Seattle Pups and Handlers 15-May-2021 Board Meeting Take this opportunity to join your board of Dire ctors for SEA-PAH's monthly Board Me e ting and take an active role in your community. This is, hands-down, the BEST way to know what is curre ntly happe ning in the SEA-PAH community and to offe r your ide as and input for future plans and e ve nts! Important! since this me e ting will be using Goog le , ple ase take care to e dit your use rname to your liking PRIOR to joining the me e ting ! Who is our Board of Dire ctors? Click He re to me e t the m online ! This is a 18 + e ve nt Whe n 0 5/15/20 21 at 11:0 0 Location: Z oom, Z oom Confe re ncing Join via Z oom https://z oom.us/j/9 8 240 18 49 52? pwd=UjJXaW1FSjZ SNk9 6 Y29 sdVBCe jJz dz 0 9 (ID: 9 8 240 18 49 52) Chairpe rson Nig htcat Cat Minute take r Ste ve n Lokie Minutes 1. Meeting Called to Order Calle d to Orde r at 11:0 1a 2. Roll call Nig htcat Rosco Baus Yukon Ste ve n Lokie Care ssa *PupWinston 3. Approve of Aprils Meeting minuets https://docs.g oog le.com/document/d/1j89 g 8IoDejWeabyVnfeUwwyf6 GXq2raxZ Pok- vudxhc/edit# Rosco / Care ssa No discussion Yay 5 Decisio n Approve d 4 . Open floor to g uests None 5. T reasurer 5.1. T idy HQ update Working on Z oom fix, improve the proce ss, ticke t in prog re ss ~ $9 0 incre ase pe r month 5.2. P/L & Balance Sheet P/L & Balance She e t $170 0 ne t income Working to corre ct balance she e t / Working fund be ing corre cte d, TidyHQ update incoming $1421 Working Fund 5.3. Cancel MailChimp/Gsuite Cance l MailChimp/Gsuite Cance l MailChimp - Rosco / Loki : Loki to download te mplate s for PR/ Rosco to cance l on Monday Cance l g suite - 2 month out Shutdown old we bsite All mail be forwarde d to .org DynDNS 1 ye ar e mail forwarding . $10 annual Decisio n Mailchimp Approve d for Cance llation (Motione d by Rosco, Se conde d by Loki) 5.4 . Redirect Old Website/mail to new website and remove old website Cance l We bsite on Monday following backup Decisio n Rosco / Loki: 5 yay 5.5. Storag e Option: Box.net Goog le provide s a we bpag e pote ntially to host / pote ntial - $15.9 9 / month Bumpe d to te ch committe e 5.6 . Z oom Issue - there is one z oom account that will need to be shared to open z oom meeting s. Ticke t ope n for issue corre ction. 6 . President 6 .1. Gadg et Resig nation Rosco / Nig htcat: 4 Yay 1 Nay Decisio n Re sig nation Acce pte d 6 .2. Pup Winston Resig nation- rescinded 5 in favor of maintaining Winston on board. Decisio n Re sig nation not acce pte d 6 .3. Conversation with Sonus- Went over really well. Understand but wanted to stress we should reach out to our community first g oing forward. 6 .4 . Mint update. Baus offered Mint the open position from Daddy Rodney's resig nation to be inline with Bylaws in reg ards to open board position with in 3 months of the AGM. We stated that we would hold the position open for 1 week for him to think about it and g ive our answer before we would take a no response as a no. Mint read the messag e with in 3 hours of it being sent to him. We did not receive a response. 7 . Committee updates 7 .1. Policy and Procedure No me e ting this month Topic Re que st: Clarification on what is ne e de d by ve nue s’ for vaccination confirmation 7 .2. Budg et Information Pe nding 7 .3. Audit No Atte nde e s Decisio n 7 .4 . Barkroom Surve y Re sponse s: Most e ve nly split on the que stions, Howe ve r, rule s re laxation was more ove rwhe lming . Update d rule s taske d for the ne xt barkroom committe e 7 .5. Fundraising - first meeting 5/12 Ideas for Bake Auction, Need to think about Merchandise and maybe a raffle end of year. 8. Vice President 8.1. Membership update 10 2 Active Me mbe rship 9 5 Full 7 Associate 8.2. Mail box Nothing in box 9 . Secretary 9 .1. D&O- Nig htcat will reach out to Winston and talk to him about this 10 . Public Relations 11. Ambassador Sug g e stion to re duce to sing le e ve nt, will update information in the upcoming mosh. 11.1. Received a better email address for the Cuff. T hey are interested in still working with us. Nig htcat will make contact with the new General Manag er Outdoor options are in ne e d of re pair, Cuff will take some time to be viable 11.2. Kentucky Derby weekend report Some atte nde e s but limite d 11.3. SEAF- Nig htcat emailed Sophia to note that we will not be able to Run Coat check this year. Sophia asked about doing a mosh at SEAF as maybe a demo. Would like us to talk in Aug ust. SEAF 20 22 is April 29 - May1 12. Director at larg e (Caressa) Nothing to re port Decisio n 13. Social Host for June Rosco ag re e d to host Decisio n 14 . Meeting Closure 5 Yay Me e ting Close d at 11:52 Decisio n Approve d End of minutes. Summary of matters arising are tabled on the following page. Minutes of 15-May-2021 Board Meeting on 05/15/2021 Summary of Matters Arising Decisions Ite m De cision 3. Approve d 5.3 Mailchimp Approve d for Cance llation (Motione d by Rosco, Se conde d by Loki) 5.4 Rosco / Loki: 5 yay 6 .1 Re sig nation Acce pte d 6 .2 Re sig nation not acce pte d 7.3 12. 13. 14. Approve d.
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