Seminar Stresses Right to Die in Dignity SEE STORY, PAGES The Weather THEdMLY FINAL Cloudy with a chance of showers today, tonight and to- / EDITION • morrow. V 46 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO, 224 RKD BANK, NJ.THL'KSDAY, MAY 17,1973 TEN CENTS mm iiiiiimiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiniiiiuiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiMiuini imiiuiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin i iiiiiiiini n i mum IIIIIIIHIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimi.iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiii Senate Opens Historic Watergate Probe WASHINGTON (AP) - A whatever may have gone Watergate coverage, today re-— Personnel of the Federal Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr, the and two others charged with fact-finding tribunal of seven wrong in 1972." ported the break-in and bug- Bureau of Investigation, the committee's chairman, is alleged campaign financing senators today opened historic "We will inquire into every ging of Democratic party Secret Service, the Justice quick to point out that the violations. hearings into the Watergate fact and follow every lead un- headquarters in the Water- Department and the White panel is charged to "prove or The White House pointed a scandals of President Nixon's restrained by any fear of gate was but one incident in a House were used in a wide va- disprove" any and all accusa- finger of blame, meanwhiile, reelection campaign. where that lead may ultima- huge White House undercover riety of clandestine oper- tions. at a man who did not quit but Convening in the Senate tely take us," Baker said. operation beginning in 19t>9 ations, the Post said] quoting As Senate workman pre- was fired: John W. Dean III, Caucus Room before a live He said the very fact that and involving still-unr'eported "highly placed sources in the pared the Caucus Room for formerly the President's offi- television audience of mil- the American government is cases of political burglary, executive branch." the beginning of the long set cial lawyer. lions, they pledged to follow now engaged "in the public wiretapping, spying and sabo- The first phase of the hear- of Watergate hearings, anoth- White House Press Secre- the facts wherever they may process of cleaning our house tage. ings will be limited to the Wa- er high administration official tary Ronald L. Ziegler insist- lead. before the eyes of the world" The Post said the mental- tergate bugging itself, al- resigned, becoming at least ed that Dean conducted an "This is nol in any way a marks the resilience and en- health records of Sen. Thomas though developing testimony the 11th to quit after being in-house Watergate in- partisan undertaking, but, during nature of American in- K. Eagleton, D-Mo., were in may take senators into two touched by various aspects of vestigation for the President. rather it is a bipartisan stitutions. the possession of White House other major areas of concrn': •the case. But Zielger called it in- search for the unvarnished Even as testimony began in adviser John D. Ehrlichman political sabotage and illegal G. Bradford Cook, chair- adequate. truth," said Sen Howard Bak- the room where other sena- for several weeks before the campaign contributions. man of the Securities and Ex- Dean, who had been grant- er, R-Tenn., vice chairman tors a half-century ago sought story leaked to the press that The resolution creating the change Commission, left the ed immunity for anything he and ranking Republican on the facts of the Teapot Dome- the Democratic vice-presiden- investigating committee lim- government yesterday in the may say at the Senate hear- the panel whose formal name scandal, the Watergate story tial candidate had undergone its the probe lo conduct of the after-shock of the indictments ings, has said he never wrote states its mission: The Senate was spreading still. electric-shock treatment for 1972 presidential campaign — of former Atty.. Gen. John a report on such an in- Select Committee on Presi- The Washington Post, which exhaustion. Eagleton then Republican, Democratic and N.Mitchell, former Commerce vestigation for the White dential Campaign Actitivites. has won a Pulitzer prize lor quit the ticket. <,, otherwise. Secretary Maurice H. Stans House. The committee, Baker said, cannot pass judgment or send anyone to jail but it can "develop the facts in full view of the American people . Cahill States Corruption Issue the final judge of Watergate." Baker portrayed the men and policies that led to the complex web of events now AP Wlrtphola known collectively as Water- May Sidetrack Vital Concerns THE SENATOR SPEAKS — Sen. Sam J. Ervin, gate as political amateurs and PRINCETON (APv ) — Gov. gain" to restore public con- platform in an auditoriu.....m on prison on a. bribery-con- ^_____^_|||_^_a__ Jr., chairman of the Senate Watergate in- said he has found no evidence fidence. the Princeton University spiracy conviction involving vestigating committee said yesterday the Senate William T. Cahill, conceding either the Republican or that corruption in government "1 find great apathy among campus. Cahill was invited to an attempt to fix a highway Watergate investigation will bring out "some Democratic national com- the voters," Mrs. Klein said. contract in exchange for a startling revelations" is a legitimate campaign is- address the mayors separate- mittees played any role "in sue, contends the subject may "They really don't trust gov- ly. $10,000 contribution to the Re- he overshadowing more vital ernment, they don't believe in The most recent charge publican Party. concerns of the state. it." against the Cahill Adminis- Also. Cahill's campaign The Republican governor, Francis A. Forst, a leader tration was the indictment manager in 1969, Nelson G. who is facing mounting at- of a New Jersey Turnpike la- Tuesday of former State Gross, has appeared before a Beadleston Predicts bor union and another Demo- Treasurer Joseph M. federal grand jury in- tacks on the integrity of his administration, told the New cratic hopeful, said "we're all McCrane Jr. who was accused vestigating alleged irregula- Jersey Conference of Mayors sad today because the evil of trying to manipulate the rities in the financing of the yesterday that '.'the charges that exists in our system per- deposit of state investment governor's 1969 campaign. Coast Aid Bills' OK of corruption are a legitimate meates every house of gov- funds in an attempt to per- Cahill said Tuesday he was issue in any campaign. Any ernment so that the faith of suade banks to purchase secu- "saddened" by the McCrane SPRING LAKE .HEIGHTS bills will affect their home the people is almost gone." rities through a stock broker- indictment. — State Senate President Al- counties. On the initial vote administration has to earn the confidence of the people." State Sen. Ralph C. De- age firm that employed Jn his remarks to the may- fred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- there were a large number of McCrane's brother. mouth, predicted last night absentions. But, Cahill added, "I re- Rose, a third Democratic can- ors conference yesterday, the Cahill's close personal governor said, "I recognize the Senate will approve a Sen. Beadleston made his spectfully point out that it's didate, said the current head- friend and political advisor, that in all walks of life there package of coastal protection comments following a talk on not the only issue." He said lines underscore a "Crisis of former Secretary of State are'mistakes made. There are bills when it meets in special accomplishments of the legis- such issues as tax reform and leadership," improvements in education With the exception of Cahill, Paul J. Sherwin, has been those who do not always per- session Monday. lature to more than fit) mem- William T. Cahill and the environment "should the other candidates shared a sentenced to 1 to 2 years in form as they should." "But," Sen. Beadleston bers of the Monmouth Munici- not be neglected" because said, "it will be close, prob- pal Association at the Forte "the headlines of today" are ably a real squeaker." Restaurant, Rt. 71. focusing on allegations of Last month, the Senate re- The senator outlined major criminal conduct in govern- jected the three-bill package accomplishments of the legis- ment. Welfare Board Is Fighting of environmental measures lature during the past four A few hours earlier, the oth- largely because of a lack of years, but said major ques- Democratic support er candidates in the June 5 tions still are to be resolved. Republican and .Democratic Although the Republicans He included in this list, the primaries emphasized in re- control the Senate by a mar- death penalty, abortion, mass marks to the mayors' confer- $274,439 Food Stamp Bill gin of 22 to 16, the most any of transportation, unit food pric- ence that the allegations were By DORIS KLLMAN out authorization in the wake that. They have taken a stand mally verifies eligibility for the three Assembly approved ing, easing court calendars, undermining public trust in bills received was 13 votes, of the Asbury Park riots three and I think they will have to food stamps through personal and regulation of title and government. ALLENWOOD - The Mon- summers ago. defend it." interviews with applicants, a and only one of the three bills mortgage companies. received a Democratic vote. Assemblywoman Ann Klein mouth County Welfare Board The board contends it dis- According to the board at- procedure that takes two to A minimum of 21 votes is re- Allred N. Beadleston Mr. Beadleston urged mem- of Morris County, a candidate is fighting a $274,439 bill the tributed the stamps in accor- torney, "the rather large dis- three weeks. quired for passage of a bill in ban against construction of a • bors of the municipal associ- for the Democratic nomi- U.S.
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