SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME FOR ICSUSAT-2020 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 25 September 2020-Friday Opening : Prof. Dr. Iskender AKKURT (Chair of ICSuSaT-2020)—Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta / TURKEY Session Chair : Dr. Feride KULALI-- Uskudar University, Istanbul / TURKEY 10.30-12.30 Invited Speaker 1: Prof.Dr. Mansour H. ALMATARNEH --University of Jordan, Chemistry Department, Amman-JORDAN “Computational Mechanistic Study of Criegee Intermediate Reaction with Methane” Invited Speaker 2: Prof.Dr. Zakaria BOUMERZOUG-- University of Biskra, ALGERIA “Welding of dissimilar materials Case study : Metals with ceramic” Invited Speaker 3: Dr. Abdeen Mustafa Omer -- Energy Research Institute (ERI) Nottingham, UK “Sustainable Development in Green Energies and the Environment" Invited Speaker 4: Dr. Sunny J. KALAYATHANKAL -- K.E.College, Mannanam, Kerala, -INDIA “Fuzzy Modeling and Decision Making Applications in the Real World" 12.30-14.00 LUNCH ZOOM-1 ZOOM-2 Session Chair : Dr. Feride KULALI-- Uskudar University, Istanbul / TURKEY Session Chair : Dr. Miraç KAMIŞLIOGLU- Balıkesir University, Balıkesir / TURKEY Abstract # Authors Title Abstract Authors Title # 118 Amel Hamdani, Nawel Kheroufi, Hanane Kroini Impact of Acute Toxicity of Cadmium on 238 Bouras MOUNİR, Dermeche NASSİM1 , Modeling of photonic band gap in 1D and Noureddine Soltani reproduction period of Donax trunculus: Variation Ahmed KAHLOUCHE-University of M’sila, magneto-photonic crystals made by Badji Mokhtar University-Algeria of vitellin quality BP .166, Route Ichebilia, M’sila, Algeria. SiO2/ZrO2 or SiO2/TiO2 doped with magnetic nanoparticles 225 Tolga Ozcan, Ilyas Kartal and Mustafa Dogu Alev geciktirici Katkı İçeren Polipropilen 243 Alper ÖZSEVEN Evaluation of fluence smoothening on Marmara Univ. Istanbul-Turkey Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özelliklerinin Suleyman Demirel Univ. Isparta-Turkey treatment plan in intensity modulated radiation İncelenmesi. therapy 14.00- 188 Canberk Özgün, Filiz Bal Koçyiğit and Cihan Comparative study of HVAC System STtrategies 229 Tolga ÖZCAN, İlyas KARTAL, Mustafa Alev Geciktirici Katkı İçeren Polipropilen 15.40 Turhan for an Educational Building DOĞU Kompozitlerin Karakterizasyonu ve Yanma Ankara Atılım Univ. Atılım-Turkey Marmara Univ., Istanbul-Turkey Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi 191 Kubilay Demir Clarifying Some Misinterpretation about Industry 200 Mirac Kamislioglu Nuclear Radiation Shielding Parameters Bitlis Eren University-Bitlis-Turkey 4.0 Bandırma Onyedi Eylul Univ.Bandırma-Turkey Calculations for Different Antimony Oxide (Sb2O3) Content 122 Mukaddes Bekar, Hacire Ugur and Zuhal Er A Cover Prototype fort he ploating PV Cell 246 Mirac Kamislioglu A research on earthquake precursor with Istanbul Technical Univ. Istanbul-Turkey Bandırma Onyedi Eylul Univ.Bandırma-Turkey ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) Modelling 101 Jelena Lubura, Dr. Predrag Kojić, Dr. Jelena Determination of the influence of silica (IV) oxide 239 Faez WAHEED, Kadir GÜNOĞLU, Hakan Response Function of 3" x 3" NaI(Tl) Pavličević, Dr. Bojana Ikonić and Dr. Oskar Bera nanoparticles on the thermal properties of rubber AKYILDIRIM, İskender AKKURT scintillation for Cobalt (60Co) Isotropic source University of Novi Sad-Serbia products Suleyman Demirel Univ. Isparta-Turkey 31 Hayat Arbouz Modeling of a tandem solar cell structure based on 240 Faez WAHEED, Hakan AKYILDIRIM, Kadir FLUKA Plotting of gamma-Ray Distribution University of Blida 1-Algeria CZTS and CZTSe absorber materials GÜNOĞLU, İskender AKKURT outside Geometry Suleyman Demirel Univ. Isparta-Turkey 237 Sabiha ANAS BOUSSAA, Abdelhak BENKRID1 , Determination of chemical, morphological and 245 Kadir GÜNOĞLU, Osman GÜNAY, Iskender Radium-226 activity concentration in some Messaouda AYACHI, Naima ZAOURAR mechanical proprieties of silicon nitride coating AKKURT--Okan Univ. Isparta-Turkey beach sands in Istanbul: Alacalı beach BOUTAREK, Abdessalam HAZMOUNE,Mouhoub applied on silica crucible for silicon production. BIRANE--CRTSE-Algeria 135 Use of the Land Snails, Helix aspersa, as 61 Osman GÜNAY,Kadir GÜNOĞLU, Iskender 40K activity concentration in some sand Nedjoua Zaidi and Horia Menasri Bioindicator of Anthropogenic Pollution in Region AKKURT—Okan Univ. Istanbull-Turkey samples from Doğancalı beach University of Skikda-Algeria of Skikda (Northeast Algeria) 15.40- BREAK 16.00 ZOOM-1 ZOOM-2 Session Chair : Dr.Abdelmadjid RECIOUI - University of Boumerdes / ALGERIA Session Chair : Dr. Sabiha ANAS-- CRTSE / ALGERIA Abstract # Authors Title Abstract Authors Title # 222 Ezgi Yildirim and Bahar Yalçın Investigation of Factors Affecting Industry 4.0 77 Şeydanur KAPLAN,Yusuf CEYLAN, Kadir Determination of Radium-226 activity Istinye Univ., Istanbul-Turkey Awareness by Using Multiple Regression Analysis GÜNOĞLU, İskender AKKURT concentration in soil samples on the Meke Selçuk Univ.Konya-Turkey Lake volcano cone 220 Doğuş Karaoğlan and Osman Yildirim Exploring the Effects of Technological Addictions 231 Noor M. Asmael Exploring the Cracking and Healing Behavior Istanbul Arel Un. Istanbul-Turkey on Industry 4.0 Awareness Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq. of the Thin Asphalt Overlay 216 Emrah Idman and Prof. Dr. Osman Yıldırım Data Analysis with R in Photovoltaic Systems 34 The effect of subchronic exposure to the Leila Mallem, Narimène Bouabdallah, Amel Istanbul Arel Univ., Istanbul-Turkey mıxture of pestıcıdes on male reproductive Chouabia and Cherif Abdennour function ın the rat Faculty of Meecine Annabac-Algeria 215 Ebru İdman Investigation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in 209 Abdelmadjid Recioui and Youcef Grainat Thinning of 3D antenna arrays using the 16.00- Istanbul Arel Un. Istanbul-Turkey Office Environments University of Boumerdes firefly optimization algorithm 18.00 221 Sunay Batitürk and Osman Yıldırm Content Analysis of Occupational Health and 100 Nurettin Yiğit Kitiş, Emre Uğur Bal and A Hybrid molten salt dependent domestic hot Istanbul Kent Un. Istanbul-Turkey Safety Practices in Agriculture Cihan Turhan water system for smart building applications Ankara Atılım Univ., Ankara-Turkey using solar 224 Neslihan Şeran and Osman Yıldırm Investigation of Green Building Certification by 108 Amira Lakhdara, Tahar Bahi and Abdelkrim Performance Analysis of Powers Management Istanbul Kent Un. Istanbul-Turkey Content Analysis Moussaoui- 8 May 1945 Guelma University-Algeria of Hybrid System 223 Osman Yildirim, Hüseyin Çalik, Yusuf Özoğlu and Yüksek Voltaj Organik Panellerde Flyback 242 Esraa AL-SARAY, Kadir GÜNOĞLU, Study of the radiation attenuation coefficient Canan Akay Konvertör Paratemterelerinin Hesaplanması İskender AKKURT of barite-added epoxy resin Istanbul Univ.-Cerrahpaşa Istanbul-Turkey Suleyman Demirel Univ. Isparta-Turkey 241 Seher Arslankaya Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Ranked 198 Hadi Al-Baidhani, Kadir GÜNOĞLU, Relationship of soil terrestrial radionuclide Sakarya Univrsity-Sakarya-Turkey Positional Weighted Method in a Shower Cabin İskender AKKURT concentrations from Basra oil field and the Factory Suleyman Demirel Univ. Isparta-Turkey gonadal dose equivalent 244 Seher Arslankaya Predicting Hepatitis Patients with Artificial Neural 228 Mohammed A.ABDULFTAH Single-Phase Asynchronous motor using solar Sakarya Univrsity-Sakarya-Turkey Networks Ankara Yildirim Beyazit Univ. ,Ankara, Turkey water pump 227 Fatih BALKI, Mustafa Hilmi TANIŞ, Süleyman Tedarikçiye Otomatik Sipariş Sisteminin EKEN--Kocaeli Univ. Kocaeli-Turkey Geliştirilmesi 26 September 2020-Saturday Session Chair : Dr. Feride KULALI-- Uskudar University, Istanbul / TURKEY Invited Speaker 5: Dr. C. Menaka -- Bengaluru Bangalore University-INDIA “Recent Trends in Cloud Computing and its Applications" 10.00-11.30 Invited Speaker 6: Prof.Dr. Ahmad UMAR -- Najran University-SAUDI ARABIA “New Trend materials for semi-conductor Technology” 11.30-11.45 BREAK ZOOM-1 ZOOM-2 Session Chair : Dr. Alper OZSEVEN—Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta / TURKEY Session Chair : Dr. Osman GUNAY- Okan University, Istanbul / TURKEY Abstract Authors Title Abstract Authors Title # # 28 Ben Khadda Ben Ammar and Bouzidi Mezghiche The effect of carbonation on prefabricated concrete 138 Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Dep.ent-Algeria constructions in Algeria Fatma Ceren Dolay and Numan Hoda Aqueous Turmeric Extract and Their Üsküdar American Academy-Turkey Characterization 40 Elmeliani M'Hammed, Djafri Fatiha and Djafri The Reaction of Aza Michael catalyzed by H-ZSM- 183 Benouatas Assia, Boudjada Ali and Minnel Jean Characterization and crystal structure Ayada--University oran1-Algeria 5 under solvent-free conditions Universitédes Frères Mentouri, Constantine-Algeria biological activity of pentachlorotoluene 102 Ben Khadda Ben Ammar and Bouzidi Mezghiche Effect of curing type on accelerated carbonation 185 Chemseddine Zekkaoui, Tarek Berrama, et al. Optimization of Fenton process to degrade University of science and technology houari an emerging pollutant: Application of UNİVERSİTY BİSKRA-Algeria and compressive strength of precast concrete boumediene-Algeria Doehlert design 125 195 Yahia Saadaoui, Boubakeur Zegnini, Tahar Application Of Diffusive Representation In Farida Kaouah, Chahida Oussalah, Salim Sunlight active coupled zinc-iron oxide Seghier and Abdelkader Bouderbala The Analysis Of Dielectric Relaxation Boumaza and Mohamed Trari nanocomposite synthetized via solution combustion Amar Telidji University,Laghouat, Electrical Spectra In The Case Of Organic Dielectrics (USTHB-Algeria for the degradation of bisphenol
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