A HANDBOOK OF MARYLAND HORSE~ by Jean du Pont McConnell APPALOOSA ARABIAN A versatile "spotted" horse whose The Arab horse, historically, is the popularity is rapidly increasing. Reg­ most completely pure breed, having istered in the Appaloosa Horse Club, structural peculiarities that distinquish Moscow, Idaho. him from all other breeds. Present-day horses .registered in the Arabian Horse ORIGIN Club of America. Spain to America about 1730. ORIGIN AMERICAN SADDLEBRED Desert of Arabia before 570 A.D. This horse is the result of selective breeding and training by Southern CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS plantation owners who desired a strong Height -14 to 15 hands. horse that looked like a "classic beau­ Weight-BOO to 1000 lbs. ty" and was comfortable to ride. Today Co/or-generally bay, brown, chestnut, it is shown under saddle and with a and gray; piebalds and skewbalds and lightweight vehicle in fine harness. other color variations not found in pure­ Registered with the American Saddle bred Arabians, but in Arab crosses. Horse Breeders Association. Sleek coat with silky-textured hair; mane and tail natural and flowing. ORIGIN Head-delicate with slightly "dished" Basic bloodlines imported from Eng­ CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS profi Ie. Ears small; large dark eyes, set land during colonial times, developed Height -14 to 15.3 hands. wide apart; fine muzzle, with strong jaw by further crossbreeding in Kentucky. Weight-950 to 1200 lbs. and cheekbones. CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS Color- brown, bay, chestnut, cream, Neck-well set in shoulders, slender Height- average 16 hands. black. Mane and tail natural-may be and arched. Weight-approximately 1000 lbs. of mixed colors. *Skin mottled, espe­ Body-compact with well-sprung ribs. Co/or-Usually solid colors-black, cially at nostri Is. Coat patterns vary, Legs-strong, slender and small­ bay, brown, chestnut, with a few grays. generally a "white blanket" covers boned. White markings on nose and legs onfy loins and rump, with dark spots that Hoofs-small. are seen regularly. Mane and tail nat­ may be oval or round-%" in diameter. ural, full-flowing. Coat fine textured. Head- medium-size, clean-cut. *Eye Head-well formed, refined, carried encircled by white; ears medium; fore­ high. head wide. Neck-long and extravagantly arched, Neck-shorter than most; set into deep proud. chest. Body-strong, well muscled, round; Body-stocky with powerful hindquar­ back short. ters. Legs-long and slender; long pasterns. Legs-medium length; forearms well Hoofs-very long with weighted shoes muscled. to produce action. *Hoofs-medium size, vertically ACTION striped black and white. *Note: All Appaloosa horses have white Smooth, floating use of gaits-su­ encircling the eye, parti-colored skin, premely high stepping; capable of ACTION and parti-colored hoofs. speed. Animated, supple, smooth, with no­ ACTION DISPOSITION ble bearing. Quick, su refooted, eager, has Brilliant, intelligent, has showman­ DISPOSITION stamina. ship. Adaptable to pleasure use. Spirited, intelligent, gentle. DISPOSITION PRIMARY USES PRIMARY USES Intelligent, gentle. Riding-Show-ring competition, plea­ Breeding- purebred and crossbreed­ sure. PRIMARY USES ing. Driving-Show-ring competition, plea­ Breeding Riding- pleasure, hunting; showing­ sure. Riding-pleasure, hunting; showing­ flat and jumping; racing; endurance Hunting-(occasionally.) flat and jumping; stock horse. trail rides; stock horse. 18 ,AND PONIES BELGIAN MORGAN Heaviest of all horses bred to do This seNes as a useful all-around draft work, offering massive "horse horse. Registered with the Morgan power." A descendant of the Flemish Horse Club, Inc. horse. ORIGIN ORIGIN Breed established in Massachusetts Belgium- imported to America in in 1789 of mixed bloodlines. Later 1886. called "Justin Morgan." CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS Height -14.1 to 15.1 hands. PINTO Weight-800 to 1000 lbs. Co/or-dark brown, bay, black; less A colorful horse, it is becoming in­ frequently chestnut; white markings creasingly popular. There are two cate­ rarely noted. Sleek coat; mane and tail gories: Overo and Tobiano. Registered natural. with the Pinto Horse Association of Head-fine, carried high; small ears; America. large eyes, set wide apart; small muz­ ORIGIN zle, large nostri Is. Mexico in early 1500s, thence to Neck-short and crested United States. Body-compact; thick barrel with power in hindquarters. CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS Legs-short, heavily muscled, with Height- up to 14 hands. hairy fetlocks. Weight-600 to 800 lbs. Hoofs-small and dark. Color-two patterns: Overo is a colored horse (roan, dun, sorrel, bay, brown, ACTION CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS black) with large white irregular-pat­ Height -15.12 to 17 hands. Quick, able, powerful short strides. terned markings. Tail and mane dark Weight -1900 to 2200 Ibs. DISPOSITION or mixed, and face either white or bald. Co/or-Sorrel, chestnut, and roan pre­ Intelligent, gentle, eager, has great Tobiano has a base color of white with ferred; bay, black, and gray sometimes stamina. patterns of another color on coat. Mane penalized in showing. White markings and tai I always the same color as neck on head common; flaxen mane and tail, and rump. Legs usually white, head usually with light hair at fetlock. Coat and face dark. Face may be marked medium and of good texture. with a snip, star, or similar decoration. Head-large, well-rounded jaws; ears Coat of medium texture for both. medium; eyes set well apart. Head-small, well-shaped ears; eyes Neck-medium length, well crested. set wide apart; small muzzle. Body-compact; short, close-coupled Neck-nicely arched. back; deep through the barrel; massive Body- broad chest, sloping shoulders, in haunches. short back, deep gfl'ith. Legs-short, chunky, powerful. Legs- strong, straight, with good Hoofs- round and short. muscles. ACTION ACTION Short "paddling" strides without Gait agile and quick. Stride long; spring in their step. Steady, powerful. has ability for speed. DISPOSITION DISPOSITION Intelligent, docile, willing-with ex­ PRIMARY USES Intelligent, game, gentle. tremely good temper. Breeding PRIMARY USES PRIMARY USES Riding-pleasure, hunting, jumping, Breeding Breeding western stock. Riding- pleasure, polo, stock horse, Driving-heavy farm work; competitive Driving- pleasure, show harness, farm hunting, showing, jumping. weight pulling. duties. Racing 19 STANDARDBRED Bred to race in harness within a cer­ SHIRE tain "standard" of speed. Any horse that has not qualified under that "stand­ QUARTER HORSE Tallest of all horse breeds, the Shire ard" may not be raced in an officially appears as a mountain of strength. recognized meeting of the U.S. Trotting A small horse, recognized by ability Association. to turn-on-a-dime, "stop dead" sud­ ORIGIN denly, as well as sprint with speed, it is From the Shires of east-central Eng­ ORIGIN becoming one of America's most pop­ land to Canada in 1836, then to the America -1788. Thoroughbred ular animals. Today the world's richest United States in the early 1840s. stallion. race is for only a "quarter" of a mile. CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS Registered with the American Quarter CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS Horse Association. Height-16 up to approximately 20 Height- 15 to 16 hands. hands. Weight (Size)-smaller than Thorough­ ORIGIN Weight-1500 to 2000 lbs. bred-approximately 800 to 1.000 lbs. Spain-came to America with the Co/or-Generally bay, brown, and Color-bay, brown, chestnut, black, explorers in the early 1500s. black; however, gray, chestnut, and gray, roan, dun. Mane and tail natural; CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS roan are acceptable. White markings medium coat. on face usual; with white legs from Head-neck and body similar to Thor­ Height .L 14.3 to 15.1 hands. oughbred, yet of more substance and Weight -1100 to 1300 lbs. knee or hock to hoof. Characterized by "feathers" about the fetlocks (long ruggedness. Color-Any color without spots is ac­ Legs-not as long as Thoroughbred; ceptable. Coat medium texture; mane white hair beginning just above the ankle down to the hoof). Mane and tail well muscled, with good bone. usually roached; tail usually pulled and Feet-medium size. banged. natural-tail usually tied up during Head-relatively short; eyes set wide work. Coat of medium texture. apart; small ears and muzzle; well-de­ Head-large; ears, jaw, and cheek­ veloped jaw. bones respectively proportioned; eyes · Neck-of sufficient length, fairly thick. set wide apart. Body- broad chest; heavily muscled Neck-thick and crested. shoulders; back short, close coupled; Body-not compact; chest wide; back deep girth; heavy powerful hindquar­ longer than Belgian, giving massive, ters. rangy appearance; hindquarters capa­ . Legs-set wide apart; short, fu II fore­ ble of power . arms; flat, clean knees and hocks. Legs-long and powerful. Hoofs-tough-textured feet with wide­ Hoofs -large (huge). open heel. ACTION ACTION Powerful strides; more rhythm than Quick, surefooted, low gaits that can Belgian, due to rangy build. ACTION produce instant speed in any direction. DISPOSITION Natural tendency for trotting or pac­ DISPOSITION ing. These gaits must be highly con­ Intelligent, tractable. (If it were other trolled to produce speed. Very intelligent, quick to learn, cheer­ than kind, the giant Shire would be im­ ful, kind, diligent. possible to handle.) DISPOSITION PRIMARY USES Extremely kind and tractable. Breeding PRIMARY USES PRIMARY USES Racing Breeding Breeding for sales. Riding- pleasure, hunting, showing­ Driving-farm use; heavy contest pull­ Harness racing. flat and jumping; stock horse. ing; coaching; team horses. Harness horses in horse shows. 20 PONIES WELSH A useful and all-purpose pony to be enjoyed by adults as well as children. The only means of transportation for many in Wales. Registered with the Welsh Pony Society of America, Inc. THOROUGHBRED ORIGIN Registered in any stud book recog­ Wales, British Isles. nized by The Jockey Club. CONFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS ORIGIN SHETLAND Height-Section "A" ponies-up to Descended from Arabian stall ions 12.2 hands. Section "B" ponies-over brought to England about 1700. These ponies have undergone a 12.2 to 14.2 hands.
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