PUBLIC LIBRARY •425 «-.8RO*0 tfT Mecyeting THE WESTFIELD LEADER Saturday 9 a.m.-4 pom. Th* l—dimg mtd Matt Width CbaJMMA T~LKmmpmp*!* «—-1 VnUmC-mty. rr-t— r ^ EIGHTV-SECOND YEAR—No. 39 f WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1972 MbUriMd at W«UMd, N. J. Evwy TtamUy Pafet-U Co* Sr. Housing Foskey, Harris Top Ticket Report Issued In Democratic Primary Fire Demolishes K ISO-unit garden apartmmt type senior citizen bowing |»)»ct in the nortawerierly quadrant of a roofUy-town owned Third Ward Councdlmaa •action of UM Boynton Ave. Twin Oaks Terr, tract haa Charlw A. Hirrii and mayoral- recommended to the Town CouncU by a committee on ty candidate Many W. Fortey •• for toe elderly. will lead ttt WeiUMd Dtmo- Tha bouttag project, if ap- crattc Party'i HcM k the com The Westfield Leader resum- proved by the Town Council, ing campifgn far th» Novem- ed publication today following would be rfiifted from a prev ber general election. an unprecedented week's sus- fetfrty-mdoned location in th< Lawrence Weia bar been el- •otrtheart quandrant of the trad Library pension of the 82-year-old news- ected ai tte Democratic council paper. to about 11 acres in the north candidate in the Fourth- Ward Fire demolished the Leader wart quadrant to provide a while Mrs. Beroice Fein and R. plant and office*, as well at "PW bait ana." The reloca 'Patrick Cuh will campaign for Director Jarvis Drug Store in the saiat Won ii not approved by torn council potto in the second and building MM Elm St. list members of the committee, Lew. [first wards, according to the an- Wednesday morning. is Event! and George Cregar, Inouncemett by Municipal Chair- who filed • minority report ad Named man Richard IL Dravis. Cause of the Maze, which; voetttng the former location be originated in the drug store, still, The appointment of Miss Weiss will run for the seat to came Of cost and availability. is under investigation. The Jeanne M. Desrosiers of Bryn be vacated by Fourth Wand Several privately-owned lots building was unoccupied when Councilman Jobn J. Tucker, wouM need to be acquired for fielMawrd , MemoriaPa., as directol r of West- the fire was discovered. Library, has who will not seek reelection this the northwest site. I Business and editorial offices been announced [year due to the press of busi- by Dr. S. N. of the Leader are temporarily! Ample opportunity for com- Ewan Jr., chairman of the li ness commitments. inanity opportunity to discuss located at 12» Elmer St. The? brary's board of trustees, Foskey, who resides at 6IS newspaper is being printed at; th» report, now available at the Hiss Desroeliers will assume GarfieM Ave., has compiled 15 the Somerset Messenger-Gazette municipal building, was prom- her duties Monday, June 11 years of academic and profes- plant in Somervflle, according to bad by Mayor Donn A. Snyder She succeeds Mrs. Sylvia Johan- sional experience as a college Walter J. Lee, publisher and/ at TtMday night's meeting of sen. instructor and is a member of owner of the building. • the Town Council the faculty at Newark State Col Miss Desrosiers comes to the Prescription records of the: Recommended by the com' lege. He is former chairman of local library from Gladwyne drug store were saved from the; mittee on housing for the elder' the department of elementary Free Library, Gladwyne, Pa. fine and the pharmacy is tern-' ly Is utilization of the New Jer- education at the college and a Since April, 1085, she has been porarlly operating from its res- ' sey Housing Finance Agency to founder and member of the employed by that institution as taurant section on Elm St. This obtain 100 percent mortgage fi- Newark State College Academic head librarian of one of. the six area, and Jarvis' offices above nancing for a non-profit corpor- Senate. public libraries in Lower Mar- it, remain virtually intact al- ation composed of Westf ield cit- ion Township Library Assoaa The Democratic candidate for though somewhat damaged by izens who would operate thetion. In that position she has mayor is also the present trea- smoke and water. housing project. surer of the Union County Dem- The Town had experience with historical Phone numbers for both the Council also would need to re- ocratic Committee. He was can- (Continued on page 18) Leader and the pharmacy r£ zone or obtain a variance for didate for the General Assem main unchanged. ! -the use of the property for sen- My last year and previously a BICVCUSTS view iceae ef fire wilcb Ust Wediesday destroyed the WesttieM Leader aad ior citizen housing. New Deadlines candidate for council from the pwtie« «f the Jarvb Drag Store at SI Elm St. The Leader, wMcfc failed to paUisk Us Thurs- Pwemen began battling thfe = First step to gain the state For "New" Leader second ward. day lisae far Ibe flnt tone ia its 82 year history, resMKd publication today. smoky blaze at the Leader build- housing agency approval would ing about 5 a.m. Wednesday Because of the temporary Foskey holds degrees from be the adoption of a "resolution momingjujd immediately exacu- Leader printing schedule, the Salisbury Stale Cdta* in of need" by the council. attd. faoiUfealiving in apart- following deadlines will ,bV. ob- Maryland, aad George Waihfag- . The' committee, headed by Board toWgn buildings. served until further notice: MRS. s&RNiCE FEIN Alfred H. Linden, chairman, D.C. He hn atao undertaken The tenants,- Including a bed- General news, church items, concluded that the Boynton further gnutuste studies at the ridden woman, were housed in letters to the editor—Friday "Good Contract' tract is the only available site University of Maryland and Co- the North Ave. firehouse until noon. large enough to accommodate Tucker Declines lumbia University. early afternoon. The Westfield- Social news—Monday noon. On Clark On June 6 a two story, low density proj- He has served as secretary Mountainside chapter of the ect for the 150 units which it Sports news—Monday 5 p.m. Second Term Red Cross assisted the families of the Association of New Jer- Expansion of .athletic facilities roach upon the park. The. recently-achieved con- feels Is the "smallest viable Display and classified adver- and were prepared to find al- John J. Tucker, Fourth .Ward sey State Faculties, parliamen- in Clark Park adjacent.to Roo- The site is one of many .being tract between the Westfield project." . Sites located nearer tising—Tuesday noon. ternate housing for them but Democratic councilman, has an- tarian of the Association of sevelt Junior High School will ej<ed by. ..a.; town committee Board of Education staff rela- to Vie heart of town, the report residents preferred to return to nounced that he will not seek Teacher Educators, president of bring a fight from at least empowered "to • study existing tions committee and the nego- said, would necessitate a ver- their apartments. The chapter To Meet Monday re-election to a second term. the Newark State College Fac- one neighbor. athletic and" recreation facili- tiating; team of the Westfield tical building "possibly higher ulty Association, and as chair- also provided hot coffee for po- In announcing his decision, Tuc- ties, the needs of the town in Education Association, the rec- than the Carleton Towers or Litigation to determine whe- lice and firemen at the scene The 53rd annual meeting of man of the Teacher Education ognized representative of teach- the Westfield Arms" and "costs ker noted that an expansion of ther- the town or the Board of these respects, and to make of the fire. the Youth and Family Counsel' Advisory Committee to Chan- ers in the school system, has per housing.undt would still ex- his Job responsibilities, and the Education have the power to recommendations to the Town Westfield firemen, both regu- ing Service, an independent, cellor Ralph A. Dungan of the been called "a good contract" ceed those for garden apart- need to devote more time to his change the character of the park Council. Both town and school ar and volunteer, were augmen- non-profit service organization (Continued on page 4) by Douglas J. Campbell, chief ment construction." family, would make it imposs was promised Tuesday night by board representatives serve ted in their efforts by an aerial >r him to serve a second Thomas Marshall of 2M West upon the committee whose re- negotiator for the board. truck from Plainfield, and units "While distance from town i'swt term. Tucker, who was an up- Dudley Ave. if new facilities en- (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 4) unquestionably is a drawback, Monday, May 15, at the agency ^ WAA Sidewalk (Continued on page 13) headquarters, 233 Prospect St. council seat in the 1970 election, issued the following statement: Show May 20 Mrs, Geddis Heads Rabies Clinic "My decision not to seek a seend term has been a difficult College Club Grants $5,500 Education Assn. Is Rescheduled The Westfield Art Associa- Mrs. Beverly J. Geddis has one. But a significant change tion will hold its annual side- been elected president of the Mouitalnslde — The annual in my job responsibilities sim- walk art show on Saturday, Westfield Education Association. free clinic for the vaccination of ply will not allow me.to.con- May 20, at Mindowaskin Park Other officers are: first vice an dogs against rabies has been tinue to devote the necessary. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Profes- To Five WHS Seniors president, Miss Barbara L. rescheduled for tomorrow from time that service on our Town sional member artists will Woerz; second vice president, to 4 p.m.
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