I FALL YAR ;AL NDAR, Cl •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 85th Year, Issue 37 ~ 1995 October 6, "1995 Newark, Del. • 50~ TmsWEEK Schedule In S ports '· <-··.: ... ; amended jiM DOODY, for more WHO AFFECfED THE public input IlVES OF MANY YOUNG By MARY E. PETZAK MEN, RETIRES AS NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER At th e last meeting of the Wilmington Area NEWARK HIGH'S Pl nnning Counci l (W ILMAPCO), plans tor a month -lon g publi c review of the recently re leased 2020 Metropoli tan Transportation HFAD Plan (MTP) we re ig nifi ca nll y ame nded . At the reque. t of council members and the co un il 's Public Ad vi.ory Committee (PAC), co uncil voted to have th e pub li c comment peri­ BASKETBALL 1B od on the draft of th e 25 -year plan from Oct. 19 to u . 20. Members of committees and COACH. oth er co un cil staff wi ll submit reports with rec­ ommended mod ifi ca ti on . if any, to council by Dec. 7. WILMAPCO will me et and consider adop­ ti on of the fina l MTP at their regular meeting 0 In Lifestyle . ;, :. NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY KELLY BENNETI on Jan. -+. 1996. Copie of th e MTP together This was the scene last Friday on Main Street after the driver of this BMW ended his wild ride . Traffic on Main Street stopped com­ with add ui onal . upponing do ument. will be pletely as rescue crews pulled the driver from the crumpled wreck. The driver was charged with reckless endangering and driving avai Iab le starting Oct. 19 at community under the influence. ROSEVIUE PARK, See WILMAPCO, 3A ..,. ONE OF THE OLDEST MAIN STREET ACCIDENT NEWARK 'Loudest crash ever' Sixers come Future of COMMUNITIES It's not . ome1hing 1hat you was released into police custocly usuall y ~ee on Main StreeL on a Wednesday and l:harged with to town Friday afternoon. reck les. endangering in the first 'Ogle' house IS PROUDOF But last Friday. a red BMW degree. a clas. E felony, and dri ­ HE PHILADELPHiA 76ers will be holding thei r 8A 325i wa. dri ving north on ving under the influence. 1995-96 preseason camp at the Bob Carpenter Academy Slreet at a hi gh rate of He was released on $2250 Sports and Convocation Center here startin g tod ay ITS PAST. speed when it struck a red 1994 bond . and concluding Oct. 12 with the Grotto Pi zza Cia. &ic uncertain Subaru lmpreza on E. Main Street Newa rk po li ce state th ey intrasquad sc rimmage. Ticket for th e Thursday night and then struck a small retaining re eivecl a complaint about I :45 scri mmage will be $2 for children and universi ty stu ­ By MARY E. PETZAK In News · · · ... - .::· wa ll located on 96 E. Main Street, p.m. of n red car driving errati ca l­ dents and $5 for adults with all proceeds going to chari­ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Newark police . aid. ly in the area of W. Main Stree t ty. They will go on sa le Oct. 2 at Ticketma. ter outl ets Keel i Bohn er, a lerk at Great and Hillside Road . A descripti on and phone centers. Other events include th e Colum bus The so-ca ll ed Thomas Ogle house a focus Impress ion s, said it ··wa. the of the veh icle wa. then broadcast Day kids morning practice, a game between swte of community concern in the past, apparently loudest crash I eve r heard .'' via po li ce radio and a short lime Democrats and Republicans on Sunday. Oct. 8 at 3 p.m. , ha more li ve than a cat. The three-story white FATAL ACCIDENT When she we nt outside . he later the vehi cle was observed by and the Blue Hen men 's basketball staff clinic at 5:30 building at the corner of Route 273 an d Eagle saw a ca r had gone "up on the a Newark parking enforcement p.m. on Oct. I 1 prior to the 76ers' evening practice. All Run Road across from Universi ty Plaza stands ON 896 CLOSES embankment of the doctor's officer speeding on Am stel practice ses ions are free and open to the publ ic. The empty. But it future appears a uncertain as its office and on to the stone wall" at Avenue and onto South Co ll ege practice schedu le i. as follows : past. the corn er of Academy and Main Avenue . Today, Oct. 6 . ... .. .... 10 to noon, 7 to 9 p.m. On Sept. 16 the ew Ca. tle Count y Council ROAD FOR Streets. The BMW was then located by Sal., Oct. 7 . ........ .. ... .. .7 to 9 p.m. approved th e pl an of Bob vans Restaurant to The' driver of the BMW was a Newark police officer at South Sun., Oct. 8 ....... 10 to noon, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. build two restaurants on that site ... lnever heard Brian Bulicki , a Cherry Hi II , N.J. College and Park Place. The offi ­ Mon. , Oct. 9 .... ... .. ...10 to noon, 7 to 9 p.m. 01hout a hi stori c house." said council member HOURS. resident. Bulicki was flown by cer did not pursue the vehic le but Tues., Oct. 10 .... .....10 to noon, 7 to 9 p.m. Karen Venezky who voted to approve the 2A State Police helicopter to the Wed., Oct. 11 ........... .10 to noon, 7 to 9 p.m. res tauran t . "That wasn't mentioned ." See ACCIDENT, 3A .... Thurs., Oct. 12 . .. 10 to noon, scrimmage 7 to 9 p.m. Chri Li ana Emergency Room. He See OGLE HOUSE, 5A .... HODGSON V(} TECH BEGINS ACES PROGRAM IN MOTIVATIONAL STYLE. 3A HEN THE Reverends CITY COUNCIL Thorn Jensen and See COMMENTARY Kempton Baldridge say Page 6A CANCELS they are close to tht!ir parish­ ioners, believe them. In fact, last the University of Delaware. weekend they were within 180 The HMS Rose. built In Nova feet of them at all times, since Scotia in 1970, is the largest UPCOMING that is the size of the square­ active wooden tallship in the 4A rigged ailing hip, the HMS world, and is also the only U.S. MEETING. Rose, on which they embarked. Jensen and Baldridge, rector See RETREAT, 7A .... and associate respectively of St. Thomas's Episcopal Church in Index Newark, led the church's second annual sail training event and retreat aboard the tallship, that NEWS 1-16A left from Atlantic City, N.J. on POLICE 2A last Thursday and arrived at the Port of Wilmington Sunday after­ OPINION 6A noon. Thirty member of St. LIFESTYLE BA Thomas's were aboard, ranging in age from 7 to 77, including a ARTS 9A si1.,able contingent from the 10A church's youth group and from DIVERSIONS Episcopal Campus Ministry at OBITUARIES 12A NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY DAVID G.W. SCan SPORTS 1-48 The HMI Roll proudly IIIII up the DIIIWirt RIYtr on Ita WIY to tht 5-108 Port of Wilmington. Ill crew con1llttd of many Ntwerten, young CLASSIFIEDS end old, who wert on 1 retrial with St. lllom11'1 Eplnopal Church. PAGE 2A • NEWARK P OST • O CTOBER 6, 1995 Police beat ................................... .. ........... .............. ... ....... ........ ........ .... ................... .. ...... ... .. ............ .................. Fatal crash FlRE CAlli • Police Beat is compiled each Groceries concealed Police were responding to the wak from the files of the Ne1~ ·ark Thorn Lane residence when a suspect closes 896 Police Department by staff' writer A 45-year-old Newark woman was wi tnessed exiting the residence. 8:3<: p.m.-Appleby Road tutd U.S. 40. Upon 4uestioning the per, on as Thesday, Sept. 19 Aut o Accident. Christim1a Fire Co. Ron Porter. was stopped by Pathmar~ security 3:37 a.rn.-1-!}5 south at hristi a-nu - .r on Sept. 27 when she was observed she ntered the car, police spotted in for two hours Road. Tractor-trailer. hristianu Fire open view, a bag of marij uana and Sunday, Sept. 24 Partygoer mugged concealing items in her purse. Delaware Stale Police are inve - Co. The items were two beef bottom paraphernalia, police said. 7:00 a. m.-87 Christiana Rd ., 5:37 a.m.-6 Allison Lane, Barksdale The search continued and turned li gating a fa tal pedestrian accident Estates. House. Aetna Hose Hook A Newark re. idenl, was comi ng round roasts, one T-bone steak. six Wa hdown, Christiana Fire Co. up a knife. The suspect was charged which took place Wednesday on 12:18 p.m.- South Co llege Ave. and & Ladder o. home from a party on Sept. 30 at packs of ewport cigarettes and two wi th carrying a con ealed deadly Route 896 near the G lasgow Pulaski .Highwny. Auto Accident. 6:40 a.m.-18 Shea Way. Building. about 2:00 a.m. on orth hapel, packs of cand apple mi x. weapon, possession of dru g parapher­ DuPont Works. Chri tiana Fire Co. Ae tna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. when he was pushed to the ground Patricia Brown was charged wi th nalia and possession of marijuana. A ording to Corporal Dave 6:06 p.m.- 1008 Capitol Trail. Auto 3: 16 p.m.-l-95 at !XIawdle 896Auto by 1wo suspects, Newark police said . shoplifting by cwark police. Thomas, Gary F. Testerman. 42, of A<x.ic.X:nt Aetna Hose Hook. & uwi:ler Aa::il.k:ni.AL1na Hr.s: Hook& L:db'Co.
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