ELintonWalks_rev0806_v1.qxd 8/8/063:58pmPage1 Routes inandaroundEastLinton In 1764, George Buchan succeeded his maternal uncle,George Hepburn,as laird of Smeaton and took the name Buchan- Hepburn.He was created a baronet in 1815.A lawyer by profession,he became a hands-on farmer and noted agricultural reformer.While the 36-roomed mansion he built no longer exists,the parkland trees are a reminder of the fine designed landscape linked to the house.His grandson,Thomas,the third baronet,completed the excavation of the lake in 1830 and planted a magnificent tree collection in an environment offering shelter and humidity.The lake became popular with curlers,but was last used in 1982. Prestonkirk House dominates the entrance to Stories Park.Built in 1865 as the county’s Combination Poorhouse,it served 15 parishes and housed 88 people.It now serves as housing and for the library and Day Centre.Stories Park takes its name from the Storie family of veterinary surgeons,who lived in The Square and kept racehorses in their ‘park’.Francis Storie (d1875) was East Linton’s chief magistrate 1866-72.The Peerie Well,beside the Tyne,supplied the town with water from 1881.If you follow the Tyne up to the Linn Rocks,you come to the original ‘Lintoun’, where the settlement began 1000 years ago. Traprain Law dominates the view to the south. The most significant prehistoric monument in East Lothian,its secrets are still being unearthed. The ancient standing stone along the walk,one of only six in East Lothian,may mark the grave of a local tribal chief.This route was the main road linking Edinburgh and Berwick in mediaeval times,and James VI of Scotland may have passed along here in March 1603 as he travelled south to become James I of England.A new post road (the former A1) was built in 1751.In 1763,there was i one monthly stagecoach between Edinburgh and London,a journey taking 12-16 days. The Bass RockThe started (addanotherhourforthecircular walk). the riverandbackupBridgeStreettowhereyou the A199,godownLauder Placeandthenleft over by road.Arriving atBraeheads, turn left, crossover bank orcrossthefootbridgeandturn left toreturn left andwalkbacktoEastLintonalongtheriver Turn the farm anddownthehilltoRiverTyne. to gounderthebridgeOverhailes,walkthrough carry onalongtheroadashortdistance,turn right foracircular walk, Return bythesamerouteor, fine viewpointatthetop. climb upthroughthetreesbehindlay-bytoa andtheLammermuir Hillsthen Valley over theTyne cannowlookout You until youreachthelay-by. the mainroad;usepavementforafewyards will arrive at the left. You Brae, thepathbearsoffto before thetopofPencraig the middleoflastfield crossing variousstiles.In thepathuphill, Follow underneath therailway. through thetunnel of theplayingfieldandthen at thetop,alongedge up Langside. Gostraighton Brown’s Placethenturn left Square. Continuealong the HighStreetawayfromfountainand T Brae Pencraig Brae Pencraig phoning Scottish Natural Heritage on01314462400. Natural phoning Scottish or visitingwww.outdooraccess-scotland.com by outmore Find • actions:The own your for responsibility Take outdoors • theEnvironment: for Care visit and you theplaces after Look • Respect ofotherpeople: theinterests Be considerate, Code: Outdoor Scottish thenew Access remember actthey responsibly.When inthecountryside walking please providing beonmostlandandwater hastheright to Everyone Code Outdoor Scottish Access The Tel: 01620 827608, Email: [email protected] Council, Lothian East EH423HA Haddington Adams,Anne Health Co-ordinator, to Paths contact: information more For group? ofaregular Need themotivation orpleasure? exercise for more walk to like you Would • good feel you make • bloodpressure your reduce • stress reduce helpto • sleepbetter to helpyou • weight your reduce helpto • heart your keep strong can regularly walking that know Did you thedifference feel more– Walk land managers should act with care for people’s safety. people’s land managersshouldactfor withcare rights; access peopleexercising for cannot bemaderisk-free enjoy. andhistoric sites. wildlife for Care theoutdoors. enjoying respect privacy andtheneeds andlivelihoods ofthose views from the top of Pencraig Brae. Walk down Brae.Walk views fromthetopofPencraig his vigorouswalkwillrewardyouwithexcellent Stiles to cross, to Stiles inclineinvolved moderate Recommended walkers for 1.5hours orcircular route 30 minutes G rey Dots rey The Long Stane Long The • –Gary Photography Menzies, Bill Peach, Meadows. Alan • Members ofDunpender Council, Community • project This alsopart-financed was theEuropean by • Scotland, Viridor Credits Dunpender Council, Community Lothian East • whosesupport hasgreatly andadvice andFarmers Landowners acknowledge thefollowing: gratefully Initiative Path Linton East The Acknowledgements ofgifts. Mill awiderange offers Preston andtheshopat produce Tyninghame.Nurseries andin local sellsfresh Knowes at Shop Farm The Smeaton shopsat alsocoffee Point.There Information are Tourist the at shopsituated isacoffee andthere refreshments for atmosphere welcoming explore.The shopsto villagehasvarious The a pubsinthevillageoffer Linton East orDunbar jointheA199. Haddington to A1 at isontheA199, Linton East eastofHaddington. 7kilometres the Leave Directions thepathuntilitcomesoutofagateonto Follow admire thewaterasitroarsthroughLinn. scramble uptherocky steps[atyourownrisk]to reasonably fit,whenyoucancontinueroundand the riveryoumustretraceyourstepsunlessare When youreachtheprivategardensatturnin Gardens, thenwalkalongthebanktoyourright. turning left downtotheriverafter Prestonkirk StoriesPark, Follow free carparkbehindtheLibrary. the firsttur A East LintonRiversidePath East LintonRiversidePath P Design: www.numediadesign.co.uk oint turn left downtheHighStreettoStoriesPark, Council for advice, for Council support thisleaflet. for andmaterial History Local Society Linton East Lothian andEast EskLEADER+2000-2006programme. Tyne community paths. create/upgrade Council, financial for support Fund to Environmental Community network. thispath helped achieve usto have beenspotted.F gentle strollalongtheriverbankwhereotters care. whichcanbemuddy. path narrow Fairly with benegotiated to thefarendofpath rocksat The Recommended only, walkers for path. narrow 15minutes A short strollofapproximately Y ellow Dotsellow Traveline by phoning by Traveline transport canbeobtainedPublic information fromthe 0870 6082608. n on the right. You canparkhereinthe You right. the on n rom the Tourist Information Tourist the rom road bridge LinnandMediaeval The Mill W to TheSquare. or left backup tur n eitherright ynd then aware thatshootsoften takeplaceinthisarea. leavegatesasyoufoundthemandbe any litter, walk canbeenjoyed.Pleasecontroldogs,takehome T Smeaton Lake Smeaton Lake and itisbykindper Visitors shouldbeawarethatthisisaprivateestate cattle grid. the roadpastlakewalkandoversecond the oldwalledgarden.Thisissituatedfurtheralong While youarehere,visitthegardencentrewithin either gatetothepathasthisisacircular walk. through entrance gatestothelakeonyourleft.Pass Smeaton thenfollowtheroaduntilyouseetwo thethirdroadonleft to Take Road. Preston left alongtheHighStreetthensecondrightdown East Linton lake. F his isagentlecir Can be wet inplaces bewet Can thegate by bikes please leave R Point Information 20 minut Or ecommended only, walkers for onalead, bekept dogsto ange Dots rom the Tourist Information Point, turn Information Point, Tourist the rom Walks around Walks es from entrance gate,es fromentrance Tourist 1hourfrom mission oftheownersthatthis cular walkaroundabeautiful cyclists andhorseriders. walkers, for routes Great Smeaton Lake Smeaton ELintonWalks_rev0806_v1.qxd 8/8/06 4:02 pm Page 2 Stonelaws Hailes Castle Newbyth Walks Routes around the East Linton area Brown Dots Green Dots Area highlighted by Magenta Box 2 hours Roundtrip 1hour 15 minutes Various – from 20 minutes plus Recommended for walkers, bikes, horses A flat walk recommended for walkers only. Recommended for walkers only. Can be wet in places, mostly quiet country roads back to Muddy in parts after rain, short steep flight of steps to Muddy in parts after rain wear stout shoes East Linton negotiate long route with varied terrain suitable for n attractive walk along the bank of the River new path network has been designed at The Kirk was an important place of walkers, bikes and horses. Walk north through Tyne returning by a small country road. Turn Newbyth for you to enjoy this beautiful A A A pilgrimage in the middle ages with at least the village away from the fountain and Square. woodland (consult map for location). There are right from the Tourist Information Point, passed the 15,653 pilgrims recorded in 1413. One Carry on up Drylawhill, cross the road and take the Crown Hotel and down Bridge Street. Turn right routes of varying distances which allows you to significant pilgrim was the future Pope Pius II who signposted track on the right hand side. Follow the under the railway bridge. Cross the road and take the select a walk to suit your capabilities. Please park visited the court of James I with a message from path along the field margin, swinging right along signposted lane on your left down to the riverbank. considerately in the car park provided. Rome. After landing in Scotland, he walked to Whitekirk, the burn you will cross 2 bridges. Once you have The path, easily followed, runs through a mixture of Autumn colour around Newbyth For your guidance and This walk offers a superb view the nearest shrine, barefoot (in winter) to express his passed through
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