The LAWRENTIAN Volume 86 — Number 31 Lawrence University, Appleton. Wisconsin__________________________ Saturday, May 20. 1967 Faculty Meeting Approves Open Dorm ‘Qroup’ Scheme The faculty meeting last Fri­ Also included in the open The point was made that Rip- day appi'oved an addition to the dorms plan passed was the pro­ on attempted to institute volun­ invitational open house program, vision that each living unit must tary convocations and is now re­ passed the LUCC plan to com­ determine plans for implement­ turning to required sessions. mittee, defeated a plan for few­ ing the rules for visitation and The plan submitted to the er and voluntary convocations, have these rules approved by the Committee on Instruction last and passed a plan for indepen­ Committee on Administration. fall by Robert Rosenberg, pro­ dent student work within exist­ Two amendments were offered fessor of chemistry, to allow se­ ing course structure. to the proposal. lected students freedom from By a vote of 61-21 the faculty One, which would have delet­ courses and grades was essen­ passed an invitational open house ed the group visitation plan, was tially discard«! and a modified proposal that includes a new defeated, and another, to pre­ plan was passed. provision for afternoon group sent the entire program to the In a comprehensive poll of visitation. board of trustees in October, was graduate schools, Rosenberg re­ The action followed a 60-46 de­ passed. ceived gener;ily unfavorable re­ feat of the Committee on Ad­ Because of the expected length sponses concerning admission of ministration's detailed and tedi­ of the June meeting, the faculty students who participate in such ously prepared open dorms pro­ put aside the open dorms pro­ a program. posal in the faculty meeting of posal from the Student-Faculty A substitute program would March 10. Committee on Student Affairs, allow faculty momi)er» to New Clause sent to the faculty by the Stu­ offer students recommended by The new clause provides for dent Senate after the original the deans’ office an opportunity visiting by a group of two or Commitee on Administration’s for special study within the more women in a man’s room proposal had failed in the March course stincture. and by a group of two or more faculty meeting. men in a woman’s room, on an The students would still take The faculty felt that after the final examinations and receive afternoon chosen by the respec­ defeat of the open dorms propo­ tive dormitory. grades. sal, the more liberal Student- The faculty moved to send the Visitation hours may run from Faculty plan considered March PRIOR to last Friday’s faculty meeting in Harper Hall a 12:30 to 8:30 p.m. plan for the I^awrence University number of Lawrence students demonstrated in favor of 10, did not have a chance of Community Council to an appro­ The recently passed visitation passing. liberalized open dorm regulations. proposal opens with a provision priate committee, probably the for continuing present visiting The plan to make university committee on Administration, for hours on Sunday afternoons, 2 convocations voluntary, fewer, consideration. to 5 p.m. and nocturnal was heavily de­ Venderbush Leads Search, feated after about 35 to 40 min­ Like the program currently ef­ utes of debate. SCRIVKN fective, it calls for a dorm by The general sentiment seemed Uncovers Marijuana User dorm decision to participate or Professor Miehael Scriven’s to be that evening convocations convocation address “Practical Last Saturday evening, Ken­ conducted the search on Satur­ not to participate by vote of re­ would be more difficult for fac­ spective residents. Morality” will be rebroadcust neth R. Venderbush, dean of men, day. ulty to attend, would conflict on WLFM at 9:30 p.m. Sun­ conducted a search of five rooms The plan also follows the cur­ with other events, and that stu­ “University policy is that a stu­ rent plan in specifying that doors day. The address deals with in Trever Hall assisted by Ru­ dents would fail to attend unless dent’s room may be searched only must be kept ajar and rooms il­ problems of campus morality. dolf Matas, head resident of attendance was mandatory. by police with a proper warrant luminated. Plantz Hall. , or by Lawrence personnel au­ The search was conducted to It opens what the faculty be­ thorized by a dean to investigate lieves to be new territory, how­ find any “mixed marijuana” par­ a specific complaint of improper ties in Trever Hall. ever, in the area of group visi­ activity. Whenever such a search tation. Prominent Trustees Retire; Marijuana was found in one occurs in the student’s absence, room. The student with the mari­ he is notified.” Add Three New Members juana has since been expelled. The moves made by Venderbush Two resignations and three ap­ Venderbush and Matas didn’t find New Liquor Age tension specialist in agricultural and Matas are within the restric­ pointments to the Lawrence Uni­ economics at Michigan State and marijuana in any of the other tions suggested by the FATS re­ versity board of trustees were assistant secretary-treasurer of rooms. To Dry Campus port. confirmed Monday in the group’s the National Farm Loan Associa­ The technique of “search and According to the report maids Some members of the class of spring meeting. tion. seizure” was carried out in each and maintenance men may enter 1971 and all members of subse­ The board accepted the resig­ He joined Northwestern Mu­ of the five rooms in turn. The a student’s room at any time; quent Lawrence classes seem nations of George Banta, Jr., tual in 1951 as a specialist in the dean knocked, and if anyone was however, they may not report on likely to find themselves forbid­ who has been a trustee since mortgage loan department, and present, he announced that the the student. den alcoholic refreshment before 1930, and Guy E. McCorison, a in 1963 was appointed vice-presi­ search was to be in effect. Police with an authorized search age 21, if a bill currently mov­ trustee since 1968. dent in charge of that depart­ Matas and Venderbush did take warrant may enter a room with­ ing through the legislature be­ Appointed were George Banta ment. the time to “half” the rooms so out a student’s permission. comes law. III, president of the George Ban­ the roommates of the five stu­ The proposal, part of Governor ta Company, Menasha; James A dean, a head resident or a dents would not be involved in the Warren Knowles’ comprehensive R. Brown, president of the West deputy so authorized by a dean search. highway safety bill, would like­ Bend Company; and Francis E. Plan Graduation Four of the rooms were un­ may also investigate a room if ly eliminate beer as a part of Ferguson, president of the North­ locked. The fifth room was open­ a student is not present. The ob­ Lawrence life. western Mutual Life Insurance ject to be searched for would ed by a master key. Specifically, anyone who is 18 Company, Milwaukee. In Lawrence Bowl' have to be stipulated. Apparently the the administra­ by next December 31 would be George Banta III has been as­ Commencement exercises this tion had received “compelling” In case in which human life able to continue drinking beer, sociated since 1946 with the firm year will be held in the Lawrence complaints from both non-univer­ might be in jeopardy, such as a but anyone not 18 by that time founded by his grandfather. Bowl on Sunday, June 11 at 2 p.m. Originally the ceremony had sity and university sources to con­ fire, anyone may enter the room would not be able to drink until Lawrenre Alumnus in question. been planned for the traditional duct the eearch. he was 21. An alumnus of the Shattuck chapel location, but over 200 sen­ This is the second time in six In a memorandum received in While the state senate has not School and Lawrence College, he iors petitioned to move the event years that such a move has been a recent interview with Vender­ passed the entire bill, it has became director of the Banta to an outdoor site in order to initiated by the administration. bush, he stated, “We do value passed the section on the drink­ Company in 1961, and has been Francis L. Broderick, dean of your privacy. Sometimes the re­ ing age and defeated attempts successively secretary, vice-pres­ make more space available for guests. Lawrence and Downer Colleges, ports are too authentic sounding, to amend the section to soften ident and since 1965, its presi­ gave full authorization. and our duty hence too clear for its effect. dent. Bad Weather The seating in the L.rwrence The following Monday morning us bo overlook it: we will not Prospects flood James R. Brown graduated Bowl will be unrestricted and the five students received this create haven for wrong doings Prospects for the bill’s passage from Northwestern University memorandum from Venderbush: beyond the purview of legitimate through the lower house of the with highest distinction, and has each senior’s allocated three guest tickets will only be used in “On Saturday night, along with authority, which both we and the state legislature seem good since been with the West Bend Com­ another staff member, I conduct­ police are. I assure you, in in­ it is sponsored by the Republi­ pany since 1935, first as assist­ the event of bad weather and chapel exercises. ed a search of your room.
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