Index Places

Index Places

2g3 INDEX OF PLACES. An asteri~k (*) after a number denotes that the name occurs more than once on that page. Abbington, 91 Arcbefounde, 02* Barkley, 22 Abbot Sande, 26 Arde, 186 Barnby Don, 49 Abbots Astou, 120, 122 Ardeborough, 103 Barnell, 253 Abbotts, 122 Ardeleigh, 220* B,unsley, 160, 264, 269 Abergavenny, 91 Arksey, 119*, 161* Bamstaple, 62 Aberie, 26, I 85 Arley, 89 Barsham, 10!1 Ablington, 280 Armagh, 24\ Barton, 28, 180 Acaster Malbis, 44 Arthington, 49 Barton Stacye, 26 Acham, 49 Arundel, 198, 199 Barwyke Haruet, 92 Acomb, 49 Ashby-de,\a-Zoucb, 105 B,ueldPne, 176 Acton, 88 Ashe, 185 Ba.aingstok", 128, 195, 202. Adderb11ry, 79 Ashelegh, 102, 244, 251 276, 280 Addington, 30 Ashton, 21, 101 Bath, 50. 60, 14 6, :!71 Adel, 49 Aahwell, 91 Batley, 116, ·168, 270• Adelatrop, 57 Aekeby, 97 Uattell, 252 Adlington, 228 Aelackby, 130 Battersea, 65 Adwicke, 109*, 157, 158*, Aateleye AbhAtis, 94 Bavaria, 256 159*, 160*, 161* Astley, 222-228 Bawthorp, 52 Agbrigge, 115, 164, 167, A•ton, 30, 75, 79, 118, 122 Baydon, 92 265 . Aston Abbotte, 29, 229 Bayldeu, 168 Aike, 13, 14 Aston Cantlow, 77 Beachampton, 233 Aielaby, 220 A1ton Clinton, 193 Beaconsfield, 31J, 64, 229 Aketon, 108 Aston Somerville, 73, 75, Beamsley, 58 Alborne, 27, 91 155 Beaurepaire, 145, 151 Albrough, 88 Atherston, 61, 127 Hechworth, 279 A lcannynges, 92* Attercliffe, 262 Beckelles, 103 Aldborough, 64 Amthorpe, 118, 159 Beckenham, 169 Alrlenham, 25i* Avebury, 91 *, 185 Beckwith, 58 Aldermaston, 10! Avignon, 50 Hedale, 55 Alderehot, 155 Avington, 26 Bedford, 69, l 27, 128*, Alesburie, 29, 30 Axbridge, 276 201, 202 Alfameston, 38 Axholm, 109, 110, 179 Bedfordshire, 18, 81, 64, Alfreton, 88, 262 Aylesbury, 31, 65*, 121, 104, 126, 192, 196, 201 Alkmundbury · Weston, 122, 230 Bedhampton, 199 26:.!* Ayhnersthorp, 246 Bedminster, 194 Allerthorpe, 61 Aynde,·by, 275 Beer Haekert, 279 Allerton, 114 Azerley, 119 Beaston, 88, 169 A llington, 23 4, 236 Heirton, 29 Almondbury, 270 Bn,lialey, 185 Beleeby, 242 Alnwick, 131 nadsell, 8 3. 84, 85 Bemre, 131 Alton, 185* Badsworth, 163 Hendbroughton, 39 Altriugha.m, 250 Baildon, 162, 167 Benenden, 27 Ambrasbury, 280 Balengore, 30 Benger, 26 America, 133, 280 Ballgrene, 113 Benham, 60 Amounderness, 2i8 Ball Horton, 256 Henyngworth, 135 Ampthill, 196 Bandon, 18 Beoclif, 128 Andover, 26, 152, 198*, 199 Banhum, 66 Beresford, 107, 208 Aneton, 266 Haustend, 2i9 Ilerkhampatead, 202 Antigua, 203 Burcotts, 23 Berkshire, 22, 23, 25, 27*, Appl~by, 66, 67 Barkharupstede, 105 30, 81, 83, 56*, 60, 61*, Appletreewick, 66, 57*, Barking, 268 67, 70, 89, 90•, 111 •, 58, 60 Darkish, 136 10,•, 121,142,144, Uri*, 294 tNDEX OF PLACES. Bradford, 44, 93,162, 164*, i Bucklaud,00, 104,120, 185* 146*, 149, 150*, 173, Bl1deston, 249, 25v 175, 193, 197, 239, 251, 165*,166*, 183,227,2701 Bradley, North, 93* ! Bukenhule, 34 276,280 Bulmer, 54 Berwick, 155, 156 Bradwell, 169 i Braintree, 44, 128 [ Bulwyke, 107 Betton, 226 BumpBtecle, 242 Ileverley, 14, 44, 65, 67 Bramble, 92 I Bramhowe, 88 Ilunbury, BO Bewley, 196 Buntingforrl, 277 Besford, 197 Bramham, 108 Bramhope, 100 Burdrupp, 22*, 23 • Beymonds, 277 BrancepeU1, 2!:iO", 260* llurford, 145, 150 Diddeston, H6 llurghfield, 150 Bierton, 229 lknyton, 168 Burgbwallie, 158* Bigden, 65 Brearley, 118 Brecknock, 91 Burley, 170 Biggin, 53 Bredwardyne, 206 Bumby, 65 Bigginton, 235 Bremble, 92 Burnhall, 52 Bi!lingborough, 129 Burnham, 110 Bindburie, 103 Breudbrougbt.on. 39 Burnsall , 56*, 57, 58*, 60* Binfield, 32*, 33* Brentford, 144 Brentwood, 203 Burrell, 93* Bingley, 117 Burston, 29, 84, 85, 120, Bren tyngby, 246 Binley, 56, 58*, 59*, 61 122•, 220, 235 Birdesthorne, 120 Brett, 208 Brettou, I!i9 Burstow, 17, 18 Birdingbury, 60 Burthwnit, 87 Birdsthon, 233 Brewood, 203 Burton, 14 7, 25:i, 270 Brewton, 195 Birfeld, 150 Burton Agne•, 106 Birkhed, 250 llri<lgeman, :.!23 Burton Constabl~, 107, l!l6 Birst"ll, 207, 266*, 267, Bridgewater, 63, 130 Bridgnorth, 202 Burton Lenard, 96 268* 269* 270* Burwn1·tun, 34 Birton.'35 ' Brighouse, 270 Bury Blondesdon, 1ii 1 Bishops Lavington, 240 Brimpton, 280 Bury St. Edmuuds, 63, 6G, Bishops Lidyard, 187 Briugton, 5 7 Bristol, 18, 95, 98, 130, 135, 128, 198, 200, :W2, 277 Bishopstow, 24* llnyrton, 176 Bishop Wilton, 51 277 Briatowe, 28 Hykelegh, 97 Bithynia, 16 Bynfeilrl, 30, 1:ll niackgrove, 29, 122 Brittany, 131 Broad Hintou, 90 11 yrfteld, 150 Blagdon, 130 Byril, 167 Blngrove, 120, 121, 122 Broadstaira, 43 Brocklmmpton, 58 llysurake, 101 Blandford, 25, 195 Jlyshoppea Acre. 03 Bro<lie, 44 Blatchcombe, 25 Brodsworth, 159* Bysshops Fowntell, 105 Blatheroirle, 116 Bytborougb, 84 lllawarthill, 156 Broke, 103 Dlechesrlun, 132 Drokeuborough, 26 Blisworth, 173, 206 Brokehnll, 'J3 Bromsgrove, 98 Calais, 65, 101, 197, 252 Burltuin, 129, 274, 275 Caldelowc, 182 Bodvile. 87 Bromyard, 190 Brumley, 186 Calehill, 83, 186 Ilol<l, 254 Culey Hall, 51 Bolles, 88 Brook.iby, 20i Brough, 54 Callomb, 127 Bolling, 167 Cnlue, 147, 148* Bolscver, 263 Hrnughton, 93 Broxon, 176, 2r,o• Cnl~ton, 24 llolton, 7 Cnlvudey. 114, lGi, ltiS*, :i,r, Hruchemere•tun, 17:.! Bondon, 240, 250 160,110*',111 *,1n*, 250 Borellllrn, 217,210 . Bruggenorth. 94 Carnbri<lge, 10, 110, l lJ5, Brumpton, 11:.J Borothorp, 48 I 253 ; King's Coll., 107 ; Borrowe, 103 I Brumynge, 92 St. John's ceu., 107,160 Buston, 68, 6 (, 66, 128, 10 7 Brussels, 114 Cambridgeshire, 37, 103, Bryckwurth, 2·2 Bosworth, 195 195, 252, 253*, 254, 263, Botathan, 128 Brydesthorne, 29 Bryn, 223 273* Bothem, 250 Buckeburst, HO, 150 Cambusnethan, 153, 166 Boyton, 93 Buckenham, '237 157 Br11cebrirlge, 52 Bucldngbam, u4 ] C11.melford, 272 Bracewell, 168 Cameron, 57 lluckingha111shi1·e1 18, 23, I Brackenbury, 220 Cann pe, 1 so 29, 30, 39, (i4", ti,,•, 67, ·1 Br~ckenholmc, 48 St>, 90,103, JOI, lOG, 12:.!, Cuutiuld, 60 l3radenb11m1 150 125, }!)6, 20:.!\ 229,230*, '· Camie, ~3 Br11dewell, 247 Canuiugtoll, 192 Bradfield, 188, 265 23:!, 233*, 273 I 1ND:tX OF PLACES. 295 Cannock, 194, 196, 277 Chesterfleld, 127, 195 Copley, 115, 116*, 117*, Cannynge, 24, 92* ·cbevit, 88 118*, 119*, 120* Canterbury, 18, 43, 61, Cheyuestou, 38 Cork, co., 87* 107, 130, 141, 143, 144", Chichester, 44, 181, 276 Cornewoode, 129 254 Chigwell, 106 Cornwall, 62*, 127*, 128, Capell How, 23 Chikeneyu, 174 129*, 192, 105, 198,202, Carbroke, 262 Chilboultou, 25, 26 203,238,243,272*,274*, Carbrook, 262 Chilcornbe, 184 275* Carden, 88 Chilmark, 184 Coreeborne, 84 Cardiff Castle, 148 Chilton, 27, 230 Coreehorne, 84 Carhouse, 26l! Chippenham, 92*, 93 Corton, 113 Carleton, 255 Chippingwycombe, 125 Corypoole, 28 Carlton, 2i8 Chirriell, 104 Cotgrave, 263 Carlten Hall, 108 Chisenboroughe, 92 Cotheridge, 59 Carlisle, 254 Cbitterue, 24 Coton, 232 Carmarthen, 256, 2i3 Christelton, 176 Cottingham, 43 Csrnarvonshiru, 8 7 Christian llfalvard, 188 Cotton, 28 Carnwath, 152, 153 Cholley, 176 Ooukham, 88 Carolina, 58 Cholmondeley, 88 Court Port, 190 Carsley, 22 Cholsey, 27, 145 Couton, 259 Casterton, 27 Chorley, 62, 127, 108,223", Coventry, 104 Custle Carye, ~1 224*, 225*, 227, 2l!8 Covington, 156 Castle Combe, 14i* Chulmleigb, 274 Cowthally, 153, 157 Cnstley, 47, 16~ Chute, 92* Crakanthorp, 181 Catcliffo, 264 Cincinnati, 43 Orandene, 252 Catton, 109 Cirenoester, 277 Cranbrooke, s4• Caversham, 60* Clack-Heaton, :.!67 Cranesley, 255 Oawne, 92*, 239 Clanford, 176 Cronham, 276 Cawood, 53 Clapham, 50 Cranhurst, 117 C1t wstone, 9 2 Clare, 44, 103 Craule, 36 Chadenwick, 183 Clarehall, 52* Craven, 67, 58, 261 Chadlintou, 30 1 Clarewell, 24 Crewkerne, 274 Chalfont St. Gil~•. 271 Claro, 46 Cridling, 119 Chamb'house, :23ll Clattercote, 124, 125 Croell, 93 Chard, 64, l:!.i Claworth, 262 Crome, 112 Charilstoke, I 03 Cluybroke, 246 Crooke, 223 Charhamptnn, 105 Clayton, 88 Croome, 57 Charlburie, 30 {)Jaywortb, 108 Cropredie, 125 Charlecote, 7 r, Cleobury Mortimer, 19i Crosland, 162 Charlestowu, 135 Clewar, 104 Croston, 226, 228 Charline, 28 Cleydon, 30, 104, 125 Crowstone, 164, 171 Charlton, 25, 237 Clifford, 133 Cm.ti well, 148 Charnoek, 223, 224 Clifton, 105, 225, 266 Cuerdon Hall, 226 Chart, 83 Clopton, 67 Culneham, 196 Chatham, 257 Clough, 265 Cumberland, 63, 111, 235, Cheaping Barnett, 64 Cockle, 20 277 Chedle, 102 Codynton, 260 Cwm, 89 Chelmsford, 68, 66, 67,128 Oolcbe1ter, 16, 18, 129, Chelaeu, 190 220 Chelteubam, 276 Cold A1hb;, 38 Chelworth, 28 Colebrook, 67 Cheperton, 253 Coley, 116 Damerham, 183 Cheping Wycombe, 202 Collingborne Kingmton, Ill n,nby, 111 Chtlpyndereet, 174 Colnewake, 103 Danby WiekA, 11n Cherington, 92 Colompton, 67 Darfield, 263, 269 Obeseldcn, 23 Colwich, 76 D11rley, li6 Oheshelle, 242 Colyntre, 249 Darlington, 260 Cheshire, 35, 36, 68, 87. Oombe Abbey, 68 Darrington, 119* 88*, 89*, 99*, 100",101 *, Comberforde, 92 Dartou, 268 102*, 126, 169, 202, 229, Oomhn, 240 Daunte.e7; 240 280, 250*, 253 Compton, 187 DaventrJ, 88, 198 Cbe11ter, 88*, 80, 97, 169, Condon, 180 Deannt!, 26 . 172, 11,, 176*, 182, 186, Connecticut, 280 Denbigh, 67, 87, 88*, 89, 214, 222, 223*, 226, 21!7 Oopenthorp, 287 208 296 INDEX OF PLACES. Dursley, 128 Faluearbel, !l7 Denchwortb, 31 Faringdon, l!l6 Denford, 28 Dutton, 228 Duxbury, 228 Farley, 91 Denham, 227 Farnborough, 136 · Denkele, 180 Farneburgh, 174 Denton, 49 Fa.rnehnm, 103, 150* Deptford, 61, 62, 66, 107, Eardisley, 133 East Grinstead, 61, 128, Farningham, 142 194, 196*, 198, 275 Fnrnley, 4ti, 47*, 48*, 49', Derby, 127, iai, Hi9, li8, 198, 190, 201 60*, 117,170 182, }95* I 200 F.aton, 88, 89 Fuwley, 27 Derbyshire, 34, 88, 107*, B:1ton Mersey, 22(, Fsxtlete, l i3 127 195* 200* 247 Eccleshill, 169 Featherstone, 108*, 109* 262: 276 ' , ' Ederiston, 73 Edinburgh, 153, 166 Fe\etede, 24 7 Derry, Si, 109 Felton, Ci9 Devon, 'll 27, 62*, 63, E,lisfortb, 16 3 *, Feonysinton, 244 64*, 67", 103, 104.*, 126, Edliugton, 106* lternlrnm,146, 147,141),150 127*, 129*, 130, 132, Eduam, 1E7 Figheldean, 280 185.

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