Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:248 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . APRIL 11. 2017 -Hamal 22, 1396 HS MAHMOOD RAQI : Security He said a number of key Tali- officials on Monday said 88 Tali- ban commanders including their ban militants have been killed and deputy governor for Kapisa were scores of others wounded during killed in the operation. three months of an ongoing opera- Local residents confirmed the tion in central Kapisa province. operation in Tagab district was Kapisa police chief Moham- ongoing. Faridon, who lives in mad Ayub Yousafzai told Pajhwok Ahmadzai village of the district, Afghan News the three-month-old told Pajhwok Afghan News the offensive was ongoing in Tagab Tagab-Sarobi road was reopened district. He said so far 88 Taliban for traffic as a result of the offen- militants had been killed and 103 sive. “The road had been blocked others injured during the operation for a long time. but now the road is that resulted in clearing 27 villages open and security posts have been of the guerrillas. established along the route,” he Col. Sherin Agha Faqiri, Afghan said. Local Taliban in Kapisa de- army’s 201 Selab Militray Corps nied talking to this scribe about the spokesman, also said the rebels ongoing operation in Tagab, where sustained heavy casualties in the the rebels control a number of ar- operation. eas. (Pajhwok) Assadullah Omarkhail, the gover- the death of her son. nor of northern Kunduz province, “The government does not AT News Report kistan used it against Afghanistan on Monday confirmed that the support us and instead supports and against India,” the ex-presi- KABUL: Former President, Ha- provincial administration paid the Taliban; my son was our bread- dent said. “Eventually, with the im- death benefits to between 50 or 60 winner,” said Mahtab. “The one mid Karzai says that the use of mense consequences for Afghani- Taliban and extremism would not Taliban families in the province. who has provided the money must stan and India, now it’s tragically He said that the move was part be held accountable,” said former serve Pakistan and the West’s in- consequences for Pakistan.” He terests in Afghanistan. He called of government’s generosity. But, military officer Atiqullah Ama- said that the environment created families of fallen soldiers and some rkhail. Meanwhile, the Ministry Taliban as part of the Afghan pop- by the West and Pakistan with a ulation, used by Pakistani author- military experts have blasted the of Interior (MoI) has said that it “false hope” that bring them what governor for this, saying the move has launched an investigation into ities. “Unfortunately, our broth- they seek, has been proved that erly country Pakistan with the was unacceptable and illegal. the report. “If such people com- will not bring them. In response to “I swear that 50 to 60 of these mit some sort of violation and em- West and some other countries felt a question about Pakistani gener- that radicalism and extremism in families who lost their members bezzle the rights of the martyrs, al’s call for the deployment of more came and asked me for the money naturally they must be tackled le- the religion would serve their in- US troops in Afghanistan, Karzai terests in Afghanistan,” Karzai said By Farhad Naibkhel of the martyrs, all of them (Tali- gally,” said Najib Danish, spokes- said that Pakistan should stop ban members) were eliminated dur- man for the MoI. The Afghan gov- in an interview with an Indian training people and sending them KABUL: Despite spending of mil- broadcaster, ‘World is One’. lions of dollars in mine clearance ing the war, so we told the nation ernment pays 100,000 AFs to the to Afghanistan to kill Afghans and that the government has that much families of fallen soldiers. Howev- “The Americans and some oth- foreigners. “I would suggest that program in the past decades still er Western countries did it (extrem- mine blast and unexploded ammu- generosity,” said Omarkhail. er these families struggle to get the instead of asking for sending more Mahtab is the mother of an money. But the question before the ism) against the Soviet Union. Pa- troops, they should close...P2 nitions deemed as big challenge in Afghanistan, as averagely 142 peo- Afghan National Army (ANA) people is how does the Taliban get ple being killed or sustained inju- officer who died while fighting for access to the money despite them ries by mine and unexploded mu- his country a few months ago. She being in an armed struggle against 18 drug traffickers arrested nitions monthly across the coun- claims that there has not been any the people and the security forc- support from government since es. (ToloNews) AT News Report after examining the evidences and try. Without doubt, landmines and arguments from both sides, prose- other unexploded objects contin- KABUL: Counter Narcotics Po- cution process would be held on ue to jeopardize the security of lice (CNP) has arrested 18 drug them. “These smugglers were ar- Afghan masses. The country is runners in the past one week, se- rested from Kabul, Nangarhar and still littered with hazardous explo- curity officials said on Monday. Baghlan provinces.” One woman sive devises, meaning that even in “Eighteen drug smugglers were was also among those arrested in areas where conflict has ceased, apprehended by CNP through dif- drug charges, the statement added. civilian risk being killed or injured Demining engineers search for mines across a hillside. ferent crackdown and were hand- Some 9kg of heroin, 10kg mor- by weapons of war. This weap- ed over to Criminal Justice Task phine, 651kg hashish and 184 li- on (landmines) can truly be called soldier which never sleeps or miss- this hidden killer.“Based on Force (CJTF) for further criminal ters of alcoholic beverages discov- evil. They are known as hidden es. In Afghanistan mostly civilian records, averagely 142 people are proceedings,” CJTF said in a state- ered and confiscated from the pos- ment. It added that the investiga- killers, weapons of mass destruc- with high percentage of women being killed or sustained injures due session of abovementioned smug- tion in slow motion, or the perfect tion would carry out by the CNP, glers, the statement furthered. and children were main victim of to landmine and unexploded..P2 Afghanistan’s Central Bank burned worn-out bank notes should be 360 million AFs worth of worn- registered before destruction oth- Afghan Ulemas angrily reacts at out bank notes on Monday – which erwise they could easily be put has brought the total in the past back into circulation. Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman’s remarks 11 years to 41 billion AFs. “Worn-out money should be Afghans rely heavily on the burned according to its serial num- KABUL: The Ulema Council of bank notes, as consumers pay cash ber and by a team made up of var- Afghanistan angrily reacted at the for almost everything they buy. ious departments in a transparent remarks of a prominent Pakistani As such, the lifespan of bank way to prevent corruption,” said religious cleric and politician Maul- notes is not very long, officials Taj Mohammad Akbar, former ana Fazal-ur-Rehman who had said. head of Pashtany Bank, (a private KABUL : The Wolesi Jirga or low- house’s secretary, Abdul Qadir of a month under articles 73 and claimed that the peace in Afghani- Central Bank officials did not bank). The institution overseeing er house of parliament has decided Zazai, told today’s session that the 119 of the internal regulations. He stan would not be achievable as however register the serial num- the process to destroy the bank to suspend membership of law- Administrative Board after hearing said salaries would be also paid to long as the foreign forces have pres- bers of the worn-out bank notes notes said they first go to the Cen- makers who were absent for more complaints from some lawmakers lawmakers based on their atten- ence in the country. ongoing war in Afghanistan is ahead of Monday’s move and said tral Bank and after counting the than 20 days in a row in future. decided to suspend membership of dance and they would be subject- However, spokesman for the against the Afghan nation and not registering serial numbers was dif- bank notes, transfer them to the Few days back, some Wolesi Jirga public representatives who were ed to salary cut for the days ab- Afghanistan Ulema Council, Mo- against the foreign forces. ficult and time consuming. store and then burn the worn-out members complained that a num- consecutively absent for 20 days sent. (Pajhwok) hammad Qasim Halimi, told RFE/ According to Halimi, Maula- “It is difficult to inject bank bank notes. ber of their colleagues had been RL that the remarks of Maulana na Fazal has a history in support- notes based on its serial number “Yesterday we checked and permanently absent from the Fazal-ur-Rehman consisted full of ing the Taliban against the legiti- into the market and then burn it packed the money and today we house meetings. A lawmaker, who according to the number,” said are here to burn it,” said Muham- wished to go unnamed, told Pajh- enmity and hatred. mate government of Afghanistan. wok Afghan News that 10 legisla- He insisted that the remarks Fazal is a pro-Taliban Paki- Qasim Rahimi, second deputy mad Arif Musazai, head of pay- tors were permanently absent and by Maulana Fazal follows despite stani political leader who had en- head of the Central Bank.
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