Index of Dyes

Index of Dyes

Index of Dyes This is an index of Colour Index dyes discussed in the book. CI Acid Black I, 20 CI Acid Yellow 23, 207 CI Acid Black 60, 216 CI Acid Yellow 29, 209, 226 synthesis, 233 CI Acid Yellow 54, 214 CI Acid Black 63, 227 CI Acid Yellow 76, synthesis, 231 CI Acid Blue 25, 219 CI Acid Yellow 99, 215 CI Acid Blue 40, 226 CI Azoic Diazo Component 2, 311 CI Acid Blue 45, 21S CI Azoic Diazo Component 4, 311 CI Acid Blue 92, 20S CI Acid Blue 113, 209 CI Basic Blue 3, 41 CI Acid Blue 129, 219 synthesis, 197 synthesis, 234 CI Basic Blue 9, 41 CI Acid Blue 159, 214 CI Basic Blue 22, 367 CI Acid Brown 24S, 222 synthesis, 194 CI Acid Green I, 45 CI Basic Blue 119, 173 CI Acid Green 25, 21S CI Basic Green 4, 41 synthesis, 234 CI Basic Orange 30, 172 CI Acid Green 27, 21S CI Basic Red 14, synthesis, 196 CI Acid Green 75, 33 CI Basic Red IS: I, synthesis, 193 CI Acid Orange 3, 222 CI Basic Red 22, 367 synthesis, 231 synthesis, 197 CI Acid Orange 19, 210 CI Basic Violet 14, 367 CI Acid Orange 67, 209 CI Basic Yellow 11, synthesis, 194 synthesis, 230 CI Basic Yellow 2S, 367 CI Acid Orange 92, 227 synthesis, 195 CI Acid Orange 14S, 216 CI Acid Red I, 207 CI Coupling Component 5, 310 CI Acid Red 37, 20S CI Coupling Component 36, 310 CI Acid Red 57, 209, 226 synthesis, 230 CI Direct Black 3, 67 CI Acid Red 114, 210 CI Direct Black 9, 279 CI Acid Red 119, 210 CI Direct Black 19, 20, 279 CI Acid Red 13S, 211 CI Direct Black 3S, 20 CI Acid Red 249, 210 CI Direct Blue I, 67 synthesis, 233 CI Direct Blue 15, 20 CI Acid Red 30S, 216 CI Direct Blue 67, 66 CI Acid Violet 7, 20S synthesis, 95 CI Acid Violet 41, 21S CI Direct Blue S4, 2S1 CI Acid Violet 5S, 214 CI Direct Blue S6, 2S0 CI Acid Violet 7S, 216 CI Direct Blue 93, synthesis, 95 CI Acid Yellow I, 44 CI Direct Blue 106, 41, 71, 2S1 CI Acid Yellow 17, 209 CI Direct Blue lOS, 70 CI Acid Yellow 19, synthesis, 229 CI Direct Blue 109, 70 407 408 Index of Dyes CI Direct Green 13,67 CI Mordant Brown 13,256 synthesis, 96 CI Mordant Brown 33, 213 CI Direct Green 26, 20, 69, 279 CI Mordant Orange 6, synthesis, 232 CI Direct Green 28, 69 CI Mordant Red 5, 212 CI Direct Orange 18, 64 CI Mordant Red 7,212 CI Direct Orange 75,63, 279 synthesis, 232 CI Direct Red 4, 279 CI Mordant Red 9, 256 CI Direct Red 16, 66 CI Mordant Red 19,256 synthesis, 94 CI Mordant Red 27, 257 CI Direct Red 23, 64 CI Mordant Yellow I, 255 synthesis, 94 CI Mordant Yellow 3,212 CI Direct Red 81, 65, 279 CI Mordant Yellow 8, synthesis, 232 synthesis, 94 CI Direct Red 110, 66 CI Reactive Blue 4, 60 CI Direct Red 118, 63 CI Reactive Blue 7, 62 CI Direct Yellow 4, synthesis, 93 CI Reactive Blue 13, synthesis, 91 CI Direct Yellow 12, 280 CI Reactive Blue 40, 60 CI Direct Yellow 49, 65 CI Reactive Brown I, 19,60 CI Direct Yellow 69, synthesis, 93 CI Reactive Orange I, 58 CI Disperse Blue I, 33 synthesis, 90 CI Disperse Blue 3, 227 CI Reactive Red I, 269 synthesis, 112 CI Reactive Red 2, synthesis, 90 CI Disperse Blue 4, 33 CI Reactive Red 6, 59 CI Disperse Blue 7, 328 CI Reactive Red 12, 58 CI Disperse Blue 14, 32, 227 CI Reactive Red 17, 59 CI Disperse Blue 60, synthesis, 118 CI Reactive Red 96, 59 CI Disperse Blue 73, 328 CI Reactive Yellow I, 57 synthesis, 117 CI Reactive Yellow 3, 56 CI Disperse Blue 183, 328 CI Reactive Yellow 4, 56 CI Disperse Blue 354, synthesis, 126 synthesis, 88 CI Disperse Orange 3, 328 CI Disperse Orange 25, 226 CI Solubilized Vat Blue I, 300 CI Disperse Orange 29, 327 CI Solvent Yellow 14, 19 CI Disperse Red I, 19, 226 CI Solvent Yellow 21, 227 CI Disperse Red 5, 227 CI Solvent Yellow 33, 43 CI Disperse Red 15, 32 CI Sulfur Black I, 44 CI Disperse Red 56, synthesis, 116 synthesis, 103 CI Disperse Red 60, 32, 227 CI Sulfur Blues I, 3, 4, 5, 11, synthesis, 103 synthesis, 114 CI Sulfur Red 10, synthesis, 103 .CI Disperse Violet I, 32 CI Disperse Yellow 3, 226 CI Vat Black I, 82 CI Disperse Yellow 16, 19 CI Vat Black 8, 77 CI Disperse Yellow 23, 226 CI Vat Black 27, 35, 76 CI Disperse Yellow 31, 38, 329 synthesis, 99 CI Disperse Yellow 33, synthesis, 129 CI Vat Blue I, synthesis, 101 CI Disperse Yellow 42, 328 CI Vat Blue 4, synthesis, 97 CI Disperse Yellow 54, 43, 226 CI Vat Blue 5, 288 CI Disperse Yellow 77, synthesis, 161 CI Vat Blue 6, 78, 288 CI Disperse Yellow 99, 329 CI Vat Blue 42,303 CI Mordant Black 7,213 CI Vat Blue 43, 303 CI Mordant Black 11,213 synthesis, 103 CI Mordant Black 13, 255 CI Vat Brown 3, 35 CI Mordant Blue 3, 257 CI Vat Brown 44, 77 CI Mordant Blue 13,213,256 CI Vat Green I, 35, 290 CI Mordant Blue 79, 256 synthesis, 98 Index of Dyes 409 CI Vat Green 8,289 synthesis, 97 CI Vat Orange 1, 79 CI Vat Red 41, 82, 288 CI Vat Orange 2,79 synthesis, 102 synthesis, 99 CI Vat Red 44, 75 CI Vat Orange 5, 288 CI Vat Red 48,289 CI Vat Orange 7, 81, 289 CI Vat Violet 13, 78 CI Vat Orange 9, 79 synthesis, 99 CI Vat Red 1, 82 CI Vat Yellow 1, 78, 288 CI Vat Red 10, 77 synthesis, 97 CI Vat Red 13, 77 CI Vat Yellow 3, 75 CI Vat Red 15, 80 CI Vat Yellow 4, 79 CI Vat Red 23, 80 synthesis, 100 CI Vat Red 28, 75 CI Vat Yellow 20, 75 CI Vat Red 29, 80 CI Vat Yellow 23, 75 CI Vat Red 35, 78 CI Vat Yellow 26,289 Subject Index Acid dyes Azo-imino tautomerism, 27 nonmetallized in dyeing, 247 Azonium-ammonium tautomerism, 27 anthraquinonoid, 249 azo, 247 Barre effects, 333, 341 triphenylamine, 249 Benzodifuranone dyes, 34 synthesis, 229 Benzo Fast Copper Yellow GGL, 93 Acid leveling, 250 Benzo Fast Scarlet 4BS, 64, 94 Acid milling dyes, 252 Benzo Rubine 6BS, 94 Acrylic fibers, dyeing of, 365 Bindschedler's Green, 40 basic dyes, 366 Bismarck Brown, 5 disperse dyes, 374 BON Acid, 72 Afterchrome method, 260 Brilliant Benzo Fast Green GL, 67 Aftertreatments, 69, 284 synthesis, 72 Alizarin, 2, 7, 254 Brilliant Yellow, 93 Aniline Purple, 3, 4 Aniline Yellow, 7 Caledon Jade Green XBN, 11, 35, 80 Anthraquinone acid dyes, 217 synthesis, 98 Anthraquinone cationic dyes, 174 Carbostyril Dyes, 389 Anthraquinone disperse dyes, 109 Cathode ray tube, 382 synthesis, 112 Cationic dyes Anthraquinone dyes, 31, 394 anthraquinone, 174 Anthraquinone reactive dyes, 61 azo, 168 Anthraquinone synthesis, 33 synthesis, 192 Anthraquinone vat dyes, 75 Cavalite dye, 92 Anthrimides, 76 Cellulose acetate, dyeing of, 325 Application of dyes, 237 anthraquinone dyes, 328 Auromine 0, 41 azo dyes, 327 Auxochromes, 13 azoic dyes, 335 Azo acid dyes, 206 disperse dyes, 326 Azo disperse dyes, 130, 149 nitrodiphenylamine dyes, 328 coupling components, 143 styryl dyes, 329 diazonium components, 137 vat dyes, 337 synthesis, 151 Cellulosic fibers, 49 Azo dyes, 18, 384, 403 dyeing of, 277 carbocyclic, 29 cotton, 277 cationic, 173 viscose rayon, 278 direct, 63 Charge control agent, 401 heterocyclic, 30 Charge generation layer, 397 reactive, 56 Chlorantine dyes, 51, 69 synthesis, 21 Chlorantine Fast Green BLL, 69 Azo-hydrazone tautomerism, 24 Chlorantine Fast Green 5GLL, 69 Azoic dyes, 7, 71 Chrome mordant dyes, 211 dyeing with, 309 Chrome mordant method, 258 411 412 Subject Index Chromogens, 17 Electronics, 381 Chromophores, 13 Electrophotography, 396 Cibacron Brilliant Red B, 58 Eliasane Brilliant Red B, 59 Cibacron dyes, 52, 89 Eliasane Dyes, 55 Cibacron Turquoise Blue G-E, 62 Cibanone Brilliant Pink 2R, 76 Fabric dyeing, 243 Cibanone Golden Yellow 2R, synthesis, 99 Fibers, 241 Cibanone Red 6B, 77 Flavanthrone, 78 Cibanone Red G, 76 synthesis, 97 Classification of dyes, 17 Fluorescein, 389 Cochineal, 204 Formazan dyes, 46, 61 Color and constitution, 13 Congo Red, 8 Garment dyeing, 243 Coomassie Turquoise 3G, 224 Gel dyeing, 241 Copper phthalocyanine, 11 Girard's Violet Imperial, 5 Cortex, 245 Griess, 6, 21 Coumarin dyes, 389 synthesis, 160 H-acid,22 Cresyl Violet, 389 Hemicyanines, 181,403 Cuticle, 245 synthesis, 196 Cyanines, 36, 390, 392 Hofmann's Violet, 5 Cyanobiphenyls, 382 Hydrazones, 399 Cyanuric chloride, 51, 52 Hydron Blue R, synthesis, 103 Hydron Pink FF, 82 Delocalized cationic dyes, 175 Diarylmethane dyes, 40 Immedial Direct Blue, 83 Diazacarbocyanines, 178 Immedial Supra Yellow GWL, 83 Diazahemicyanines, 181, 190 Indanthren Blue R, 10 synthesis, 197, 199 synthesis, 97 Diazo Brilliant Orange GR, 63 Indanthren Brown GR, 77 Diazo Brilliant Scarlet ROD, 63 Indanthren Golden Yellow G, synthesis, 100 Diazotization, 85 Indanthren Grey M, 77 Dibenzopyrenequinone, 100 Indanthren Olive R, 7 Dibromopyranthrone, 99 synthesis, 99 Dielectric anisotropy, 383 Indanthren Printing Black BL, 82 Direct dyes, 8 Indanthren Red RK synthesis, 93 synthesis, 97 Direct dyes, dyeing with, 278 Indanthren Yellow 40F, 75 azo, 279 Indanthren Yellow OK, 75 dioxazine, 280 Indanthren Violet FFBN phthalocyanine, 280 synthesis, 99 stilbene, 280 Indanthrone, 9 Drimarene dyes, 53 Indigo, 2, 81, 204, 219, 303 Drimarene Red Z-2B, 59 synthesis, 8, 101 Dyeing methods, 243 Indigoid dyes, 36, 81 immersion, 243 Indoxyl,2 impregnation-fixation, 243 Intermediate dyeing dyes, 251 Dyeing of wool, 244 Ionamine dyes, 11 Dyes analysis, 85 J-acid, 63 coupling, 85 fastness, 244 Kayacelon React dyes, 55 Dyes for displays, 382 Langmuir-Blodgett, 404 Electrochromic displays, 386 Laser dyes, 387 Electrochromic dyes, 386 Lasers, 387 Subject Index 413 LevaflX dyes, 54, 55, 87-89 Phthalocyanine reactive dyes, 61 Liquid Crystal Display, 382 Phthalocyanines, 41, 395, 400 Logwood, 204 Picric Acid, 3, 44 Loose state, 242 Polyamide fibers, dyeing of, 351 direct dyes, 363 Madder, 2, 203 disperse dyes, 360 Magenta, 5 mordant dyes, 361 Mass pigmentation, 241 nonmetallized acid dyes, 354 Mauveine,4 premetaillized dyes, 362 Mesomerism, 14 reactive dyes, 364 Metachrome method, 259 Policyclic aromatic carbonyl

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