Global Business Reports Industry Explorations EXPERT OPINION The process of opening the market and ing that there could be a possible change also the stabilization program, with the in this direction, also opening the possi- BRAZIL: launch of the Plano Real, in the early bility of a new wave of investments in the 1990s, have created the basis for the segment. THE FUTURE solid and sustainable growth of Brazil, On the one hand, the recent discover- despite the increase in the ‘Brazil Cost’ ies of petroleum and gas reserves in the that has created serious obstacles for in- layer of pre-salt bring the hope that the IS NOW dustrial growth. companies installed in Brazil may finally For this reason, it is no surprise that the count on abundant raw materials at com- By Fernando Figueiredo, chemical segment, a sector with the petitive prices, these being characteris- Executive President of characteristic of serving the other in- tics that promote the development of the dustrial activities, has had, over the last chemical industry in all countries of the the Brazilian Chemical decade, a rate of growth that reminds us world. Industry Association of the Chinese economy. Yet the growth On the other hand, three Government (Associação Brasileira of the market has not been matched by initiatives suggest that the Federal Gov- industrial investments in Brazil. ernment has firmly decided to attack the da Indústria Química – Indeed, this growth in the chemical mar- causes of the lack of competitiveness of ABIQUIM) - April 2012 ket has been largely supplied by imports, Brazilian industry: the installation of the as shown through the growing and sub- Competition Council for the segment, stantial deficit in the trade balance, which the establishment of a Study Group to has reached the extraordinary figure of define the policy for using gas as a raw US$25.9 billion in 2011, which is a growth material and the hiring, by the BNDES, of of 27.9% compared to the previous year. a study about the opportunities for diver- This heavy deficit becomes even more sification of the chemical industry. worrying because, at the same time, the Among the measures being considered, Brazilian production had a decline of 3%. one is a special taxation regime to ease In addition, data collected by ABIQUIM the burden on productive investments show that the level of investment in in- and a decisive support to investments in dustrial projects is below the real possi- Research and Development, for the use bilities of the Brazilian market, making a of renewable raw materials. total of US$22 billion between 2010 and It is never too much to remember that 2016, while the studies conducted by the structure of the Brazilian chemical the institution show a potential of up to industry is extremely solid and anchored US$167 million from 2010 to 2020. on large national and multinational chemi- It is not difficult to explain the reasons cal conglomerates, all of which have why the Brazilian chemical segment been in Brazil at least 50 years, and also does not make the necessary invest- can count on hundreds of creative and ments to accompany the growth of the dynamic medium-size companies, and an market: expensive raw materials, with efficient network of distributors. the price of gas being four times what Thus, the fundamentals necessary it is on the American market; expensive so that Brazil may make use of its un- energy, at almost double the cost in the leashed potential to become the fifth United States; high interest rates, even chemical power on the planet by 2020 though the National Bank for Economic are present in a very solid manner, and and Social Development (BNDES) has I have no doubt that our industrial seg- made credit lines available at more fa- ment shall have one of the most brilliant vorable rates compared with those of the performances in this decade. banking market; high tax burden, particu- This book, Brazil Chemicals 2012, is the larly taxation on investments in machines result of intense research conducted and equipment; limited encouragement with executives of Brazilian and multi- of R&D; and a currency which is highly national companies established in Brazil overvalued compared with other interna- and clearly shows the international in- tional currencies. All these factors help to vestors all the challenges, risks, threats inhibit investors from carrying out their and, most importantly, the enormous op- projects. portunities for investment in the Brazilian However, there are positive signs show- chemical industry. • Industry Explorations Global Business Reports // BRAZIL CHEMICALS 2012 5 Global Business Reports Global Business Reports CONTENTS Industry Explorations Industry Explorations CONTENTS Overview CHALLENGES 24 The Giant of South America Pharmaceuticals 23 Supplements to the Economy 83 8. The Brazilian Economy INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 82 87 10. Interview with Pinheiro Neto ALEXANDRE BERTOLDI, MANAGING PARTNER 74. Brazil’s Pharmaceutical Sector INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 86 121 12. Brazil’s Chemical Industry INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 77. The Medical Market CURING BRAZIL’S HEALTHCARE PROBLEMS 93 78. Brazilian Biotech ORGANIC GROWTH THROUGH ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Petrochemicals Playing to its Strengths Challenges and Opportunities A Complex Market 16. Brazil’s Petrochemical Sector INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW EXPERT OPINIONS EXPERT Industry leaders give their opin- An exploration of the various 18. Interview with UNIGEL HENRI A. SLEZYNGER, PRESIDENT AND CEO 82. Rules and Regulations A SIMPLE OVERVIEW OF A COMPLEX ENVIRONMENT ions on feedstock challenges, challenges facing the Brazilian 20. Interview with Braskem MANOEL CARNAUBA CORTEZ, EXECUTIVE VP, BASIC 84. Interview with ASK Chemicals RENATO ADDAS CARVALHO, MANAGING DIRECTOR, Brazil’s regulatory framework, chemical sector, including feed- PETROCHEMICALS SOUTH AMERICA the “Brazil Cost”, and the dif- stock supplies, the regulatory 21. Interview with Braskem RUI CHAMMAS, EXECUTIVE VP, POLYMERS DIVISION 86. The Brazil Cost UNIQUE EXPENDITURES FOR BRAZILIAN BUSINESS ficulties of dealing with Brazilian framework, the “Brazil cost” and 23. The Feedstock Challenge HOW RAW MATERIALS ARE SCARCE IN A RESOURCE-RICH 90. Interview with Bann Quimica DWIGHT K. BANN, PRESIDENT infrastructure. the labor shortage. COUNTRY 92. Interview with Colombian Chemicals RONALDO SILVA DUARTE, PRESIDENT 26. Interview with Petrobras PAULO ROBERTO COSTA, CHIEF DOWNSTREAM OFFICER 93. The Labor Shortage ATTRACTING INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL SERVICES 27. Alternative Supplies PETROCHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS STRAY FROM THEIR 95. Interview with SGS MARCELO GARCIA STENZEL, EXECUTIVE VP, SGS BRAZIL 20 TRADITIONAL FEEDSTOCK 98 26 29. Interview with GPC WANDERLEI PASSARELLA, PRESIDENT DIRECTOR 103 30. Interview with Petrom MILTON SOBROSA, INDUSTRIAL DIRECTOR 32. Interview with Odebrecht MARCIO FARIA DA SILVA, PRESIDENT OF INDUSTRIAL Services 117 Engineering Progress ENGINEERING 98. The Support System SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR BRAZIL’S CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 100. Interview with Yokogawa NELSON NININ, CHAIRMAN & CEO, SOUTH AMERICA 101. Interview with Coremal ROMERO DANTAS, DIRECTOR Agrochemicals 102. Interview with Bandeirante Brazmo FABIO RIOS, MANAGING DIRECTOR Land of Plenty 103. The Distribution Network IMPORTS, EXPORTS, AND AROUND THE COUNTRY Braskem talks about the chal- 104. Interview with ASSOCIQUIM RUBENS MEDRANO, PRESIDENT As with any industry, the suc- lenges and opportunities for 36. Brazil’s Agrochemical Sector INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 107. Interview with Grupo Toniato ANDRE LUIS FACANHA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR cess of the Brazilian chemical Brazil’s chemical industry and 38. Interview with FMC ANTONIO CARLOS ZEM, GENERAL MANAGER LATIN AMERICA 108. Interview with Cesari FRANCISCO SPINA BORLENGHI, PRESIDENT sector relies on its support Petrobras discusses their plans 39. Leading the Growth THE MAJOR PLAYERS IN BRAZIL’S AGROCHEMICALS SECTOR 110. Interview with M. Cassab VICTOR CUTAIT, DIRECTOR network. Engineering firms, lo- INDUSTRY INTERVIEWS INDUSTRY for the future of Brazilian petro- 39. Agriculture in Brazil THE PRODUCTIVITY OF BRAZILIAN FARMS 113. Interview with IC Transportes IVAN CAMARGO, DIRECTOR AND OWNER gistics, and equipment providers chemicals. 42. Interview with Ihara Chemical Industry JULIO BORGES GARCIA, PRESIDENT 114. Interview with Vopak DANIEL LISAK, MANAGING DIRECTOR, BRAZIL all have a role to play. 116. Interview with Orica Chemicals MARCOS ROGERIO DOS SANTOS, COUNTRY MANAGER, BRAZIL THOUGHTS FINAL 27 Specialty Chemicals 117. The Infrastructure Issue RAILS, ROADS, AND PORTS 132 Sophisticated Samba 119. Interview with Anastacio JAN FELIX KRUEDER, DIRECTOR 53 123. Interview with Trust Trading and Logistics JULIANO D’ALMEIDA VICTORINO, 46. Brazil’s Specialty Chemical Sector INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW MANAGING DIRECTOR 48. Interview with Croda MARCO A. DE M. CARMINI, MANAGING DIRECTOR, BRAZIL 124. Interview with Mammoet MICHEL BOODEN, DIRECTOR, BRAZIL 50. Interview with Eastman PEDRO L. D. FORTES, MANAGING DIRECTOR, BRAZIL 127. Interview with Engevix EDSON BOUER, VP 52. Interview with Rhodia MARCOS A. DE MARCHI, FORMER PRESIDENT, LATIN AMERICA 129. Interview with Sulatlantica LEONARDO ROISMAN, BOARD ASSESSOR 53. Research and Innovation GREAT IDEAS LEAD TO IMPRESSIVE GROWTH INNOVATION 57. Interview with Reichhold JOSE LUIZ CALVO, VP & GENERAL MANAGER, BRAZIL 58. Interview with DSM EDUARDO ESTRADA, PRESIDENT, LATIN AMERICA Appendix 60. Paints and Pigments PROVIDING A SPLASH OF COLOR The Brazilian chemical indus- Index and Directory 61. Interview
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