www.ukrweekly.com THE 1 СВОБОДА JIISVOBODA І І ” ” ”^” Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^ЩЩ? UKRAINIAN DAIIV Н Щ UrrainioENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL YWeek EDITION ! У VOL.LXXXIV No.26i THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1977 25 CENTS lwan Prynada Elected President Kiev, MOSCOW Helsinki Groups Of SUSTA at 17th Congress issue Joint Appeal on Repressions KERHONKSON, N.Y.—lwan Pry– nada of the Rutgers-New Brunswick Student Hrcmada was elected president Say Rudenko, Tykhy Trial Was of the Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America (SUSTA) and" Motivated by vengeance the organization's 17th congress held here at Soyuzivka Saturday and Sun- in their first joint appeal since the The statement was signed by Elena day, November 19-20. signing of the Final Act of the Confer– Bonner, Petro Hryhorenko, Sofia ence on Security and Cooperation in Kalistratova, Malva Landa, Naum Mr. Prynada served as public rela– Meiman, viadimir Slepak, Oles Berd– tions co-director on the previous Europe, the Kiev and Moscow Groups to monitor these accords said that the nyk, lvan Kandyba, Lev Lukianenko, SUSTA executive board and has been Oksana Meshko and Nina Strokata. closely associated with the Hryhoriy hope for a better future raised by this Skovoroda Student Hromada at Rut– treaty was quickly defused by the Even after "decades of gross human gers-New Brunswick for several years. KGB, reported the press service of the rights violations by the Soviet Union," Mr. Prynada, who was emloyed for Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council wrote the Helsinki monitors, the peo– several months at the UNA Home (abroad). pie of the Soviet Union thought that Office in Jersey City, N J., is also active The joint statement also denounced they would be allowed basic human in New Jersey Republican Party affairs the infamous Druzhkivka trial of My– rights. But, they added, that the Soviet and the Ukrainian Federation of the kola Rudenko and Oleksa Tykhy, Union was already a signatory to sev– GOP Nationalities Committee. members of the Ukrainian group, as eral international human rights being solely motivated by vengeance. treaties. This year's Ukrainian student con- lwan Prynada 4 clave was attended by 29 delegates from 'The Final Act of the Conference on "Fearing that a similar fate could 13 college clubs, hromadas or affiliate Due to the absence of the auditing Security and Cooperation in Europe^ befall the Final Act, Soviet citizens de– groups in the northeast. As in 1975, this board elected in 1975, which was head– which was signed on August 1, 1975, cided to form groups to monitor the year's congress was also marked by the ed by lhor Makuch, the delegates was greeted by the nations of Europe implementation of the Helsinki attendance of predominantly a young elected an ad hoc committee consisting with a feeling of relief, a feeling of Accords in the USSR," they said. group of students, who have been active of lhor Zwarycz, chairman, and Lesia hope for a life of peace and friendship, in addition to the Moscow and Kiev on local levels, but are entering national Halatyn and George Bohatiuk, mem– and respect for human rights,'' they groups, similar committees were student life only now. (Continued f roro page 9) wrote. (Continued on page 10) in addition to the delegates, there were also several dozen guests attending the sessions in the library of Soyuzivka's Maine House, among them Bohdan CeSUS Plans 1,000,000 Signature Petition Drive Harhaj, president of the Central Union of Ukrainian Students ,(CeSUS), Ro– man Zhurba and Lev Figol of CeSUS, Holds Executive Board Meeting at Soyuzivka and George Roman or Ukrainian Cana– dian Students Union (SUSK). KERHONKSON, N.Y.— The execu– The congress was called to order tive board of the Central Union of Uk– Saturday morning by outgoing SUSTA rainian Students (CeSUS) will shortly president George Sierant, who presided undertake a worldwide one miliion-sig– over the election of the presidium, nature petition drive, announced the consisting of lhor Rakowsky, chair- board after its meeting at Soyuzivka man, Roman Zwarycz, assistant chair- Friday, November 18. man, and– Christine Pawlowsky and The meeting was held at the UNA Marta Swidersky, secretaries. Honor– estate due to the 17th congress of the ary members of the presidium were Mr. Federation of Ukrainian Student Or– Harhaj and lhor Zwarycz, president of ganizations of America (SUSTA), the Ukrainian Student Association of which convened the following day. Michnowsky (TUSM). The petition drive, which will mark in his report on behalf of the entire the 60th anniversary of the Ukrainian executive board, Mr. Sierant delved National Revolution, is scheduled to into the activity of SUSTA for the past get underway in the middle of next two years, which consisted of several month. actions in defense of Ukrainian political The World Congress of Free Ukrai– prisoners, student conferences, and the nians and its Commission on Human publication of the SUSTA newsletter Rights have given their approval and "Prism." patronage for this action. National Uk– Mr. Sierant also underlined in his rainian umbrella organizations will be Members of the CeSUS executive board: Seated center, Bohdan Harhaj, presi– report the financial problems faced by approached by the World congress and dent, flanking him left and right, are lwan Prynada, newly elected SUSTA presi– SUSTA over the past few years, includ– CeSUS to give their moral and finan– dent and CeSUS vice-president, and lhor Zwarycz, TUSM president and CeSUS ing an approximate S4,000 debt to the cial support for the drive, which vice-president; and back row, left to right, Taras Dobusz, Roman Zhurba, Andrij University of Maryland resulting from CeSUS president Bohdan Harhaj said Priatka, Lev Figol, and Roman Zwarycz. the 16th SUSTA congress held there in will be solely conducted by territorial 1975, student organizations. ter or secretary of state in the country vists, and demand their release from This debt evoked the greatest outcry The petitions will be prepared in the where they will be disseminated. incarceration. from the delegates who demanded a Ukrainian, English, German, Spanish, The governments will be called on to The drive will culminate over the clarification of the debt and the execu– French and Portugese languages. They intercede on behalf of imprisoned Uk– June 17-18, 1978, weekend with de– tive board's solution. will be addressed to the foreign minis- rainian national and human rights acti– (Contimied on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1977 No. 261 Former Ukrainian Political inmate Three Exiled Dissidents Plead Told by KGB to Leave USSR For Seriously ill Political inmates NEW YORK, N.Y.—vitaliy vasylo– oblast prosecutor Berdyk, chief of NEW YORK, N.Y.—Three former disease has become drastically aggra– vych Kalynychenko, a former Ukraini– investigations at the oblast prosecutor's Soviet dissidents, who were exiled from vated," they said. an political prisoner, was told by the office Markun, met with Kalynychenko the Soviet Union or allowed to emi– The three said that Proniuk has KGB to leave the Soviet Union as soon and warned him about his activity. grate, issued a joint appeal in defense difficulty getting out of bed and walk– as possible, learned the press service of Kalynychenko allegedly disseminated of political prisoners in the USSR who ing, "but he still has not been hospit– the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation information about the formation of the are suffering from tuberculosis, re- alized and receives no medical atten– Council (abroad). Kiev Public Group to Promote the ported the Committee for the Defense tion." Kalynychenko, 40, was sentenced in implementation of the Helsinki of Soviet Political Prisoners. "His sentence will end in 1979, and 1966 by the Murmanske oblast court for Accords. The open letter, signed by Ludmila Yevhen Proniuk may not live that his political beliefs to ten years incar– long," they said. The warning was in line with a special Alekseyeva, Andrei Amalrik and via– ceration. dimir Bukovsky, was addressed to phy– Citing from the Russian SFSR Code He was released in March, 1976, and order of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of December 25, 1975. siologists. it concerned the fates of of Criminal Procedure, the exiled So– is currently under close observation in Yevhen Proniuk, Aleksander Serhiyen– viet dissidents said that a mentally or the town of vasylivka in the Dnipro– Kalynychenko was told to sign the ko, Zynrjviy Antoniuk, and Yuri physically sick inmate may be released petrovkse oblast. minutes of the meeting, and when he Fyodorov. before the expiration of his sentence. On March 5, 1977, Dnipropetrovske refused, he was advised to seek emigra– The three former Soviet dissidents, "We request that you, the medical KGB chief,. Col. Kapustin, assistant tion as soon as possible. in a separate joint statement, called for experts, appeal to the governments of the immediate release of Proniuk be– the countries which signed the Helsinki cause of his serious disease. agreements and demand that Yevhen 21 Ukrainians Flee Poland ''The extremely hard conditions of Proniuk be examined by a competent Soviet jails and prison camps ruin the international medical commission, health of prisoners, aggravate diseases and, if the information on his condi– Efforts Undertaken to Approve they had before their arrest and deve– tion is confirmed, be immediately re- lo new leased from prison," wrote the three Fmiarztinn til ГапаГІЯ P diseases," wrote Alekseyeva, human rights activists. LmigfdllUn Ш bdlldUd Amalrik and Bukovsky in the letter to TORONTO, Ont.–Recently, 21 He said that contributions are re- physiologists. in regard to Serhiyenko, Antoniuk, Ukrainians fled Poland and are being quested to help defray the costs. Dona– They said that Proniuk was already and Fydorov, they wrote that they detained in vienna, Austria, reported tions may be sent to Canadian Ukrai– suffering from an acute form of tuber– "should be examined by an interna– the Canadian Ukrainian immigrant nian immigrant Aid Society, Suite 210, culosis before his arrest.
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