May 10, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2173 I am very proud to recognize this ficers from around the world travel to KINGPIN DESIGNATION American hero who so sadly perished Washington, D.C., to participate in IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2016 while protecting the people of Miami, events that honor those who have been Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I move to my hometown, from crime and drugs. killed in the line of duty. By naming suspend the rules and pass the bill As a Member with the honor of rep- the ATF headquarters after Mr. Rios, a (H.R. 4985) to amend the Foreign Nar- resenting south Florida in Congress, I front line law enforcement officer, we cotics Kingpin Designation Act to pro- thank Special Agent Rios for his serv- offer a very public tribute to the com- tect classified information in Federal ice to our country, and I thank his memoration of the sacrifices that too court challenges. family for their sacrifice of such a many officers have made. The Clerk read the title of the bill. brave person on behalf of all of us. This legislation comes at the request The text of the bill is as follows: Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of of many current and former agents who H.R. 4985 my time. would not rest until this recognition Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- was restored to Special Agent Rios. Be- resentatives of the United States of America in er, I yield myself such time as I may cause of their tireless efforts, the Congress assembled, consume. House will vote today to restore the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. I thank Representative CURBELO. name of Special Agent Rios to the ATF This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Kingpin Des- I am pleased that this bill is being headquarters. This is an overdue and ignation Improvement Act of 2016’’. considered by the House this afternoon well-deserved acknowledgment of both SEC. 2. PROTECTION OF CLASSIFIED INFORMA- during National Police Week. I also ap- Special Agent Rios and of the nearly TION IN FEDERAL COURT CHAL- preciate Subcommittee Chairman LENGES RELATING TO DESIGNA- 20,000 law enforcement agents who have TIONS UNDER THE NARCOTICS BARLETTA’s support of this measure died in the line of duty in the United KINGPIN DESIGNATION ACT. and the support of the other members States of America. Section 804 of the Foreign Narcotics King- of the Committee on Transportation pin Designation Act (21 U.S.C. 1903) is In closing, Mr. Speaker, I am very and Infrastructure, who also agreed to amended by adding at the end the following: pleased that so many on both sides of be original cosponsors of this great ‘‘(i) PROTECTION OF CLASSIFIED INFORMA- the aisle from our committee have bill, which would name the current TION IN FEDERAL COURT CHALLENGES RELAT- agreed to cosponsor this legislation. I ING TO DESIGNATIONS.—In any judicial review headquarters of the Bureau of Alcohol, am also honored that Mr. ROGERS, the of a determination made under this section, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or chairman of the Committee on Appro- if the determination was based on classified the ATF, after fallen Special Agent priations, supports this bill. information (as defined in section 1(a) of the Ariel Rios. Classified Information Procedures Act) such As was mentioned by my colleague, Former President George H. W. Bush information may be submitted to the review- Agent Rios was born in 1954. He at- has written Congress in support of ing court ex parte and in camera. This sub- tended the John Jay College of Crimi- naming this building after Special section does not confer or imply any right to nal Justice in Manhattan, and he grad- Agent Rios, as have several former Di- judicial review.’’. uated with a degree in criminal justice rectors of the ATF and as have several The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in 1976. Agent Rios immediately start- organizations that represent law en- ant to the rule, the gentleman from ed his career in criminal justice by forcement officers. Pennsylvania (Mr. MARINO) and the working for the Department of Correc- I am very proud that this legislation gentleman from Rhode Island (Mr. tions in both Washington, D.C., and in is being considered today, and I urge CICILLINE) each will control 20 minutes. New York City. Later, he joined the my colleagues to support my bipar- The Chair recognizes the gentleman ATF in 1978 and developed a reputation tisan bill that honors Special Agent from Pennsylvania. as an effective law enforcement officer. Rios. GENERAL LEAVE In 1982, Agent Rios was working as a Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I ask member of Vice President George H. W. of my time. unanimous consent that all Members Bush’s anti-drug task force. It was here may have 5 legislative days to revise that he was shot and killed while work- b 1615 and extend their remarks and to in- ing undercover to unravel a drug ring clude extraneous materials on this in Miami, Florida. Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speak- measure. In 1985, Congress saw fit to honor the er, I yield myself such time as I may The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ultimate sacrifice that Special Agent consume. objection to the request of the gen- Rios made. Congress acknowledged the I thank my colleague from Indiana tleman from Pennsylvania? fact that he was the first ATF agent to (Mr. CARSON) for his leadership on this There was no objection. die in the line of duty by naming the issue. Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I yield headquarters of the ATF building the This, of course, is a simple naming myself such time as I may consume. Ariel Rios Memorial Building. This bill, but it honors one of the many men Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Foreign name stood for nearly 30 years until and women who paid the ultimate price Affairs Committee, I am pleased to call the building was renamed for President to keep Americans safe. This has a spe- up the Kingpin Designation Improve- Clinton in 2012 so as to reflect the fact cial place in my heart, obviously, be- ment Act, which was favorably re- that the old building now housed the cause this took place in my community ported this week by the Judiciary Com- EPA. Unfortunately, the ‘‘Ariel Rios’’ where Special Agent Rios lost his life. mittee on which I also sit. name was not transferred to the new I yield back the balance of my time. This bipartisan bill, introduced by ATF headquarters. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the gentleman and gentlewoman from This bill seeks to correct this omis- question is on the motion offered by New York, Mr. KATKO and Miss RICE, sion and name the new ATF head- the gentleman from Florida (Mr. helps to ensure that classified informa- quarters as the Ariel Rios Federal CURBELO) that the House suspend the tion used in the designation of foreign Building. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4957. drug kingpins may be protected from As a former police officer, I have a public disclosure so that it cannot be The question was taken. special appreciation for the risks that used by drug lords and terrorists. face officers each and every day. Agent The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Under current law, the Treasury De- Rios’ death serves as a reminder that opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being partment’s Office of Foreign Assets when law enforcement officers walk in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Control, otherwise known as OFAC, is out the door and leave their families Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- able to designate international drug for the day, they are putting their lives er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. traffickers as kingpins. These designa- on the line to protect our communities. The yeas and nays were ordered. tions are published in the Federal Reg- It is fitting that the House is consid- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ister, and the individuals are added to ering this legislation during National ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- the list of specially designated nation- Police Week, which is an annual event ceedings on this motion will be post- als, which effectively blocks any U.S.- when thousands of law enforcement of- poned. based asset and their access to the U.S. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 May 11, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10MY7.018 H10MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 10, 2016 financial system. This is a potent For example, just last month, the these traffickers from using the U.S. fi- weapon against international drug Treasury Department’s Office of For- nancial system and, in so doing, places traffickers. eign Assets Control, which administers a major obstacle in front of their ef- Since the enactment of the Foreign these sanctions, targeted a Mexican forts to move and use their ill-gotten Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act 16 drug cartel and the three brothers who gains. years ago, OFAC has designated more run it, freezing their assets and ban- Many of the individuals placed on the than 1,800 individuals, all of them non- ning U.S. persons from doing business kingpin list are put there on the basis U.S. persons. These include not only with them. of classified information. The law pro- high-profile drug traffickers, but also As with the International Emergency vides a process by which these individ- individuals who are using drug pro- Economic Powers Act, designations uals can seek removal from the list in ceeds to support international ter- made under the Kingpin Act may be Federal court, but, unfortunately, the rorism.
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