• OCTOBER 29 • 1993 Candlelight rally held protesting 1-601,602 Washington State University. voters. By Ian McDougall In a brief statement, Williams said the consequences of "This is basically preaching to the choir," he said. Daily Evergreen Staff the passage of 1-602 next Tuesday would have negative con- Three people at the rally were there to support Initiative sequences for WSU. 602. "WSU's budget would suffer the death of a thousand cuts Brian Banister, a sophmore in electrical engineering, said taken over time as the money available to the state dimin- Washington State's taxes have risen from the fifth lowest in Supporters from both sides of ishes, " he said. the United States to the tenth highest. "Growth in K to 12 education, social services such as the "Everyone should make up their own minds," he added. issue tum out for small vigil protection of children, and our corrections system will gob- "Don't let the school tell you what to vote for," Banister ble up what's left," Williams said. said. Williams said Washington ranks last in the nation in The district coordinator from the Committee to Limit Approximately 30 people held .il candlelight vigil outside access to public four-year higher education. Taxes Now, said she thought the vigil was a good idea. Holland library to protest Initiatives 601 and 602 Thursday The future of the state depends on this election, he added. She wonders, however, why they are protesting the initia- Gus Kravas, vice-provost for student affairs, also tives in this format. ni~:~ndan Williams, a criminal justice major, said the low attended the protest. Katrina Becker said, "I wonder where those people were turnout was due to the large amount of coverage the issue He said he supported the students in their efforts, and was to refute 601 and 602 at the debate Tuesday night. " has been given on campus. encouraged by the fact they were taking a stand. Becker said the government should reduce the amount of Advertising and public forums have educated people on "I think it's neat that students are taking a position on money that it wastes every year. campus about the issu~, he said. some policies that will affect them," he said. If the government were held accountable, higher educa- Williams is the chairman of Students Organized to Save Williams said he would liked to have spoken to undecided tion would not have to be cut, she added. Area One last time Lot arrests lacks made light By Emily Estes Daily Evergreen Staff By Heather Lusco Daily Evergreen Staff A Moscow man faces murder charges in Moscow, a WSU stu- The yard light in the AMCO dent was charged with threaten- pay parking lot on the corner of ing a UI fraternity and a Colorado and D Streets does not LaCrosse man faces charges for work - and has not since the failing to register as a sex parking lot first opened, a former offender in Whitman County in employee of the firm said. Thursday's court news. Garrett Riddle, who worked • William Gale Hagedorn for the company from November faces a first-degree murder 1992 until August of 1993, said charge in connection with the the area manager advised him the death of a Moscow woman Tues- light had not worked since the day night. parking lot first opened, but the Magistrate MIchael Griffin set company was looking into the a preliminary hearing for Nov. 5 situation. and ordered Hagedorn, 31, ~e held without bail Wednesday III "When I first started last year MoscOW. they told me they were attempt- JoAnn Grace Romero, 31 ing to provide lighting," he said. died of injuries suffe.red fro~ a "It surprises me that they 38-caliber gun shot 10 her right haven't. .. ~ide at 5:18 a.m. Wednesday at However, area manager Scott Gritman Medical Center. Reisenauer said, "I don't know Hagedorn originally told police when I first found out about it." Romero shot herself in. the cou- He refused to comment fur- ple's trailer in the Stadium Way ther. trailer court near the UI campus. Regional manager Ken Eichner Brannon Jordan, Latah County said, "This is the first time the sheriff's detective, stated Hage- situation has been brought to my dorn said Romero was very attention. " . intoxicated when she go.' home Staff photo by Brian Mckenna He said since he is based in from work Tuesday even 109 and Brendan Williams addressed the crowd at the anti- 1-601/1-602 candlelight vigil Thursday eve- ning. Approximately 30 people were in attendance. that the two argued and she See Lights: page 16 threatened to kill herself. Hagedorn reported he had been Hagedorn reported he heard a hearing for Nov. 5 for the aggra- drinking whiskey that evening. unshot after Romero walked to vated assault charge Thursday Deputies found a fifth with 2 morning. theg back of the trai'1er. INSIDE: inches of liquor left in it, accord- Hagedorn said he found her ing to the affidavit. Fraternity member Harley Wil- and the gun and went to the Romero was married to Hage- son told Dan Bruce, an investiga- neighbor's trailer to call an tor with the Moscow Police ambulance. He made the call at dorn's brother in 1983. They divorced in 1990. She lived with Department, that Chamba pointed . - Opinions 10:30 p.m. Hagedorn the past three years. a .22-caliber rifle directly at his Hagedorn later broke down in face and threatened to kill him, p.4 tears after he was asked why the Griffin could face the death Bruce's report states. spent shell casing was gone from penalty if convicted of murder. According to reports, Chamba - Sports the handgun, the court affidavit • Raymond T. Charnba, 22, told Bruce the fraternity members said. faces a felony charge in Latah had yelled racial insults at him p.g "It was an accident." Hage- County following reports he and he got the gun from his car. Chamba denied threatening to dorn told police. threatened several members of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity Oct. shoot anyone, and said he did Jordan filed a probable cause -Bordertlne 21. not point the gun at anyone, he report with the charge alleging was only trying to scare them, Hagedorn shot Romero in the Magistrate Bill Hamlett set a p.13 Red cars banned? p. 4 right side. bond of $3,000 and a preliminary See Crime: page 17 Page 2 The Daily Evergreen Friday, October 29. 1993 - BRIEFS SUSAN SAGAWA • Enjoy singing? University Singers is for you. Join us M-W-F at 1:10 ARTIST AND ASSOCIATE CURATOR OF BELLEVUE ART MUSEUM pm in Kimbrough Hall. No audition for more information call 335-5647 for info. • Every Monday Bible Study, located at Rogers Hall 12th floor at 7 pm. IIAn Insider's View: How an Art Museum Works" Any questions? Please call Kim at 332-1833. A behind-the-scenes look at how art museums • Real Estate Club field trip to Spokane on Nov. 1. For more information call Brent at 334-7942. operate and how artists fit into the scenario. 4 p.m.. Monday, November 1, 1993 • Fine Arts Auditorium • ASWSU Films Committee meeting every Tuesday at 5 p. m. The meeting is held on the 3rd floor of the CUB. New members are encouraged to attend. ____ Also: Brownbag luncheon discussion of her work _ • Dad's Weekend Spaghetti Dinner Saturday Nov. 6 at St. Thomas Monday, 12 noon, Fine Arts Conference Room More Catholic Church, Newman Center, NE 820 B St., will be held at Sponsored by Fine Arts Department, Museum of Art, & Visual, Performing & Literary Arts Committee 5:30-7:30 pm. Reservation required, for more information call 332-6311. • The African American Association is hosting a Dad's Weekend potluck Nov. 5 at 6:30 pm. at the Simpson Methodist Church. ~[FSD SHOW " \Q)Mu~O@[% • Men interested in informal Rush call 335-RUSH. • Alcoholics Anonymous meet M-F at 12: 10 p. m. on the 3rd floor of [EQY.IPM~~T SWAP ff:3 SALE the Koinonia House, located next to the Bookie. .Isshinryu Karate Club meets 6-8 p.m. in Smith gym, room 21, October 29, 30, 31 Tuesdays and Thursdays. Questions? Contact Mike Vafeados at October 29: 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. Equipment check-in 334-2256. Octover 30: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The swap, show and sale October 31: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Unsold equipment & check pick-up • KUGR Album Toss- This week is Peter Gabriel Urge Overkill and special guests. Friday at noon outside 301 Murrow. - • Curbside Recycling is here, last weekend of every month. Call * * * 334-7831 for more information. Sponsored by ASWSU Environmental All this and more at the WSUfieldhouse Taskforce and RCR. (Call (509) 335-2651 for more information) • Come join in the fun on Sat. Oct. 30 at the Halloween Masquerade Dance at Gannon/Goldsworthy from 9 p.m. tomidnight.,Wear a . costume, get in free. • Pre-med Club meeting: Sunday Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. in Morrill Hall room 140. Come to our Halloween Party. Sponsorsdby ASWSU, WSU Ski Team, and the Outdoor Ree Center • Amnesty International meets every Friday at noon in the Koinonia House. • "Wicked Wonderland" Halloween Carnival. Sunday Oct 31, FINE 5:00-7:30 p.m. at Gladish gym in Pullman. Food, fun, games, prizes and Butch the Cougar. For kids of all ages. Sponsored by Pullman Parks and Recreation and WSU Recreation and Leisure Studies. AND • WSU Country Dance Club Halloween Dance! Oct.
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