Bibliography: Journalism

Bibliography: Journalism

Bibliography: Journalism Canada and the Spanish Civil War “A.A. MacLeod to Speak to Canada From Madrid Over Popular Radio Station.” The Daily ​ Clarion 22 June 1937. 1. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ​ “A.A. MacLeod Tells how Spain Defends Freedom.” The Daily Clarion 10 Oct. 1936. 1+. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ​ “A.A. MacLeod Tours Prairies For Spain Aid.” The Daily Clarion 27 July 1938: 3. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 4 (1938). ​ Abraham, John M. “Doriot: Man of Tomorrow?” New Frontier 1.11 (Mar. 1937): 10. Modernist ​ ​ ​ Commons. Web. 22 June 2013. ​ Achard, Marcelle. “France: What Price Confidence?” Canadian Forum 18.210 (July 1938): ​ ​ 108-109. Print. “Advance Made By Asturians At Madrid.” The Daily Clarion 29 Oct. 1937. 3. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ “A.E. Smith, Dent, Complete Tour in Aid of Spain.” The Daily Clarion 30 Dec. 1937. 3. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ ​ “A.E. Smith Tours West Lecturing on World Scene: Money Collected to Aid Workers of Spain in Fight.” The Daily Clarion 19 Oct. 1936. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ​ ​ ​ “A.E. Smith Will Tour West With W. Dent.” The Daily Clarion 29 Oct. 1937. 3. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ “African Troops Come to Spain.” The Daily Clarion 7 Dec. 1937. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 3 (1937). ​ Journalism Bibliography “Aid for Boys in Spain, YCL Goal.” The Daily Clarion 3 June 1937. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “Aid Loyalist Spain: She Fights for You!” Editorial. The Daily Clarion 1 Feb. 1939: 4. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 5 (1938). ​ ​ “Aid Spain!” The Daily Clarion 20 May 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ​ ​ “Aid to Spain.” Editorial. Canadian Forum 16.193 (Feb. 1937): 5. Print. ​ ​ “Aid for Spain!” Editorial. The Daily Clarion 6 Aug. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 ​ ​ ​ ​ (1936). “Aid to Spain Body Confers.” The Daily Clarion 21 Oct. 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion ​ ​ ​ 3 (1937). “Aid to Spain From Spanish.” The Daily Clarion 31 Aug. 1936. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 1 (1936). ​ “Aid Spain Week ‘Over the Top’.” The Daily Clarion 16 June 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “Aid for Spanish People.” Editorial. The Daily Clarion 5 Oct. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 1 (1936). ​ “Alberta Asks Sanctions, Justice to Spain.” The Daily Clarion 6 Oct. 1937. 1. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ “Alcazar Attack Begins Tonight As Parleys Fail.” The Daily Clarion 10 Sept. 1936. 1+. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ​ “Ald. Smith to Speak at Game for Spain.” The Daily Clarion 16 July 1937. 6. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ 2 Journalism Bibliography “Aid-Spain Rally In Montreal Today.” The Daily Clarion 1 Apr. 1938. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 3 (1938). ​ “Algoma has sent $150 for Bethune.” The Daily Clarion 12 Jan. 1937. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “All Canada Hears Tim Buck’s call.” The Daily Clarion 10 Oct. 1936. 2. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 1 (1936). ​ “All-Canadian Broadcast From Madrid Features Canadian Battalion Leaders.” The Daily Clarion ​ 26 June 1937. 1. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ “All Canadians Safe in France; On Way Home.” The Daily Clarion 7 Feb. 1939: 1. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 5 (1938). ​ “All Forces Mobilized to Save Spanish Capital.” The Daily Clarion 4 Nov. 1936. 1. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ “All French Patriots Salute Spain Gov’t.” The Daily Clarion 20 July 1938: 3. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 4 (1938). ​ “All Groups Unite to Help Spain.” The Daily Clarion 26 July 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “All Out to Aid the Spanish People.” Editorial. The Daily Clarion 10 Oct. 1936. 8. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ “All Parties Urge War to the Emd at Madrid Meet.” The Daily Clarion 27 Feb. 1939: 1. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 5 (1938). ​ ​ “All Spain Celebrates Victory at Belchite.” The Daily Clarion 6 Sept. 1937. 1. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ 3 Journalism Bibliography “All Spanish Parties Confident in Negrin Leadership.” The Daily Clarion 6 Oct. 1937. 5. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ ​ Allan, Ted. “‘Be Kind to Olives’ Is Slogan in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 2 July 1937. 4. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ---. “Between the Lines: Ted Allan Speaking.” The Daily Clarion 12 July 1937. 2. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Bombarded Madrid as Writers Met.” The Daily Clarion 16 July 1937. 4. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---.“Blood for Spanish Democracy.” New Frontier 1.10 (Feb. 1937): 12. Modernist Commons. ​ ​ ​ ​ Web. 22 June 2013. ---. “Call Parley In Montreal: Labor Party Pushes Campaign for Aid to Defend Spanish.” The ​ Daily Clarion 10 Sept. 1936. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ​ ​ ---. “Canadian Battalion in Spain Hears A.A. MacLeod.” The Daily Clarion 5 July 1937. 5. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ---. “Canadian Boys In Spain greet Those at Home.” The Daily Clarion 3 July 1937. 1. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ---. “Canadians Drive Trucks in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 17 June 1937. 5. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Canadians Fell in Offensive. “ The Daily Clarion 14 July 1937. 1+. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Clarion Scribe at Offensive: Franco’s Troops Shoot Officers and Join Gov’t Armies.” The ​ Daily Clarion 23 July 1937. 5. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ​ 4 Journalism Bibliography ---. “Daily Clarion Correspondent Covers a Fateful Session of the League of Nations.” The Daily ​ Clarion 14 June 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ​ ---. “Deeply Grieved Catholic Writer Defends Spain.” The Daily Clarion 27 Oct. 1936. 1+. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ​ ---. “‘Don’t Forget the Boys in Spain’-Allan.” The Daily Clarion 20 Sept. 1937. 3. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ ---. “Dud Shells fall in Madrid--Arms Workers Help Cause of Democracy.” The Daily Clarion ​ 14 May 1937. 5. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ---. “Exhibit “A”: Full Documentary Evidence of The Fascist Crimes in Spain.” The Daily ​ Clarion 30 June 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ​ ---. “Fascists desperate ted allan believes.” The Daily Clarion 26 Apr. 1937. 3. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Franciscan Monks Invite Fr. 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The Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ ​ ---. “Question house on Volunteers.” The Daily Clarion 1 Feb. 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Republican Spain Gives Thanks to the Soviet Union.” The Daily Clarion 6 Nov. 1937. 5. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1937). ​ ​ ---. “See Plot to Spike Aid to Loyalists.” The Daily Clarion 8 Oct. 1936. 2. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ---. “Shock Brigades Aid Harvesting in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 24 June 1937. 5. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Spain’s Population Coordinates Action.” The Daily Clarion 14 June 1937. 1. Microform. ​ ​ The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “Spain’s stakhanovites Help Gov’t to win War.” The Daily Clarion 12 May 1937. 2. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). a ​ ​ ---. “Spanish Fascist Consul Recalled.” The Daily Clarion 3 Sept. 1936. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 1 (1936). ​ ---. “Son of One of Canada’s 50 Big Shots Helps Dr. Bethune’s on Madrid Front.” The Daily ​ Clarion 26 Dec. 1936. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1936). ​ ​ ​ ---. “Ted Allan Visits Wounded Lads From Canada.” The Daily Clarion 12 July 1937. 1. ​ ​ Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ 6 Journalism Bibliography ---. “‘They Lied to Me’ Says War Prisoner: Captured Aviator tells how he was recruited...” The ​ Daily Clarion 29 July 1937. 5. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ​ ​ ---. “Union of Parties is Mooted in Madrid.” The Daily Clarion 29 June 1937. 3. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ ---. “‘Youth Today Made to Spit Bullets’.” The Daily Clarion 18 June 1937. 5. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “Ambulance Drive lauded by spence.” The Daily Clarion 22 May 1937. 1. Microform. The Daily ​ ​ ​ Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “Ambulance For Battalion Nets $4,500.” The Daily Clarion 26 June 1937. 3. Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937). ​ “Ambulance Fund Near Completion.” The Daily Clarion 21 June 1937. 3. a Microform. The ​ ​ ​ Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

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