9538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 15 Mr. SMITH of Washington: Committee on sociation, dated November 18, 1942, protesting ernment shall be upon His shoulder.''· Indian Affairs. S. 2830. An act to provide against Production Credit Association lend­ Amen. relief to the owners of former Indian-owned ing; to the Committee on Agriculture. THE JOURNAL land within the Oroville-Tonasket irrigation 3490. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Petition tiistrict, Washington, and for other pur­ of the Wisconsin Canners Association, Madi­ On request of Mr. HILL, and by unani­ poses; without amendment (Rept. No. 2734). son, Wis.; to the Committee on Ways and mous consent, the reading of the Journal Referred to the Committee of the Whole Means. of the proceedings of the calendar day House on the state of the Union. 3491. By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: Petition of Friday, December 11, 1942, was dispensed Mr. BLAND: Committee on the Merchant Ruth A. Levendahl, secretary, student branch, with, and the Journal was approved. Marine and Fisheries. H. R. 7105. A bill to American Pharmaceutical Association, Col­ provide for the suspension, during the war, lege of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, Iowa MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ of operating-differential subsidy agreements, City, Iowa, and fellow students, urging the APPROVAL OF BILLS and attendant benefits, under title VI of the passage of House bill 7432 and Senate bill Messages in writing from the President Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended, and 2690 to establish a Pharmacy Corps in the of the United States were communi­ for other purposes; with amendment (Rept. United States Army; to the Committee on No. 2735). Referred to the Committee of the cated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of Military Affairs. his secretaries, who also announced that Whole House on the state of the Union. 3492. By Mr. MERRITT: Resolution of the Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Committee on the Queens County Board, Ancient Order of the President had approved and signed Territories. H. R. 5948. A bill to amend the Hibernians, affirming its appreciation of the the following acts: Hawaiian Organic Act so as to provide for confidence reposed in William Griffin on oc­ On December 11, 1942: reapportionment of the membership of the casions by our beloved President of the s. 2292. An act for the relief of Fred House of Representatives of. the Legislature United States and by many distinguished Walker, Sr., legal guardian for Fred Walker, of the Territory of Hawaii and to create dis­ citizens of the United States of various racial Jr.; the District Court of the United States tricts from which said representatives shall and religious origins and affiliations, and for the District of Columbia; and be elected, and to authorize the said legisla­ expressing its sincere belief that the said S. 2742. An act for the relief of Guy E. ture to provide for reapportionment within William Griffin is devoted to our United Mish. · each county of the membership of the sen­ States Constitution and our American ideals; . On December 12, 1942: ate of said legislature and to create dis­ to the Committee on Military Affairs. S. 2195. An act for the relief of Charles E. tricts from which said senators shall be 3493. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the elected; with amendment (Rept. No. 2736). Salmons. Springfield Chamber of Commerce, Spring­ On December 14, 1942: Referred to the House Calendar. field, Mo., petitioning consideration of their Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Committee on the S. 2268. An act to further amend section Territories. H. R. 6461. A bill to authorize resolution with reference to the death of 126 of the act of June 3, 1916, as amended, the incorporated city of Anchorage, Alaska, Hon. Phil A. Bennett; to the Committee on to authorize travel pay for certain military to purchase and improve the electric light Memorials. and naval personnel on discharge or release and power system of the Anchorage Light & 3494. Also, petition of the Acting Secre­ or relief from active duty; Power Co., Inc., an Alaska corporation, and tary of the Interior, petitioning consideration S. 2422. An act to authorize the Secretary for such purpose to issue bonds in the sum of resolution dated July 24, 1942; to the Com­ of War to designate the titles of certain offices of not to exceed $1,250,000 in excess of pres­ mittee on Ways and Means. and departments of instruction at the United ent statutory debt limits; without amend­ States Military Academy; ment (Rept. No. 2737) . Referred to the S. 2619. An act to amend Article of War House Calendar. 114 so as to broaden the power to administer Mr. BLAND: Committee on the Merchant oaths and take acknowledgments; Marine and Fisheries. H. R. 7744. A bill to SENATE S. 2891. An act to amend paragraph 8, sec­ provide that employees of the United States, tion 127a, of the National Defense Act so a.s to its Territories or possessions, or of the Dis­ TuEsDAY, DEcEMBER 15, 1942 authorize certain service to be counted in trict of Columbia who leave their positions determining precedence among officers when to serve in the merchant marine shall be (Legislative day of Monday, November dates of rank are the same; and restored to their positions upon the termina­ 30, 1942) S. 2867. An act to provide for the appoint­ tion of such service; with amendment (Rept. ment of an additional circuit judge for the No. 2738). Referred to the Committee of the The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on fifth circuit. Whole House on the state of the Union. the expiration of the recess. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Repre­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Harris, D. D., offered the following prayer: sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public reading clerks, announced that the House bills and resolutions were introduced and God of all Grace and Love, trusting had passed without amendment the joint severally referred as follows: only in Thy mercy would we seek Thy resolution (S. J. Res. 140) granting per­ By Mr. LE,!.: face. We come asking not that Thy will mission to Hugh S. Cumming, Surgeon H. R. 7863. A bill for the relief of the State be bent to our whim but that Thy com­ General (retired) of the United States of California; to the Committee on the pleteness flow around our incomplete­ Public Health Service, to accept certain Judiciary. ness, and around our restlessness Thy decorations bestowed upon him by the By Mr. CELLER: rest. Republics of Colombia, Haiti, and Chile. H. R. 7864. A bill to amend the act of Sep­ May the Christmas Cradle bring to us The message also announced that the tember 22, 1941, Public Law 252, Seventy­ a penitent revelation of our towering seventh Congress, with relation to the tempo­ House had severally agreed to the amend­ rary appointments of officers in the Army of self-sufficiency and the realization that ment of the Senate to the following bills the United States; to the Committee on Mili­ in our smart sophistication we have so of the House: tary Affairs. often mistaken knowledge for truth and H. R. 4918. An act for the relief of Anna By Mr. JARMAN: cleverness for wisdom; and so, alas, have J. Krogoll; H. J. Res. 369. Joint resolution authorizing trusted in a wisdom that is not wise. H. R. 7357. An act for the relief of Made­ the printing and binding of 1,500 copies of a May the Christmas skies and song shed line Fiori; revision of Cannon's Procedure in the House new wonder and mystic meaning on H. R. 7522. An act to amend the District of of Representatives; to the Committee on Columbia Appropriation Act, 1943, so a.s to Printing. tasks as commonplace as that of shep­ herds watching their flocks by night. authorize the use of public-school buildings 1n the District of Columbia as and for day PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS And may the Christmas climate, with its nurseries and nursery schools, and for other balmy breezes of good will, melt cold purposes; and Under clause 1 of rule XXII, unbrotherliness, touching the bleak and H. R. 7587. An act for the relief of Etta A. Mr. LEONARD W. HALL introduced a bill barren areas of unbelief into the blos­ Thompson, Marion E. Graham, Irene Morgan, (H. R. 7865) for the relief of Peter Cuccio and somed loveliness of a spiritual spring­ and Alice K. Weber. Jasper and Pauline Cuccio (minors), which was referred to the Committee on Claims. time. In that sunny domain unmarred The message further announced that by the blighting frost of disillusionment the House had severally agreed to the and intolerance may there bloom the PETITIONS, ETC. amendments of the Senate to the follow­ fragrant flowers of humility and sweet ing bills of the House: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions charity. H. R. 5486. An act to provide for means of and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk We ask it in the ever blessed Name of egress for buildings in the District of Co­ and referred as follows: that One at whose birth the angels sang lumbia, and for other purposes; 3489. By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Resolution and wise men hastened, and of whom the H. R. 5812. An act for the relief of William adopted by Story County, Iowa, Bankers As- holy prophets declared, "And the gov- E. Averitt and United States Casualty Co.; 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9539" H. R. 6839. An act relating to the appoint­ States, notwithstanding section 89 of the net Scrugham Thomas, Okla.
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