John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20 Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Chauchot, Christina Solmunde M Publication date: 2017 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Document license: CC BY-NC-ND Citation for published version (APA): Chauchot, C. S. M. (2017). John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Publikationer fra Det teologiske Fakultet. Download date: 26. sep.. 2021 SOLMUNDE MICHELSEN CHRISTINA ISBN 978-87-93361-34-8 CHRISTINA SOLMUNDE MICHELSEN John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Is Luke a Writing John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: John the Baptist’s CHRISTINA SOLMUNDE MICHELSEN John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Publikationer fra Det Teologiske Fakultet 75 SOLMUNDE MICHELSEN CHRISTINA ISBN 978-87-93361-34-8 CHRISTINA SOLMUNDE MICHELSEN John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Is Luke a Writing John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: John the Baptist’s CHRISTINA SOLMUNDE MICHELSEN John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Publikationer fra Det Teologiske Fakultet 75 John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? The public defense will be held on September 22, 2017, from 13:15 at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 Copenhagen S. John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Christina Solmunde Michelsen PhD Dissertation Department of Biblical Studies Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen Supervisor: Mogens Müller 2017 John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew? Publikationer fra Det Teologiske Fakultet 75 Licensed under CreativeCommons Christina Solmunde Michelsen ISBN 978-87-93361-34-8 (print) ISBN 978-87-93361-38-6 (pdf) Published by: Det Teologiske Fakultet Københavns Universitet Søndre Campus Karen Blixens Plads 16 2300 København S www.teol.ku.dk Printing and binding by: Grafisk - Københavns Universitet 2017 Acknowledgements The present dissertation was written during my PhD studies at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to all those people who have encouraged and assisted me in my studies. I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Mogens Müller for his continued encouragement, support and guidance. I am also indebted to Prof. Heike Omerzu for her useful criticism and warm support during the final stage of the project. During the project I have participated at research seminars at l’Institut Protestant de Théologie de Paris. I express my gratitude to Corina Combet-Galland and Yann Redalié for the time they invested in reading and criticizing the first drafts of my dissertation. I would also like to thank my fellow doctoral students and colleagues at the Faculty of Theology in Copenhagen for stimulating and pleasant exchanges. Special thanks to Martin Friis, PhD, for his many valuable comments on the final manuscript. Certainly, I take full responsibility for whatever mistakes that might remain in the text. Finally, I want to thank my husband François for his continued interest and support. Christina S. Michelsen, Paris, May 15, 2017 ‘Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old’ (Matt 13:52) 6 Abbreviations Unless otherwise stated, all abbreviations of journals and monograph series follow Siegfried M. Schwertner, Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Teologie und Grenzgebiete 3. Auflage. Berlin/Boston: W. de Gruyter, 2014. AncB The Anchor Bible (New York; London, 1964-) ABRL The Anchor Bible Reference Library (New York; London, 1977-) AThANT Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments (Zürich, 1944-) BECNT Baker exegetical commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, Mich., 1994-) BEThL Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium (Louvain, 1947-) BHTh Beiträge zur historischen Theologie (Tübingen, 1950-) BToSt Biblical Tools and Studies (Leuven, 2005-) BWANT Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament (Stuttgart et al., 1926-) BZNW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche (Berlin, 1921-) CNT(N) Commentaire du Nouveau Testament (Neuchâtel, 1949-) DTT Dansk Teologisk tidsskrift (Copenhagen, 1938-) ErIsr Eretz-Israel (Jerusalem, 1951-) FBE Forum for Bibelsk Eksegese (Copenhagen, 1988-) FRLANT Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments (Göttingen, 1903-) GCS Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte (Berlin, 1971-) HThS Harvard theological studies (Cambridge, Mass. 1916-) HBS Herders biblische Studien (Freiburg, 1994-) HThKNT Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (Freiburg, 1953-) Hermeneia Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible (Philadelphia, 1971-) (IATG 2nd, 1994) ICC International Critical Commentary (of the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments) (Edinburgh, 1895-) 7 JBL Journal of Biblical Literature (Philadelphia, 1890-) JJS Journal of Jewish Studies (Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, London, 1948-) JSJ Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period (Leiden, 1970-) JSJ.S Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period (Leiden 1996-) JSNT Journal for the study of the New Testament (Sheffield, 1978-) JSNT.S Journal for the Study of the New Testament. Supplement series (Sheffield, 1980-) JSPE Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha (Sheffield, 1987-) JSPE.S Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha. Supplement series (Sheffield, 1987-) KEK Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament (Göttingen, 1832-) KEK.S Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament; Sonderband (Göttingen, 1956-) LCL Loeb Classical Library (London ; Cambridge Mass., 1912-) LHB Library of Hebrew bible/Old Testament studies (New York, 2005-) LNTS Library of New Testament Studies (London, 2006-) MdB Le Monde de la Bible (Paris, 1982-) MSSNTS Monograph series: Society for New Testament studies (London, 1965-) NA Nestle-Aland. Novum Testamentum Graece (28th edition, 2012) NICNT New international commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, Mich., 1951-) NT Novum Testamentum An international quarterly for New Testament and related studies (Leiden, 1956-) NTD Das Neue Testament Deutsch (Göttingen, 1932-) NTS New Testament Studies (Cambridge, 1954-) NT.S Novum Testamentum Supplements (Leiden, 1958-) NTOA Novum testamentum et orbis antiquus (Fribourg; Göttingen 1986) RNT Regensburger Neues Testament (Regensburg, 1956-) RSR Recherche de science Religieuse (Paris, 1910-) 8 SBLBMI Society of Biblical Literature The Bible and its modern interpreters (Philadelphia, 1985-) SBLMS Society of Biblical Literature Monograph series (Nashville,, N.Y., 1971-) SBLSP Society of Biblical Literature Seminar papers (Atlanta, 1976-) SBT Studies in biblical theology (London, 1950-) SC Sources chrétiennes (Paris, 1941-) StPB Studia post biblica (Leiden, 1959-) StTDJ Studies on the texts of the Desert of Judah (Leiden, 1957-) SKK.NT Stuttgarter kleiner Kommentar. Neues Testament (Stuttgart, 1986) StNT Studien zum Neuen Testament (Gütersloh, 1969-) SVigChr Supplements to Vigilae Christianae (Leiden, 1987-) TANZ Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (Tübingen, 1989-) ThHK Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament (Leipzig, 1928-) ThZ Theologische Zeitschrift (Basel, 1945-) WUNT Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (Tübingen, 1950-) ZNW Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (Berlin, 1900-) 9 Table of contents Acknowledgements 5 Abbreviations 6 PART I THE GOSPEL OF LUKE AS A BIBLICAL REWRITING Introduction Introductory 15 Gospel Interpretation and the Synoptic Problem 17 Luke 3:1-20 as a Case Study 19 Rewritten Bible and Gospel Writing 25 The Structure of the Thesis 28 Chapter 1 – Introducing the Perspective of Rewritten Bible 1.1. Methodological Preliminary 31 1.1.1 Vermes’ Discovery: Rewritten Bible 31 1.1.2. The Discovery of a Textual Strategy 34 1.1.3. An Outline of Alexander’s Thesis 35 1.2. Gospel Writing in Light of Rewritten Scripture 40 1.2.1. Every Reading Involves Classificatory Decisions 41 1.2.2. The Endurance of Midrashic Tradition 43 1.3. Concluding remarks 46 Chapter 2 – The Synoptic Problem and Gospel Interpretation 2.1. Introductory 49 2.1.1. Survey of Two Models 49 2.1.2. Eight Points Sustaining Synoptic Relationships 52 2.1.3. The Hypothesis of a Lost Source 56 2.1.4. Critique of the Two Source Hypothesis 61 2.2. Luke as a Rewriting of Mark and Matthew 66 2.2.1. The L/M Hypothesis 66 2.2.2. How a Gospel Emerges from its Predecessors 71 2.2.3. The “Problem” Behind the Synoptic Problem 71 2.3. Concluding Remarks 72 Chapter 3 – Disclosing a Rewriting Strategy 3.1. Introductory 75 3.1.1. Focus on Composition and Interpretive Method 75 3.1.2. Direction of Literary Dependence 78 3.1.3. Focus on “Literary Changes” in Luke Compared to Matthew 82 10 3.2. Concluding remarks 87 PART II LUKE’S CHARACTERIZATION OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Chapter 4 – A Rewriting Perspective on John the Baptist in Luke-Acts 4.1. Introductory 91 4.1.1. John as a Narrative Figure 93 4.1.2. John the Baptist as an Early Christian Figure 95 4.2. Who is John the Baptist in Luke-Acts? 99 4.2.1. Annunciation and Birth (A) 103 4.2.2. Public Ministry (B) 108 4.2.3. Captivity (C) 109 4.2.4. Post Mortem in Luke (D) 110 4.2.5.
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