DECEMBER 2, 2011 VOLUME 47, NUMBER 23 INSIDE: Page 2: Commitment to preventing abuse Page 3: Retirement Fund for Religious Page 12: District gold for Lancaster Catholic Page 16: Bishop blesses St. Monica’s altar Called to Glory Eighty youth from the Diocese of Harrisburg join 23,000 peers in faith-filled experience at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis. See pages 8 and 9. EMILY M. ALBERT, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS - THE CATHOLIC WITNESS, December , 011 Local Church News All Must Remain Vigilant in Commitment to Preventing Abuse By Jen Reed In fulfillment of the Charter for the Protection of quirements, including criminal record checks. The Catholic Witness Children and Young People – adopted by the United Regarding education of youth, the Diocesan Sec- States bishops in 2002 – the diocese’s Youth Protec- retariat for Education oversees a safe environment Recognizing the tragic prevalence of child sexual tion Program includes outreach to victims and their curriculum for all students in Catholic schools and abuse, the Diocese of Harrisburg continues to en- families, prompt reporting of and inquiry into each parish religious education programs. The program is courage an ever-vigilant commitment to its Youth incident, and education and screening. a required component of the Youth Protection Pro- Protection Program, which employs strict guide- Phone calls to the diocese’s toll-free number for gram. lines and procedures designed to prevent the sexual, reporting suspected abuse of a minor directly reach “The sexual abuse of minors is a horrific and ter- physical and emotional abuse of minors. the Victim Assistance Coordinator under the Youth rible sin. This tragic occurrence affects every part of The diocese maintains a zero tolerance policy for Protection Program. Victims and their families are society, cutting across all denominations and occu- abusers in ministry, in volunteer service or in em- offered immediate connection to counseling ser- ployment, and dedicates itself to the healing and rec- vices. Upon receiving notification of possible abuse pations. Therefore, we must be ever vigilant in pro- onciliation of victims. of a minor, the diocese begins an investigation and tecting children,” said Bishop Joseph P. McFadden. “Recent national attention focused on the issue of immediately reports the matter to law enforcement “What is needed is education and reflection in child sexual abuse has helped us all once again to authorities. Reports to civil authority are made even looking at what can be done to prevent child sexu- recognize the seriousness of this issue in our soci- if the law does not require it. al abuse,” he said. “We want to be able to say that ety,” said Msgr. William J. King, Vicar General for Completion of the diocesan online Safe Envi- nobody does more than the Catholic Church to en- the diocese and director of its Youth Protection Pro- ronment Training Program and multiple criminal sure that the sexual abuse of minors doesn’t happen gram. record checks are required for all employees and again.” “The Diocese of Harrisburg remains committed adult volunteers who work with minors. The diocese The Diocese of Harrisburg continues to make to addressing this issue with firm resolve, and takes also requires all persons who work with youth in improvements to its Youth Protection Program. this opportunity to ask people to pray for and sup- Church-related ministries to wear a diocesan-issued A wealth of additional information about the pro- port victims of abuse in any form. No person who identification badge when in the presence of minors. gram and efforts to prevent child sexual abuse can has been abused in the context of the Church should The badge indicates that the wearer has successfully be found online via the “Youth Protection” link at hesitate to report that abuse,” he said. completed all of the diocese’s youth protection re- www.hbgdiocese.org. Diocese of Harrisburg Diócesis de Harrisburg Youth Protection Program Programa Protección To report suspected Para reportar la sospecha abuse of a minor, del abuso de un menor, call the toll-free PA Child llame al número de teléfono gratuíto Línea de Abuse Hotline at Ayuda Abuso del Niño 1-800-932-0313 Pennsylvania: 1-800-932-0313 To report suspected abuse of a minor Para reportar la sospecha by a Church official, del abuso de un menor employee or volunteer, a manos de un official, em- also please call pleado o voluntario de la iglesia, también llame al the diocesan toll-free número de teléfono hotline at gratuíto de ayuda diocesana: 1-800-626-1608 1-800-626-1608 Heart of Mary Pregnancy Support Services December 4 - This week’s edition of Catholic Perspective features an update on the issue of school choice in Pennsylvania. This legislation, sometimes referred to as Senate Bill 1, is supported by the Church as it would give parents the opportunity Baby Pantry Wish List to choose the school they prefer for their children via two initiatives. These include a small test study of vouchers and increased funding of the popular Educational Im- provement Tax Credit (EITC) program. The measure has passed the Senate and is The Heart of Mary Pregnancy Support Services, located in the former con- to be voted on in the Pennsylvania House. More information is available at www. vent building of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church PaCatholic.org. in York, is in great need of the following items for its emergency baby item Father Luis Rodriguez, Pastor of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Mount Joy shares the story of his vocation to the priesthood with listeners. pantry: An explanation of the season of Advent is offered by Father William Weary, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Lewistown and St. Jude Thaddeus, Mifflintown. Listeners will hear the inspirational story of how one young man uses his Catholic • Size newborn, size 3 and size 4 diapers faith to overcome the challenges of cerebral palsy in his everyday life. • Baby wipes Catholic Perspective is produced in cooperation with the Office of Communica- • Gerber Good Start Gentle Plus Formula (1-ounce powder cans) tions of the Diocese and WHFY AM 720. This new radio ministry has many needs • Baby wash and opportunities for volunteers. Find out more by calling 717-525-8110 or visiting • www.yourholyfamilyradio.com. Gently used size 1-18 month girls’ clothing The program is heard Mondays and Fridays at 12 noon on WHYF AM 720 and • Gift cards to Wal-Mart, GIANT or Weis on Sunday mornings on WLAN-AM 1390, Lancaster at 7:30 a.m.; WHYL-AM 960, Carlisle, at 8 a.m.; WHVR-AM 1280, Hanover, at 8 a.m.; WKOK-AM 1070, Sunbury, at 6:30 a.m.; WIEZ-AM 670, Lewistown, at 8 a.m.; WWSM-AM 1510, Lebanon, at 7 All items can be dropped off at their office at 26 East College Avenue in a.m.; and WWEC-FM 88.3, Elizabethtown, at 9:30 a.m. It is also available on line at York. Call 717-843-7986, ext. 229 prior to dropping off donations. www.OldiesRadio1620.com at 6:30 a.m. or for download at www.hbgdiocese.org. DECEMBER 2, 2011, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS - Local Church News Annual Collection Supports 34,000 Retired Sisters, Brothers, Priests in Religious Orders From the National to coordinate the annual collection and to Religious Retirement Office distribute the proceeds of this collection to religious institutes in need. The 24th annual collection for the Re- The crisis in retirement funding can be tirement Fund for Religious will be taken attributed to three primary factors: insuffi- up Dec. 10-11 in the Diocese of Harris- cient retirement savings, rising health-care burg. Sponsored by the National Religious costs, and declining income. Tradition- Retirement Office (NRRO) in Washington, ally, women and men religious worked D.C., the appeal asks Catholics to Share in for small stipends that furnished only the the Care of more than 34,000 women and men religious past age 70. basics of daily living. As a result, a major- Last year, the Diocese of Harrisburg ity of religious communities lack adequate contributed $290,694.03 to this collec- savings for retirement. At the same time, tion. In 2011, the Sisters of Sts. Cyril and the cost of care continues to increase, es- Methodius received financial assistance pecially as older religious now outnumber made possible by the national appeal. In younger religious. Today, there are more addition, the Diocese of Harrisburg, in than 34,000 religious past age 70 living in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Phil- the United States. In 2010, the average an- adelphia and the Diocese of Allentown, nual cost for their care was over $35,000 also distributes funding to local religious per person. Skilled care averaged nearly communities to support retirement needs. $54,000 per person. Currently, the income “We could never thank adequately the of younger religious supports a large por- retired religious sisters, brothers and tion of elder-care expenses. In the coming priests who worked so devotedly serving years, however, this will no longer be the the people of our area,” said Father Phillip case as more religious reach retirement Burger, Diocesan Secretary for Clergy and age and leave compensated ministry. Consecrated Life. “I encourage all of the The annual appeal for the Retirement good people of the Diocese of Harrisburg Fund for Religious, which is taken up to contribute to the collection.” each December in most U.S. Catholic par- “We are continually humbled by the generosity shown this appeal,” said NRRO ishes, provides vital support to religious Executive Director Sister Janice Bader, a institutes in meeting current and future re- member of the Sisters of the Most Pre- tirement needs.
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