Helgol Mar Res (2011) 65:233–243 DOI 10.1007/s10152-010-0219-y ORIGINAL ARTICLE Distribution patterns of the peracarid crustaceans associated with the alga Corallina elongata along the intertidal rocky shores of the Iberian Peninsula D. Izquierdo • J. M. Guerra-Garcı´a Received: 9 February 2010 / Revised: 11 June 2010 / Accepted: 14 July 2010 / Published online: 28 July 2010 Ó Springer-Verlag and AWI 2010 Abstract Spatial patterns of intertidal peracarids, asso- distribution. Mediterranean species tolerated higher values ciated with the alga Corallina elongata, were studied along of conductivity and temperature, while Atlantic species the whole Iberian Peninsula. A total of 28,215 specimens were associated with stations characterized by higher were collected, comprising 78 different species (57 amphi- oxygen concentrations. pods, 16 isopods, 4 tanaids and 1 cumacean), most of them with Atlantic-Mediterranean distribution (60%) and Keywords Peracarida Á Iberian Peninsula Á Intertidal Á only 9% of Mediterranean endemics. Gammarids were Corallina elongata Á Biogeography dominant in abundance and number of species, represent- ing more than 70% of the total peracarids. The most common species collected during the present study were Introduction the caprellid Caprella penantis, the gammarids Hyale schmidti, Hyale stebbingi, Jassa cf. falcata and Stenothoe Understanding assemblages of organisms is based on the monoculoides, the isopod Ischyromene lacazei and the quantitative description of patterns of distribution and tanaid Tanais dulongii. Caprellids and tanaidaceans pre- abundance of species (Andrew and Mapstone 1987; sented their highest populations in the stations of the Strait Underwood et al. 2000), which has become one of the main of Gibraltar, whereas isopods were more abundant in challenges that studies on biogeography have to face Atlantic stations. Univariate analyses did not reflected nowadays (Pereira et al. 2006). The borders in an ecolog- differences in number of species, abundance and Shannon- ical level are often attributed to climatic conditions Weaver diversity between Mediterranean and Atlantic. (Repasky 1991; Wardell-Johnson and Roberts 1993)or However, cluster analyses and Whittaker index, as measure antagonistic relationships of competition and predation of ß-diversity, showed a different species composition (Hersteinsson and McDonald 1992). Likewise, food between Mediterranean and Atlantic and a replacement of selection and habitat complexity may also play an impor- species along the coast, especially at the Strait of Gibraltar. tant role in distribution and abundance of marine organisms The turnover mainly affected species of the same genera, (Duffy and Hay 1991; Edgar and Robertson 1992). probably related with sympatric speciation. CCA and BIO- Crustaceans exhibit one of the highest ranges of mor- ENV analyses showed high correlations between environ- phological diversity. Of these, it is believed that approxi- mental measures (especially conductivity) and peracarid mately 40% of all belongs to the group Peracarida (Kaestner 1980). Most peracarids are bottom-dwelling Communicated by H.-D. Franke. animals, either infaunal or epifaunal; they have a wide variety of feeding habits, i.e. surface deposit feeding, filter D. Izquierdo Á J. M. Guerra-Garcı´a(&) feeding, carnivory, omnivory and even foraminiferivory Laboratorio de Biologı´a Marina, (Gudmundsson et al. 2000; De Broyer et al. 2003; Riisgard Departamento de Fisiologı´a y Zoologı´a, and Schotge 2007; Krapp et al. 2008; Guerra-Garcı´a and Facultad de Biologı´a, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Reina Mercedes 6, 41012 Sevilla, Spain Tierno de Figueroa 2009), and changes in food supply may e-mail: [email protected] influence the distribution of the species and the diversity 123 234 Helgol Mar Res (2011) 65:233–243 patterns in the benthic environment. Furthermore, pera- worldwide are scarce (Dommasnes 1969; Ferna´ndez and carids are being studied as bioindicators, since they have Niell 1987; Bitar 1984; Ballesteros 1988; Kelaher et al. shown to be good indicators of environmental changes 2001; Kelaher 2002; Kelaher and Castilla 2002; Kelaher (Conradi and Lo´pez-Gonza´lez 2001; Guerra-Garcı´a and et al. 2003; Bertness et al. 2006; Bussell et al. 2007; Liuzzi Garcı´a-Go´mez 2001; Ohji et al. 2002; Guerra-Garcı´a and and Lo´pez-Gappa 2008; Guerra-Garcı´a et al. 2009b), Garcı´a-Go´mez 2004; Dauvin and Ruellet 2007;Guerra-Garcı´a especially in the Iberian Peninsula. et al. 2009a). The main aim of this study was to demarcate the dis- Given that this group lacks pelagic larvae and their tribution and abundance patterns of benthic peracarids capacities for long-distance movement are limited in associated with the alga C. elongata in the intertidal zone adults, the studies on biogeography focused on this group along the whole coast of the Iberian Peninsula, and explore have been numerous in recent years (e.g. Chavanich and the relationship with some environmental variables such as Wilson 2000; Thiel 2002; Castellanos et al. 2003; oxygen concentration, turbidity, temperature, pH and De Broyer et al. 2003; Chiesa et al. 2005; Winfield et al. conductivity 2006; Myers and Lowry 2009). Nevertheless, research has not been so intensive in the Iberian Peninsula, and the knowledge in this field is still fragmentary (Bellan-Santini Materials and methods and Ruffo 1998; Guerra-Garcı´a et al. 2009b, c, d) and mainly focused on the Strait of Gibraltar (Conradi et al. The present study encompassed the whole coasts of the 1997; Castello´ and Carballo 2001; Guerra-Garcı´a and Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) (Fig. 1). Nineteen Takeuchi 2002). However, there has been a slight increase stations were selected in order to cover the greatest range in the interest of this region during the last decade (e.g. of natural environmental conditions (Fig. 1). We chose Ballesteros 1988; Cruz et al. 2003; Pereira et al. 2006; relatively undisturbed enclaves with low human pressure to Guerra-Garcı´a et al. 2010). The Iberian Peninsula is located avoid the effect of anthropogenic influence on the natural in the southwest of Europe and is the westernmost of the biogeographical and ecological patterns of species. three major southern European peninsulas. Its coasts are Sampling was conducted in summer 2008 (June, July washed by the Mediterranean on the eastern side and and August). The following environmental parameters Atlantic on the northern and western side, converging at were measured ‘‘in situ’’ at each sampling site: water the Strait of Gibraltar. temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and Corallina elongata (hereafter C. elongata) is a macro- turbidity. Temperature and oxygen concentration were alga belonging to the family Corallinaceae (Rhodophyta). measured with an oxymeter CRISON OXI 45; pH and This species is widely distributed, occurring not only all conductivity were measured using a conductivimeter- along Mediterranean (Flores-Moya et al. 1989; Conde et al. pHmeter CRISON MM40, and finally turbidity was 1996;Ba´rbara and Cremades 1996; Babbini and Bressan measured in nephelometric turbidity units (ntu) using a 1997) and Atlantic (Guiry 1977; Neto 1994; Araujo et al. turbidimeter WTW 335 IR. The seaweed C. elongata was 2009), where it has been extensively reported, but also in the Pacific (Abbott 1999; Lee 2008). It is a whitish-pink to 4 3 reddish-lilac calcified algae, with articulated fronds and 2 1 fish-bone-like arrangement. Its axis is compressed and 5 repeatedly pinnate from discoid base. Coralline algae can 19 be considered as ecosystem engineers, since they can 6 18 modify the environment by providing shelter from desic- IBERIAN 17 PENINSULA cation stress, wave action and predation, enriching biodi- 7 16 versity within its structure (Jones et al. 1994; Daleo et al. Atlantic Ocean 15 2006). In extreme environments, intertidal coralline algal 8 turfs ameliorate hard physical conditions, allowing the 9 presence of many fauna that otherwise would not dwell at 10 12 13 14 11 this level (Bertness et al. 2006). Corallina elongata was Strait of Gibraltar 100 km selected in this study, since it is one of the dominant macroalgae along the intertidal ecosystems of the whole Fig. 1 Study area showing the sampling station. Ogella (1), Oyambre Iberian Peninsula (Pe´rez-Cirera and Maldonado 1982; (2), Cetarea (3), Baleo (4), Cabo Silleiro (5), Labruge (6), Playa Azul Guerra-Garcı´a et al. 2006), and it was present in all sam- (7), Vale dos Homens (8), Castelo (9), Bolonia (10), Isla de Tarifa (11), Torreguadiaro (12), Cerro Gordo-Herradura (13), Cabo de Gata pling stations selected for the present work. Studies on (14), Cala del tı´o Ximo (15), Benicassim-Oropesa (16), Torrent del Pi biogeography of macrofauna associated with Corallina (17), Cala de Sant Franc¸esc (18), L’Estartit (19) 123 Helgol Mar Res (2011) 65:233–243 235 selected as substrate, and three replicates (quadrats showed higher values of temperature and conductivity, as 20 9 20cm) were sampled in each station. Corallina well as lower values of oxygen concentration and turbidity elongata was distributed along the low intertidal level and than the stations along the Atlantic coast (Fig. 2). Oppo- sublittoral in most of stations, and the intertidal belt was sitely, pH remained rather unalterable among the surveyed selected for this study. The surface was scrapped, and the sites, with an average of 8.16, ranging from 8 (station 6) seaweed and associated fauna were collected. The samples to 8.33 (station 10). Furthermore, it was also seen that were fixed in ethanol 80%, brought to laboratory and temperature was negatively correlated with oxygen (r = sieved using a mesh size of 0.5 mm. Peracarid crustaceans -0.69, P \ 0.01) and turbidity (r =-0.54, P \ 0.05) and were sorted and identified to species level. Volume of positively with conductivity (r = 0.73, P \ 0.01). Station 6 C. elongata of each replicate was estimated as the differ- showed abnormal characteristics when compared with the ence between the initial and final volume when placed into rest of the stations, with the maximum value of turbidity and a graduated cylinder with a fixed amount of water (see minimum value of conductivity and temperature.
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