1 August 10, 1940 PACIFIC ELECTRIC MAGAZINE 3 2 PACIFIC ELECTRIC MAGAZINE August 10, 1940 have been justly proud of the fact that nowhere in the country, and in no industry of the Nation, has there been maintained a Hospital Associa­ tion as outstanding in every detail as our own; whose services have been more diversified; whose hospitaliza­ tion has been of such a high quality; whose staff has numbered more Volume 21, No. 2 August 10, 1940 skilled surgeons or efficient physi­ Published monthly by the Pacific Electric cians, or possessed of more courteous, Railway, in the interest of, and distributed rree to active and r etired employes of Pacific efficient attendants. Electric Railway and Motor Transit J,ines. Many of us have contributed for Contributions of news items regarding ~m~loyees or activities of the railway are years and have had little or no need mvtted, and should reach the Editor before for the ministrations of this depart­ 28th of the month. Address all communications to the Edi­ ment, but we are grateful that over tor at 628 Pacific Electric Building, Los the past years we have had the coun­ Angeles, California. sel and advice of that department in E. C. THOMAS ........... - ....................... EDITOR maintaining our health, and that we have had the assurance of capable THE COVER PICTURE and speedy relief in the event ill or accident should beset u s. The forming of "Swimming Par­ health S B~CK ~OW : S~ta nding, left to right: L. I. Mosier , Assistant Trainmaster, Northern-Southern Districts · C. T. Nolan Assistant Safety Operations Motor ties" has become quite the vogue; ASST. SA F E T Y SUPERVISOR We have likewise witnessed the bene­ uper·~,nsor:; : A. ook, Motor Coach Supervisor, Motor Transit District; L . E. N e tzley, Chie f Supervisor Motor Coach fits accorded hundreds of our fellows Transit ~Is~rht;SL. ~- JoCnes9 Schedule S~pervisor ; C: W. Couts, Assistant Trainmaster, Freight Service;' F. W . Nichols, Assistant Train­ and the great Redondo Beach Plunge o::::~ion;~Ig t erv1ce; . M. Allen, Assistant Superzntendent, Motor Coach Operations; R. R. Wilson, Superintendent, Motor Coach has been the "Mecca" for many of C. T. Nolan Appointed to New Posi­ who have fallen the victims of illness and accident; and because of our im­ FRONT ROW, ;Seated , left to right: G. B . Miles, Train S er vic ~ Inspector; L. T. Bas hore, Sa fet y Supervisor· A P Smith Trainmaster them recently, evenings being the tion Pasadena; Y/· D . P1nkstc;n, Sche~ule Supervisor :_ L. J . McGrath, Chief Supervisor of Schedules; C. P. Hill, Sch ~ dui e Sup;rvisor· C H' most popular time for them. munity thus far, we gratefully con­ Belt, Superintendent, Rail Operations ; T. L. Wagenbach, Assistant t:~ General Superintende nt ; G. F. Squires, G e_n e r al Sup erinte nd ~nt. · .. tribute to this, our foremost activity, some On July 15, 1940, a joint an­ Possibly the picture may give in each other's interest, that our Med­ our employes the incentive to nouncement was issued by Mr. C. H. are now using the new "sho-fiy" of ical Department may be maintained em­ Belt, Superintendent Rail Operations, constructed by our forces, the Aliso m&ke up a party among our at the high standard of excellence Operating Staff Holds Dinner Meeting of these evenings. and Mr. R. R. Wilson, Superintend­ Street Bridge across the Los Angeles ployes for one Weber has always main­ ent, Motor Coach Operations, ap­ that Dr. ver sion from the usual routine was River has been removed, and the proved by Mr. G. F. Squires, Gen­ tained it. experienced by the supervisory forces piers that have stood in service for OUR HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION indeed, are those who Many Matters Discussed Relat­ eral Superintendent, covering the ap­ Grateful as result of a s t aff dinner held in the so many years are now being re­ A circular issued by Dr. Wm. L. have experienced the kindly ministra­ pointment of Mr. C. T. Nolan, North­ ing to Transportation Practice Pacific Electric Cl ub July 19, 1940, moved. Weber, Chief Surgeon, to the offi­ tion of our doctors, nurses and at­ ern District Co nductor, as Assistant as evidenced by the accompanying Before long excavation work for cers and employes of the Company on tendants; and grateful indeed are As is quite generally known in Safety Supervisor, with headquart­ photograph of the occasion. the new piers will be commenced as July 1st, and bearing the approval of we who have not personally needed railroad circles, but probably little ers, Room 224, Pacific Electric will also be begun the lowering' of President Smith, places in effect a their services, for their kindly care realized by the majority of people, Building, 6th and Main Street, Los DISCONTINUE EASTSIDE LINE .. the tracks of the Santa Fe and Union new scale of contributions to be of our f ellows and friends. the Transportation Department of a Angeles, California. on the Atlantic Boulevard Pacific on each side of the river. made by all of us in support of the A benediction upon these disciples railroad is constantly confronted Service of the Garfield Avenue Hospital Association of the Pacific Mr. Nolan's railroading experience of Aesculapius. with many and varied problems in extension When completed, this project will Line -between Mon­ Electric Company. covers an unusually broad field of maintaining satisfact ory a nd attrac­ Motor Coach be one of the most impressive sights terey Park and Huntington Park­ It provides that every employe service, Telegraph Operator, Station RETIREMENT HONOR ROLL tive service conditions. of its kind in the city, as well as one ly salary is $124.99 or Ag·e nt, Train Dispatcher and Assist­ will be discontinued after the last of the most costly yet undertaken. whose month The retirement bureau of the com­ There must be continuous and less shall contribute $1.25 per month; ant Chief Dispatcher on steam roads trip on Sunday, Aug. 11, 1940. pany report the following employes ceaseless efforts made on the part The detouring of our trains around to $199.99 shall con­ from 1902 to 1924, and on the Pa­ The service that will be discontin­ from $125.00 who have been added to the "Honor of the entire Supervisory force to the project has not resulted in as tribute $1.50 per month; $200.00 or cific Electric from 1924 to date as ued was established on J anuary 15th Roll" since the last issue of the encourage and foster the fullest co­ much delay or slowing of schedules over shall contribute $2.00 per month. Passenger Conductor, One Man Car as a trial operation over Garvey Magazine; · and, to all of them we operation amang the many individ­ as was anticipated. and Motor Coach Operator, Freight Avenue, Atlantic Boulevard, Gage The circular also states that while extend most sincere best wishes: uals engaged in the performance of Conductor, and Freight Brakeman. Avenue, Pacific Boulevard and Ran­ the Company has always contributed Alvin Potter, Transportation Dept., service; to constantly strive to ac­ SIGNALMEN HOLD PICNIC a s ubstantial sum each month to the As is well known on this property, 20 years of service. complish improvements and better­ dolph Street. Signalmen of the Pacific Electric, support of the Hospital Association, Mr. C. T. Nolan served as General J. Richard Johnson, Trans portation ments; as well as to engage in studies Results of the operation during the together with their families, held a its contribution, effective July 1st, Chairman of t he Brotherhood of Dept., 0 years service. of conditions with the view of bring­ trial period showed conclusively that st enjoyable picnic at Alhambra will be increased. Railroad Trainmen for the past seven Ernest T. Packard, Transporta­ ing about more efficient, attractive there was not sufficient travel to war­ mo City Park on Sunday, August 4th. The increase in the contributions years and his selection and promo­ tion Dept., 25 years service. and economical operation. rant t he operation, and that a con­ to the Hospital Association, which tion from train service to fill the po­ tinuance of the line could not be jus­ Many Signalmen of the Southern Pa­ John H. Daly, Transportation For the benefit of those who are must be kept upon a self-sustaining sition of Assistant Safety Supervisor tified. cific Company and their families Dept., 19 years service. not familiar with the purpose of basis, is brought about by increases was made solely because of his quali­ in the route or fre­ were guests of our boys at the pic­ Wm. H. Fanning, Transportation Staff Meetings, let it be explained No change in the cost of drugs, supplies and fi cations, fitness and abili ty to per­ quency of service will be made on nic. The morning was given over to Dept., 40 years service. that the Transportation Department hospitalization, and by the desire of form the particular type of work re­ the Garfield Avenue Motor Coach swimming; and, athletic sports with Michael De Lisle, Engineering conducts Staff Meetings twice month­ the management to maintain, as has quired in advancing our accident pre­ line between South Pasadena and prize awards filled the afternoon Dept., 22 years service. ly, for the purpose of discussing the always been the case, a high stand­ vention program. Monterey Park. hours. Carl F. Bonney, Mechanical Dept., above mentioned problems and possi­ ard of medical and surgical service 33 years service. ble solutions, exchanging ideas con­ for the employes of this company. adjustment of contributions or the Bert R.
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