The Khalifas Who Took the Right Way F ??????????????? Abu Bakr ?????? Umar ??? Uthman ????? Ali ??? Name Kunya Abdullah b. Uthman Abu Bakr Umar Abu Hafs ??S??? Uthman Abu Amr, Abu Laylah, Abu Abdullah Ali Abul-Hasan ?d?????? ????? ?????? Titles Siddeeq, Ateeq, Awwah Al-Faruq ??????? Dhul-Nurayn ????????? Haydar, Abu Turab ??????? Father/Mother Abu Quhafa ???????? Salma (Umm-ul-Khair) Hantamah b. Hisham (Abu Jahl’s sistr) Arwa Abu Fatimah b. Asad Talib Tribe Banu Taym of Quraysh Banu ‘Adawi of Quraysh Banu Umayyah of Quraysh Banu Hashim of Quraysh Distinctions · The Prophet’s closest companion,even · Embraced Islam 6 yrs after Revelation · Known for modesty and noble character, “Even the · Imam Ahmad: No Companion had as many virtues before Islam, 1st adult male Muslim · Strong in Jahiliyya and Islam angels were shy of him” transmitted @ him as Ali during · His Islam immediately brought to Islam 5 of · First to be open about his Islam · Intensely handsome · First youth to embrace Islam, at age 11 yrs Prophetic Era most influential Quraysh, 5 of 10 promised · First to worship publically · Affluent, known as “Uthman Ghani,” entrepreneur · Married Prophet’s beloved daughter Fatimah after Jannah: Uthman, Zubayr, Abdul-Rahman b. Awf, · Feared by Shaytan himself · Embraced Islam after Abu Bakr Uhud, stayed monogamous until her death Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, Talha b. Ubaydullah · Qur’an confirms his opinion 21x · Divorced his 2 wives after they refused Islam · Lay in Prophet’s bed during his Hijrah, charged with · Both parents, all children and some · “If there were a Prophet after me, it would · Married 2 daughters of the Prophet (Ruqayyah then fulfilling the Prophet’s debts after he left, then walked grandchildren were Companions have been Umar.” – the Prophet T Umm Kalthum), “Have you ever seen a more beautiful to Madinah · freed many slaves, especially weakest ones pair [than Uthman-Ruqayyah]?” – the Prophet · Brother of the Prophet himself in Madinah nd · Prophet’s companion in Hijrah, “2 of the 2” in · Known for keeping family ties · Appointed in charge of Madinah during Tabuk the cave · Memorized entire Qur’an, frequently recited expedition · Brother of Haritha b. Zuhayr in Madinah · Made hijrah twice: Habasha and Yathrib · Opened Khaybar st · Bought the land for the 1 masjid · Bought Jannah twice: well of Ruma, equipping Army · Likened to Harun with the Prophet as Musa · Gave all had in Tabuk, leaving for home only of Difficulty during Tabuk · Participated in all battles st “Allah and His Messenger;” Led the 1 Hajj of · Didn’t participate in Badr due to illness of · Known for wisdom in judging Islam, 9AH Ruqayyah · Participated in all battles of the Prophet · Led prayers when Prophet was sick Khilafa 11 - 13H (2+ years 13 – 23H (10 years) Youngest of Khulafaa’ 23 – 35H Oldest of Khulafaa’ 35 – 40H · Profound inaugural address · Exorted to jihad, united peninsula politically · Chosen by council of senior Companions headed by · Given pledge by rebels and the masses in Madinah · First order: dispatch of Usama b. Zayd’s army · Expelled Jews & Christians Abdur-Rahman b. Awf 3 days after Umar’s death after ‘Uthman’s assassination; accepted hesitantly · Al-Riddah: The War on Apostacy- Generals · Released Arab captives, pardoned · First crisis: case of Ubaydullah b. Umar who killed his · A group of Companions too shocked by events and appointed to fight apostates: repenting apostates father’s killers; Umar paid blood-money on his behalf hesitated pledge, began to demand retribution for · Khalid n. Waleed ® Tulayha b. · Standardized Hijri calendar · Brought affluence to the ummah, treated all with ‘Uthman first, led by Talha, Zubayr and Aisha Khuwaylid al-Asdee, then to Malik b. · Established central treasury kindness and mercy, increased all stipends · Talha, Zubayr and Aisha head for Kufa to gather Nuwayrah of Banu Tameem, later killed · Income sources: Zakat, Ghaneema (spoils), · Liberal policies and use of public funds led to some support for Uthman’s retribution; Ali upon hearing that in error while POW Jizya, Kharaj (land tax), Ushur (trade tax) criticism also set out · Amr b. al-As ® Banu Quda‘ah · Conquests: · Kufah a place of perpetual unrest: Sa’d b. Abi · H Battle of Jamal: Ali’s forces face forces led by · Battle of Bridge: Muslims led by Muthanna, Waqqas appointed as per Umar’s will, then replaced · ‘Alaa b. al-Khadrami ® Bahrain Aisha on her camel, with Zubayr and Talha among them; bitter defeat by Persians, 4000 Muslims by Uthman’s relative al-Walid b. Uqbah then by · Al-Muhajir b. Abi Ummayyah ® al- both sides agreed to arbitrate but rebels within both killed Sa‘eed b. al-‘As then by Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari, all in Aswad al-Ansi sides ignited war; 13,000 killed; Zubayr withdrew · Battle of Buwayb: crushed Persians, in response to perpetual complaints before fighting, killed on the run, Ali won and gained · Ikrimah b. Abi Jahl ® Musaylimah al- Ramadan, Muthanna later died of injuries · Basrah: replaced Abu Musa by his cousin Abdullah b. control of Basra and Kufa Kadhdhab of Banu Haneefah, · 14H Qadisiyah: ‘Aamir, who led successful conquests to Khurasan, · 37H Siffin: Muawiyah’s forces fight Ali’s bitterly, ending defeated at Yamamah by Khalid [11,000 · Persians’ last stand Afghanistan, Kabul and regions of India; returned to in decision to arbitrate Muslims vs 50,000, Musailimah killed by Wahshi, Hamzah’s killer] · Muslims led by Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, and Makkah for Hajj but after finding Uthman killed, joined · Emergence of Khawarij: 12,000 seceders from his army; · Sharahbil b al-Hasanah ® assist included 99 Badaris, 300 who witnessed Aisha’s forces Ibn Abbas debated with them at Haruraa, decreasing Ikrimah Fath, 700 sons of Companions · Continued Abdullah b. Sa’d in Egypt (after deposing their numbers to 4,000 · Sajah b. al-Harith, female prophetess, · Persians led by Rustum, 120-240,000 with Amr b. al-As) and Muawiyah in Syria · 38H Nahrawan: Khawarij defeated by Ali married Musaylimah 33 elephants · Appointed relatives in only 4 of 12 provinces · 40H Assassination of Ali at age 63 in Kufa by Abdur- · Conquests into Iraq and Syria · Tulayha al-Asdi, former apostate, fought · 26H Expanded Masjid al-Haram Rahman Ibn Muljim; janazah led by Hasan, location of · Abu Bakr sent various Islamic armies to valiantly · 27H North Africa: Abdullah b. al-Zubayr key role burial site a controversy · decisive defeat of Persian empire · 28H Muawiyah’s naval expedition to Cyprus, · Hasan’s Khilafah encourage competition · 16H Al-Madain, Persian capitol accompanied by ‘Ubadah b. Samit & his wife Umm · Ali’s followers pledged to Hasan, 6 month reign · Ubullah: Muslims led by Khalid, with · surrendered without fight Haram, who was prophesied to die a martyr at sea · 41H abdicated to Muawiyah in favor of peace divisions led by Muthanna b. al-Haritha · Sa’d led jumu’ah in Khusraw’s “White · 27H Andalus · 49H Poisoned as per some sources and Adiyy b. Hatim, decisive Muslim Palace” · 34H Dhat al-Sawaree: fullscale Jihad on the Sea victory, Persian leader Hurmuz killed by · 21H Nahawand: last Persian remnants routed · decisive defeat of Romans, never to return to N Khalid in duel Africa; Abdullah b. al-Zubayr played key role · Kathimah, Walijah, Ulays, Al-Heerah, Ayn · Sham: SYRIA · Muhammad b. Abu Hudhaifa, his adopted son, Tamoor: Khalid takes Iraq in 4 months · Conquered in 13 AH, Muslims led by Abu Muhammad b. Abi Bakr and Amr b. al-As agitated · 13H Battle of Yarmuk Ubaydah, Amr b. al-As, Sharahbeelb. Al- against him and Abdullah b. Sa’d in Egypt, eventually · Legendary battle, Khalid vs Hasanah overthrew Abdullah while he was visiting Madinah Byzantines, Salman gave rousing · Damascus, Balbek, Homs, Basrah, Jordan · Opposition to Uthman steadily grew in provinces, opening sermon · Umar visits Quds spurred by Ibn Saba · Muslim battalions led by Yazeed b. · 20H Egypt by Amr b. al-‘As · Rebels and some Companions convinced him to Abi Sufyan, Sharahbeel b. Hasanah, · 17H Expanded Prophet’s masjid replace Abdullah with Muhammad b. Abi Bakr Abu Ubaydah, Amr b. al-As · 18H al-Ramadah: Year of the Drought · Forged letter allegedly found ordering Abdullah to · Muslims lost 4,000 · Plague of Omwaas kill Muhammad, reportedly written by his relative · Completed after Abu Bakr’s death · Killed 25,000, including Abu Ubaydah, Marwan · Umar replaced Khalid with Abu Muadh b. Jabal, Yazeed b. Abi Sufyan · Angry rebels siege Madinah demanding changes and Ubaydah as general · 23H Umar assassinated by Persian slave Abu demanding Marwan; ‘Uthman refused · 13H Died at age 62 on 22 Jamadi al-Thani Lu’lu’ al-Majusi, fulfilling his duah for martyrdom · 35H 18 th Zul-Hijjah: Assasinated at age 82 after · Janazah led by Umar, buried next to his in Madinah prolonged siege of his home in front of his wife beloved T Nailah by a group led by Muhammad, who hesitated after being reminded of his father · Zubayr led janazah, buried in Baqi Legacy · Related 142 hadith, 12 in Bukhari and Muslim · Related 539 Hadith · Related 146 hadith · Related 568 hadith · Established tradition of consultation · First to use title “Ameer-ul-Mumineen” · Standardized the Quranic script in a way that · Exemplified true leadership in the worst of times · Compiled Qur’an into one mushaf · First to establish formal registries (Diwan) allowed for all 10 recitations · Led a fractured ummah · Largest expansion of Muslim territory · Instituted the 2nd azan on Jumuah · Tireless efforts to reunite the ummah · Ran virtual welfare state · Expanded Masjid al-Nabawi · United people for congregational taraweeh · Most historical accounts have not done him justice · Established Hijri calendar · In the end, he suffered because of his virtues and · “A lock on the gates of fitnah” – Hadith was a victim of circumstances beyond his control · Was a true servant of the people Prepared by Abu Zayd @ 2004 / [email protected] .
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