E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2003 No. 87 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, June 16, 2003, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2003 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was o’er the land of the free, and the home through the debate and amendment called to order by the President pro of the brave. process to everyone’s satisfaction. I tempore (Mr. STEVENS). And may we say, Amen. will have more to say on the schedule The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- later today. f day’s prayer will be offered by retired f U.S. Navy Chaplain Arnold Resnicoff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING PRAYER The President pro tempore led the MINORITY LEADER Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The guest Chaplain offered the fol- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The lowing prayer: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Senator from Nevada. O God who made the rainbows in the United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. REID. While the majority leader lic for which it stands, one nation under God, sky, You made our land a rainbow, too: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. is in the Chamber—it was not appro- from purple mountain majesties to priate yesterday when we finished the amber waves of grain, we marvel at the f FAA bill—I wish to say in his presence colors of our Nation, and the beauty of RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY that it seems the press always focuses our land. LEADER on the flare-ups that take place in the Today, this week, and tomorrow in a Senate in committee or on the floor special way—Flag Week, and June 14, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The and they do not often recognize the Flag Day—we set aside some time to majority leader is recognized. good work done by the Senate. I think honor special colors: the colors of our f the work done yesterday on the FAA flag. We celebrate the values our flag bill was exemplary. The managers of SCHEDULE in all its colors and its glory rep- the bill, the chairman and ranking resents, and the memories and dreams Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, for the in- member, Senator MCCAIN and Senator our Stars and Stripes—our Star-Span- formation of all Senators, the Senate HOLLINGS, showed their maturity. They gled Banner—still invokes. ‘‘The grand will be in a period for morning business worked through these amendments. old flag,’’ as the old song goes, is still until 10 a.m. Under the previous order, When there was a debate that was nec- ‘‘the emblem of the land I love’’—we at 10 a.m. the Senate will proceed to essary, they had one. When votes were love—‘‘the home of the free and the executive session and immediately necessary, they had votes. There were brave.’’ vote on the nomination of Hewitt Pate no unnecessary votes yesterday. They In a moment we will pledge our alle- to be Assistant Attorney General. That were aided by the two subcommittee giance to the flag—and to the Republic will be the first and only vote today. chairs, Senator ROCKEFELLER and Sen- for which it stands. As we take that On Monday, we will begin consider- ator LOTT. pledge today, let us make that pledge a ation of S. 1, the prescription drug/ I thought yesterday was really a prayer. Let us pray that the colors of Medicare bill. As a reminder, there will good day for the Senate. The FAA re- our flag, and the true colors of our Na- be no votes during Monday’s session. authorization was one of the most im- tion and our people—our dedication to However, Senators will be able to make portant bills we could do. There are the cause of liberty and justice for all; their opening remarks on the prescrip- things in that bill that will help every our courage and determination even in tion drug bill. part of our country. The conferees have the face of adversity; and our faith— Late last night, the Finance Com- already been appointed. They can go to are forever represented by our flag. mittee completed the markup of that conference as early as next week and May it bring hope of better times to all bill, and it will be available for debate come back with a bill very soon. the citizens of our land, and all the na- on Monday. It is our intention to stay Again, I say that it is more press tions of our world. May it forever wave, on that bill until completion, working worthy to focus on things that go ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7865 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 03:11 Jun 14, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JN6.000 S13PT1 S7866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 13, 2003 wrong and not very press worthy to known figures and the participation of CONCLUSION OF MORNING focus on things that go right, but it is people whom everybody recognizes, BUSINESS a testament to what the Senate can do such as Mr. Willis, America’s foster The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Morn- with the work we did yesterday on this children will get what they need most, ing business is closed. bill. and that is a family. I applaud my col- f f leagues for their efforts on behalf of America’s foster children. EXECUTIVE SESSION MORNING BUSINESS A few minutes ago, I was listening to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. There LARRY CRAIG. He has been one of the NOMINATION OF R. HEWITT PATE, will now be a period of morning busi- Senate’s leading voices on this whole OF VIRGINIA, TO BE AN ASSIST- ness until the hour of 10 a.m. issue of adoption and foster care. In ANT ATTORNEY GENERAL f 2001, he cosponsored the Hope For Chil- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under FOSTER CARE REFORM dren Act as part of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation the previous order, the hour of 10 a.m. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I will take Act which we just passed and which has having arrived, the Senate will proceed a few minutes to comment on some become the law of the land. to executive session to consider the events that occurred over the last cou- Others, such as Senator JIM BUNNING, nomination of R. Hewitt Pate, of Vir- ple of days that were not necessarily the distinguished Senator from Ken- ginia, to be an Assistant Attorney Gen- apparent to a lot of people, either in tucky, worked to pass a bill to exclude eral. Washington, DC, or around the coun- foster care payments from taxation. The legislative clerk read the nomi- try. It has to do with a visit from Other Senators, including Senators nation of R. Hewitt Pate, of Virginia, somebody everybody recognizes, and HUTCHISON, LANDRIEU, ROCKEFELLER, to be an Assistant Attorney General. that is Bruce Willis. and CLINTON, have all worked to im- Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, I ask my Mr. Willis came to our Nation’s Cap- prove foster care and adoption issues. fellow Senators to vote for R. Hewitt itol a couple of days ago to spotlight America’s foster children are helped Pate to be Assistant Attorney General the issue of foster care reform. This is immeasurably by their efforts. for the Antitrust Division of the the first time I had the opportunity to As we debate the big issues, the bold United States Department of Justice. I speak with him on this particular issues, the issues that make the head- rise today to share with my colleagues issue. He is clearly a long-time advo- lines—the Medicare modernization, the my views, familiarity and admiration cate for children in foster care and has addition of prescription drugs to give for R. Hewitt Pate. dedicated a huge amount of time to seniors health care security, to give We all know, and the Presiding Offi- bring attention to the problem of chil- them greater choice, to have plans that cer recognizes, how important our anti- dren who are aging out of the system. better meet their needs—as we debate trust laws are and their beneficial in- I take this opportunity to thank Mr. the important issues, such as energy fluence in making sure we have com- Willis for his efforts and to take a mo- this week and FAA reauthorization and petition in our free market society. ment to underscore the importance of tax credits, we should not forget to Competition is absolutely essential be- the issue he came to share with us, and protect our most vulnerable citizens. cause it forces us to always be innova- that is foster care reform. Truly, America’s foster children are de- tive to ensure a good market share for Thousands of children are cared for pending on us to look out for them. whatever the product or service. Our by loving families in our foster care antitrust laws are vital for free com- system, and we owe these families a f petition in our society and in our econ- debt of gratitude for opening their HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESIDENT omy.
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