Volume XLIII, No. 3 Oshawa, Ontario January 30, 1974 Multi-Lingual Evangelistic Center in Toronto L. L. REILE, President, Canadian Union Conference New and commodious quarters have been recently acquired in Toronto to house a church and multi-lingual evangelistic center. On December 29 the Hungarian Church moved into these quarters, with over 90 people present to participate in the day's activities. Guest speaker was L. L. Reile, recently elected president of the Canadian Union. Visitors were present from Washington, D.C., and other Ontario churches. Elder Stephan Denyi, pastor of the Cleveland, Ohio Hun- garian Church was also present with a musical group who gave several instrumental and vocal numbers in the meetings. W. Kozachenko is the district leader for the Hungarian believers and baptized two persons at the close of the morning sermon, for which much credit is due Bela Lenart, local elder of the church. The rapidly-growing company of Portuguese members, under the leadership of Elder Henry Feyerabend, also meet in the main sanctuary of the center. Textbooks for SDA Church Schools CHARLES B. HIRSCH, Secretary, Department of Education, General Conference Seventh-day Adventists who send their children to our church The chief solution to the production of proper textbooks is schools expect them to learn the teaching of the Bible and the adequate financing for such a program. Financial support for writings of Ellen G. White. The schools achieve this important translators, writers, and printing is needed. objective by having teachers who have been certified by the At the recent World Advisory Education Council a resolution Department of Education, by the use of the Bible and books was adopted requesting a special fund to be set up for this work. written by Ellen G. White and specially prepared Bible text- This was studied at the Annual Council, 1973, and the following books. action taken: These textbooks, however, have been long outdated, and To adopt the following plan for providing Bible textbooks in within the last decade study was given to the preparation of new overseas divisions: texts that would be more in keeping with contemporary ap- 1. That divisions build into their annual budgets a textbook proaches to learning. A few of these are now in the classrooms fund from which those unions able to make Bible textbooks and the remainder are to be available by 1976. available for the youth of the church may receive assistance While these new books are designed to fill the needs of our for translation and production purposes. American speaking students, due to cultural differences, histor- 2. That the divisions set a day wherein a special offering will ical backgrounds, and spelling the use of these books is limited be received to provide funds for Bible teaching materials. in countries that have been influenced by the British. Of course in countries where other languages are predomin- 3. That in all educational institutions in North America a ant, very little has been done to supply our students with proper special offering be sponsored by the Department of Education Bible textbooks. This has been a real lack in our overseas to be received between March 18-22, 1974 for the purpose of schools. The chief reasons have been cost and the smaller num- assisting in the translation and printing of Bible textbooks for ber of pupils in some of these schools. those areas in overseas divisions where there are too few The translation of our new textbooks would be a step in the Seventh-day Adventist students to make the printing of Bible right direction, but in addition certain anecdotes or stories textbooks economically feasible. would have to be adapted to the local culture as well as a This places the burden of raising these funds on our educa- change in the use of photographs and other graphic illustrations. tional institutions, teachers, and students. Our schools have As was mentioned, this need in our schools outside the North been very active in helping our churches to reach their Ingath- American Continent is more pronounced than ever. In some of ering goals, and have also supported special projects for the the schools books dealing with religious knowledge or the Bible Voice of Prophecy and Faith for Today. Now they have been as history have been used. Some have chapters dealing with the asked to assist their sister institutions overseas in supplying evolutionary beginnings of man, and as would be expected, fellow students with proper Bible textbook materials. nothing on the beliefs and concepts of Adventism. Our beliefs Our young people in the past have arisen to the tasks asked of and practices have to be taught by the teachers who, in too many them and with your support will again come to the aid of their instances, unfortunately have not had the advantages of Seventh- church in an area that has been found wanting for a long time. day Adventist schooling insofar as preparation for teaching is All contributions should be made out to the General Con- concerned. ference "Overseas Division Bible Textbook Fund." What You Can Do in '74 to Help Listen welcomes you in 1974! This will any other group in our society realize the ture racks, and a club for personal distri- be a year of great opportunity. There is a temptations of our adolescents today. One bution. stir within the cities, large and small, and way to combat these temptations is to We know you want to help, and we at in the rural areas. People are probing, inform children through their schools, the Listen office want to do our part. We searching, questioning. They are asking clubs, etc., of the inherent dangers in- believe that 1974 is a year of unparalleled questions such as these: "What is happen- volved in drug experimentation, alcohol- opportunity. Let us make the best of it. ing?" "Why are these things taking place?" ism, etc. An excellent way to inform and The Listen Emphasis rate is only $3.00 "What can we do about these problems?" make them aware of these potential dan- per name for one year. Because of these problems and issues, gers is through an attractive explicit mag- Isn't it satisfying to know you are mak- the doors are opening wide for us to help azine such as Listen."—D.R.G., Chief ing a better life possible for the youth and and to extend the influence of the Gospel. Police. adults—a way that will bring happiness Without doubt the door that is open the What possibilities are ours. Educators and better health. Make '74 a year to widest is the door that leads to the prob- are writing and imploring us to provide LISTEN more! lems resulting from the use of drugs. Why them with copies of Listen. Their funds RAY HIXSON not take advantage of this open door, and are limited, and they want help. A Librar- help as many people as we possibly can! ian represents this group when she wrote: Teen-agers who are facing these diffi- "If you could find a sponsor, Seventh-day cult problems are writing to Listen for Adventist or other, who could send Listen help: "I want to receive Listen. Thanks to our school, both teachers and students ATTENTION . I need it."—R.G. Again, "Please send would be grateful. Our budget is never FAMILY PHYSICIANS me Listen. I am trying to quit drugs and adequate to cover all the materials kick the habit with cigarette smoking."— needed."—Mrs. L.C. The Director of the Family Practice P.B. (He even gave his telephone number, The superintendent of a school district Residency Program at Florida Hospital, he was so anxious for help.) "I am four- implored: "Our school district is extreme- Orlando, Florida, desires to develop a teen years old, and enjoy reading Listen ly impressed with the content of Listen. roster of Seventh-day Adventist Family in school when I can get it. The copies are Our problem is a lack of sufficient copies Physicians who may not be graduates of so much in demand, it's difficult to obtain for the student body in general. Is there Loma Linda University. If you are such every copy. How can I obtain a subscrip- any possibility we could receive a reduced a physician, (or know of physicians of tion? Other kids feel the same way." rate for several hundred each month?"— this description who may not be likely to —R.S. "I recently saw an article about G.B. A Drug Education Teacher requests read this notice) we invite you to drop a Listen. It sounds very good. I am seven- a club of 30 copies for the year, and a card giving name and address to: teen and have a lot of problems. I hope Biology Teacher 75 copies, in a club. Raymond 0. West, M.D. the magazine can straighten some of them And so on and on it goes. Director of Medical Education out. Send Listen C.O.D. Because I need Our opportunities are unlimited. Such 601 East Rollins Street it in a hurry."—G.T. letters can be supplied many times. So the Florida Hospital And this pathetic letter from J.D.: need is there—people want us to help. Orlando, FL 32803 (3) "Please tend me Listen. I have a feeling of The question is, "How can we accom- no future in my life. Maybe Listen will plish something worthwhile?" I am glad give me a reason to live. I don't know you asked that question, for I believe the where I am going, and sometimes I don't answer is in the plan listed below: care.
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