Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room PLEASE RETURN TO MAIN DESK FULLERTON PUBUC LIBRARY Se K S * ' ^^Eason’s (grEeimgs FULLERTON OBSRVR FULLERTON erton Observer Fullerton’sB Only Local Independent NevJSpSpWtiWinted on recycled paper) No.250 HOLIDAY, 1995 DEC 1 4 1995 Ground Broken on First Non-Profit, Affordable Rental Housing Development in Fullerton Fullerton Interfaith Housing Development Corporation Does Its Part to Provide More Room at the ‘Fullerton Inn’ for Those in Need The Rev. Bob Kelly, a founding member By Ralph A. Kennedy The project also owes its success to local the co-developer with FIHDC of East attorney-developer Douglas Chaffee, who is Chapman Villas. of FIHDC, who has since retired from the It wasn’t easy, but the very low income Fullerton College faculty and Western Fam­ families who will eventually occupy the 27 ily Institute, which he headed, spoke of the affordable apartments known as East motivation for such housing. Chapman Villas, will surely be testimony “There are several necessary components that it was well worth it! for a vital and viable community: strong “There won’t be any long speeches by stable families, competent education and Directors of the Fullerton Interfaith Housing health care systems, employment opportuni­ Development Corporation (FIHDC) today, ties, free political expression and adequate because we all decided that this development housing,” he said. and this service will speak louder than any “The only one of these which we frequently words,” the Rev. Jon West, president of fall behind on providing is adequate afford­ FIHDC, told about 100 people at the Villas’ able housing,” he continued. Dedication and Ground-breaking ceremony “The 27 units in the East Chapman Villas Nov. 18. with their very affordable rents is a good start There are always those who will oppose towards making up for our local shortages,” such an affordable housing developments, Kelly said. He then turned to Gary but the Fullerton congregations that helped Chalupsky, Director of the Fullerton Rede­ found FIHDC have rallied behind each phase velopment Agency, from whence the money of the project; and it was this consistent came to make the apartments so affordable, community support plus the expertise of an and asked, “How about a goal for the year excellent Development Team assembled by 2045 of 15% affordable housing provided by FIHDC that has brought us to this day of non-profit organizations?” Pictured at the groundbreaking of East Chapman Villas are, from left to right; Mr. West cited the precedent of Fullerton dedication, West explained. The Rev. Jon West, President of the FIHDC; Douglas Chaffee, co-developer; Interfaith Emergency Service (FIES) suc­ Paulette Chaffee and the 2 Chaffee boys ; Owen Dean, Executive Director of cessfully responding to a need for shelter and FIHDC; former Fullerton Mayor, Molly McClanahan; Fullerton Redevelopment other services for homeless families, as hope Is the Fullerton Director Gary Chalupsky; Fullerton City Manager Jim Armstrong; Senior that a similar interfaith effort can now be Fullerton Planner Joel Rosen with his daughter; the Rev. Bob Kelley, a successful in providing the needed affordable founding director of FIHDC; Architect Rick Crane; and contractor Peter Beard Chamber Facing Continued on p. 4 Bankruptcy? (behind Crane). Chamber official Commission Rescinds Mandatory Invocations By Carroll Gewin fended the action, citing the fact that the U.S. Neal complained that The Observer had confirms cash flow Senate and House of Representatives begin overstated the case with its headline that the Reversing its action of Sept. 12, the Fuller­ their sessions with prayers. Continued on p.7 deficit near $30,000. ton Community Services Commission voted _________ By Jack Harloe_________ 5 to 2 to rescind a procedure requiring an invocation or short prayer at the beginning of Sa Reluctantly Relinquishes Dr. Richard Jones, current president of the each of its meetings. Fullerton Chamber of Commerce, told a re­ Leading the effort to overturn the action cent Rotary Club meeting that lagging pay­ was Commissioner Benjamin Berkley, who Mayoralty to Chris Norby ment of membership dues, coupled with a was absent when the vote was taken to ap­ “balloon” payment on a loan taken out years prove the prayers by a 4 to 2 margin. According to a well informed source who requested ago with the Chamber office building and Berkley objected to the provision on the anonymity, Sa’s decision to give up the post occurred only other housing owned by the Chamber as grounds that the commission’s meetings are collateral has resulted in acash crunch which,' not a proper forum or venue for such reli­ after heavy lobbying by local Republican Party officials. if not met, could jeopardize the Chamber’s gious activities. By Jack Harloe future. Further, he contended that the commis­ In a term marked by consistent bungles in Jones, in a somber assessment of the situa­ sion had exceeded its authority in adopting Julie Sa’s term as Mayor ended amid elementary parliamentary procedure, or­ tion, told the Observer that while the response the rule. “Our role is to recommend policy, bungles, brickbats, and many lavish bou­ chestrated public comment, and a detestable from his appeal for new members has been not make it,” he said. “The City Council quets. There were so many floral tributes in racial slur, the Council meeting Tuesday, heartening, the immediate cash needs of the makes policy.” fact that it was difficult to determine whether December 5 only occasionally lapsed into Chamber are of such a magnitude that the Commissioner John Neal, who made the the occasion was a funeral or a horse race; incivility. Continued on p. 4 original motion to adopt the policy, de- either at times would have seemed fitting. Continued on p.7 MORE INSIDE “W alk in My yx' - igj Human Relations Commission Approves Affirmative Action Resolution Page 3 Shoes” at MM-- Fullerton Airport Crash: Pilot Error or Were There Other Factors? Page 8 CSUF A Sow on the Lips Is Worth Two on the Hips Page 14 Page 15 Renaissance Woman & NOCCCD Trustee, Nilane Lee, Dies at Age 60 Page 16 Commentary Page 3 Bulk Rate FULLERTON OBSERVER CAR-RT Sort Council Doings Page 4 POST OFFICE BOX 7051 U.S. Postage PAID School Subjects Page 5 About Fullerton Page 6 FULLERTON, CA. 92634 Permit No. 1577 Fullerton, Ca. Classifieds Page 15 Vol. Opportunities Page 20 Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room Page 2 FULLERTON OBSERVER NEWS HOLIDAY, 1995 Since my first days on a bicycle, the safest, funnest way to travel through central Fuller­ ton has been on Wilshire Avenue. I have D ie JCast Douleuardier traveled on Wilshire daily since Joyce Lang was my kindergarten teacher at Raymond D y Chris rBeard Elementary School. From 1970 to 1972, I rode my sky blue A Tale of Two Wilshires Schwinn Stingray to Wilshire Junior High and after that until 1976,1 traveled Wilshire on my way to Fullerton Union High School. In 1950, my parents lived in a small apart­ ment above a furniture store on Wilshire until their new house was completed and, to this day, I still look up at it and smile. Until two years ago, I have always had a business or office on Wilshire Avenue. In 1980,1 called 20th century Fox in New York and canceled the Rocky Horror Picture Show which had been playing at the Wilshire The­ ater, which I owned. I knew of the other Wilshire Theater in Los Wildcats Forever Angeles, and I had always been aware of Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles; and it always happened to own the land, and saw to it that seemed natural to me that the big street in the one of the most beautiful churches in Los big town and the little street in the little town Angeles came to life there at the comer of were bom to the same person. Normandie and Wilshire. H. Gaylord Wilshire of Cincinnati was Years later, one block to the east, another born June 7, 1861, died Sept. 27, 1927; and beautiful building, the Ambassador Hotel, in between those dates was a true boulevard- was where Bobby Kennedy’s life on this ier. He was the wealthiest socialist in Wilshire Boulevard, from Westwood to downtown L.A. earth ended. “With the increasing comfort and speed of transportation, California is fast America. His publication “The Challenge” Sometimes I’ll fly over UCLA, just north becoming the winterplayground of the American leisure class. I have no doubt sought to bring an end to the capitalist rule of of Wilshire Blvd. and look down at Pauley that when we have socialism, and the place of man’s abode will be determined America. Pavilion, where John Wooden coached the by his will rather than as now by his job, Southern California will be the most Gaylord inherited and amassed three for­ greatest basketball teams in college history. thickly populated part of the American continent.” - H. Gaylord Wilshire tunes and lost them all..He would give prizes Other times, I’ll pedal past the old for subscriptions to his publication. These Wilshire Junior High in Fullerton, and re­ prizes ranged from cars and vacations to 10- Edwin T. Earl. Earl invented the first suc­ son Dominic and Ernie Chapman’s grandfa­ member Greg Tucker, Doug Elliot, and acre fruit orchards in a California city named cessful combination ventilator/refrigerator ther Charles could send the fruits of Fullerton Keith VanHorne leading the Wildcats, the Ontario. car which made possible the transportation across the nation. greatest basketball team in junior high his­ of perishable fruits long distances, and thus On May 31, 1887, Gaylord and his half A couple of blocks west of Edwin’s house tory, to victory after victory.
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