Scripture Index

Scripture Index

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04260-5 - The Bible on Silent Film: Spectacle, Story and Scripture in the Early Cinema David J. Shepherd Index More information Scripture index Genesis 19:16, 55 4, 24, 137 19–20, 54–5 4:14, 286 20, 232 6:1–4, 278 20:4, 238 6:5, 278 21:24, 187 6:13–21, 281 32, 56–9, 233–8 7:1–4, 281 32:20, 239 8, 276 32:27–28, 239 11, 276 32–34, 119 16, 143 Numbers 19, 219–23 12, 233, 238, 244 37, 149–50 13, 16 39:10, 151 13-14, 107 39:11, 151 16, 233 41-46, 151 21, 16 Exodus Deuteronomy 1:11–14, 75 8:3, 54 1:12, 75 34:5, 58 1:15–22, 78 Judges 1:15–2:10, 25 4-5, 141–2 2, 136 11, 69–70 2:1, 77 13, 65, 213 2:2–11, 79–85 13–16, 214 2:3–7, 41, 45–7 14:5–6, 214 2:9, 85 15-16, 43 2:11–4, 88 16:5, 106 3:1–4, 47–50 16:12, 215 3:2, 111 16:15–16, 215 3:3, 48 16:21, 280 7-14, 76 First Samuel 9:18–35, 109 1:12-15, 1 11-12, 109–16 10, 205 12:30, 116 13, 205 12:37, 116 16:19, 67 14, 16 17, 66 14:10–31, 50–2 17:34–36, 206 14:19, 111 18, 142 15:20–21, 51 21-22, 207 16, 16 22, 142 16–17, 52–4 24, 143 17, 16 311 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04260-5 - The Bible on Silent Film: Spectacle, Story and Scripture in the Early Cinema David J. Shepherd Index More information 312 Scripture index First Kings 27:51, 266, 269 1–3, 202 28, 16 3:16–28, 68 28:2–3, 272 10:1-13, 144–7 Mark 10:13, 146 9:2–8, 29 18, 285 10:13-14, 174 Second Kings 11:27, 264 11, 65 12:12, 264 First Chronicles 12:17, 264 2:15, 206 Luke Esther 6:11, 264 2:8, 104 9:28–36, 29–30 Daniel 15:11–32, 192 3:25, 221 18, 172 5, 101–4 20:25, 264 6:22, 49 23:34, 99 Judith John 7:7, 164 1:1, 11 7:17, 165 2:1, 172 14:6-7, 167 2:11, 172 Matthew 3, 16 2:16–18, 25, 79 6, 16, 24 4:4, 54 8, 264 8:2–3, 242, 244 18:10, 271 11:19, 173 19:6, 265 12:21, 264 20:19, 273 16:26, 242 First Corinthians 17:1–9, 29 10, 24 17:5, 32 10:4, 16 17:6, 30 Second Timothy 23, 24 3:16, 90 26, 16 Hebrews 27, 24 11:23, 25, 116 27:22-28, 187 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04260-5 - The Bible on Silent Film: Spectacle, Story and Scripture in the Early Cinema David J. Shepherd Index More information General index 1 Maccabei (Cines, 1911), 158 Athalie (Racine, 1691), 118 audience competition, 227, 259 Aaron, biblical character, vii, 57, 58, 110, 112, 115, 116, 122, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 231, 232, Babington, Bruce, 3, 4 233, 238 Bach, Alice, 1 Abel, biblical character, 18, 106, 138 Baltimore Afro-American, 257 Abel, Richard, 3, 5, 6, 44, 45, 61, 96, 111, 124, 133, Bara, Theda, 198–200, 207 146 Belshazzar, biblical character, 101–4, 118, Abraham, Claude, 119 176–90, 288 Absalom, biblical character, 143 Benoit-Lévy, Édouard, 95 Absalon (Pathé, 1912), 143 Bentley, T., 56 acting, 97, 168 Berger, Artur, 253, 307 Adam, biblical character, 18, 140 Bernardini, A., 157, 301 adaptation, 9 Bible, as mediated text, 224, 239, 244–6, 277, history of 278, 285 Esther, 100–1 Bible ‘De Sacy’, 10 Feast of Belshazzar, 100–1 Bio, xii, 89, 90, 91, 105, 117, 125, 134 Judith, 100–1 Biograph Bulletin, 37 literary, 9, 193, See also I.N.R.I. (Rosegger) Birchard, R. S., 227, 236, 289, 302 musical, 9 Bitzer, Billy, 178, 307 pictorial, 9, 120–2, 231 Blackton, Stuart, director, v, 4, 10, 61, 64, 66, 67, theatrical, 67–8, 197, 198–200, 205–7 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, A Fool There Was (Fox, 1915), 198 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, Alexandre, René, actor, 146 114, 116, 117, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 26, 38, 122 130, 132, 133, 135, 152, 158, 165, 166, 194, Altman, Rick, 31 199, 205, 206, 207, 230, 231, 282, 291, Ambrosio, Italian production company, 123, 136, 296, 297 154, 157, 298 Blythe, Betty, 201–5 Ammann, J. J., 14 Boccacio (Sascha, 1919), 217 Amram, biblical character, 125–34 Bogan, Boris, 263 A Narrow Escape (Pathé, 1908), 135 Boillat, Alain, 43 Anderson, Howard (Sr), 269 Bondanella, Peter, 159 Andréani, Henri, director, 10, 125–53 Boston Globe, 257, 307 Andréani Films, French production Bour, Armand, 96 company, 153 Bourbon News, 203 Andrews, Lew, 54 Bousquet, Henri, 41 Anna Karenina (Fox, 1915), 197 Bowser, Eileen, 72, 73, 85, 94, 160, 302 Anthony, Walter, 196 Brewster, Ben, 192 anti-Jewish portrayal, 188–90, 264–6 Brill, Lesley, 181 anti-legalism, 186, 194, 240, 244–5, 292 British Gaumont, British production Athalie (Pathé, 1911), 95 company, 37 313 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04260-5 - The Bible on Silent Film: Spectacle, Story and Scripture in the Early Cinema David J. Shepherd Index More information 314 General index Britt, Brian, 4 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 269, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 18, 307 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, Brooks, Peter, 126 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 292, 293, 299, 305 Brown, Karl, 177 Cyrus, biblical character, 101–4, 177, 183, 184, 185, Brownlow, Kevin, 160, 177, 178, 183, 203, 204, 186, 187, 189, 190, 208 287, 302 Buchanan, Judith, 100, 157, 162 Daniel, biblical character, 101–4 Daniel dans la fosse aux lions (Pathé, 1904–5), 44 Cabiria (Itala, 1914), 159, 177, 178, 179, 291 Dathan, biblical character, 234–7 Caiaphas, biblical character, 18, 262–6 David, biblical character, 66–8, 142, 205–7 Cain, biblical character, 18, 106, 136–41, 286 David and Goliath (Kalem, 1908), 66 Caïn et Abel (Pathé, 1911), 136–41 David et Goliath (Pathé, 1911), 125 Cairns Post, 209 David et Sau¨l (Pathé, 1911), 142, 298 Campbell, Richard, 3, 7 Davis, Thomas, 243 Capellani, Albert, director, 65, 106 Davis, Tim, 2 Carmen (Fox, 1915), 197 Debona, Guerric, 2 Carou, Alain, 95 Delilah, biblical character, 43, 106, 212–17 Carr, Harry, 189 DeMille, Cecil B., director, 4, 7, 10, 227–46, 282, Carré, Michel, director/writer, 118, 192 292 Caserini, Mario, director, 101, 157 Dickens, Charles, 190 catalogues, 8 Die Dame mit dem Schwarzen Handschuh (Sascha, American Mutoscope and Biograph, 17 1919), 212 Lubin, 29, 62 Die Königin von Saba (Goldmark, 1875), 146 Pathé, 41, 45, 51, 53, 57, 127, 142 Die Lichtbild-Bu¨hne, 225, 226 Chateaubriand, François-René de, 119 Die Sklavenkönigin/Moon of Israel (Sascha/FBO, Cherchez la Femme (Sascha, 1921), 217 1924/1927), 4, 246–58, 260, 280, 283, 288 Chicago Tribune, 256, 300 Dijkstra, B., 233, 307 Childs, Brevard, 24, 302 Doeg, biblical character, 206 church Don’tChangeyourHusband(Paramount, 1918), 227 as venue for exhibition, 38, 71, 73 Doré, Gustave, vi, 21, 26, 27, 33, 38, 44, 59, 108, figures, as consultants, 89–92 111, 231 Ciné-Journal, xii, 99, 108, 125, 153, 307 dramatic arts, 9, 96–8, 119 cinematography medieval, 24 camera movement, 80, 87, 132, 139, 144, 149, Drew, William, 185, 189, 194, 211 171, 177 Dumont, Hervé, 3, 7, 44, 261 point-of-view, 164, 172 shot distance, 69, 72, 82, 87, 117, 132, 149, 155, Eckhardt, J., 29 174, 176, 229, 267, 271, 279 Éclair, French production company, 123, 124, 125, shot length, 69 136, 197, 297, 306, 307 tricks. See tricks; cinematic Edden, Valerie, 25 vignette, 106 editing, 80 Cines, Italian production company, 101, 123, 157, parallel action, 82 158, 159, 162, 297, 298 shot length, 80, 87, 229 Cleopatra (Fox, 1917), 197 Edwards, J. Gordon, director, 24, 197, 198, 199, Cohen, J., 25 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, Coissac, Guillaume Michel, film historian, 11 209, 210, 219, 223, 228, 229, 231, 242, 246, Collins, Alf, director, 38 247, 248, 280, 299, 303 Columbia Evening Missourian, 202, 203 Eisenstein, Sergei, director, 190 Connelly, Marc, 293 Eli, biblical character, 1 copyright deposit descriptions, 8, 205, 231, 243, 301 Elijah, biblical character, 18, 285 Corda, Maria, 213 Elley, Derek, 3, 44 Cosandey, Roland, 2 Elliott, Kamilla, 206, 232, 303 Curtiz, Michael, director, 3, 10, 211, 212, 217, 218, Elsaesser, Thomas, 126 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 229, 239, 242, Erdman, A., 56 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, Esau, biblical character, 106 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04260-5 - The Bible on Silent Film: Spectacle, Story and Scripture in the Early Cinema David J. Shepherd Index More information General index 315 Esther, biblical character, 18, 104–5, 248 Haggard, L. Rider, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 254, Esther (Gaumont, 1910), 104–5 256, 278, 287 Esther (Pathé, 1913), 149, 181 Hall, S., 160, 205 Evans, Peter, 3, 4 Haman, biblical character, 118 Eve, biblical character, 18, 140 Handel, Georg Friedrich, 9, 101 Exum, Cheryl, 106 Hannah, biblical character, 1 Eyman, Scott, 259, 261, 263, 266, 275, 289, 303 Hanson, B., 179 Harrison, L.

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