t,..,.....,. i#J \~~ ", -I -The New Hampshire VoJ.~<:'Nofa. FRIDAY, Sept. 2, 1988 (603 )862-1490 · Durham. N .H. ~_;_.,____,t,.__________ ..;... ____ ...-.-,, _____~---------------~-.-----"'!""~------- Durnam "J H Perm,r •30 Professor quits Senate By Susan Flynn they think we need and Pres­ · Ray-mood l.;oss, Sponsored Due to a '_'lack of cooperation" ident Haaland asks for what he Programs Accounting Office from President Gordon Haaland thinks they will give us," said Accountant and Budget Com­ and members of the adminis­ - Diller. · mittee member, said he sees the tration, Chairpei'SOn of the Gary Weisman, who ·will growth of the Committee as an Academic Senate Budget and assume the position, declined "evolutionary process." 'Planning Committee Karl C. to comment yesterday ori - "I believe that exactly what Diller has resigned his position. Diller's resignation. our involvement will be with Diller said he was extremely Professor of biochemistry _and -this committee and the admin­ angered that the -salary guide­ member of the Budget and istration still needs to be fleshed lines for the upcoming budget Planning Committee Donald out," said Foss. will go to the Trustees without Green said he believes a resig­ ariy consultation from the nation would not have been Daniel Valenza, professor of · budget .::0mmictee. necessary if there had been art and committee member, sees 'Tm not sure if he (Haaland) "better communication with the room to be optimistic about sincerely wanted to make the president." progress the commitee will committee work," said Diller. achieve, but does not see faculty According to Diller, Haaland "I understand Karl's dissa- pay increases as a top priority. told the Academic Senate last pointmenc, but I have everv '"Person·ally, I ain more in­ semester he (Haaland) did not confidence that this commitee terested in changing the top­ see a problem with salaries. will develop," said Green. down process at the University because few faculty were lea!'ing R aeJe ne Ship pee-Rice, where decisions are made by the University. member of the budget commit- legislatures speaking to admin­ Diller said the salaries of the tee and professor of nursing, istration, and administration · faculty are in f~ct the fifth lowest said she supports many of the speaking to legislatures," said out-of the 6 New England Land points made by Diller in his V1alenza .. '.'I want to make it · Grant Universities. resignation letter. more of a grass roots operation." The salary increase t.b,e pres- "1 understand his frustration Valenza said he sees .a tradi­ · ident will present to the Uni- over apparent lack of support/' tion in New Hampshire to just versity Trustees will do nothing . said Shippee-Rice. "I hope that "make do " and he ·would like to adjust the present discrepan- through his resignation. are to step above that process. · cies, Diller said. concerns will be made more , "I am sorry that Karl felt he "The trustees dictate what public." , had to resign," said Valenza. Hersh resigns from VP post By Tim Thornton sit.ion on a temporary basis,. Vice President for Academic Haaland said in the same Affairs Richard Hersh iesigned letter that Hersh "has provided from his position earlier this leadership in a number of summer tiring "substantial dis­ areas," and that he _is pleased 'agree.rrl~nt" over strategic JJ}at­ Hersh will remain at UNH to , ters with University President teach. Gordon Haaland. Haaland said yesterday that In a June 23 resignation letter he would not comment further sent to University colleagues, on the issue. Hersh wrote thache will step Hersh, who came to UNB in down from.his post because "it 1985 from the University of is not in the best interests of Oregon where he was vice the univei:sity to have the cen­ president for research, wrote tral administrative leadership that "ironically, Gordon and I in substantial- disagreement on do agree that the action I'm such strategic matters." taking ·is best for the universi­ Hersh said he will return to ty ... Thus, while these kinds of the faculty as a Profe.ssor of transitions are never easy for A spray-pa~nted logo was only a tracuon or tne uamage .1uuuu u~ Luic: J.~.Lu.u uil~ic:111ic:1u.. ,puv"v · Educatjon, but was on vacation either the individuals involved by Eric Stites) and could not be reached for or the institution as a whole,. comment at his office yesterday. it .is ,:ilso true that I'm proud to Hersh said Tuesday that he return to this faculty." would not elaborate on his Hersh concluded his ,letter by differences with Haaland "at saying that he will return to a · MUB basement left in the moment." setting "in which I benefit from Haaland announced in a letter the good policies a ...1d decisions to faculty and staff on June,-30 of which I may have been a part shambles by Channel 11 that Charles Owens, who served as well as suffer the consequen­ as Interim Vice £resident for ces of poor By. Pamela DeKoning by the condition of the basement decisions of which it. is the responsibility of the Finance and Administration, I ~as equally a The basement of the Memor- part." upon inspection in July. He said manager or the person who was would fill Hersh's vacated po- ial Union Building (MUB), he notified Director of Campus in charge of WENH' s move ...ad­ -which Channel 11 vacated near- Planning Victor Azzi of these ditionally, the Division of Cam­ ly a year ear lier, remains a sentiments at that time. pus Planning and Facilities scattered mess of cables, broken Sanborn stressed that stu­ Management are next _in line furniture, spray-painted logos dents should not foot the bill in terms of being responsible INSIDE . and other damages. Channel 11 for the damages. when a department moves." Director Huart Singer said he "It ( the cost -of cleanup) has . Singer said he was not aware / was unaware of until Thursday. got to be assessed to the man- of the problem and, to h,is Will A Fish Calll1d Wanda MUB Director Jeff Onore sa.id agement of WENH," he said. knowledge, Channel 11 had an it will be "a monumental finan- He added that "beyond .the agreement to continue storing cial undertaking" just to prepare cost of it, to even leave a space · equipment in the space. He sink o-r swim? Turn ·to Jhf:l the space for renovation. Onore · in that condition is totally' stressed that the matter, as referred to cleanup costs as well inappropriate." · brought to his attention, will Arts l. Entertainment, \ . -. as preparation for fire safety When asked why the mess has be tended to immediately. 8r regulations and construction. gone unchallenged and still "We will be down there (this) Dean of Students J. Gregg. remains, Sanborn said, "My . •' for an inside look. ,.,, J S?,!}born saif~e,,!~~ "mortif,ied" ..keling .isfirs.t and foremost that Bt\SEMENT, pa~ 7. PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1988 Ccln a new face h!"ing change .to Dimond Library? By Marianne Moore Prior to this position, Ka!:z Not only new books, but a was University Librarian at East new face-may be noticed this Carolina_State University in semester as UNH students Greenville, North Carolina. She begin to make the return. to said she is happy to ~e back'in Dimond Library. New England and considers The new face belongs to Ruth _ herself a "fan ·of the north." · Katz, who wilf replace Donald - Katz said-she feels that Vin- Vincent as _Head Librarian. cent started the ball rolling by The ·new books were _pur- bringing the library and its c::hased from the $400,000 the fleeds to the,.community's at- library received over the ten_tion and it is up to her to summer. "~arry it through." Katz, a native of Connecticut, As Head Librarian, Katz said is "excited to be at ~ first class she considers herself more of school" with a good reputation. a manager and since arriving Katz majored in Chemistry at UNH she has been familar- at Clark University in Worcester izing herself with the ·staff md and she· received her Ph.D. in documents relating to rhe Ii ,, Library S_cience from Rutgers brary and meeting with the University in 1965. various Deans. · Katz said she also has been Honors P-rogram to another working to _fulfill the five open location, _she added .. librarian positions because by Katz said what can be done operating with a shortage of to the library depends on money. · staff she claims that the ·work The money proposed for the can not get done. next bi-annual budget would not Katz said she plans to address be available until next year. the need for more space and the Katz added she would like rn libraries financial position. The see more support from UNH library is obviously not large Alumni. enough and is looking at either Katz holds a position which an addition to the main building, is equivalent to a dean, which use of Spaldirtg once it has.been she said, "was not true at•the Plans to help improve Dimond Library are getting underway. (Eric Stites photo) vacated, as well as ·moving the Women's Stud~~ program a~d KATZ, page 6 . NEWS IN. BRIEP Plane Crashes in 'Texas Pres. Race Dead Heat Gulf talks stalled · A Delta !\-ir Lines jet crashed during takeoff at Gov. Micheal Dukakis and Vice President George The United Nations secretary general, Javier · the Dallas-Fort W_orth Airport early Wednesday Bush are locked in a.
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