WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1969 iSlanrhratpr €ti?ntng l|mlb Most Manchester Stores. Are Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock MbunKtai Laurel Chapter of The library committee Of The Sintered Apprentice De­ Sweet AdeUnee, Inc., will re­ Keeney St. School will sponsor Manchester Area A bout Town gree wlU be conferred at a MISAC To Break Ground hearse tomorrow at 8 p.m. at a Bake Sale Saturday from 10 meeting o t Uriel Lodge of Aumce Dsdfy N«t P n m Ron , Mu(oh«at«r girla, both the Russian American Nation­ a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school Maaons at the Maaonic Temple Couple in Car For Tka Wewli Tnftirr MnM« at WhMton Ooltor*. al Center, SU Wethersfield Avc. cafeteria. Proceeds will benefit For Apartments Sunday TTie Weather In Merrow on Saturday at 7:30 ■ ■ u ek tt. m e Norton, Maaa., h«v« b«eii nam- Hartford. The event Is open to the school library. ’The event is p.m. Junior Wairden Elbert D. Face the Same SIwwan, ehanw of et fear ad to. the tfaan’a Uat fbr the all Interested women. Those open to the public. Sheldon will preeide. Refresh- Spiritual leaders of seven nectlcut Bank and Trust Co. thundanlicnrara tonight, oarar- aecend aemeater at the echool. wishing hirther information menta will be served after the Driving Counts town religious bodies will hold and guaranteed by the Federal night Iowa oraund 60. Itoctly the^ are Mlaa Oonatance E. Housing Administration. 15,535 iEuFuttig fe a U ) may call Mrs. Katherine Hynes, The Department of Connect­ meeting. ground breaking ceremonies olowAy, wlndljr tomomiar. Ugh- Barrett, daughter of Dr. and 2M Main St., or Mrs. Truman icut of World War I Barracks Bart T. Adams, 24, of Colches­ Die garden apartments are MM. Harold 8. Barrett, UO 8. ter and his wife, Mary M. Sunday at 2 p.m. at 247 Oak­ designed to house famines of Manchester— 4 City of Village Charm Crandall, M White St and Auxiliary will meet Sunday Washington LOL will meet Lakewood Clrcte; and Mlaa Adams, Woods Trail, Coventry, moderate Income. t/DoOL units, VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 162 at 2 p.m. at the Fowler Me­ Friday at 8 p.m. at Orange Hall. land St. for the 191-imlt apart­ (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Paula R. Roaen, daughter of Dr. The Women’s Guild of Trin­ morial Building, New Haven were both arrested yesterday in will have two bedrooms with a MANCHESTER, (X)NN, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1969 (OlMMlfled Adverttaing on Flago XI) and Mre. Iheodore Rosen, 100 ment complex their groups are PRICE TEN CENTS ity Covenant Church will spon­ Ave., Milford. Parking is avail­ Coventry and charged with bath and a half. Rents will be Waranoke Rd. The Little Flower of Jesus sponsoring through MISAC. sor a rummage sale Sahnday able at the rear of the building. operating without a license, op­ 1136 for the two-bedrooto unlta. Mothers Circle will meet Fri­ MISAC is a non-profit ^cor­ from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the erating an unregistered motor It Is one of the ia r s e a t multl- : V . ■ day at 8:16 p.m. at the home poration formed more than* two th e Golden Age Club will OommunKy T, 79 N. Main St. The Manchester Association vehicle and Improper use of churqh sponsored oomtdexes In ; To Manslaughter Counts of Mrs. Frank Moriarty, 31 years ago by the seven groups meat for card playing tomorrow Miss Elsie Johnson Is In charge for the Help of Retarded Chil­ markers. after a proposal by the Man­ New England. It will be open Guns, Tanks Gardner St. Mrs. James Watt at S p.m. at the Senior dtlaen'a of the event. dren will meet tomorrow at 8 chester Interfaith Social Action to all who qualify under the Cmter, Laurel and Myrtle Sts. Is co-hostess. A film on family Police, who said they were in p.m. at Bunco Center, Olcott Committee, according to Atty. FHA income limitations which life and education will be the same car, declined to say are $9,000 tar a family ot three Miss Mary L. Fllloramo, St. There will be a social time who was driving. The cou{de Arnold H. Klau, executive sec­ Youths Plead Guilty Battle Again shown. or four. Members of the American daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John with refreshments after the is scheduled to appear In Man­ retary of MISAC. It will be next to a 200-unit West Ready for Amity Legion will meet tonight at 7 :80 Fllloramo of 181 Ludlow. Rd., meeting. ^ chester (Circuit Court 12, April The seven are Center C3on- complex new under construction at the Holmes Funeral Home, has been named to the dean’s feter Yarrow of the Peter, 28. gregattonal Church, North Unit­ A lo n g Suez 400 Main St., to pay respects list at American International The Marine Corps League wi)l Paul and Mary trio will present by Robert Burnham of West In Penknife Slaying Also arrested by Coventry po­ Chamber Speaker ed Methodist Church, St. Mary’s to Anthony Struff, a member of College, Springfield, Mass., for meet tonight at 8 at the club­ a one-man show tonight at 8 Episcopal Church, St. James' Hartford. TEL AVIV (AP) — Another lice waa David O. Kies, 22, of the poet. the first semester. house on Parker St. In Ba’ley Auditorium, Manche.s- state Sen. David M. Barry Church. Second Congregational Sunday, the invocation will be battle broke out along the Sues Coventry. He was charged to­ PLYMOUTH, M ass. body was found laat Au- ter High School, under the spon­ will speak tomorrow at a meet­ Church, South United Metl)odlst delivered by Rabbi Leon Rfind Canal today between artillery day with passing in a no pass­ (AP) — Two Michigan at a raat area along Route sorship of” Manchester Com­ ing of the Manchester Fuel Oil Qiurch and Temple Beth Shol- of the temple. The Rev. Earle and tank unite of Israel and ing zone. He Is scheduled for youths being tried on mur- “ Mkidiobon). PoUoe aaid tw munity College program com­ Institute. The meeting, at 10 om. (hister of North Methodist will Egypt. mittee. Manchester court April 28. der charges in the penlmif e *2 time* to the a.m., will be In the conference The complex is being built by deliver the prayer and the An Israeli army spokesman With Soviet, Nixon room of the Chamber of Com­ CJarabetta Enterprises of Meri­ benediction will be delivered by slaying of a Bostoil^Hege .. said Egyptian gunners opened Other area police activity; Four attorneys, two of them merce. den under tlie National Hous­ Magr. Edward J. Reardon of student were allowed to fire on Israeli troops near Is- OPEN TILL 9 OPEN 8 A.M. representatives to the General SOUTH WINDSOR The senator’s topic will be ing Act. The $3,220,(X)0 mortgage St. James’ . plead guUty today to lesser ^ ***“™*V toa b « « praaent- mailia In the northern sector of Assembly, will present the ar­ Victor E. Grant, Columbia "Problems facing the 1969 will be written by the C3on- The public is invited. oounts. the 103-mile waterway and near WASHINGTON (AP) — guments for and against public was charged with failure to Legislature.” The youths, Craig Sliuont, 17, k to rt'o f ttw time waa spent Port Tauflq at the southern end. President Nixon said ttiday aid to non-public schools to­ THURS. & FRI, THURS., FRL. SAT. drive in established lane after Matthew M. Moriarty Jr. Is a t Blnntngham, Mlh^., and with the prosecuUoR and de­ About a dozen shells had been the Western allies stand night at 8 In the Manchester his car ran off the road and hit chairman of the Institute. Roan Q. Wttthoeft, 17, of Bevw- fense attorneys conferring be­ ktobed from Egypt at Israeli ready — “as conditioas Community College cafeteria, a tree. He 1 sscheduled to ap­ THINK SMALL $1886,50 hind closed doors with Plym­ troops two hours earlier, but the ty HUIb, lC«di., are aona of change’’— to turn the “fist” 146 Hartford Rd. pear in East Hartford Circuit Delivered in Manchester outh County Supeiior Court Israelis did not return fire, he pear In Manchester pranfiMnt Detroit ana buat- of d^ense “into a hand of Court 12, April 28. Equipped with leatherette Interior, Judge Eugene A. Hudson. said. Court 12, May 6. neawnen. friendship” toward the So­ We have some small family 6 to 10 lb. Turkeys, 49c lb.,.which are tender BOLTON windshield washer, 2-speed elec­ ^ 16-member Jury had been Cairo radio charged Israsli Complaints Checked tric wipers heater, defogger, 4- Slmaid pleaxled guilty to man- viets and thedr affies. and juicy and larger 10-12 lb. Golden Harvest Turkeys which are fea­ L0ND<3N — Britain’s "om ­ Mrs. Helen OrflteUl, Bolton clwsen, but Ik bad remained out­ forces opened up with artillery Gold Deposits Differ way safety flashers, bfu:k-up eAaughter, peraonal iaroetny end At the same time mxiOR, In a budsman” has served for 1% Rd., Vernon, was charged with and tank fire along a 60-mlie tured at 45c lb. DENVER — Gold deposits are lights, front and rear seat belts, larceny from an auto. side gie ODurtjoona. poUcy speech tar the 20th aimi- failure to obey state traffic con- length of the Sues Canal. years checking complaints classed os "prim arily” If the leatherette headrests, steering Wltthoeft pleaded guilty to The youths were arrested in versaxy conference o f North At- ^ trol signs and markings last (Customers tell us that these small turkeys are the best they have ever against government depart­ metal occurs where It was orig­ wheel lock and rear wtodow de­ tantic Treaty Organlaatkxi mln- ments.
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