5346 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20. 1885. •" The Cleator and Workington Junction Railway Junction Railway Act, 1883 (in this notice Act, 1876," and any other Acts relating directly referred to as the Act of 1883), in the field •or indirectly to the Company or their undertaking ; numbered 60, in the said Parish and Town- 18 and 19 Vic., cap. 79, and any other Acts ship, on the plans deposited with the Clerk of relating directly or indirectly to the Maryport and the Peace for the county of Cumberland in 'Carlisle Railway Company or their undertaking ; relation to the application for that Act, and 18 and 19 Vic., cap. 173, and any other Acts passing through or into the Townships of relating directly or indirectly to the Furness Little Broughton and Dovenby, in the Parish Railway Company or their undertaking. of Bridekirk, and terminating in that Parish Duplicate plans and sections describing the line, by a junction with the Derwent Branch of the situation, and levels of the proposed Railway and Maryport and Carlisle Railway, at or near a works, and the lands and other property in or point 220 yards measured in a southerly through which they will be made, and also dupli- direction from the south face of the Bridge, cate plans showing the lands and property intended carrying the Turnpike ,Road from Cocker- to be compulsorily taken for other purposes under mouth to Maryport over the said Derwent the powers of the Bill, together with a book of Branch. reference to such plans, containing the names of 2. To enable the Company to cross, divert, alter, the owners and lessees, or reputed owners and or stop up, whether temporarily or permanently, lessees, and of the occupiers of such lands and and if permanently, to appropriate the site and •other property, and also an ordnance map with the soil of roads, tramways, drains, sewers, pipes, line of railway delineated thereon, so as to show navigations, canals, rivers, streams, and water- its course and direction, and a copy of this Notice courses, and to remove and interfere with will, on or before the 30th day of November telegraphic and other electric apparatus, so far as instant, be deposited for public inspection with the may be necessary in constructing or maintaining Clerk of the Peace for the county of Cumberland, the said intended Railway and works, and to at his office at Carlisle, and with the Parish Clerk deviate from the line and level of any work, to -of Bridekirk at his place- of abode. any extent within the limits of deviation shown Printed copies of the proposed Bill will be on the deposited plans, hereinafter mentioned or deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House defined by the Bill, and to purchase or acquire of Commons, on or before the 21st day of lands (including in that expression houses and December next. other property), compulsorily and by agreement, Dated this 14th day of November, 11885. for the purpose of the said intended Railway and Lumb and Howson, Whitehaven ; works. E. L. Waugh and Musgrave, Cockermouth, 3. To extinguish easements, rights, and privi- Solicitors for the Bill; leges in, over, and under the lands so purchased Dyson and Co., 23 and 24, Parliament- or acquired. , street, Westminster, Parliamentary 4. To authorise the Company to levy tolls, Agents. rates, and charges in respect of the said intended Railway and works, to alter tolls, rates, and In Parliament.—Session 1886. charges, and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemp- 'Cleator and "Workington Junction Railway (No. 1). tions from the payment thereof, and to exercise •(Branch Junction Railway; Compulsory other rights and privileges. Purchase of Lands, Houses, Easements, and 5. To empower the Company to purchase or Property; Running Powers over portion of acquire so much of any property, as they may Maryport and Carlisle Railway and over the require, for the purposes of the Bill, without being Main Railway of the Cleator and Workington subject to the liability imposed by the 92nd Junction Railway Company; Doubling a portion Section of " The Lands Clauses Consolidation of the Maryport and Carlisle Railway ; Traffic Act, 1845." Facilities; Working and other Agreements ^6. To enable the Company, and all Companies, with Solway Junction, Furness, Maryport, and and persons lawfully using the Railways of the Carlisle, North British, and Caledonian Rail- Company, or any part thereof, to run over and way Companies ; Extension of Time for Pur- use with their engines and carriages of every chase of Lands and Completion of Works description, and with their clerks, officers, and granted by the Cleator and Workington Junc- servants, and upon such terms and conditions, and tion Railway Act, 1883 ; Abandonment of on payment of such tolls, rates, and charges as portion of Railway No. I and of Nos. 2, 6, and may be agreed upon or be settled by arbitration 7, authorised by the Cleator and Workington or defined by the Bill:— Junction Railway Act, 1883 ; Trespass; Ad- So much of the Maryport and Carlisle Railway ditional Capital; Incorporation of Acts; as lies between the said Junction therewith Amendment of Acts.) of the said intended Branch Railway and the OTICE is hereby given, that the Cleator and Junction of the Solway Junction Railway Workington Junction Railway -Company with the Maryport and Carlisle Railway, •(whNo are hereinafter referred to as " the Com- including that Junction and the joint and pany") intend to apply to Parliament in the several Stations of the Maryport and Carlisle • ensuing Session thereof for leave to bring in a and the Solway Junction Railway Companies Bill for all or some of the following purposes (that at Bray ton. is to say) :— So much of the Main Line of the Railway of 1. To enable the Company to construct and the Company as lies between the Junctioii .maintain wholly in the county of Cumberland, therewith of Railway No. I authorised by the with all necessary sidings, approaches, stations, Act of 1883, and the Workington Station of •works, and conveniences connected'therewith, the the Company, including that Station. Railway hereinafter mentioned or some part or Together with the stations, watering-places, book- jparts thereof (that is to say) :— ing-offices, warehouses, landing-places, sidings, A Branch Railway commencing in the Town- works, and conveniences connected therewith ship of Little Broughton and Parish of respectively, and to require the Maryport and Bridekirk by a junction with Railway No. 1, Carlisle, the Solway Junction, the Caledonian, authorised by the Cleator and Workington the North British, and the Furness Railway Com-.
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