6 THE EVEKTSG STAR. AVASHINGTOK I). C„ TtTESDAY. JUNE 19, 1928. WILL MEET AT SUPPER. njgtically -nominated, u were all can* dldatas on that party ticket. PYLE AND GRANGE SUED Senator Shipstead's renomination was SENATOR HALE WINS BIER CALLS G.O.P. Theoaophlcal Club Plana Entertain- QUIZ ON CAMPAIGN the walkaway hia supporters had pre- FOR <37,000 BY SHAD dicted, BANK WINS and he 10 1 ran better than to ment Tomorrow Evening. ov William of «s Watkins Minneapolis. Bf the Aimltird Press. The Washington Lodge of the Theo- Oov. Theodore Christianson's renomi- sophical Society supper nation on the Republican ticket was on NEW VORK,, June 19.—C. C. Pyle, will hold a and a basis of IN evening 1216 more than 2 to 1 over George promoter, MAINEPRIMARY PROHIBITION entertainment tomorrow at professional sfthleifc and PARTY TO CONTINUE his FUNDS BY WIDE MARGIN T. Simpson of Minneapolis. H street. will be served from i i Supper .5 In congressional assistant, Harold (Red) Grange, 5 to 7 p.m., after which-Matthews Daw- the contests Reprc- i were son will fortunes. program of sentative Walter H. Newton was re-1 : named today in two judgmenta totaling Renominated by Republicans Convention tell The nominated on the Republican Declares Was entertainment is to begin at 7:30 p.m. : Senate Committee to Publish Senator ticket in I more than $37,000 filed by George Farmer-Labor Re- the fifth district (Minneapolis), and, 1 R. and will include a piano solo by Ed- Representative ; McComb, receiver for the Illinois for Third Term—Represent- “Dull, and of ward Dawson; vocal selections by Dr. Melvin J. Maas was re- I Trust Colorless Low readings by Expenditures of Various nominated in Minnesota. nominated by Republicans in the fourth & Savings Bank of Champaign, IU. Thomas Elias: dramatic (St. Paul). Virginia L. Miller and Leila Taylor, and McCombs attorney said the Judg- ative Hersey Defeated. Intellectual ments represented money (Attained Level.” piano solos by Marian Bailey and Vir- Candidates. Other Candidates Named. by ginia Lee Barton. Most for Pyle and Grange at the Champaign Insulating Houses. bank on notes and were made effective By the Assoclsted Press. By the Swedish builders have recently here due to the presence of the Associated Pres*. Frequent publication of Br the Associated dis- de- United expenditures Press. covered that sphagnum moss, which fendants in connection with the PORTLAND. Maine. June 19 | NEW YORK. June 19.—Dr. Nicholas of grows in Frederick was WOOLLEN HITS TARIFF on behalf all candidates during the ST. PAUL, Minn.. June 19.—United abundantly the northern “Bunion Derby,” recently completed. States Senator Hale re- Murray Butler, returning swamps and of money nominated for a third term In the Re- I yesterday from | coming presidential campaign is planned States Senator Henrik Shlpstead. lowlands Scandinavia, Whether the was used in the easily de- Kansas City, where he was a to Farmer-Labor, was renominated by a is an excellent insulating material for financing of the transcontinental foot publican primary yesterday, delegate by the special Senate committee on says ! O. Brewster. Ira G. the Republican AS FOE OF FARMERS wide margin in yesterday’s State pri- houses, particularly dwellings, the j race was not known. feating Gov. Ralph national convention, said I : presidential campaign funds. mary. Thrift Magazine. This has were for Hersev. Republican. Holton, who is serv- j discovery The judgments SIR7»2 in a forma) that failure of ! provided a new use tor land which had I against for against ing his sixth term as Representative statement Chairman Steiwer has been author- Nomination of Pyle and 520.451 the to adopt - previously convention his resolution j Democratic Blames Sys- by the Arthur V. Nelson been considered worthless. Grange. from the '¦'urth district, was defeated [ calling for repeal of the Candidate 11z*d committee to make arrange- rvnomir.atvn. Donald W. Snow, eighteenth is the Republican dHBk for Ly amendment is regarded by supporters of ments to carry out this plan. It Is his to op- Bangor attorney. plan tem for "Agricultural Prob- I candidate a his as making the Republican partv I ; intention to communicate with the na- pose Senator Ship- In a four-cornered contest for the a prohibition party. tional organization of each party nomination for governor, lem," in Address. and stead was conceded ¦ RxJtublican * ~xsm&v Jk also with State organizations, with a by his nearest op- vpfliam Tudor Gardiner, wealthy resi- a Convention Declared Colorless. view to obtaining from them at | Speaker intervals dent of Gardiner and former of “If the voting public takes this point reports relating to expenditures for the the Maine House of Representatives, re- of view, then the result in November | By the Associated Press. presidential The campaign. committee ;\ opponents \ may former , ceived more votes than his ?’• ." .5. ¦; be most disastrous," said the state- j CEDAR RAPIDS, lowa, June 18 probably will not attempt to gather r ment. which St. Paul, took an I I combined described convention j to expenditures *7450 the Evans Woollen of Indianapolis, favorite statistics as that may early lead over his * as “dull and color- | be made by counties. Vote for Senatorial Candidates. less” where “the in- ““""I | ; son of Indiana for the Democratic pres- I S6O Cash and S6O Per Month HALE Senator Steiwer believes the plan of A. A. of p the vote SENATOR Burnqulat With a few precincts missing Os Maine. who yesterday defeated lellectual level was j, idential nomination, in an address pre- the committee to make public during jpllj for was: Brewster. 41.884; Hale,! Gov. certainty not ! pared for delivery today before the Senator Ralph O. Brewster for the Republiran high." ‘ the campaign the reports obtained from mer governor, and Detached, 5 71.613. nomination lowa Bankers' Association, declared all will be helpful and will vKKm Bedrooms governor to the Senate from that pro- 1 sides constl- State Senator A. J. Pi The vote for was: Gardiner.* i State. he had received \ : j “the unreasonable extension of the ; tute a safeguard. Frederick W. Hinckley. 20.948;, system responsible" Rockne of Zum- pirfl|•"'•'A 60.583: tective tariff was The committee also is making ar- brota. Mr. Nelson '*l Lot 45x135 Feet to Alley Herbert C. Libbv, 12.525; John G. Smith. ances" from many for what he termed the “agricultural rangements to hear witnesses in CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. relation - 11.326 members of the problem." to the campaigns in Texas, Wisconsin - < * Convenient Representatives Carroll L. Bccdy. TODAY. resolutions commit- There were two aspects to the prob- Minnesota and California. It was em- Paul. Location Wallace H. White, ir.. and John E. Nel- Phil Sheridan Woman's Relief Corps lem, he said, a short-term aspect, dat- phasized, however, that no Drive out Georgia will meet, 8 Democratic The Democratic candidate for Sena- Ave. to Rittenhouse St., east te son. all Republicans, were renominated o'clock. In G. A. R. Hall. ing from the World War. which he dis- witnesses would be heard until after the without dicatcd in his reso- missed as transient, and a long-term tor. Oeorge P. J. o. Cashman of Bt. I . Second St. and north 3 blocks to Underwood St. opposition. Oriental Council. Democratic convention is over. It was Cloud, with opposition, block of | Royal Arcanum, will Rspect, dating from before the Civil explained that the no was guto- Oae-helf ‘‘Takoina” car on 14th St. car line meet. 8 o'clock, at Pythian same rule was fol- Democratic Nominees. ; Temple. were “fearfulof the ! War, the factors in which he said were : lowed by not hearing any Republican There were no contests for the major j Regent George Giddens will be in effect |V| charge. ixilitical not self-eliminating as were the later witnesses on the eve of the Republican Democratic nominations. The nomi- incorporating this ones. convention. J. S. FRASER ? nee® are; For Senator. Herbert E. j The declaration in the !ih..v “The protective tariff,” he said, “was Lewiston, for gov- Business Women's Council will Holmes. an attorney; ;t in the of platform." Dr. But- established to promote industry and to 219 St. N.W. Shep. emor, Rockland, meet lecture room the Church ler Underwood 3062-W C. Moran. Jr., j . what was undue Edward of the Covenant. Mrs. Selden said he had Dn BuU*r- overcome regarded as ' HONORS U. P. eight predominance During S.WARMOTHER merchant. ; Spencer will conduct the Bible class been informed of agriculture. Brewster attacked Hale for his votes 1 6:45 to 7:15 o'clock members ot the committee supoorted his the last quarter of 1800 and up to Senate Vare and , from and give a resolution of France In the to seat Smith | j t*lk. Annual election of officers. in exeicutive session. the present the system has been used President Accords Mrs. and announced himself as campaigning j The committee declaration calling for increasingly for the promotion of in- Robinson Special against-the party machine, against cor- I The Washington City Chiropractors’ enforcement of the eighteenth amend- dustry. In the last 40 years we have Audience. ruption. against the water power inter- Association will meet. 8 o'clock, at the ment. Dr. Butler said “was so extraor- had several general tariff acts, all of PARIS, June 19 (AP).—President Dou- ests and for the development and safe-; ; residence of Dr. Alverada C. Gates. dinary and did so great violence to which, except two. have been a step up- mergue received Mrs. Charles Augustine guarding of Maine's resources. Former : 2108 Flagler strget. sound constitutional, doctrine and to ward." Robinson of New York, delegate of the Gov.
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