10/12/78 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 10/12/78; Container 95 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Staff_Secretary.pdf ., ' «1. "' ,;;,'.,., ...,. .~~·~·, ··~_. ~. ,c:r c.~~· r:. i)J>~ ~o"., t~.d-o':O.(V~. ~ITHDRAWAL'SHE~T fpf:t·esn)~NTI~L;bJBR~R:tes) .·... ·.o:;,:··~·:~~-· :!-:::·.~/·~ ·:~,.. ·:~~ , ,,,•). .'>FORM pi= ,, '• DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENT~ OR Tl'tLE .. ' Memo Raf'shoon. t~· Pres·~ Carter~ w/attachmets. ·,i '• 2 PP· I re: Robert Griff in . ·.. ' \ "" ' Memo Kraft to Pres. Carter/ -w/attachments ~t " ' ~ "~_,r' . ~ " : 4 pp., re:Personal commen.ts c .i> Memo ~ze.zinsJd te Pree •" Cartci'r, 'v/iattsg'ftme:u:it·&. 3 pp., re.Visit of PM cna.rnapan ('fh&ilaiiQ.f 7/2.1/78'.' ~V\ut ,<r- ~Ac JJJ...C-12..(-;'1-Jf·I·-J 1 {/l7/IJ. Meino Ncintyre to Pres.· Carter, w/attachments 13 pp., re: 2nd Divis io in Korea · ·· 10/11/76, A '" '. Carter Presidential Papers-Staff Offices·,· Office· of s.t:a'ff ·pee. ,-pr~·sidential , Handwriting File 10/12/78 Box 106 · : • · · ' ... o·L'"' {o,ti o RESTRICTION CODES . •. .; v (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356igoverr;~tng;access to natlonal·secl.lrity informati~n. '\::,. ."1'' ·.:. (B)· Closed b¥ statute or by the agency·whlch o~iglnatecl the document. .. (C)· Closed in accordance with riiS,trictlons containect in the donor's deed of 'gift: .. " NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION, NA FORM '142~ (8-8.5) Revised: THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE 10/10/78 4:45 p.m. Thursday - October 12., 1978 7:30 Senator Russell B. Long, Congressman Al Ullman (15 min.) and Secretary Michael Blumenthal. (Mr. Frank Moore) - The Oval Office. 8:15 D~. Zbigniew Brzezinski The Oval Office. 8:45. Mr. Frank Moore The Oval Office. 9:09 Signing Ceremony for H. R. 8588, ·Inspector (15 min.) General Bill. (Mr. Frank Moore)· - Cabinet Room. 9:15 , Meeting with New York Congressional Delegation. · (15 ·min.) (Mr. Frank Moore) The Roosevelt Room. 10:00 Mr.· Jody Powell The oval Office. 10:55 Opening Ceremony for the-Egyptian-Israeli (15 min.) Peace Talks The Residence .. 11:30 Vice President Walter F. Mondale, (30 min.) Admiral Stan~field Turner, Dr. Zbigniew • Brzezinski, and Mr. Hamilton Jordan. The Oval Office. 12:30 Lunch with Mrs. Rosalynn Carter - Oval Office. (60 min.) 1:30 Mr. James Mcintyre The Oval Office. (20 min.) 2:00 Meeting with Congressional Group/Energy. (20 min.) (Mr. Frank Moore) - The Cabinet Room. .. '-. • A·~· ·--- ----~ ---~·--------~··-·-·-·---·-· _:_ ___ ___ _ .· ·: .... ·,·.. _.- .... THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 10/12/78 Tim Kraft The attached was returned in the Pr-esident's outbox today and is forwarded to you for appro­ priate handling .. .• . ~ Rick Hutcheson · .. ;:-· ._.,_,. ., .. I FOR STAFFING FOR INFORMATION ~FROM PRESIDENT'S OUTBOX LOG IN7TO P·RESIDENT TODAY IMMEDIATE 'PURN<J\ROUND NO DEADLINE LAST DAY FOR ACTION - - ADMIN CONFID CONFIDENTIAL z 0 SECRET H 8H EYES ONLY U>t ~·li-4 VICE PRESIDENT ,.-' - EIZENSTAT " -- --- JORDAN ARAGON 'r KRAFT BOURNE -- , ' ... LIPSHUTZ BUTLER MOORE H. CARTER POWELL :CLOUGH , I WATSON COSTANZA WEXLER CRUIKSHANK BRZEZ.INSKI FALLOWS MCINTYRE FIRST LADY SCHULTZE GAMMILL HARDEN HUTCHESON ADAMS ' JAGODA ANDRUS LINDER : BELL l\1ITCHELL BERGLAND MOE BLUMENTHAL PETERSON BROWN PETTIGREW CALIFANO PRESS HARRIS RAFSHOON KREPS SCHNE ID.ERS MARSHALL VOORDE .SCHLE&INGER WARREN STRAUSS WT~k' VANCE THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON. Ocbober ·6, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE .PRESIDENT FROM: TIM KRAFT T( fWJS SUBJECT: Telephone Calls - Week df Octobe~ ~, 19~~ . Lady Bird Johnson >S1gnal Board .. You have several topics you could discuss with Lady Bird: Congratulations on her new granddaughter,, daughter (born a couple of months ago} of Lt., Gov. Chuckand Linda Robb; Chuck is. doing a good joh in Virginia; you can share, in· ·· confidence, with Lady Bird. Rosa lynn's commi tmer:1t to Lucy ~ugent to go on the Papal Coronation trip; you may want o ask her for any suggestions she may have for involving Linda-Bird in some projects with RSC -- maybe the urban ::::;: JZ;/or#ds, ~.e;.:u:;fz~.Tex;z:.,~~ r?~t!ug//~~;, :.;:~._,,.~ ~;.;:,.~ ~ John Sengstacke Chicago,. I'llinois (312/225..,..2400 The Chicago Defende·r is the oldest (190'5.} and largest ~lack daily and the flagship ·of Sengstacke's 10--'newspaper chain. John is tf.re nephew o.f the founder and now chai!!man of the Board. He was the founder of the National Newspaper· · · ·· Publishers Association; the Organization of Editors of Black Newspapers. .The Defende·r in recent months· has become mo. re s. uppor5-ve of the Pr.~es~ent.. (Recent clips attached) . NOTES: r,._._./ f /"-'i ,.. Carter scores twice . - ~resident Jimmy Carter made a big hit with black cit- zens last week. First, he refused to bow to white pres­ sure to fire Andrew. Young and then he huddled with a number of black leaders and agreed tQ back their pro­ posals to improve tbe life of minorities. ) -- - Even after UN Ambassador Young had apologized for his 'undiplomatic' statement and the President had ac­ cepted it, top government officials and other whi_te lead­ ers were clamoring for his resignation. But the Presi­ dent pointed out that Young was an important and valu~ able official who had greatly helped with U.S. policy ln · Africa and elsewhere. · _ The Chief Executive's session-with black leaders,. Rev. Jesse Jackson, Mayor Richard Hatcher, the Rev. Ed-- . ward Riddick, Nancy Jefferson,· Dr. Alvin Poussaint~. Bunny Mitchell~-Dr. Therman Evans and other presiden­ tial aides, was. held to discuss black -economic~ educa­ tional and political opportunities. And the President· promised to support the goals. -· National PUSH presidentJesse·Jackson said the Pl"es­ ident also indicated that he would comply with a PUSH request to select a citizens committee to monitor the awarding of contracts and grants to ·minority groups. Also gaining Presidential interest was a proposal for a vigorous voter registration drive among high school stu- . dents. ..... · . Detailed also were proposal~ for the establishment of · a project medical school to train doctors fer inner cities and plans to set up a new apprenticeship program for prisoners who lack job skills. _ :Before the meeting with the leaders. President Carter, · inview of the Bakke case ruling, had reemphasized his . ·!Ommifment to the affirmation action program. Carter ~ tg b~'fJauded for his efforts on behalf of ~inprfties) . ~___ {!-if 7t:bj'·? . I .t . _;.~ :--·~-:,..,. -:---:-::_~~ -_·:·.~--~~~.-:- -~~ --- --~ - _, . _; ___ --···. -:·_,..-: .. ·•. ·. : .. ", ' . '-~ ~_--ir..·~ j-:!.: ·.f~- .- -.. · ·. ~ ·-·. ·. ·- .. .,_ --------:----~-----~-..;._;_--~...... .... ··~- .. ~···. · Qlica_go Thfun6er . ..... :· ,: ~ --; . -~ . JOII:\ IL.SE:\GSTA('KEC ~~\--~ . ,:.. _ .. .<_ .·· "~ _.... .--.-- .. ·· ' .::·Editor & Publisher · - . - , .- -'.1 .-· .."'\ .... __ . ,' _... ~' ~ -- -_SENGST ~CKE Newspapers ..... PITT"i8l:Rc~H ('Ul'RII-:R ... OHICl COl'RIER . DETROIT COl'RII-~R ·' .. ' .. ~ :\r\TIO:'IoiAL COl'RIER --~. ·~·- .. ;- . ,_ . ?---~-~..;._ _______________PHli.AI)t:t.PHIA C'Cll'RIER_, -L·-- _·.-.....- - ~:i··:_ ~·-. c)~ rig an:d -~ tiis_. critics--~.-~'~.-:<< ·} .(.· ,__ ~ -- · Til- -· - - ~tici~~ that:~eetedtheCarter Ad·~-·- .. ;.: : -:. on's choice of-Andrevi,Yo~g as U. S. Aiilbassador , . - · ~:: :.' \ ~-;~to the United Nations continues to Iiobble-the Ambassa:- < ·_ . · ~:~·j';.~ -:;· ~·:-• dors· every st_ep at a frequency tinged ~th;~acism)'".Pefi.-_ '- · -· _- c.:. tions: with thousands of names have-- been signed 'for his.· ....• . ·.· ..;-·- ~'· :~-:_: . -:-·~_removal, Britain- Foreign Office does not like ~him- and_.· . .})/_~_.~:_-.:.: ... --.· ·~~2~-\~~~ >: ~- ~~:r~:e:~.emie~ ~,~~-:~~r:e_.~o~~: 8.D~:::t, ~~·~tate ~.~· .~ _- .'·:~:;:,~.:-·. __ .. ,,_ ,_., . ::.-;:Despite these obtrusive~attitudes,:Young is highly·re-:.· < \:7-. · --~~,: ·sptreted in the United Nations where he enjoys a;reputa..:. :.> '···::. • - :-<' ·,- tion of being f~ank, hQnest and outspoken.· The opposition :~ · . '·.> ::< -_ to. him grows out. of_ three. component- reactions:, First~ < .·•- •. ~ .·. ;::: >· ~-:-vo·un~is the first black _to .become, chief_U~ S.. _delegate -~ .· .. ·..... ·.--'~o- the ·world--organization; ''second, he is' plain' spoken-·. ·:;:· --:- and he- sees the African problems irr the perspeCtive of -~. the African expectation and design; third, he does not , . :_: ·.. hide ·his meaning·· under the cloak of ~us to mary: diploma- ·. ._ .• : :--- ·_ cy with the traditional, nebulous and deceptive rhetoric. •· ' --- Those are personal characteristics that will never en:. • '- ·_· dear Young in the hearts of whit~folk..who would. like to • . ·.. i.. ~--_see hiln play the despicable legendary role of an Uncle ..·_ .. ·· · r · .Tom. Previous U.S: Ambassadors to the United Nations · · .) .-·· ·were State Department's glorified errand boys ·who fol- > 1 · "'~ · lowed to the letter the department's African· policy of in- · · .. ·_ ~;· -.• difference and contempt · •- . - · · ; - . · .~-, ' . Young is not a conformist. He was forged on the anvil···· · "'-of the civil rights struggle and sharpened his. wit under :. .·. · tbe tutelage_ of a fearless strategist, Dr.- Martin Luther . .. Ki,ng ,Jr .. It is this legacy of direct, uncompromised fac- ' '· ing of truth and :t:ealities which· underpins Mr. Young's . ws and colors his_ poliCies. -. - . _. Whatever the criticism, political realists in the admi­ .. __ ·nis~ ation know that Andrew Young has enough- of a fol- '· .~ ; ' lowing among blacks- to make him a power unto himself.
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