Gehan can be found on www.gehandesilva.com, Flickr and Facebook. relenting relenting pace. This helps him to find time for an office job, field work and also have time for the family. Lanka edg ambas and then joined Jetwing to help set up Jetwing Eco Holidays as the leading wildlife travel company in Sri positioned to gain positive publicity. The for international press see making him as Sri one ofLanka the more most effective media progressive and also to introduce reforms so that Sri Lank is better from After 15 years in the UK he returned to Sri Lanka and was involved in the setting up of Nation Trust Bank derivative derivative instruments. w city with the London International Finan stockbrokers, stockbrokers, banks and derivatives traders. He then worked in Financial Derivatives and Banking in the Accountant with Deloittes Touche Tohmatsu specializing in audits of financial sector clients such as In the UK he graduated in Civil Engineering from Imperial College, London. He qualified as a Chartered publicize publicize Sri Lankan wildlife. the private sector and state agencies and his friends and family who have helped him over many years to Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne wishes to Acknowledgments thank all of those people in tourism, research and conservation Copyline in (Pvt) Ltd. Pr Aruni Hewage, Divya Martyn and Riaz Ca Production Production Coordinators First Electronic Edition, March 2010. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, First Edition: Images Images are © Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne Copyright and may not be reproduced without his explicit permission. Promotion Bureau. Electronic Edition. de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2010). Gehan's Poster Series: Butterflies of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Tourism Citation hat was then a newly emerging discipline of financial risk management, especially from exposure to oduced by ed and tightly disciplined business approach combined with a capacity to put in long hours at an un- human rights to better political and corporate governance. He has emerged as a strong advocate . L sadors fo ately, ately, his column in the monthly business magazine LMD has explored various issues ranging r Sri Lanka. His years in the City of London have not been wasted as he brings a hard T el: 94(0)11 2 437 055/059/060 Fax: +94(0)11 2 440 001 Email: [email protected] of and the world from the Nepali Himalay books. He has had over ten books and a hundred articles of published, Sri locally Lanka, Magic of Sri Lanka, Portrait of Sri Lanka and internationally. He has trekked, birdwatched and photographed around Guide to Sri La Channel and his photographs and articles which have appeared in books and magazines internationally. Gehan is the lead author of A Birdwatchers on programs broadcast on National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery celebrity. celebrity. He is also known to international audiences through appearances Averaging Averaging weekly appearances in the press, Gehan is a local wildlife Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne Borneo. No.80 No.80 Galle road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Wildlife (Bradt Travel Guides) Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau der ( cial F nka ( eEdition). utures utures Exchange (LIFFE), Sumitomo & Abbey National in Oriental Bird Club, UK), Web site: www.srilanka.travel as a as well as a series of smaller nd Peruvian Andes to the rainforests (New Holland, London) YS% ,xldfõ iuk<hska A Photographic Guide to the Birds ,yq;ifapd; tz;zhj;jpg;G+r;rpfs; articles on the shorebirds of Sri Lanka. Lankan wildlife. overall introduction to Sri 74 9. Probably the best 21.5 cm. ISBN-10 1 841621 22.8 cm. ISBN 955 - 1079 - 03 - 5 Paintings and UK. 144 pages. 13.5 cm x (2007). Bradt Travel Guides, de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. pages. Jetwing Eco Holidays: Colombo. de 25.6 Silva cm Wijeyeratne, G. x and Perera, L. (2004). 48 , 26 colour , 21 colour plates 10,000 copies sold. Birds Birds of Sri Lanka Wijeyeratne, G., de Warakagoda, Silva cm. ISBN 1–85974-511-3 (2000). 144 pages. New for the beginner with over D. D. and de Zylva, Dr T.S.U. Holland: London. 9.5 cm x 19 of 252 species. A good book A Photographic Guide to the Descriptions and photographs , 42 colour plates covering covering a variety of topics. ISBN 955 - 1079 - 00 - 0. 13 authors Colombo. Colombo. 232 pages. 22 cm x 25 cm. de Silva Wijeyeratne, Gehan. (Ed.) (2004). A Jetwing Publication: Butterflies of Sri Lanka Birds of Sri Lanka Dragonflies of Sri Lanka 84773 142 5. pages. pages. ISBN 978 1 Holland, London. 128 Sri Lanka. New Guide to Mammals of (2008). A Photographic de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2007). pages. 66 A4. Jetwing Eco Holidays: Colombo. Photographs of 281 species of the 444 Twenty species one recorded. columns of tick boxes. with status of each species. covering covering 78 of 117 species in Sri Lanka. pages. pages. Electronic Edition. Bureau, Bureau, Colombo. 152 Lanka Tourism Promotion Wijeyeratne, G. (2009) Primates of Sri Lanka. Sri Nekaris, A. and de Silva Gehan’s Gehan’s Photo Guide Series, A5 with soft cover. plates covering 96 of 243 species in Sri Lanka. covering covering 263 of the 443 recorded species in Sri Lanka. Lanka National Parks and Reserves. 2nd Edition. Sri Lanka Colombo. Tourism: 56 pages. Hardback. ISBN 955-107914-0. de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2008). Sri Butterflies of Sri Lanka Contd. Yellow Orange-tip (Ixias pyrene) Great Orange-tip (Hebomoia glaucippe) Small Salmon Arab (Colotis amata) Crimson Tip (Colotis danae) Plain Orange-tip (Colotis aurora) Large Salmon Arab (Colotis fausta) Dark Wanderer (Pareronia ceylanica) Lemon Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona) fhf,da TfrkaÊ-áma naNyh xNwd;[;-bg; f.%aÜ Tf¾kaÊ-áma ¢Nul; xNud;[;-bg; iafuda,a ie,auka werí ¤Nkhy; rkd; mug; l%sïika áma fpwpk;rd; bg; maaf,aka Tf¾kaca-áma gpNsd; xNwd;[; - bg; ,d¾ca ie,auka werí yhu;[; ry;nkhd; mwg; vd¾la fjdkavr lhu;f; nthd;lwu; f,uka tñ.%kaÜ nynkhd; vkpf;wd;l; Mottled Emigrant (Catopsilia pyranthe) Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe) Three-spot Grass Yellow (Eurema blanda) Comon Bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon) Common Jay (Graphium doson) Tailed Jay (Graphium agamemnon) Spot Swordtail (Pathysa nomius) Five-bar Swordtail (Pathysa antiphates) fudÜ,aâ tñ.%kaÜ nkhl;y;l; vkpf;wd;l; flduka .%dia fhf,da nfhkd; fpwh]; naNyh ;S%-iafmdÜ .%dia fhf,da jpwP - ];nghl; fpwh]; naNyh flduka íÆfndg,a nfhkd; GSnghl;ly; flduka fÊ nfhkd; N[ fghs,aâ fÊ nlapy;l; N[ iafmdÜ iafjda¾âfghs,a ];nghl; ]nthu;l;nlapy; *hsõ-nd¾ iafjd¾âfghs,a /igt;ghH RNthHl;nla;y; Blue Mormon (Papilio polymnestor) Red Helen (Papilio helenus) Common Mormon (Papilio polytes) Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus) Common Mime (Chilasa clytia) Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae) Crimson Rose (Pachliopta hector) Ceylon Rose (Pachliopta jophon) íÆ fuda¾uka GS Nkhu;nkhd; frâ fy,ka nwl; n`nyd; flduka fuda¾uka nfhkd; Nkhu;nkhd; ,hsï ng¾*a,hs iya;k; gl;lu;gpis flduka uhsï nfhkd; ikk; flduka frdaia nfhkd; Nwh]; l%sïika frdaia fpwpk;nrhd; Nwh]; isf,daka frdaia rpNyhd; Nwh]; Common Birdwing (Troides darsius) White-banded Awl (Hasora taminatus) Common Small Flat (Sarangesa dasahara) Water Snow Flat (Tagiades litigiosa) Golden Angle (Caprona ransonnettii) Ceylon Golden Angle (Caprona alida) Hedge Hopper (Baracus vittatus ) Common Banded Demon (Notocrypta paralysos) flduka n¾âúka.a nfhkd; Ngu;l;tpq; jhsÜ-nekavâ wjq,a itl;-ghd;ll; Xy; flduka iafuda,a *a,eÜ nfhkd; ¤Nkhy; /ßshl; fjdag¾ iafkdõ *a,eÜ thl;lH ];Neh /ßshl; f.da,avka weka.,a Nfhy;ld; mq;¢s; isf,daka f.da,avka weka.,a ¤Nyhd; Nfhy;ld; mq;¢s; fyâÊ fydm¾ n`l;[; n`hg;gH flduka nEkavâ fvuka nfhkd; ghd;ll; Bkd; Grass Demon (Udaspes folus) Common Grass Dart (Taractrocera maevius) Tropic Dart (Potanthus confuscius) Pale Palmdart (Telicota colon) Smallest Swift (Panara bada) Small Branded Swift (Pelopidas mathias) .%dia fvuka ¢uh]; Bkd; flduka .%dia vd¾Ü nfhkd; ¢uh]; lhl; fg%dmsla vd¾Ü l;nuhßf; lhl; fma,a mdïvd¾Ü Ngy; ghk;lhl; iafuda,iaÜ iaú*aÜ ¤Nkhy];l; ];å/g;l; iafuda,a n%Ekavâ iaú*aÜ ¤Nkhy; ßuhd;ll; ];å/g;l; Butterflies of Sri Lanka Glassy Tiger (Parantica aglea) Ceylon Tiger (Parantica taprobana) Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis similis) Blue Tiger (Tirumala limniace) Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) Common Tiger (Danaus genutia) Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) Common Indian Crow (Euploea core) .a,dis ghs.¾ ¢sh¤ ilfu; isf,daka ghs.¾ rpNyhd; ilfu; í¨ .a,dis ghs.¾ GS fpshrp ilfu; í¨ ghs.¾ GS ilfu; vd¾la í¨ ghs.¾ lhu;f; GS ilfu; flduka ghs.¾ nfhkd; ilfu; maf,aka ghs.¾ gpNsd; ilfu; flduka bkaähka fl%da nfhkd; ,d;bad; FNwh Ceylon Tree Nymph (Idea iasonia) Common Evening Brown (Melanitis leda) Dark Evening Brown (Melanitis phedima) Common Palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra) Ceylon Treebrown (Lethe daretis) Tamil Treebrown (Lethe drypetis) Common Bushbrown (Mycalesis perseus) Dark-brand Bushbrown (Mycalesis mineus) isf,daka à% ksï*a ¤nyhd; l;wP epk;g; flduka búksx n%jqka nfhkd; <tpdpq; gpwTz; vd¾la bõksx n%jqka lhHf; <t;dpq; ßwTz; flduka mdï*a,hs nfhkd; ghk;gpis isf,daka à%n%jqka ¤Nyhd; l;wPßwTz; geñ,a à%n%jqka jkpo; wPGwTz; flduka nqIan%jqka nfhkd; G~;gpwTz; vd¾la-n%Ekaâ nqIan%jqka lhHf;-ßwhd;l; G~;ßwTz; Cingalese Bushbrown (Mycalesis rama) Glad-eye Bushbrown (Nissanga patnia) Nigger (Orsotriaena medus) White Four-ring (Ypthima ceylonica) Southern Duffer (Discophora lepida) Angled Castor (Ariadne ariadne) Joker (Byblia ilithyia) Indian Fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius) iska.,Sia nqIanjqka ¤q;fsP]; G~;ßwTz; .a,Eâ-whs nqIan%jqka fpshl;- I G~;gpwTz; ks.¾ epfu; jhsÜ f*da-ßka.a itw; Nghu;-wpq; io¾ka v*¾ rTj;jh;d; l/gh; wEka.,a leiag¾ Mq;¢s;l; f];lh; fcdal¾ N[hf;fu; bkaähka *sßÜ,ß ,e;§ad; /ßhpl;byhp Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha) Rustic (Cupha erymanthis)
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