2015, 2016, 2017 MDDC News Organization of the Year! Celebrating more than 160 years of service! Vol. 164, No. 51 • 50¢ SINCE 1855 Thursday, May 30, 2019 INSIDE Sherwood Takes 4A Crown Town hall meeting Police Accountability draws opposition to County councilmembers are making strides in creating legisla- tion concerning police- involved highway expansion deaths of residents in Montgomery County. pleted, in this case, through toll lanes By Jessica Ricks -- will go back to the private contrac- @jessica_ricks25 Page 3 tor to pay off their expenses. LANDOVER — Congressman The options for potential Anthony Brown (MD-04) held a changes to the two highways have town hall meeting on May 23 to give been narrowed down to seven alter- residents a chance to get more infor- natives. One involves not building mation as well as voice their con- any new lanes at all, and the rest in- cerns about the proposed plan to volve a combination of high-occu- widen and toll the Capital Beltway (I- pancy toll lanes, express toll lanes 495) and I-270. and high-occupancy vehicle lanes. The town hall, which drew a full The building of the new lanes would house at the Wayne K. Curry Sports require the removal of at least 30 and Learning Complex, followed a homes and businesses just off the series of public workshops on the highways. project held by the Federal Highway “What we’ve seen from the past Administration (FHWA) and the decades of research and infrastruc- ‘Princess Ida’ Maryland Department of Transporta- ture projects is the solution to conges- tion State Highway Administration tion and crumbling infrastructure is- “Princess Ida” will be per- (MDOT SHA) after their release of n’t widening highways,” Brown said formed June 9-16 at the F. Scott the Managed Lanes Study on April during the meeting. “More people are Fitzgerald Theatre at the Rockville on roads, and it’s not less congestion. 13. Civic Center. You may have short-term relief, but The highway expansion project you invite more people onto the for I-495 and I-270 would be run Page 11 road.” through a Public-Private Partnership Brown, along with other elected (P3) in an effort to improve over 70 officials and community residents in miles of highway in Maryland. attendance, said that instead they PHOTO BY MIKE CLARK During the town hall meeting, support greater investment in public Sherwood’s Gracie Manlapaz escapes the tag attempt by Glen Burnie Brown clarified that a P3 involves the catcher Brooke McCormick to score a run as the Warriors softball squad state hiring a private contractor to in- returned to championship form on May 25 during the 4A state final vest in and work on the project and defeating the Gophers by a score of 8-7. Story on Page 17. the money generated after it is com- See Expansion, Page 8 County Council finds additional funding for several departments Big 33 Football make changes to the budget as they tions of the county’s budget in com- tial officers and restores six police of- By Elle Meyers saw fit and allocate the $10 million to parison with education funding for ficer positions that had lapsed in the Classic @_ElleMeyers the programs and departments they Montgomery County Public Schools previous year. Check out some of our photos ROCKVILLE—The Mont- felt needed the money the most. (MCPS) or Montgomery College, the “We depend on (the police) at from the 2019 PSFCA Big 33 gomery County Council added addi- “When I introduced the budget, I council felt it necessary to provide ad- our most challenging times and it is so Football Classic including local tional funding to the budget for fiscal left $10 million unallocated for the ditional funding for those depart- very important that we ensure that talent participating in the illustri- year 2020. council to apportion as a sign of my ments. every first responder has the training ous all-star game held in Harris- The council made their prelimi- new approach,” Elrich said in a state- According to the council, public and equipment they need to serve the burg, Pennsylvania on Memorial nary budget agreements on May 16 ment. “It was a tough decision to safety was slightly underfunded in the public,” said Council Vice President Day. by straw vote and finalized the budget leave many worthy requests unful- original budget proposal. Sidney Katz, who also serves as chair Page 20 on May 23. filled, but I was heartened to hear The budget for the Department of the council’s public safety commit- This year’s budget process was many councilmembers partially cred- of Police is set at $295.3 million, tee. slightly different from that of years it this action for creating a more coop- which is a 5.4 percent increase from Katz explained that it is impor- past. County Executive Marc Elrich, erative decision-making process.” the budget last year. tant to be able to fund school resource who was elected to his new position in The council agreed to provide The council allocated an addi- officer positions because it is benefi- November of last year, left the council more funding to public safety, health tional $122,514 to fund two new cial to have children develop relation- $10 million in unallocated funds to and human services and parks and school resource officer positions. The appoint at their discretion. planning. budget for the department also in- The council was then able to Although they are smaller por- cludes two recruit classes of 44 poten- See CC, Page 8 2 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL MAY 30, 2019 EFLECTIONS The Montgomery County Sentinel, R published weekly by Berlyn Inc. Publish- ing, is a community newspaper covering Montgomery County, Maryland. Our of- December 18, 1941: Maryland State Guard Called To Active Duty fices are located at 22 W. Jefferson Street, Suite 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Each week the Sentinel visits a following a mobilization order. 14 way of the 5th Regiment Armory in guard duty by approximately 40 per Founded in 1855 by Matthew Fields. All memorable story from its archives. men from the 5 infantry companies Baltimore. cent of the total strength of the 7th mail to: P.O. Box 1272, Rockville, MD 20849-1272. Subscription Rates for The of the battalion had failed to report “By Saturday noon, the survey Battalion demonstrated that the Montgomery County Sentinel – Weekly The Maryland State Guard was and none of these had been notified. of the sensitive points of key impor- Maryland State Guard is an alert by mail: $40.00 per year & $26.50 for Se- called into active service on Friday By noon Saturday, every member of tance in the counties of Mont- group of responsible citizens who nior Citizens. (USPS) 361-100. morning, December 12. Mont- the Battalion except one man had re- gomery, Frederick and Howard had possess a reasonable amount of mil- Bernard Kapiloff gomery County companies at Silver ported for duty. This man was a pri- been completed and by sunset Satur- itary equipment and organization PUBLISHER E MERITUS Spring were mobilized at 8:30 A.M. vate in a Silver Spring Company. day guards had been posted at the “The call to active service also Lynn G. Kapiloff All companies “stood by” at “The officer of the 7th Battalion most important of these sensitive evidenced the entire willingness of CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ ‘full strength’ until guard assign- say is as near par for the quick mobi- spots. the Governor of Maryland to coop- PUBLISHER ments were made. Throughout the lization of groups of separate county “Sunday night, after 3 days of erate with the regular army authori- [email protected] State sentries are now guarding “sen- citizen soldiers as is possible. active duty, nearly 60% of the men ties of the 3rd Corps Area which in- Mark Kapiloff sitive points” of our National De- “The State Guard companies of each company of the 7th Battalion cludes Maryland. ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER fense. are reasonably well equipped with were released from the mobilization “A further very real benefit to [email protected] The following is an official re- rifles and accompanying ordnance call and reverted to their former sta- the people of Maryland, which today port released by the 7th Battalion uniforms, overcoats, shirts, caps, tus as members of their respective can not be accurately valued is that EDITORIAL giving details to the response to the and leggings. Since the call to active State Guard companies on inactive this call to short term active duty Daniel Kucin Jr. EXECUTIVE EDITOR call to mobilize. duty, the local companies have re- service. The men who are required ironed out many of the kinks which [email protected] “383 men and officers of the 7th ceived blankets, cots, and ponchos to do a reasonable tour of guard duty were latent in the organization of the Battalion of the Maryland State with limited supply of galoshes, wa- will receive regular army pay.” State Guard and which could only José Umaña Guard reported at their armories in terproof hats and gloves. Other “The mobilization for three have been eliminated through at [email protected] Frederick, Montgomery and Howard equipment is being received daily days active duty of the full strength least one immediate call to active CITY EDITOR Counties at 8:30 last Friday morning from the 3rd Corps warehouses by of the State Guard and the continued service.” Barbara Trainin Blank COPY EDITOR NEWS Neal Earley [email protected] Write us ASSIGNMENTS MCP Acting Chief takes reins in Laurel The Montgomery County Sentinel George Smith PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR closed” the murder investigation of rent adjunct professor at University of By Suzanne Pollak the Lyons sisters, who disappeared Maryland, College Park.
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