September 2019 Vol. VII No. 9 A Monthly Publication from the Office of the Vice - C h a n c e l l o r Professor Aliyu Shugaba Vice Chancellor University of Maiduguri Blueprint © University of Maiduguri, Nigeria - www.unimaid.edu.ng MISSION STATEMENT The University of Maiduguri shall be an institution dedicated to scholarship and learning in the arts, sciences, humanities and technology, and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals. The University shall facilitate and advance scholarship and learning, especially in the light of her location in the Sahelian environment in the North-Eastern Nigeria, and at the cross-roads of Afri- ca and Middle-Eastern culture. VISION STATEMENT The University of Maiduguri apart from achieving competence in the basic arts and sciences, aims at excel- lence in agriculture, pastoralism, engineering, human and veterinary medicine and information technology as well as in arid zone, trans-Saharan and inter-African peace and strategic studies. The University also aims to promote the development of private and public morality, discipline, accountability and probity, and also international cooperation through participation, research and dissemination of information. INSIDE: The Unimaid Road Map ...P 2 Unimaid will always partner with its alumni ...Professor Shugaba ...p 11 Governor Zulum orders expansion of security trenches behind Unimaid … p 18 These and many more……. All letters should be addressed to: Published by: The Office of the Vice-Chancellor, The Deputy Director, Information Unit, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria Senate Building, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. email: [email protected] email: [email protected] September, 2019 Vol. VII No. 9 EDITORIAL DESK Five years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails, ex- plore and carry the stakeholders along to realize the Unimaid vision and mission for the good of the Uni- versity. These were the thoughts of the Vice Chancellor University of Maiduguri, Professor Aliyu Shugaba, when he gave a detailed blueprint of “The Unimaid Road Map” in his maiden meeting of Senate. Each chapter in the blueprint provides nuggets of wisdom as well as road maps for guiding the University man- agement towards academic excellence, self-reliance, harmonious as well as an all-encompassing and inclu- sive administration. The scripts are loaded with sincere pledges, unwavering determination and unassaila- ble commitment to serve the University with decorum, dispassionately, assiduously and responsibly. These and many more packages await you. Editorial Board Professor M. I. Ahmed - Chairman Professor M. L. Mele - Member Dr. Mary Pindar Ndahi - Member Musa Usman - Member Mohammed T. Ahmed - Member Mohammed T. Ahmed - Deputy Director, Information Alh. Suleiman Garba - Chief Photographer Ahmadu Abubakar - Photographer Mohammed M. Lawan - Photographer Bintu Mohammed (Mrs.) - Reporter Rabi U. Yusuf (Mrs.) - Reporter Abdulmumin Kolo Gulani - Reporter Abubakar Mustapha - Reporter Faculty/Directorate Representatives - Reporters Kyari Ali - Circulation Professor M. I. Ahmed - Design, Development & Integration 1 September, 2019 Vol. VII No. 9 NEWS ndoubtedly, University of Maiduguri has active service (May their gentle souls rest in witnessed tremendous development since peace). U its establishment in 1975 as a second- He went further to profoundly thank everyone that generation university and has grown to almost its had worked untiringly to give the University its full capacity in physical as well as academic pro- present enviable status, especially the former Vice grammes. The Vice Chancellor, University of Maidu- -Chancellors and the Sole Administrator, Professor guri, Professor Aliyu Shugaba, disclosed this in the Emeritus Umaru Shehu, who, at over eighty years th maiden meeting of Senate on 26 September 2019 of age, is still available and actively contributing at the Muhammadu Buhari Senate Building. Profes- to the development of the University and humanity sor Shugaba said students’ enrolment has also wit- in general. nessed phenomenal rise over the years. The Vice Chancellor specially welcome his prede- The maiden Senate meeting gave his reflections cessors in office and Professors Emeriti as well as and perspectives as he begins his five-year tenure other eminent elders present at Senate and as the ninth Vice-Chancellor of University of Maidu- acknowledged with deepest appreciation the im- guri. mense role played by these respected scholars in Professor Shugaba recalled his promise during the the tremendous successes recorded by Senate in valedictory meeting of Senate on Monday 3rd June particular and the University in general all as a 2019 to present a blueprint and strategy for con- result of their sacrifice, commitment and mentor- solidating the significant gains made by successive ship. Vice-Chancellors and their administrations in the last Professor Shugaba, who is the third alumnus of the forty-four years of the university’s existence. University to occupy the exalted office of Vice- The VC pointed out that the gigantic achievements Chancellor of the University of Maiduguri, noted recorded over the years in the University was as a with delight that the alumni of the University are result of the sweat of all staff here present and oth- the ones largely running the affairs of their alma ers who have left the University for one reason or mater today and currently contributing to national the other, including those who passed away in development both in the public and private sec- tors. Professor Shugaba said he is aware of the fact that his appointment as Vice-Chancellor was met with high expectations and excitement from within and outside the University community, especially given the fact that he had in the past held various positions in the University such as Hall Warden; Assistant Hall Master; Hall Master; Sub-Dean, Stu- dent Affairs Division; Coordinator, University En- trepreneurship Programme; Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (CEED); Dean, Students’ Affairs Division and Depu- ty Vice-Chancellor (Academic Services). There is no gainsaying that a scholar of his repute has the requisite administrative experience, capacity and Professor Aliyu Shugaba skills to bring unparallel excellence to the Universi- Vice Chancellor, University of Maiduguri ty. (Cont’d on Page 3) 2 September, 2019 Vol. VII No. 9 NEWS In order to ensure the continued development of the (Cont’d from Page 2) University through harmonious and coherent inter- ROADMAP FOR REPOSITIONING UNIVERSITY face with all stakeholders, Professor Shugaba visit- OF MAIDUGURI FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE: ed all the faculties and centres in the University to VISION AND MISSION OF SHUGABA get a firsthand information on their requirements to create an enabling environment where academic In his presentation, Professor Shugaba highlighted excellence will thrive. He pledged to dispassionate- the adopted vision of University of Maiduguri as ly and assiduously work hard to meet the expecta- achieving competence in the basic arts and scienc- tions of staff, students and other stakeholders. Pro- es, and aiming at excellence in agriculture, pasto- fessor Shugaba however observed that this cannot ralism, engineering, human and veterinary medi- be achieved without the cooperation, full support cine and information technology as well as in arid and understanding of Senate. He thus sought for zone, trans-Saharan and inter-African peace and greater commitment and sacrifice from each and strategic studies. The University also aims to pro- every distinguished member of Senate and ap- mote the development of private and public mo- pealed to all staff to join hands with him in taking rality, discipline, accountability, probity and inter- University of Maiduguri to the blessed next level. national corporation through participation, re- He pointed out the need to collectively address the search and dissemination of information. challenges facing the University today and assured On the other hand, the mission of the University, he Senate of his unwavering determination and unas- said, "shall be an institution dedicated to scholar- sailable commitment to serve the University with de- ship and learning in the arts, sciences, humanities corum and every sense of responsibility. and technology, and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals. The University shall facilitate and advance scholarship and learning, especially in the light of her location in the Sahelian environ- ment of North-Eastern Nigeria, and at the cross- roads of African and Middle-Eastern cultures". In addition to the adopted vision, the Vice Chan- cellor shared his vision with Senate, where he envi- sioned to see the University of Maiduguri as a uni- versal centre for systematic inquiry, critical think- ing, contesting ideas, innovation and creativity; a citadel of learning known for the testing and ex- pansion of the frontiers of knowledge capable of producing quality graduates that can compete globally. In his own words, Professor Shugaba said: “my (R-L, Front Row): Professor Emeritus Umaru Shehu, Pro- mission is to expand the existing intellectual space fessor Emeritus Njidda Gadzama, Professor J.D. Amin, and continuously encourage the advancement of teaching, learning and community
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