.. 48 MEE~ING, 4th OCTOBER, 1922. A Meeting of the Wexford County C0unci1 was held on 4th October 1922 in the County Hull, Wexford. Present:- Mr. E.P/ Foley~ (Vice-Chairman) presidingo A1so:~ Messrs. Jan:es Sh!.nnon, Micheel Redmond, J. Sinnott, G. Devereux and .J.J. O'Syrne, M. Cloney and J. Cummi~s. The Sr;;cretary, the Co. Surveyor, Mr. Elgee, Solic~ ·t.or to the Council and the Senior Assistant Surveyor i' T ~H"'e also in ~,ttenda.nceo The Minutes of la.st Meeting Were read p"'d confirn-.ed. Resienatjon of Chairman. I The :'cllo'ling letter "fas read fron'} the Ch a in" n, Co. Covncil:- "A Chara, I Ln mec1ic~11.l advised t!lt:Lt a.bsolute Quie t ..c' (.>1' SQJfd MOl1.tbs to COL,e 1s necessary to c:ornplete recovery of health. You will therefore accept my resignation as rnemher of the Cou!lcil. My attendance thf'reat in the past hilS been vey,y irr'3gular. 'l'hera ' ~:e:re reas ons :'or ttL:: cbsence, and I he,d hoped thl1t dllrL1.~ this, the final year of our term. it wo~ld have been oth.erwlse. Personally I care not for resjgnati on as a me9,nS of exi t, bu t I have now'. no other alte rl1[-l·tiveo The people who el'9cted me must be given the rit,ht of expression by voioe and vote in the Council Chamber. This action causes me keen r~gret. It would be my desire to serve the people \7ho returned !he and to as s ist, as far as I could, my colleague 3 i)"'~ t ~e COU:l eil in tbe :iifficul t work they ha.ve to do. The roaIlner in w1iich th'3 ueopl'3 support'3ct ne in 19")0, 3.:1.d tl-)e honot:r- the highest a Wexford man caY) bold - that you conferred upon me by electin<J n:e for the third tim i3 to tb9 chair, '1re b&ppenings tha.t will ever relrain with me ~s pleasing me~ories. " This letter had been before a meeting of the ~inanCe & Roads COMmittee and was ~eferred to the Co. Cou~cil. 'r1P follo~"irLg resolution \'illS adopted on the motion of Mr. Shannon, seconded by Mr. O'Byrne:- "That Mr. Etchingbam, Chairman of this Co. Council be requested to re-consiJer his reSignation. Tl'B Co. Council will be out of office in a few mon1.hs, and the members A.re a.nzious that the Chairman should continue © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 49 in office until next electio~". Re commendations- Finance &- Roads ComIni t tee The following recommendations of Finance & Roads Committee for me tings of 4th and 27th Septem.ber were laid befor'e tbe rneeting:­ " FINANCE & ROADS COMIJITrffiE Meeting~ 4th September 1922 Pr'e sent:- Mr. EoPo Foley, Vice-Chairman (presiding) also Meests. John o 'Byrne, John Curr~ins and Jo~n Jo OVByrne. The Co. Secretary, t he Co. Surveyo:(' and Mr. Tre3.nor, Senior Assistant Surveyor were also in attenaance. DATnaged Bridge s Undor da.te 1 st August 19~2 lIr. John TO'11!tin, Munns:r, Carnew, and e. .., !;lumber of the ratepayers froT'" the district '/Ji"'ote asking if the Co. Cou "'} cil wot.ld take immedia.te steps to hANe the bridges between ~Jllnney and Ki1tilahane 9.1so the bridge between Munney and ASkamore, whibh have been deRtroyed' 'oy the Irregulars, repaired. The people living in the tow-n1and of Munney, skamore, Doni shall, Askabe g and r(i 1 tilahftne ~vere in conseque"'1ce of the condi ti on of the se bridge s , almost isolated. Sorr,'=! of them vvere .;ut away fror! portions of their farms, the land being at both sides of the river. As this '/Vas a matter of' great inportance, tl~ey urged that the 01 idges ~hould qe repaired ir'"JI'ediately. The following recomP'lendation was adopted:- "That our Secretary- infor'll Mr. Tomkin that the Co. Surveyor is, ,so far as it is possible, loaking all roads an.d bridge8 at 1 "'1.'"'t pA.S"3~olpG WiCklow Gap and Cummer Quarries The follovving letter u"lder date 19th August 1922, frorr Mr . },!.. Byrne, Se crets.ry, TranspoJ't Union Branch Tinahely, was read:- "r am instr~ .< cted b.1 the '"lor'bars of the above Branch to not.ify you that t l}ey \dll not agree to le t a cru sher break the stones at Cu.rrIP.ler or Wi Cklow G.p, as there are too many men idle. We wrote to you on the 23rd Jul~T to thA.t effect and we got no reply frorr lOll. Hoping rnlr case will have ;>o'our Idnd consideration". The County Surveyor stftted that be and gr. 'rreanor bad made arrallge­ ments with the men in Wicklow Gap Quarry to oreak material there at the price l;'1bich they had offered, viz:- 6/- per cubic yard. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 50 It was d~cided that a further repo!'t sho'!ld be subYJ1itt~d as to the '~orking 0:' this quarry, and as to t1:e grade of material which was hCing tur'rLed out hy the men. Application for Payment on Road. Joseph Hyla.nd, Road Contractor, c~me. before the Meeting and a.pplied for repairs whioh he stated he pad carried out on tbe road between Ballagh I3.nd CFl.stle Ellis, in August 1921. He suhmittAd letters from Rev. Daniel Quigley c.e,John Murray, Postman, The Ballagh, a,nd John Coo:l.ey D.C. the 18"tter of whom stat.ed that the work had heen C t~rried out by his instructions Hyland exrlained to the meeting that he hbd been directed by Mr. Cooney to repa.ir this road, wbieh was 1'1 an almost. iJ1lpassable condition, and he had spread 3B cubic ye.rds of material. The Co. Suy-veyor disputed the alllO't~nt. · of materi8.1 wl1ich bll.d heen placed on the roads, and pOinted out tr...at as HylFtnd did not report the rnatter until 7 or 8 months af't,~r the work had been carried out, there was no 'YleanS of checking the e'{act !.l1..u.ntity 0:' T"fl.terial provided. The following r~comYncndation Has adopted:- Proposed by Mr-. So n 09Byrne (Go:rey) t'mt II SUM o-+' £10 representine ~9n""oxiT..ately 3. value of 2.') cll~ic yards of' mfl,tedal, l..e paid JOSeph Hyl~l'1d foT' ;:ork carrjed O"..1t by 11il':1 on the :road betwoen 'the Ballagh 8,nd Castle Elljs in August 1921 • . Application by Road Contractor. Under date '24th August 1922 the followi1lb .lettf'r was read from ~v'r. ~1l1iarn Waters, Junior, Raheenahonp, qr~a:- , "I want -:'0 brihg t a the noti Ce o~ 'tour Council t "Ie way I an: trented by the Co. Surveyor o I surT'Bndered my Contracts Nos. 47R and lOW, and was to be given hll the haulage. No~v there is an engine eMploycd r.. nd the only explanation I get froM the Co. Sur7eyor is that as the dp,naged bridge would prevent ~e gAtting out material from Ballybrennan Quarry, he had to put out Rahp.'~nahone material, and he also st3.ted this is a.speCi:ll proposal. P1lt was it necessary to employ an engine and leave rne idle "lihen the ·.VOy·l{ was rightly mine, ;.;,s we were to be given all.haulage, extra material or3.ny work that a. horse was r~quired at on the roads. MY' livelihood is co.C't away frOT:l me and I claim the sum 0:' £:40 being the a.~ount I have lost for 200 cubiC y~rds at 4/- per cubiC ys.rd, my agreed ptice with the Surveyor. If this 3D")" 13 not paid to me all I csk i,1 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - ----- - - ~ - ---- --- ------ ~--- ------ 51 simply ha:1.d beck t'1e cont:-acts to r.e, and I will thpn rc.isc no obJection to anyo'n.e doing the extra 11ork. The Co. Sur-;reyor made it clear to us in il:nniscorthy that ~1r~ry cubic yard of extrc. material required on the roc,a would be 'bivon to us ~o h~ul at the sar.e rate ~s the tonnage was agreed to he ha ult j '"'t, and ~e "J.I1S broir,'l '1 his -'o~ct in this case, for before any bridge was d''1'rJaged, b!3 ""'1.d an. engine ei"Y~r'l oY'3d haul tng frorr Ball:,rhrenna.n Q1 1 Q1Jf1,rry at a. time ,'lhpn my horses stood idle. If this justice it is surely in a. neioV formo '!' _"1 stin;!; yuur Council "vill tT'eat me fairly" 0 The Co. Surveyor explained that the hallc.ge r'e fArred to b Mr. Waters ~a8 not given. to him, because it w~s the . ~it~r of a special proposal, and W3.S quite outside the ordinary roa.d contrtl.ct, the money being provided to ma.ke good da.r-,:a.ge done to the road by ti'Y1ber tra.ffico It was decided that the Secretary inform Hr. Waters t'I-J.at tl:le Co. Surveyor provj ded that he should ohtajn the ordinary haulage in relr. tl on to his co~tract, but his complaint referred to Fork tfhich vVf:LS outside this contract, and '-;''h~ ch ha.d to he Curried ()ut by e~gine hire, se'eing that it could not be ca.rried ou t.
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