July 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6395 Thousands of historians, students, S. 775 ness to spend time and money to im- and tourists visit the Lincoln birth- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- prove the lives of those around him. In place and museum at Sinking Spring resentatives of the United States of America in 1986, he started a nonprofit organiza- and nearby boyhood home each year. Congress assembled, tion called the United Shareholders As- Both sites are managed by the Na- SECTION 1. BOONE PICKENS POST OFFICE. sociation to fund a newspaper inform- tional Park Service and maintain his- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the ing shareholders of corporate abuses, toric recreations of the original log United States Postal Service located at 123 and he has served as the chairman of W. 7th Street in Holdenville, Oklahoma, cabins. The Hodgenville community is shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Boone the board of West Texas A&M Univer- currently hard at work planning for Pickens Post Office’’. sity business school. the bicentennial celebration of Lin- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Mr. Speaker, I urge swift passage of coln’s birth in 2009. map, regulation, document, paper, or other this bill. Lincoln’s roots on the Kentucky record of the United States to the facility re- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance frontier molded character traits, mod- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to of my time. esty, hard work, spiritual, and an intel- be a reference to the ‘‘Boone Pickens Post Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself lectual fortitude and a sense of justice Office’’. such time as I may consume to urge all that made him a portrait of human The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- my colleagues to support the effort to greatness as a legislator, lawyer, fa- ant to the rule, the gentleman from name the post office in Holdenville, ther, and steward of his country California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- Oklahoma, where Boone Pickens was through the most devastating experi- tleman from Illinois Mr. (DAVIS) each born in 1928; and I congratulate our dis- ence in its national history. will control 20 minutes. tinguished Senator and my friend, Sen- Lincoln’s achievements as President The Chair recognizes the gentleman ator JIMMY INHOFE, on recognizing the saved the Union and freed the slaves, from California (Mr. ISSA). importance of T. Boone Pickens in and his martyrdom in death as the war Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself both business and philanthropy. was drawing to a close made him one of such time as I may consume, and I rise Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the most revered and historically sig- in support of S. 775, a bill to name the of my time. nificant figures in American history. postal facility at 123 W. 7th Street in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Carved in stone above the portals of Holdenville, Oklahoma, as the Boone question is on the motion offered by the birthplace memorial are the elo- Pickens Post Office. the gentleman from California (Mr. quent and poignant words from his sec- Well-known businessman Boone ISSA) that the House suspend the rules ond inaugural address in which he Pickens has personified the American and pass the Senate bill, S. 775. urged ‘‘malice toward none’’ and ‘‘char- Dream through his hard work and de- The question was taken; and (two- ity for all’’ in the peace to come. termination. Early in his professional thirds having voted in favor thereof) Abraham Lincoln’s early life in cen- life and career, Pickens grew frustrated the rules were suspended and the Sen- tral Kentucky is a source of great pride working at a large impersonal com- ate bill was passed. to me personally and many of my con- pany. Instead of enduring the daily A motion to reconsider was laid on stituents. The birthplace and childhood struggle through the organizational the table. home provide a great historic treasure red tape, he decided to start his own f in our community. In honor of Presi- business in 1956 at age 28. This nascent dent Lincoln’s connection to company ultimately evolved into one CONGRESSWOMAN SHIRLEY A. Hodgenville and the upcoming bicen- of the leading oil and gas exploration CHISHOLM POST OFFICE BUILDING tennial celebration of his birth, I urge firms in the Nation, the Mesa Petro- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to my colleagues to join me honoring leum Company. suspend the rules and pass the Senate Hodgenville and Lincoln’s memory by But more important, the House is bill (S. 571) to designate the facility of designating the current postal facility considering this honor for Boone Pick- the United States Postal Service lo- as the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace ens not because of his business success cated at 1915 Fulton Street in Brook- Post Office Building. but for his philanthropy. Over the lyn, New York, as the ‘‘Congresswoman Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield back years, Pickens has generously invested Shirley A. Chisholm Post Office Build- the balance of my time. in his alma mater, Oklahoma State ing’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. University, supported a wide range of The Clerk read as follows: KOLBE). The question is on the motion medical research initiatives, and sev- S. 571 offered by the gentleman from Cali- eral other scientific and social causes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- fornia (Mr. ISSA) that the House sus- Boone Pickens has contributed his resentatives of the United States of America in pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. time, energy, and resources to make Congress assembled, 2894. America a better place to live and SECTION 1. CONGRESSWOMAN SHIRLEY A. CHIS- The question was taken. work; and for these reasons, I support HOLM POST OFFICE BUILDING. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the S. 775 today, and I ask my colleagues (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of to support the bill. United States Postal Service located at 1915 those present have voted in the affirm- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Fulton Street in Brooklyn, New York, shall my time. be known and designated as the ‘‘Congress- ative. woman Shirley A. Chisholm Post Office Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Building’’. mand the yeas and nays. yield myself such time as I may con- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, The yeas and nays were ordered. sume. map, regulation, document, paper, or other The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, as a member of the record of the United States to the facility re- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the House Committee on Government Re- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to Chair’s prior announcement, further form, I am pleased to join my colleague be a reference to the Congresswoman Shirley proceedings on this motion will be in consideration of S. 775, legislation A. Chisholm Post Office Building. postponed. designating a postal facility in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- f Holdenville, Oklahoma, after Boone ant to the rule, the gentleman from Pickens. California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- BOONE PICKENS POST OFFICE This measure, which was introduced tleman Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each will Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to by Senator JAMES INHOFE on April 13, control 20 minutes. suspend the rules and pass the Senate 2005, was unanimously passed by the The Chair recognizes the gentleman bill (S. 775) to designate the facility of Senate on July 29, 2005. from California (Mr. ISSA). the United States Postal Service lo- T. Boone Pickens is known worldwide Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself cated at 123 W. 7th Street in as the founder of Mesa Petroleum, the such time as I may consume. Holdenville, Oklahoma, as the ‘‘Boone Nation’s largest independent producer Senate 571, sponsored in the other Pickens Post Office’’. of domestic oil and gas. T. Boone is body by the distinguished Senator from The Clerk read as follows: well respected in Texas for his willing- New York, Senator CHARLES SCHUMER, VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:22 Jul 26, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.028 H25JYPT1 H6396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2005 honors the late Congresswoman Shir- As a former educator and child care her lifetime achievements have inspired mem- ley Chisholm, the first African Amer- manager, Shirley worked hard in Con- bers of her Brooklyn community, and genera- ican woman elected to Congress. gress on issues ranging from employ- tions of women and African Americans, to en- Born in Brooklyn, New York, on No- ment and education, to day care and gage in our nation’s policymaking. We are for- vember 20, 1924, Shirley Chisholm spent income-support programs. She pushed ever grateful for her trailblazing effort. a lifetime advocating civil rights for hard to end the draft and reduce de- Mrs. Chisholm was truly one in a million. I all Americans. After graduating with fense spending. She served in six Con- am honored to have been part of her Brooklyn honors from Brooklyn College, Shirley gresses, from 1969 to 1983, and was not political circle and to have worked along side Chisholm worked at the Mount Cavalry a candidate for reelection to the 98th her throughout her political career. In par- Child Care Center in Harlem for several Congress. ticular, I am thankful for her recommendation years. Later, she founded the Unity Shirley Chisholm will be remembered of my former chief-of-staff, the late Dr.
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