NBT ^BBSS RI7II AVBRaLOBwDAHiX CIROITItATION OF IBB EVENING mmAtiH t<Mp th« month of Febmaiy, 1027. 4 , 9 5 6 VOL. X U ., NO. 152. fHwwifled Adrertlsliig on Page 10. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ TUESliAY, MARCH 29, 1927. ONCE RICH SINGER COOLIDGE DIBS IN POVERTY. FIRST PierUREDP LOOTING IN CHINA. ; st»w Montreal, Que., March 29.— Seasle Bain, well-known, as a long bird to Montreai theatre­ CANDIDATE goers a decade ago, today was Identi^ed at the morgue by her father, Joseph Bloomfield. The soprano had died in poverty at Notre Dame hospital and her NEXT YEAR body was unidentified. The woman was picked up un­ conscious on McGill College ave­ nue. Death was due to heart af- fiiction and chronic ailments President Silent But Friends i brought on by her poverty. «>------------ ——----------------------------- Base Thehr Conclusions f On) Appointments JtSSESSORJOB He Has Made GVESBOARDA Washington.. March 29.— Ccn- Tme Bills :Foiuid By Grand Twenty-Six StE at Ibnkqw, a Danger Point— All Foreign Sresslonal politicians lingering on HARDraOBLEH hero in the capital In hopes of as­ ' Banks C lb s^ llere-^vAnti-Foreign Feeling Grows as certaining someth’ng of President Jury •Agabst Men Oonlldge’s political intentions to­ Work of Evacuation Continnes— U. S. Cabmet Thinks ward 1928 are slowly coming to Selectmen Beb'eve Full Time Killed O al Street Laun- the conclusion, some reluctantly, m of chaos and pillage which is .China today is this extraordinary photo of an actual riot fn' Situation Is StiD Serious. some otherwise— that ho Intends to Clerk Necessary— Who It T entsln reported visited by the latest disorders. All is lawlessness and here i unmolS^^^^^ dryman. be a candidate. on heavily laden carts. C row ds^ Chinese aimlessly throng the sidewalks, gazing with oriental indi^erence, if not en vy, upon the rioters’ booty.* ' ■ ^ They base it not upon anything Will Be Stirs Feeling rBhanghai, March 29.—rAmerican tSion, dispatches reached the State Mr. Coolidge himself has said, for ^ (Special to T3ie Herald) warships, are , yyirrylng up and Department to the effect that a he has. said nothing. bu,t rather Among Assessors. general exodus of Americans froin upon what his friends say, and* Hartford, Marrii 29,^Chlng down the Yahgtse river,, often un­ interior points in China, north aa upon his own actions— straws Expect 10,000Anglers WORLD WAR SCENES Lung, 38, and Loo Hoo Wing. 22, der fire from, shore, in a hurried well as. south, is in progress under which may show the direction of alleged members , of the Chinese effort to clear'the Yangtse. valley the direction of cbnsuiar and dip­ the political wind. The three members of Man­ Ong Leong Tong In Hartford, were of Americans before the gathering lomatic authorities. ' ' His Apiiointmeuts chester’s Board of Assessors have Minister MacMufrar, from the The latest of these, to the polit­ AS MARINES LEAVE indicted by the Grand Jqty here storm of anti-fbrelgnism breaks in­ exposed themselves so long to the To Fish State Streams to fu ix legation at Pekin, has o:-disred the ically minded, is the appointment today on a charge of first .'degree evacuation of all Americans ffoYn of Roynes Haynes, the Anti-Saloon obJections, criticisms and general murder for the. slaying of Ong Efforts are being made to com­ Honan province, ana Consul Gen­ League’s pet candidate,' as prohibi­ fault finding of disgruntled tax­ King, 26, Manchester.laundryman plete the evacuation of Hankow, eral Swaney at -Tsi& Ah-Fu has tak- tion commissioner. Haynes’ ap­ payers that the fever has attacked Hartford, Conn., March 29.— .^to overflow the streams And ham- pointment is credited to Mr. Cool­ Nlne months of gloom for Connect- ' per proceedings, an auspicious sea- Fif^Mii Handred Deyfl Dogs In that town,. March 24., No defi­ which'is reported to be one o f th e' 1“ with regard td them. S. Emil Johnson, John Jen^ nite date for tbe trial has been set. ■ ^ ^ ■ ■ Americans, in southern Shantung. idge personally, for it is widely Icut trout fishermen will end Frl- J son start Is promised, danger points, and according to, of­ south of the Yellow river. known in Washington that neither sen and Samuel Nelson, Jr., who day. Given clement weather from J Choicest Streams Judge Newell Jennings,-State’s At­ Start For 3an Diego— To torney Hugh M. Alcorn and Fran­ ficial reports today there were Secretary Mellon nor General Lin­ comprise the board appeared be­ Friday morning until Sunday night f But the choicest streams in the i! twenty-six American m ^ , .women coln C. Andrews wanted the Ohio between 5,000 and 10,000 anglers state aside from the privately own- cis P. Rdhrinayer of Hartford, at­ BEADY FOR FIGHT fore the Selectmen last night in an torney for the accused, will meet Md children, non-mlslouarles; at prohibitionist named. They had an­ expect.to whip the open waters o f. ed and stocked waters, will not be Thursday morning at .10 o’clock Hankow on Sunday. It Js. believ- other candidate, J. D. Pennington, executive session, to do a little the state to usher In the three ' open for fishing for another two e.d: that many of these, may have London, March 29,— While tha fault-finding of their own. The months’ season, April 1 to July 1. weeks. The seaSon on ‘ state leas- to decide upon a date for the trial. Chinese .affe. reported to be moant-^i - an exTuaval officer, who has never It required two hours and iT been evacuated nbw. During the been in politics. meeting was called by the Select­ Tackle and gear are* now being ed and'stocked streams does not last three days, of Jas'ta-BL. week 3J4-- - sains along the Yangtze men and followed their special prepared, dealers are doing a brisk begin until Friday, April 15 fif- Washington, March 29'.- — The minutes to complete the testimony. Americans were President Coolidge has seldom The Jury retired at 10:42 and. re­ e T M S d . disappointed his secretary of the meeting on sidewalk hearings. buslness. Town clerks report that , teen days afternhe start o f ’ the throb of farewells, the rumble of Hankow, where the- serloushess of their gups on British and Atoeri- That there is dissatisfaction on the demand for licenses. Is. steady, .! regular season. troop, trains and the cheers for de­ turned at 1:14. Of the witnesses can warships at Nanking, reportp treasury in the matter of appoint­ called six were from Manchester. the situation Is Indicated- by the ments. ifet in this instance he lis­ the part o f members of the Board Already many sportsmen'hkVb viS^'' The etxtra wait should he worth parting-men brought back a tduch Lfact that all foreign banks -have Indicate continued at- of Assessors is, perhaps, news to Ited streams to survey old favorite while, however, They were in the order of their closed indefinitely, tacks with small arms against for­ tened to Senator Frank B. Willis, stirring times of the World appearance, Patrolman John Mc- the Anti-Saloon League’s spokes­ Manchester peogle generally. How­ pools and try to stare the secrets . of the season last June, more than The U., S. S.d.Pll8bury left today eign shipping passing up and down ever, the Selectmen have been fac­ from deceptive ripples. Unless hea^ i ______ War today as the marines started Glinn, Sam Ong, who was the only the Yangtze. ; man in the Senate, to Wayne B. eye witness of the crime;' John for Nanking Chow to pick up eight Wheeler, the league’s generalis­ ed with the task, all year, of try­ vy rains come before the week-end I (Continued on Page 3) for China. , The 1.50C “ Leather­ An) erican missionaries and then it Reports received here state that Vlgnone, NIcbias Dellaferra, Ser­ there have been renewed attacks simo in the capital, and elected to ing to keep the costly Linder sys­ necks” ordered to Shanghai were geant William Barron and i Chief will proceed to Jukow to evacuate tem up to date and at the same two American missionaries. against Americans 'and British at accept their advice rather than of leaving from Philadelphia, Quan- Samuel G. Gordonj Bteilb Sandbv- Mellon and Andrews, the officials time trying to compensate the SUNDAY MOVIES The U. S. S. Paul Jones Is escort­ Wuhu. tico, *Va., and Paris Island.- S. C., in, Henry Ml-Costello, Captain ^of -The evacuation o f foreigners, ap­ directly, responsible itor prohibition membersof the Board of Assessors OUR LEGISLATURE in seven troop trains. Detectives Jamdh J.' o f Nbw ing two refugee ships down the enforcement. in a fair way. FOR PURITAKS Yan^se. to. Shanghai. pears to be proceeding rapidly. Setting out in fan like oi;der ov­ Haven ahd County Detective Only five, male foreigners are now Wants Dry Support Full Tlmo CleVk Needed ward J. Hickey of ‘ Hartford. Ftuiaul of 'Victims er a half dozen railroads, the troop Numerous. Americans and other left in Klukiapg' and other porta To the politicians, this betokens The new Linder system of prop­ TO ADJOURN MAY 4 Town All Worked Up Over trains will pass through nearly pv- Sam Ong wan closeted with, the a willingness on the part of Mr. erty assessments requires constant foreigners today attended funeral are said to have been deserted Break in Blue Laws So a ery sdctlon of theicountry.ln their grand Jury the longest oU any of All British women, and children Coolidge to accept the dry support attention. A full time- cleric is ne- the witnesses, 33 minutes, and ib ceremonies .for the British victims whatner.
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