: X'iu'C ’’ ,.P THE NEWARK LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1912 Courtship of Andy Hardy” Opens at Midland Sunday NEG1 E< I YOUR EYE Period,cai examination o' your eyes will sa-e ex pen give eye trouble later on 5 Tut ♦Tl * your eyes and those •u» children. Glasses fitted b - ad) correct ,nv ♦rouble yo> 5 > S s rnoxK 4:ma | a »lourn 8:36-5 Doily. Thur. 8:30-12 | f 31 X. Fill ItTII STREET | I rX'EW LOCATION <MSe&cia 46 SOUTH SECOND Bigger, Better Furniture George Sanders who formerly played “The Saint,” and Wendy Johnny Mack Brown, Fuzzy Knight and Nell O’Day in a Laraine Day, Nelson Stuart and Keye Luke gaze apprehen- Bargains Barrie in a dramatic scene for “The Gay Falcon,” fiction’s famous thrilling scene from “Arizona Cyclone,1 a drama of men who were sively skyward in M-G-M’s timely picture, “A Yank on the Burma man of mystery, comes to the Auditorium Sunday through Tuesday. quick on the draw is now playing at the Auditorium. Second feature Road” now playing at the Midland. Second feature “Born to Sing.” ANDERSON’S — Second feature “Dumbo.” “North to the Klondike.” * Phone 3565 April 16, First Methodist Ohio C hurches Open COMMON PLEAS COI HT (hutch, Findlay; Ap-il 17, Lit 'KING C<>< -XTY, OHIO What do First Congres ional ( hurch, Drive To Attract 1 Mary A. M< <’abe, et al., Akron, and April 18, First Plaintiffs, Non-Member Youth Meth ;dist Chu ch, Cambridge. vs. Cose No. .12836 Ernest S. Griffith, et al., I do? The in erchurch <onfe rnc s, Defendants. The Ohio Council of Churches LEGAL NOTICE announced this week a series of Dr. Lamb said, woul 1 mark the Ernest Griffith and Edna B. Ohio meetings designed to ex­ s<nrt in Oh;o of the United Griffith,vii iiiii.ii, Mi.o reside at R. F. Christian Education Advance, No. 2, in Alabama city, care M. D. U. S. ARMY tend religious influence to thous­ spomored nationally by the in­ Breedeir, in the State of Alabama, ands of children and adults out will take notice that on the 2ith TANKS POINT ternational council of religious day of January, 1942, the plaintiffs, of touch with churches. Mary A. McCabe ■and Philip Me- THE WAY! Dr. B. F. Lamb, council secre­ education. Calm filed their petition against tary, said virtually every Pro­ Dr. Lamb said surveys showed them in the Court of Common 1 leas They crack trees like matchsticks that at least half of Ohio’s 1,- of Licking County, Ohio, the same testant church in the state, in­ 200,60:) public school pupils have TT 'being cause No. 32836 in said Court, ... shatter solid brick walls like cluding Licking county, had been for the Cancellation of a Land Con­ no contact with any church. ► tract, in said petition, to-wit: S pane of window glass. Yes, asked to send delegates to the Situated in the City of Newark, meetings, which are scheduled —FOIl VICTORTi BUY BOXDS— Ray McDonald ind Virginia County of Licking and State of those tanks can “take it.” But, as: Weidler in “Burn To Sing” is Ohio. tough as they are, the army in­ House and lot located at No. 91 April 15, Westminister Pres­ now playing at the Midland. North 22nd Street in the City of sists on oil changes and lubriat* byterian Church, Dayton; Blessed Sacrament Second feature “A Yank on the wait Disney s Newark, Ohio. Being further de­ lion every] 1,000 miles, at least! Burma Road.” scribed as Lot No. 55 in Flory and Easter Benefit Christian Addition. That’s the only way to “keep ’em That prayer of said petition is Members of the Blessed Sacra- for the cancellation of said concon-­ rolling”—whether it’s tanks or Keep Fit E. T. Johnson tract and for other equitable re­ nient church will hold an Easter DUMBO lief. Said defendants are required cars. Be sure your car gets this Candidate For Judge to answer said petition_not Irrtor 1000-mile service regularly. For Monday benefit, April 6. Lunch than Six (6) weeks after the first from 5 to 7:3() p. m. Cards start “Dumbo” comes to the Auditorium Sunday through Tuesday, of this publication or judg- Ernest J. Johnson, member of date This Standard Oil Suggestion is National at 8:15. Second feature “The Gay Falcon.” ment will be taken against them. the law firm of Randolph and MARY A. McCABE and PHILIP McCABE. Defense —FOR VICTORY! BUY BOXDS— Johnson, has announced his can­ Plaintiffs. ANOTHER (SOHld) SERVICE didacy for judge of the common By Walter Dunwoody, p’eas court subject to the Repub­ Their Attorney. CARE FOR YOUR CAR—for your Country! Miss Juliet Upson M 12-19-26 A 2-9-16 Get Your Recreation lican primary in August. Mr. Johnson is also president of the To Wed April 6 SHERIFF'S SALK, REAL ESTATE Licking County Bar association. Case XUmber :.2SOS Home Owaere' Loan Corporation WARD’S New Type Miss Juliet Upson, daughter of He is a native of Newark, at­ Shopping Guide - i vs. Mrs. Victor Turner, Hudson av­ tended the Newark schools, at­ Arthur P. Negele, et al. Each firm listed h3re has a per­ tended Denison un versify for Court of CoiniiKHi Pleas, Licking sonal service to render you any­ Duck Pin enue, will be married April 6, to two years and completed his law County, Ohio. time the need for it arrives— Tn pursuance of an order of sale and at the same time you will be Ensign William Shelmerdine. Jr., course at Ohio State university. to me directed from said Court in practicing economy by taking son of Mr. and Mrs. William He started practicing law in the above enttiled action, I will ex- advantage of it—Call on Them! Alleys Shelmerdine of Summit, N. J. Licking county in 1926. He serv pose to sale at public auction at Announcement of the engagement the Court House (in the rotunda) 24 North Fourth Street ed as assistant prosecutor of in the City of N*-w:uk, Licking was made during the holidays. Licking county for four years. County, Ohio, on Saturday, April GEORGE FRANKLIN | 25, 1D12, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of —F3II VICTORY: Bl Y BONDS said day the following described INSURANCE AGENCY real estate. 88 North 8th Street | Situated in the County of Lick­ ing and State of Ohio and the City They Can HAPPEN While You’re Away! Calf Club Boy of Newark and being more parti­ Fire - Tornado - Automobile i cularly described as follows: Phone 2986 Newark, Ohio) Honored By Being inlot No. 4343 in The Ed­ ward H. Everett Company’s Riv­ FIRE or THEFT can destroy erside Addition to the City of National Association Newark as the same is delineated your valuables when you are on the Plat of said.1 Addition,Addition,^re- away, Why risk economic dis- Brattleboro, Vt.—Having prov 41 corded in Vol. 3 of” the Plat■>>-. Rec- TRIPPSTEIN’S aster. Insure your valuables ed himself capable of doing a ords of Licking County, Ohio, at Andy ...Devine___ takes____ a_ bit........ of- Oriental___ advice in “North to page 106. For High Grade Coffees, Teas,! NOW with us. satisfactory Holstein calf club Said property located at and Spices, etc., Mexican Mate Tea) work, Herbert Snider, Outville, Klondike” a thrilling drama of the Frozen North, co-starring Brod known as 261 Riverside Drive, has just been awarded a Certifi- Crawford,■' - ’ •is now playing' at* the Auditorium. Second feature “Ari- Newark, Licking County,, Ohio.------- PEOPLES’ MARKET Appraised at: $900.00. cate of Merit and has been giv- zona Cyclone.” Terms of sale, $100.00 on day of Residence 1655 Mt. Vernon Rd. en junior membership in The sale, balance on confirmation of DarreH S. Jones Opening Sunday, April 5 and Holstein-Friesian Association of traffic so that her armies may SaxviLLIAM McELROY, Sheriff, America, Brattleboror, Vt. He running through Wednesday, get needed supplies. Dramatical­ GENERAL INSURANCE April 8 is “The Courtship of By J. T. HATFIELD, Deputy. was recommended for these ly presented, the picture opens Jones, Jones & Junes, Attorneys. awards by the State 4-H club lea­ Andy Hardy”, a top addition to M 26 A 2-9-16-23 463 Trust Bldg. in New York where Nelson, a Walter McConnell der. the popular family series. Mickey cocksure taxi driver, agrees to Phone 2007 All privileges of the Associa­ Rooney was never better than in NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Radio Service lead a fleet of trucks over the John E. Loper, Administrator tion except voting have been giv­ the new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Burma Road for a Chinese socie­ of the Estates of George E. New Modern Shop and Equip­ en to him until he is 21 years of picture. And Donna Reed, as the Loper, deceased, and Eliza ment — Sylvania Tubes I latest romance in Andy’s life, ty. At Rangoon he meets Miss J. Loper, Deceased Phone 49902 71 E. Shields St.’ Day who tricks him into smug­ Plaintiff In the Probate < oiirt °He is the 6,308th member of proves a charmer destined for gling her into China, where she vs. Licking County, Ohio The Holstein-Friesian Calf Club top stardom in Hollywood. Lewis Helen Pace, et al Case No. 8610 Stone again is the wise, small­ expects to meet her husband, a Defendants. Association of America to achieve soldier of fortune. Adventure, Pursant to the order of the Pro­ town judge, and his “man-to- this national recognition since comedy and romance feature the bate Court of Licking County, I I DAVIS Service Station) man” talks with Mickey are a will offer for sale at Public Auc­ August 11, 1924 when certificate picture.
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