We defend your right to defend yourself. UN EWS SECOND AMENDMENT NEW S FOR THE ST A TE OF ILL I NO is A NDG BEYOND PUBL is HED NMONTHLY BY GUN S SA VE LI FE VOLUME 18, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 AFF I L ia TED W I TH THE JEW S FOR THE PRE S ERV A T I ON OF FI RE A RM S OWNER S H ip , THE CIVILiaN MA RK S M A N S H ip PRO G R A M , THE NRA, THE ISRA, THE ILL I NO is FEDER A T I ON FOR OUTDOOR RE S OURCE S , A ND OTHER S HOLDER’S FINAL DAYS Washington, D.C. (New York Post) - After more than a year of half-truths, stonewalling, obfuscating and outright lying to Congress about the “gun- walking” scandal known as Fast and Furious, Attorney General Eric Holder now finds himself trapped in a box canyon, out of ammo and surrounded by hostiles. Eric Holder. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Finally run to ground, the embattled Sorry, Mr. AG — you had your chance AG has tossed House and Senate to come clean and you blew it. Now investigators a fig leaf of feigned co- it’s time to play Truth or Consequenc- operation, just ahead of a House com- es. Deckard Fundraising shoot a big dollar success mittee’s vote next week on whether to Oakwood, IL (Guns Save Life) - Danville Rifle and Pistol Club held their seventh annual cite him for contempt. Myron Deckard Memorial Shoot Sunday, June 10th to raise money for a scholarship Next Wednesday, the House Oversight fund in the club’s name at the Danville Area Community College. and Government Reform Committee, At issue is Holder’s refusal to turn over headed by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), tens of thousands of Fast & Furious Scores of shooters participated in the event, held each year in June. The shoot honors will decide whether to move a long- documents that have been under the memory of Vermilion County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Myron Deckard who was killed threatened contempt citation forward subpoena since last fall. So far, Jus- in the line of duty in 2001. Among the shooters was this reporter pictured above from to the full House. tice has managed to slow-walk about WCIA-TV. 7,600 up Capitol Hill. ...At least one American agent, Border This year’s event raised in excess of $15,000 to be used for scholarships for local stu- Patrol officer Brian Terry, has been Now the embattled Holder wants dents to attend DACC. More photos on page 12. killed with weapons involved in the GunNews photo by John Boch. to deal. “Creatively,” whatever that operation, along with hundreds of means. Mexicans. PRE-SORT STD. In this issue: John Boch, President U.S. POSTAGE July 2012 Meeting June 2012 Meeting Business 2 P A I D Guns Save Life.com Meeting Speakers 3-4 P.O. Box 51 PERMIT NO. 999 Tuesday, July 10th CHAMPAIGN, IL GSL Board meeting minutes 5 Savoy, IL 61874 Knights of Columbus Hall Sangamon County News 6+ 1001 N. Ohio North of I-80 News 10 Skills Sustainment 11 Rantoul, IL 61866 Deckard Shoot pictures 12 N 40°19.447’ W 88°09.347’ GSL’s Appleseed Shoot pictures 13 ARMED AMERICAN 14 Dinner, conversation, exhibits at 6 p.m. Freedom’s Forum 16 Meeting at 7 p.m. News shorts 18 Finding the right training program 20 C’mon out and join us! Warning Shots are pure poison 22 The public is encouraged to attend! Calendar of events 23 Good food and good friends. INFORMATION PAGE 23 It’s fun too! ALWAYS ON THE SECOND TUESDAY. Membership Enrollment form 24 Burma-style sign count: GUNS SAVE LIFE.com 33 sets, 14 counties, two states. 559,400 sightings per day, 204.2 million per year Attendance Meeting Business Larry Shurbet, John Grubb, Sally Guns Save Life President John Boch Grubb, James Kirk, Jon Maier, Bill called the meeting to order at shortly after Morrison, Roger Miller, Joan Miller, Bill 7:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Davis, Mike Woodward, Ted Nugent, Pledge of Allegiance. Bill Payne, Marty Kropp, W. M. McCul- ly, Gene Nelsen, Jim Quinlan, Roger As is our custom and tradition, we wel- Dorsett, Vince Koers, Lynn W Kristen, comed almost a dozen first-time attend- Jim Hedrick, Jackie Vant, Marty Poling, ees from as far away as Springfield to the Blake Pistorins, Andrew Pistorins, meeting as they stood and were recog- Roger Gronewald, Cody Cundiff, John nized. We offered them a GSL sticker Moon, Darrell & Janice Smith, Duane and encouraged them to come back and Ryherd, Mae Ryherd, Ronna & Bob become regulars! Simmons, Leslie & Dennis Hird, Bill It was another busy meeting night. This photo was taken around 6:30 of about half Greenwood, Tammy Williams, Jim President’s Report. of the room as folks visited with one another and bought tickets on the Ruger 10/22 Henry, John McCain, Becky McCain, Mr. Boch delivered his report, first taking Take-down rifle. Frank Wright won the drawing with one lucky, crumpled ticket. Larry Pasquale, Dan Burwash, Steve time to thank Larry Shurbet, our treasurer, Stanley, Larry Ramert, Walt Rothermel, for the many volunteer hours he devotes this positive public relations exposure is a noted that “Chicago is a mess”. Violent Mike Holden, Tim Kinder, Wendy Lund, taking care of club business and process- very good thing. attacks and homicides are at insanely- John Boch, Peter T Tomaras, Ronald ing memberships. He also singled out Dr. high levels and wilding attacks have Beatty, James Moncrief, John Olden, David Pike for his many hours’ work each Mr. Boch returned to his President’s ramped up. Tourists and business people Jeff Reinhold, Norman Paul, Gerald month handling memberships as well. Report and discussed our plans to once are getting attacked by groups of urban Marshall, Frank Wright, Tom Metz, Nick again launch a website rebuild in the youth on Chicago’s Gold Coast and in Webb, Larry A. Nixon, Dan Sadler, Earl “We’ve had several big successes this coming weeks. We had made arrange- affluent neighborhoods. Buenting, Gregg Phillips, Deb Phil- last month,” Boch announced. The ments to redesign the website back in lips, Bruce Brown Sr., Dustin Spears Disaster Preparedness Expo that was February, but that fell through. We’ve Also, people attending the big Chicago & Shannan Spears, James Robertson, co-sponsored by Guns Save Life had found a local web designer that’s also a Blues Festival were savaged by several Rob Bross, Gary Michael, Dennis between 120 and 150 people attend and shooter and if all goes as planned, we groups of black teens in wilding attacks Reed, John Sutter, Doug Rokke, Dean gave us great publicity. The GSL-spon- should have at least some of the new site that were barely mentioned in the main- Rothermel, Guest, Warren Drake, Dave sored Appleseed shoot at Darnall’s was up by the end of summer at the latest. stream media. Martin, Bob Holland, Bonnie Gar- well-attended, as was the Myron Deck- rett, Howard Yu, Scott Maves, Justin ard Memorial Shoot, which enjoyed a The oral arguments in the Moore and “We’ve mentioned this before, but there’s Bawcum, John Hamilton, Bill Harri- record-breaking year. Shepherd cases were heard the previ- nothing in Chicago worth dying for on son, Dawn Bauer, John E Roth, Larry ous Friday and while some were very vacation or business,” Boch advised our Welch, Terry Wilson, Joe Kerr, Randy Danville Rifle and Pistol Club Presi- excited about what they heard, Boch Guns Save Life family. “Stay away from Mullins, Jane Swinford, Laura Roy, Bill dent Larry Pasquale offered a pre- expressed his opinion that it didn’t go all Chicago!” Hutchins, Doug & Lois Morton, Chris, liminary accounting that well for us. Corrie & Hope Betley, Tom Fuller, from the Deckard Desperation in Chicago has reached the Kandace Wuethrich, Steve Fuller, Jeff shoot that saw The Moore and Shepherd cases chal- point where the city is paying allegedly Welborn, Dave Overholt, Dale Reed, them quite probably lenged Illinois’ blanket prohibition on “former” gang members to “prevent” vio- Robert Chacon, Margie A Leich, and exceeding their right-to-carry. They have now been com- lence through the anti-gun group Cease- more… goal of $15,000 net bined and are being heard at the federal Fire. “Sounds a lot like paying tribute,” money raised. He appellate level. Boch quipped. thanked Guns Save Life for our spon- Jon Maier, one of the co-plaintiffs, The great Chicago Gun “Buy back” is sorship and support chimed in saying the justices were rough coming June 23rd - and they are paying of the event with with all parties involved, “but especially $100 per gun this year! Mr. Boch asked publicity. Danville Rifle the State’s lawyer”. Mr. Maier indicated for volunteers to make the trek up to Chi- and Pistol Club that a decision on the case should be cago to trade rustly clunkers for perfectly Funds raised go President Larry released in August. good do-gooder money for the club as he to provide scholar- Pasquale. has an important personal commitment ships to Danville So, what happened to the right-to-carry that day. Area Community bill vote we were expecting? Boch College students. The entire event is said rumor has it that we may have had Guns Save Life uses these monies from dedicated to the memory of Myron Deck- the votes to pass it and Illinois House “buy backs” to purchase ammunition for ard, a Vermilion County (Illinois) deputy Speaker Michael Madigan wouldn’t let the the NRA Youth Shooting Camp partici- killed in the line of duty in 2001.
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