TheA Publication of WashingtonGeneral School • Greenville, Mississippi • March 17, 2014Idea RECOGNIZING EXCELLENCE in the CLASSROOM Parents and faculty remind us of our PatMarie King, Sydney McCain, Madeline Nichols, Madalynn Potter, Madison Robertson, Collin Rounsavall, and Samantha original and fundamental purpose Yarbrough. Mrs. Laura Bell is the Mu Alpha Theta sponsor The Washington School chapters of Beta Club and Mu Al- Beta Club Vice President Emma Gober, Secretary Alex Fra- pha Theta sponsored the annual Scholars Banquet on March 3, tesi, and Treasurer Michelle Finn continued the program with 2014. The program began with a welcome from Abigail Jerni- the candlelight tapping ceremony for Beta Club. In order to gan, the Beta Club President, followed by the Mu Alpha Theta be tapped for Beta Club, a student must make the fall semester Treasurer Amira Abbas’s invocation. honor roll and maintain a cumulative average of 90.00 as a se- After the traditional chicken spaghetti dinner, Headmaster nior, 91.50 as a junior, and 93.00 as a sophomore. Rodney Brown called out the names of the students who met The following students were the new initiates of Beta Club: the grade requirements to be named to the Headmaster’s and Meri-Douglas Fleming, Nelson King, Ashley Lewis, Ally Man- Principal’s Lists as Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Blaine distributed tz, Randa Baioni, Raksha Chatakondi, Ashley Dobbins, Mary certificates of achievement. Ashton Everitt, Mason Francis, Olivia Hairston, Molly Hensley, New Beta Club initiates await the moment to recite the pledge. Mu Alpha Theta President Ashlee Shelley, Vice-President Razeen Karim, Sydney McCain, Madeline Nichols, Allen Nor- Miranda Book, and Secretary Zach Harris, announced and ris, Royce Parkerson, Landon Pieroni, Madalyn Potter, Madison awarded the new members in the math honorary. In order to Robertson, Collin Rounsavall, Blake Tabor, Laci Tubertini, Mary receive an invitation to join Mu Alpha Theta, a student must Kathryn Wicker, and Samantha Yarbrough. Mrs. Jane Crawford have completed five semesters of college preparatory mathe- is the Beta Club sponsor. matics with an average of at least 90.00 and no grade lower Congratulations to the Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta offi- than 86.00. cers, sponsors, members, and initiates on a memorable banquet. The following students were the new initiates of Mu Alpha Casey Park, Class of 2014 Theta: Madison Bruton, Mallory Fontenot, Zach Edwards, THE GENERAL IDEA Lindsey Tubertini, John Wiltcher, Alyssa Johnson, Randa Baioni, Raksha Chatakondi, Krupa Desai, Ashley Dobbins, Mason Francis, Molly Hensley, Razeen Karim, Connor Kelly, Families are encouraged to support their students' academic efforts. were given. All grandparents tion” finished by speakers Erik “One Nation” was a joy- were our special guests. Park and Hailly Bernard. The ful song led by soloists Nick Americans We After the prizes were award- toe-tapping, foot-stomping Browning, Landre Woods, ed, the musical program start- “We the People” was next on Ella Moss, Mia Morgan, Vic- A celebration of the people, by the people, for the people ed, led by the elementary mu- our patriotic list with speak- toria Mantz, Catherine Co- pell, Alyssa Dang, and Grace This year’s annual Parent filled prayer, the Treasurer’s re- 2014 year were $31,875.00. sic teacher. Sarah Lou Moose. ers Lauren Shelley, Kathryn Ward. The speaker afterwards Teacher Organization and port was given by Mr. Loper. The next order of business This year’s Elementary Spring Sanders, and Ana Leese Mck- was Kathleen Carson. Elementary Spring Concert Harvest Fun stole the show, was the recognition of the Concert’s theme was “Ameri- innon. “American Tears” reminded took place on February 25 at having been budgeted for Harvest Fun Chairman (Mrs. cans We - A Celebration of The Presentation Of the everyone of our great country 6:30 p.m. $55,000.00 but actually com- Kelly Tucker) and Co-Chair- the People, By the People, For Colors was given by Boy we call home, led by soloists A recognition of the Har- ing in at $112,125.80. This is man (Mrs. Sarah Ashley). the People.” Scouts Hardy Cooke, Banks Mollie Warrington, Mecklyn vest Fun Chairman and Co- a welcome boost to our vari- They were gifted with special The concert was started by Dinkins, Mark Hooker, Gus Vaught, Simon Michener, Chairman, election of officers ous needs in academics, tech- remembrances for their dedi- fifth graders Henry Potter and Smith, Leland Selby, and Haylee Trussell, Landon Az- for 2014-2015, and installa- nology, publications, and the cated service. Callie Parker. The first song Nick Smith. lin, Louise Word, and Jennifer tion of these given officers also fine arts. Mr. Loper finalized the elec- of the night was the patriotic The “Allegiance Rap” and Jarrett. occurred. The communications, hos- tion of officers, and the instal- “We Celebrate America”, led classic “The Star Spangled “Thankful For the USA” end- The meeting started off with pitality, postage, staff develop- lation of officers was overseen by soloists Miriam Crouse, Banner” were crowd favor- ed the concert/PTO meeting, a warm welcome from Mr. ment, student scholarships, by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Janous, Peyton Melton, Landon Nev- ites. The speakers during these leaving all those in attendance Robert Loper, the 2013-2014 teacher scholarships, WS pub- incoming PTO presidents. els, Avery Carpenter, Chris- songs were Ella Millwood, remembering how blessed we PTO President. Mr. Robert lications, Harvest Fun appre- Then, the fun-filled grand- tian Martin, and Ella White. Meri Madison George, and are to live in America. Hitt Neill (a WS grandparent ciation, and traffic numbers parents awards were handed The speakers after the song Lane Walker. and noted author and story- for the elementary school out by Neal and Sherry Haley. were Peyton McPherson, Rylee Abby Driggers, Class of 2017 teller) then gave the invoca- all came in at their respected Awards such as who had driv- Levine and Joey Pham. THE GENERAL IDEA tion. budgets. The total operating en the farthest and who had The next song in the concert After Mr. Neill’s laughter- expenditures for the 2013- the most grandchildren at WS was the fun-filled “Declara- Mr. Loper introduces the 2014-2015 PTO officers: Mr. and Mrs. Haley, Mrs. New, Mrs. Hitt, Mrs. Neill, Mrs. Dean, and Mr. Dean. Mrs. Moose is the best at organizing a large chorale! First graders are excited to particpate in their first PTO concert! The children raise their flags in a patriotic salute. Fifth graders took a lead role with the solos and speaking parts. 2 The General Idea • A Publication of Washington School • Greenville, Mississippi • March 17, 2014 Care for Cuba so full of excitement and Foreign language students rally to help neighbors great ideas. And in that classroom, "Care for "We vacuumed the house Each worker---no matter Cuba" began. for fun; she said she had what the job---gets paid The first fundraisers never seen anything like it an equivalent of 15 US we put on were "Dress before. And when I washed dollars a month. for Cuba Day," a bake our clothes, she had to take They explained to us sale, and we even cre- pictures so when she went about the many ways ated hearts with the slo- home, everyone would be- they spread the word of gan "Care for Cuba." We lieve her." God, and how they try to worked so hard, and at Just a few simple sen- help the people who live the end the total money tences, and Senior Pepe around them. Angel and we raised was over $850, already had all of us Rita left us completely which is roughly equiva- hooked on their story. in shock about the harsh lent to 20,000 pesos! We Mr Burgos, our Spanish reality that we never no- were all so pumped for teacher, had scheduled tice, and we all started to the lives we were about a day for us labeled as wonder about the pos- to change. "a culture experience" sibilities of helping the One thing we are con- and we all knew the day country in need. tinuously told in Mr. would be different, but For the next follow- Burgos’s class is to "be we had no clue what this ing days, we constantly curious." With the im- day would start. asked Mr. Burgos of ways pact of these simple two Our surprise visitors we could help, and after words, countless families were a couple from Cuba, realizing how serious we have now been provided Angel and Rita. They live were he told us that if we food, clothing, and shel- on Isla de Juventude, or could put on fundrais- ter. Not only have we more commonly known ers and raise money, we saved their lives, but the Above left, Mr. Burgos displays one of the Care for Cuba tags that students sold on the day as the Island of Youth. could donate it to the word of God has been of the bake sale. Above right, Madalynn works diligently on a tag during Spanish class. In Both of the adults were Cuban churches. spread in the process! the photo immediately above, Will ponders his purchase while Carley munches down on a super friendly and An- After setting a sched- Thanks to the curiosity homemade brownie during Break. gel worked as a pastor uled date, we had a com- and warm hearts of stu- In the spotlight for in his town. After they mittee meeting, and dents from Washington excellence under started telling us about more than 40 people school, many lives have pressure! their home, we soon re- showed up! We were all been changed forever.
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