAL VIOLATIONS 2008 - 2009 0ول ( ٢٠٠) (TABLE (200 2009 2008 >*ع ا G &0د ا G ت &0د ا G ت Violance % Number of % Number of violations violations ر ا%G ت Illegal waste dumping 26.1 23 13.8 4 y(D اSoil excavation 9.1 8 44.8 13 C >! د ن 0Cون ر3 Dakkan transfer without a license 4.6 4 6.9 2 إPار C وض Damage Balrod 6.8 6 0.0 0 G ت ا Hunting - - 13.8 4 0 <-K اD49 ر Rawdahs 1.1 1 3.5 1 z(G S اD ري واDischarge of waste water and cement 26.1 23 10.3 3 j8E9 G ت ا"' رات Stone crackers 17.1 15 3.5 1 ا8 ء 0Cون ر3 Non-permitted buildings 9.1 8 3.5 1 اD*ع Total 100 88 100 29 &0د ا G ت ا) ا'D% ٢٠٠٨ - ٢٠٠٩ NUMBER OF RECORDED TERRESTRIAL VIOLATIONS 2009 - 2008 ا+0د .No 60.0 2009 2008 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 ا8 ء 0Cون ر3 G ت ا z(G 0 S اD ري <-K اD49 ر G ت ا 0 إPار C وض >! د ن 0Cون ر3 y(D اC ر ا%G ت Stone crackers Non-permitted واIllegal waste Soil excavation Filling materials Rawdahs Hunting Plants cutting j8E9 dumping Discharge of buildings waste water of cement Violance >*ع ا G (Graph (49 4"! ( ٤٩) &0د ا'6G وا د)6 وآ ا 0 ١٩٩٩ - ٢٠٠٩ NUMBER OF BOATS, LOCAL CATCH, AND FISHERMEN 1999 - 2009 0ول ( ٢٠١) (TABLE (201 آ ا 6c ) 0 ي) &0د ا'6G &0د ا د)6 ا'Year 8 No.
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