TRAFFICKING AND ABUSE OF "CRACK" IN NEW YORK CITY HEARING BEFORE THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JULY 18, 1986 Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control SCNAC-99-2-16 * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 71--834 WASHINGTON : 1987 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 // I/ ?6 SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL (99th Congress) CHARLES B. RANGEL, New York, Chairman PETER W. RODINO, JR., New Jersey BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, New York FORTNEY H. (PETE) STARK, California LAWRENCE COUGILIN, Pennsylvania JAMES H. SCHEUER, New York E. CLAY SHAW, JR., Florida CARDISS COLLINS, Illinois MICHAEL G. OXLEY, Ohio DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii STAN PARRIS, Virginia FRANK J. GUARINI, New Jersey GENE CHAPPIE, California ROBERT T. MATSUI, California DUNCAN HUNTER, California DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida JOSEPH J. DioGUARDI, New York WALTER E. FAUNTROY, District of MICHAEL L. STRANG, Colorado Columbia JOHN G. ROWLAND, Connecticut WILLIAM J. HUGHES, New Jersey MEL LEVINE, California SOLOMON P. ORTIZ, Texas LAWRENCE J. SMITH, Florida EDOLPHUS "ED" TOWNS, New York COMMITTEE STAFF JOHN T. CUSACK, Chief of Staff ELLIOrr A. BROWN, Minority Staff Director (II) CONTENTS Page Testimony of Hon. Alfonse D'Amato, a U.S. Senator from the State of New Y o r k ................................................................................................................................ 3 Testimony of Hon. Lawton Chiles, a U.S. Senator from the State of Florida ...... 5 Opening statement of Hon. Frank J. Guarini, a U.S Representative from the State of N ew Jersey ............................................................................................... ...... 6 Opening statement of Hlon. Joseph J. DioGuardi, a U.S. Representative from the State of N ew Y ork ................................................................................................ 7 Opening statement of Hon. Mario Biaggi, a U.S. Representative from the S tate of N ew Y ork ....................................................................................................... 8 Testimony of Mario Cuomo, Governor of New York, accompanied by Dr. Larry Kurlander, Director, Criminal Justice Division, and Julio Martinez, Director, Division of Substance Abuse Services ..................................................... 11 Testimony of Hon. Edward Koch, Mayor, City of New York, NY .......................... 30 Testimony of Gordon Ambach, Commissioner of Education, New York State .... 45 Testimony of Charles I. Schonhaut, Deputy Chancellor, New York City Sc h o o ls ............................................................................................................................ 5 1 Testimony of Julio Martinez, Director, New York State Division of Substance Abuse Services .............................. ................................. 53 Testimony of William Hopkins, Supervisor, Street Research Unit, New York State Division of Substance Abuse Services ............................................................ 55 Testimony of Lillian Glogau, Retired Elementary Principal ................................. 56 Testimony of Levander Lilly, Assistant to Chancellor, New York City Public S c h o o ls ............................................................................................................................ 6 9 Testimony of Benjamin Ward, Commissioner, New York City Police Depart- m e n t ................................................................................................................................ 8 0 Testimony of Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan District Attorney .......................... 86 Testimony of Sterling Johnson, Special Narcotics Prosecutor, New York City .. 88 Testimony of Donald Chesworth, Superintendent, New York State Police .......... 90 Testimony of Robert Stutman, Special Agent-In-Charge, New York Division, D rug Enforcem ent A dm inistration .......................................................................... 93 Testimony of Dr. Robert Polk, Executive Director, Council of Churches of G reater N ew Y ork ....................................................................................................... 108 Testimony of Dr. Beny Primm, Executive Director, Addiction Research Corp ... 110 Testimony of David Paterson, New York State Senator .......................................... 113 Prepared statements: H on . C ha rles B . Rangel ........................................................................................... 116 H on . T ed W e iss ......................................................................................................... 12 1 H on . M a rio M . C uom o ............................................................................................. 123 Hon . E dw ard I. K och ............................................................................................... 140 G ordon M . A m bach .................................................................................................. 155 H on. A lfonse M . D 'A m ato ....................................................................................... 164 C h arles I. Schon h au t ............................................................................................... 166 J u lio A . M a rtin ez ..................................................................................................... 178 W illia m H opk in s ...................................................................................................... 183 L illia n G log a u ........................................................................................................... 190 B enjam in W a rd ........................................................................................................ 195 R obert M . M orgenthau ............................................................................................ 207 Ste rling J oh nson , J r ................................................................................................ 227 D onald 0 . C h esw orth ............................................................................................... 233 R obert M . Stu tm an .................................................................................................. 257 R obert L . Po lk ........................................................................................................... 270 B eny J . P rim m , M .D ................................................................................................ 277 H on. D aniel Patrick M oynihan ............................................................................. 282 R abbi H illel F riedm an ............................................................................................ 285 J oh n T . C o m er .......................................................................................................... 288 John M. Blangiardo .............................................. 290 (I1) TRAFFICKING AND ABUSE OF "CRACK" IN NEW YORK CITY FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1986 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SELECT COMMITrEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL, New York City, NY The committee met, pursuant to call, at 9:30 a.m., in the U.S. Court of International Trade, Ceremonial Courtroom, One Federal Plaza, the Hon. Charles B. Rangel (chairman of the committee) pre- siding. Present: Representatives Charles B. Rangel, Frank J. Guarini, Edolphus "Ed" Towns, Benjamin A. Gilman, and Joseph J. Dio- Guardi. Also present: Senators Alfonse M. D'Amato, and Lawton Chiles; Representatives Mario Biaggi, John Conyers, Jr., Bill Green, and Ted Weiss. Staff present: John T. Cusack, chief of staff; Elliott A. Brown, mi- nority staff director; Edward A. Jurith, counsel: and Ron LeGrand, counsel Mr. RANGEL. The Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Con- trol will open its hearing. Let me thank the members of the Select Narcotics Committee for joining us here in New York for this important hearing. Certainly Ben Gilman, the Ranking Minority Member, Frank Guarini, one of the hardest working members we have in the Congress and on the committee, and Joe DioGuardi, a member of the Congressional committee, also Ed Towns. We are able to function in the Congress because we have the sup- port of our colleagues, and we have also been joined by Mario Biaggi, who I am asking my colleagues to yield to in terms of ques- tioning because he has to leave early to attend a funeral; Ted Weiss, my partner on the west side, and representing Manhattan; and Bill Green, the third Member of Congress from the county of New York. Of course, most of you recognize the great crusader in this fight against drugs, Senator Al D'Amato, and most of you should know Senator Chiles who has made this one of his top priorities in the Congress and someone we can always depend on not just for sup- port but, more importantly, for leadership. Most all of you are here because you recognize how serious the problem is. Most of you know we are trying to develop a national strategy to deal with it, and most of you know the problem is get- ting worse instead of better, and we come here because Crack has (1) 2 now appeared to be taking more casualties than the straight use of cocaine and heroin and marijuana, and we do hope by these type of hearings and by having people to come to testify that we will fxuz attention and perhaps get a response from the White House.
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