Index Page numbers in bold refer to a recollection by the person named and/or a pertinent biographical head-note. For an explanation of how this index works, see p. xxii. Abbot Female Academy, Andover, Mass., Adderley, james, 191: In Slums and 106 Society (1916), 191 Abbott, Evelyn (1843-1901), classical Aeschylus (c.525-c.456 BC), Greek scholar, fellow and tutor of Balliol tragic playwright whose Agamemnon College, 150: (with Lewis Campbell) (458 BC) treats Clytemnestra's Life and Letters ofBenjamin Jowett revenge for the sacrifice of her (1897), 157, 169, 233 daughter Iphigeneia, 219, 225 Abelard, Peter (1079-1142), French Aesop (6th cent. BC), perhaps legendary theologian accused of numerous Greek storyteller associated with heresies, 24 moral animal fables, 3 Abraham's bosom: peaceful resting-place Agamemnon, seeAeschylus of the righteous dead (from Luke Agassiz, Alexander (1807-73), 66:22),209 Swiss-born naturalist, est. Harvard's Academy, seeRoyal Academy Museum of Comparative Zoology, 106 Academy, The (London, 1869-1916), 48: Aide, (Charles) Hamilton (1826-1906), 'GE' (1881), 230 poet and novelist whose music parties accuracy, in remembered meetings with GE attended, 125 GE, xix-xx Albert Hall (opened 1871), South Acland, Henry Wentworth (1815-1900), Kensington, large public-meeting and Regius Professor of Medicine at concert venue (originally c.10,OOO Oxford, 50, 52 seats), 129, 137 Acton, Lord, xix, xxiii, 23, 68, 88, 147, Alcott, Louisa May (1832-88), American 192-4, 218: 'GE's Life' (1885), repro novelist, 79 Historical Essays (1907), 23, 83; and Aldworth, Tennyson's second home, on GE's union with GHL, 82; MS letters BlackDown, near Haslemere, Surrey,59 to j.W. Cross, 83, 156, 192-3; MS Algiers, 55,208,209 notes on GE, 193, 199; and Myers, Allbutt, Thomas Clifford (1836-1925), 58 156 Allingham, Helen, nee Paterson Acton, Richard Gerald Lyon-Dalberg-, (1848-1926), watercolourist whose 4th Baron Acton (b. 1941),23, 68, work GE found 'exquisite' (Letters, VI, 193, 199 335),87, 168, 175, 197: MS letter to Adam the forger: Adam of Brescia, Ouvry, 199 employed to forge Florentine coins, Allingham, William, 175, 198-9: diary, in Dante's Inferno condemned to 175, 197, 198-9; Songs, Ballads and torment by thirst, 179 Stories (1877), 175 Adams-Acton, Marion, 133-4, and Alma-Tadema, Laura Theresa her husband john Adams-Acton (1852-1909), painter, sketched GE (1830-1910), 134: in Stirling, in the late 1870s (NPG 1758, NPG Victorian Sidelights (1954), 134 2211), 35 235 236 Index Alps, 21 Assing, Ludmilla (1821-80), Varnhagen's altruism, term from Comte introduced niece, 45 into English by GHL in 1853 (see Athenceum, The (London, 1828-1921), Thomas Dixon, Invention of Altruism 36, 37 (2008), pp. 57-61), 168 Atkinson, Henry George, seeMartineau Amberley, seeRussell,John Atlantic Monthly, The (Boston, 1857-), Amelia: Amelia Lee, GE's servant from 99,178,189,227 1861 to 1871, 54, 122 Augier, Emile (1820-89), Madame America and Americans, 28, 30, 37, 39, Caverlet (1876), 177 40, 61, 86, 96, 130, 135, 138, 155, Austin, Alfred, 112-13: Autobiography 204, 211: seealso recollections by (1911) and Soliloquies in Song (1882), Americans 113 Anderson, Audrey, 'Franklins and GE' Austin, Hester Jane, nee Mulock (d. (1981), 6 1929), wife of Alfred Austin, 112-13 Anderson, John Parker (1841-1927), Australia, 60: seealsoNew South Wales 'Bibliography' (1890), 192 animals: cows, 59, 180; dogs, 46,176, Babel of voices: confused and 182; horses, 110, 166, 176; monkeys, confusing talk, in ref. to Tower of 106; pigs, 166 Babel (Gen. 11:1-9), its builders anonymous recollections, see stymied by inability to understand recollections by anonymous or others' languages, 219, 232 unidentified persons Bad Homburg, German health resort in Anthony, Charles (fl. 1867-85), Social Taunus mountains, 170 and Political Dependence of Women Baden-Baden, German health resort (1867), 95 near Black Forest, 99 Antiquary: A Magazine Devoted to the Bagehot, Walter (1826-77), economist Study ofthe Past, The (London, and journalist, 179 1880-1915), 226 Bagginton or Baginton, Warwickshire, 12 aristocrats, seerecollections by nobles Baker, Hannah, nee Unthank and titled persons (d. 1902), wife of John Gilbert Baker Armstrong, Thomas (1832-1911), artist, (1834-1920), botanist, keeper of Kew Memoir (1912), 112 herbarium, 167 Arno, river of central Italy, 179 Baker, William, ed., Letters ofGHL (1995, Arnold, Matthew (1822-88), poet and 1999), 189 critic, xx, xxiv Balliol College, Oxford University, Arnott, Neil (1788-1874), 58 144, 148, 149, 150, 153: Common artists, seerecollections by artists Room, 143, 145; Library, 51, 150, 152, Art Journal, The (London, 1839-1912), 157,169,205,206,219,232,233; 134 performance of Agamemnon at, 226; Ashton, Rosemary, 142 Strand (2006), seealsoJowett 30: GE (1996), 17,20,42, 137, Baltimore American and Commercial 156, 188, 197; GHL (1991), 42, 44, Advertiser, The (1870-83), 129 108, 195; seealsoSelected Critical Barcelona, Spain, 'of the class of Writings mongrel towns that one can never Aspasia (5th cent. Be), mistress of care for much, except for the sake of Pericles admired by Socrates and his climate' (Letters, IV, 341), 183 followers for her intelligence, 56 Barclay, Martha (Mrs Henry), see Asquith, Herbert Henry, 148-9: Jackson, Patty Memories and Reflections (1928), Barrabus: Barabbas, in the Gospels, 148 criminal released instead of Jesus, 140 Index 237 Barrington, Emilie Isabel (1841-1933), Besant, Walter (1836-1901), novelist, Life ... ofFrederic Leighton (1906), 188: 109 Life ofWalter Bagehot (1918), 179 Betham-Edwards, Matilda, journeyed to Barzun, Jacques, trans. (with Ralph H. Algiers with Bodichon in 1867, 14, Bowen) 'Rameau's Nephew'(1964), 193 54-6, 122, 160-4: 'Madame Bodichon' Bates, Emily Katharine, 'GHL and GE' (1892), 41, 55; Mid-Victorian Memories (1902), 42: Psychical Science (1909), (1919), 56, 84, 122, 163, 164, 188; 156 Reminiscences (1903), 55, 121-2, 162, Bayard: 'chivalrous person' (OED), 75 163; 'Week with GE' (1885), 76, 163 Bayne, Peter, 192, 230: 'GE' (1867, Betz, Frederick, 45 1881), 192 Bible, 10, 18, 19,87, 118,209: Psalms, Bayreuth Festival, seeNibelungen 110-11; read aloud by GE, 220; Beaty, Jerome, 'Middlemarch' from seealsoBabel; Barabbus; Levite Notebook to Novel (1960), 223 Bird Grove, seeresidences underEliot, Bedworth, Warwickshire, 10 George Beer, Gillian, Darwin's Plots (1983), 153: Birmingham, noted since mid-1700s for ed., with Margaret Harris, Notebooks music festivals, 12-13, 117 of George Meredith (1983), 195 Birrell, Augustine (1850-1933), 149, Beesly, Edward Spencer (1831-1915), 207, 218 positivist, Professor of Latin at Bishop, Henry Rowley (1786-1855), Bedford College, London, 78 composer, 'Bid me discourse', from his Beetham, Margaret, and Kay Boardman, comic opera TwelfthNight (1820),4 eds, Victorian Women's Magazines Blackburn, Henry (1830-97), ed., (2001), 17 Grosvenor Notes (1877, 1878), 134 Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), Blackwood, John, 49, 51, 71-2, 74, German composer and pianist, 37, 75, 127, 188: letters to his wife and 38,87, 112, 120: 'Adelaide', 182, nephew in Letters, 72; seealsoWilliam 184; Sonata for Piano in E flat major Blackwood and Sons (op. 7), 226; Sonata for Piano in Blackwood, Julia, nee Blandford G major (op. 14, no. 2), 161; 10 (d. 1899), wife of John Blackwood, 72, sonatas for violin and piano, 76; 75, 187 String Quartet in A minor (op. 132), Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, later 128; seealsoFidelio; Lichnowsky; Blackwood's Magazine (1817-1980), Moonlight Sonata a monthly ed. 1845-79 by John Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Blackwood, published GE's Scenes of Library, Yale University, 2, 6, 12, 23, Clerical Life, 'The Lifted Veil', 'Address 56,57,61,83,150,156,160,193, to the Working Men, by Felix Holt', 194, 199, 215, 218, 226, 230 and 'How Lisa Loved the King', 50, Bellamy, Miss, 30 52, 170: 'GE' (1881), 230 Belloc, Mme Louis, seeParkes, Bessie Blackwood, William (1836-1912), Rayner nephew of John Blackwood, entered Benson, Francis Robert (1858-1939), the publishing firm in 1859, later actor and theatre manager, 226 leading it, 72, 75, 199 Berlin, 44, 45, 48 Blair, David Hunter (1853-1939), Abbot Berlin, Miriam Haskell, 81, 218, 224 of Dunfermline, In Victorian Days Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923), (1939), 88, 149 Parisian-born actress whose Blanchard, Edward L. (1820-89), exquisitely modulated voice was like playwright, The White Cat (1877), 166 'some soothing, intoxicating Indian Blandford Sq., Marylebone, 30 drug' (Era, 17 June 1899, p. 7), 165 blank verse, Shelley's vs Tennyson's, 97 238 Index Blind, Mathilde, 6-7, 21-2: GE(1888), Brahms, Johannes (1833-97), German 4,7,10,21,60,121,137,165,231 composer, Symphony No. 1 in C Blocus de Phalsbourg, see Erckmann minor (op. 68), 132 Blunt, Anne Isabella Noel, nee King, Bray, Caroline, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, Baroness Wentworth (1837-1917), 23,27,31 125 Bray, Charles, xviii, xxiii, 14, 15, 15-17, Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 125-6: 'Alms to 22, 23, 24, 27, 31, 58: On Force (1866), Oblivion' and Sonnets and Songs by 32; Phases ofOpinion and Experience Proteus (1875), 125 (1884), 16; Philosophy ofNecessity Boardman, Kay, see Beetham (1841), 16, 20 Bobbitt, Mary Reed, With Dearest Love to Bret Harte, Geoffrey, grandson of Bret All (1960), 218 Harte (q.v.), 211 Bodenheimer, Rosemarie, RealLife of Brett, Maurice V. (1882-1934), 146 MaryAnne Evans (1994), 19,26-7 Brett, Reginald Baliol, 145-6, 147, 154: Bodichon, Barbara, 41, 54-6, 62, 68, Ionicus (1923), 147; Journals and Letters 122,124,160,162,199-200,209: (1934-38), 146, 154 letter to Bonham Carter in Life, 200 Brezzi,Joseph Henry, 10, 13 Bond Street, in GE's day no longer the Bricout, Joseph (1867-1930), 'Wonders luxury shopping street it once was but of Lourdes' (1909), 170 still providing fine goods, 122 Bridges,John Henry (1832-1906), Bonham Carter, Alice (1829-1912), third positivist, translator of Comte, daughter of John Bonham Carter and medical inspector, 93, 171, 172 Joanna Maria Bonham Carter, nee Bright, John, 135: Diaries (1930), 135 Smith, 200 British Empire, 112 Bookman: A Monthlylournal forBook British Library, 25, 138, 196, 202, 209 Readers, The (London, 1891-1934), British Medical Association (est.
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