ness were sent to Pipe Chief Jack Qark Firemen Ruddy. Peter It. Peterson is act- Ing chief. - flans were' made for bfiSE=t&JjKttliM^o»ffiIjri» diaJ, a dance. The entertainment com- Mayor Schindler Speaks eult sincesince- most of us hhave very Isty speeches, many of itRem suggested- mittee includes Walter Pachucki. habits la this respect MM^s^ . von examination or the mate by the Illustrated j On 'Fire Chasers' Herman Molssnar. Martln—Haluzar UHe^ss—comets—this—weaknesH s •»6thods-aajJrptaetlsg~sniIe Joseph Leichtaam. HcrmarrMelss^ througgh the« "OsnMfirOjeyeeni riwJrtnilCocktail." . winfjinyinninrtnnlnu. «^ Author Well Known . The- Clark Volunteer Fire De- ner presided. She sdviies: "WheWhen first out of Charles w. liears' "Public partment held a business and so- UwUwdd- IInn - ths-moHilnsrrstanri-beftsrehthsmoHilnsrrstanribeftsre- -S»eaking;foi;J5SeeeuHves2-ls-written -lBg-and-sits-dlowa^rM 1 advlee-ls 'sfiaflw";to- the cial meeting Friday night at which a n open, windoid w and taking each .. No to from therpolnt of view of the busi- : ness, maa who has wide experi- junciaoii.of,;oaft: of our Ha Mayor Leon Schindler announced Today 3.400 of the Countrys nostril'la. tmnsb and forefinger cal problea affecttag public matters.,who counseled. "Get that the police have been ordered leading educators, lawyers, civic pull the nostrils wide; keeping speaking has been overlooked, but ence In cultivating persuasive busl- Speak up and shut up." to give summonses to all^motorists leaders, business and industrial thumbs out of the- way, Inhale a- expIanatiBa amkadvice have beea aess corsBHmleatioa thtoueih pub- who follow or impede-the" depart- •lone deep-breath througit the nos- lie «mviilrtTig . TW» •p-ntyp^. i« triae- leaders, bankers, economists, real- «cononvlciUy -restricted""tBTwHaTTs ly kttowar" in business circles ment at rires. School Commis- trils: _Thlak of the breath chan- actually useful and stimulating. pgCIasSe tors, are serving as directors of 305 nel la terms of a question mark through;'his Cleveland School of sioner David F. Ruddy also spoke. American life insurance com- The outstanding features of this Advertising and Salesmanship to Start lit Plaikield Hopes for quick recovery from ill- beginning at the nostrils, continu- book are> O) a chapter on voice, oT. 120. No- £142. <Oaa*axt -0 RAHWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1341 Cent* « Wtek D*llT««a By Carrltt panies. ing up over the head, down the which he has trained hundreds of PRICE THKKE CENTS which discusses the elements of men in public courses. -He, Is also The •Plainfleld League for spine, and ending at the waist line quality, force, pitch, ana fihung, Hard of Hearing announces t In the back. The Idea, Is to flu the the promotion manager "of the and contains many corrective exer- Ol pNews. its free, evening Up reading class»i lowest cells of the lungs (la thecises and plenty) of passage* for have started and will be hekHil Lepublicans JW Create "Happy Jack" Felton Enlists In Celebration To back) with airai , . stretchintti gt hthem The difficuTrarSpeaKers have In the.Civic Center Room.TubUc u£l Judge Barger YoungT)ecries Republicans to their capacity. .•• reading aloud, a) There are full ending thelf > speeches aad the reprints of do- entertaining rary. PJainfleld. jWedaesday ^--« PuMIe Speakfar means they take to let theh- audi- nings afr-8:45 o'clock for bes**- Planning Board Canadian Army Flying Corpse Close Tonight speeches and & lively round table ences know they are" ^Jlhlshed VHold feally Ajiother new book is "Public and 9:45 for the advanced To Be Honored Challenged By discussion, each with a pointed brings this comment from the au- ewer Menace ^lhardprhearlng_3^Ssflos Speaking Today,-' hy wnm.m rj, Til i ••hi|i) Fifth Candi<iate Former Rahway Lad Doesn't Like Hitler; Proceeds Foram DiscusgionjDinner; This book offers a more tag the speaker's Brobjemand;hisHJBm^7liank5ft)u. 53iese three Plalnfleld and vicinity are lm, TIi. picked young men wlro wilfSai"Jay"fly* words* at-the, end of a speech-are toattend. tffcb —Sees -Unemployment TDS ^ Of City Qrairmair military .Irpknat waits up On» momis, recently to find tluua?«r«u After Emergency" ~ Aviation Cadet." instead of "Plying Cadata," by , "Hanjw Jack" reason enough." saia the Bi-Centennial ment onbr. It mads little <Jiffer«»e8 to them. Tfcsy etun*«<] a few ?Ia«-Cotintywidle Session Many Of Judiciary Plan Had- of (fetermlnatdon. He had been ©srgeiant. Wants Decisive Action On $\ J. KinneaUy Charges ..»«. around, a. th.MKWnp abpy, |, dajM,. tflfln_w.Ht .rftllf r,n BUILD~SuiRPLUS TYR. jX, SPEAKS Hew "Wings" aad commissions in the Aiv Misrepresentat4«B- mtler ftottl MUSE6HH1 thai) test, rlgtofc tlieru andi there. He sa»m» of warkers, For Rahway Mayor The bl-centenniail eeMbratton of -•••. G.O.P. Candidates Aajj»BssyriHBuiiia.:jj:ri»3«i!ttiiiJ ote and- was accepted. Iasi;-3tairsdjay 29 ea& cataHaote Jor councUmJan. toaa retodr he was eoisa to'db be concluded tonight with a- Con- the Fifth Ward, statedi, "Xhe time rate^iaiB rcrawedJ-aie hejaawe to Montreal andl affljer HONOR KINNEALLY WOULD DEBATE" Your Public Library haa ewme -wrheii jnunfclpal admin- action sad so he made trips toe was sen* on to -lioroato for members of the First and Second istrations -must) be realistlb about BHag offflces eif " wtHbua Deoylng. the menaiMjSf! Rahway Preshyiterian Churches to be 'held Ctergmg Hhe- Itepubllcan choose from have the bigge* jfaalntog as a,-pilot. lArujl. .art-Jn avwaBaaar-a^itt-bfe. • 'GauMe" .ftir-CniiniRil laeedt after- __ „_ co . dts* Treasure Otam«s___ ates Bir -which county committee delay. regret the day he sent bombs to aJBBBI Kasmbnierffoung _ £tS3fiurc&at «":S0 P. M,J. Klimeatty, spealdne at a meet- ember^'nruttltSiKil officials and Emergency is over" Had "when tiott of atitendXng rathies* h^£some to a, man- «Hrat W«raT3emo<sratlc Club at toThere will be a general djseusslon. CITY A serlen of articles abont the Free Fnblla Library of the taty or Ji toto J Judgd Je John B. Barger to certain Vttle toroa In Eng-Iand, tor."Raytmondi "SJOUHB rally. a ing of tho Second) Wairdl Voters Bahway written for the express mrnxMe of toilfair «h«S%*8 «» • " leaders udll be atnJong the be held, at the jaks1 cauto October cravinK action. Jack" nmy be returning •League. In Ea»les Hall. Tuesday Now dm the length of rime in which you may or teay become IntcresUdJn what yaar UbtarV ha* to offer. " 'i Slkls Hall, Kifaa- Gives Rieassn bombs vAVti teberes*. nlerht, Hvat "it lhas always been, my llt chaUeMgcdi them to debate ynrepan ym a , loan b standardized, it u important lor a^-Ctoiiht-\gOfiaT WW4db _ By Helen Costello _ be to Hew Vork Cits-. H3s John Felton. the son of Mr. and referredi to. Mr. Kinncally aide —' , OHB BAY SERVICE. This i, pirricalajlyfc .this-respect. • J dai to those who need money for emergencies. _ those who wished to as3B g y MrsT3ames A. Petton. of Coloala". ssveral ssuotitlis In s&cixring: ths '•As a vessel is known by the "So To Speak" •1 aftpeaHa (ihfe •robeti^to realize toe found himself in front of thformerle y v>f Semtaary aweruie, is MIVACY. You're not embarrassed by credit in- "So to Speak, "Jjy Elisabeth Fer- bisfc had iuH oplnioisj of everyone concerned', quinei among your friends or employer. No one sound, whether- it be cracked or at this is an; Important election, menta,. EPollce Court Judge Dairfd Astoria Hotel, .«blch well known toare. He Is a gradu- and! I now feel that the time ftas eise u asked to sign with you. not. so men are proved by their guson won Hesse is that much dis- louses the recrujMTUg atatlon ol the ate of Rahrwsiy (Hteb Sfahool. -where StMfH speeches whether they be wise or A Elvfrflg Ogros. he ^hd —StMfHCm. ihere is nothing complicated about -foortsh:— securing extra money here. You secure the loan —Demosthenes. of Mrs. FranfcHft-D.- Kopsevelt. It "PerWaps." thumslht "CBBaMW Jaidc." orchestra. He vtnas adtlv© In musi- on your own signature and auto or furniture. is not the usual self-<help book can get ^ome adtiom here." Socal cdfclcs, being a member of the Investigate the benefits our loan service offers The English language is a heri- This Is -rather a training program ih© waHcsd' uj> to ttse Hearultlne "l^aslbdonairi," itrute l £om5JJk2SP£?J» >Kone tage that we should all cherish. To based on sound physical and .psy- SertieaBlt. "Seygcarilt." jaidjFtelton-, be able-to read well, to write well, "I trant to enilBtftoi %>"Canaddan trio.mihisdijjlflsaedrait 'WIMte. Horse chological principles. The em- liake ri»iTjng the past summer, at 21S-20 NO. WOOD AVE. and to speak well are the three phasis is-put-on right mental at- Away Wying Ogms." 15i^ Serge&u* Jjtawooa Orove and in eteltonjiw (2nd Floor ' LINDEN. N. J. fundamentals of education.'Since liadkedi up and asked, '"Why?" "Be- 6 titudes, improving health and per- f&re tihat. The other two members PiIQNJELXJH_JWsaSO - SP ?!** i?. the most common mw- sonal appearance-more titan wr. casisft.- JHaaer's ««ii ..haw^ been nue of expressioi n it I Is logical to htte th' Mtihte" GonUnued oh Page Poor feet enunciation or th« of Op«n Mon £ves.*7 to S suppose Umt the-greatesrempha^ "aaivery and style. This is a book Mo. chatfe on unpaid bi sis tn" our training should have on ustag one's voice, but with the up to siso—1HU. over *I5O been placed on the mastery of primary aim of cultivating' Voice and oral expression. Yet, sothrough a vivid and "attractive S fa rt Digging many of us suffer such agonies speech, a well lntergrated-person- Elks To Stage M LOAN PLAN FOJt when called upon to speak in pub- ality.
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